"We want to ask your bank card password and family situation." One of the women said.

"For my money? Is this the income of your organization?" Wang Wu asked.

"Yes, cheating some large sums of money is part of our organization's income."

"Take me around this place, and introduce me by the way." Wang Wu knew it was not that simple here.

"Okay." Several women opened the door and directed Wang Hao.

They opened one of the doors and said, “This is where we receive and organize information. All bar staff’s mobile phones can send messages in. Because they use the internal local area network, no one will find out, and there will be no one. Come in black."

Wang Wu walked in and put a huge machine inside, which looked like an enlarged version of the computer host.

Wang Wuhei went in and copied all the materials and uploaded them to Longdian.

Later, Wang Wu noticed that a few wires were connected to another room from the back of the host.

Wang Wu walked to the next door and opened the door. There were a lot of computers inside, running by himself, as if they were processing some data.

He asked: "What is this for?"

"The information organized in that room will be uploaded from here to one place." said one of the (bedf) women.

"Where to upload it?" Wang Wu felt that he was very close to his goal.

"We don't know, our daily job is to receive people brought in from outside, and to maintain the normal operation of the machines here."

"Yeah." Wang Wuhei entered the database here and followed the signal to find the end of the data upload.

After a while, he opened his eyes, smiled, and said excitedly: "Finally found it."

After speaking, he stopped paying attention to these three women, and disappeared in place instantly.

The next second, he appeared at the back door of an Internet cafe, where the end of data transmission was.

Wang Wu changed his face again, walked into the Internet cafe, and looked for the computer receiving the data.

"Sir, what are you looking for?" a waiter came over and asked with a smile.

"I'm looking for a friend."

"Sorry sir, we can't come in without opening a card." The waiter is still very polite.

The waiter's words made Wang Hao familiar, so he asked: "Who is your boss?"

"Sorry, the newcomer doesn't know the boss, only our manager. If you need it, I can call him over.

"Yeah, call it." Wang Wu wanted to know if he was right.

"Okay." The waiter left, and soon brought a middle-aged man over.

"Excuse me, what can I do?" asked the manager.

"Come here." Wang Wu put his arms around his neck and pulled towards the back door.

The manager felt that he couldn't move, so he could only obey Wang Wu's mercy.

When he arrived at the back door, Wang Wu looked around at no one, and then let him go.

"What are you doing! I... The manager just wanted to yell, only to find that the eyes of the person opposite were emitting a strange light, and he couldn't help but sink in.

"Who is your boss?" Wang Wu asked.


Sure enough, this is also Hans's property.

"Is there anything weird about him?"

"He doesn't come often. We always contact us by phone. He is terrible, his face is expressionless, his eyes seem to be able to shoot knives at any time, and he never allows us to repair machines in Internet cafes.".

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