"You brought the signal-finding equipment," Wang Wu asked.

"Yes, I already brought it!" Long Wei replied.

"Okay, you are here tonight. When I contact you, I will turn on the machine to find the unique signal, and then determine where it is transmitted. Remember?"


In the evening, Wang Wu went to Hans's house invisibly again, watched him go to bed "four or seventy zero", stared at the vibration amplitude of the quilt, and then notified Long Wei to receive the signal.

After a while, Hans stopped sending signals.

Wang Wu instantly moved to Long Wei's side and asked, "How is it?"

"The signal was intercepted, but it seems to have been received by the school next to it."

"School?" Wang Wu rubbed his chin and looked at the bell tower of the school, thinking carefully, and then returned to Hans's house again.

Snap! Wang Hao slapped Hans while he was asleep.

Hans woke up immediately and asked loudly, "Mr. Wang Wu! What are you doing? Why did you break into a private house! And attacked me?"

Wang Wu was too lazy to talk to him so much, so he directly used hypnosis and asked, "Are you a spy?"

"Yes." Hans finally told the truth honestly.

"That's right, follow me." Wang Wu dragged him to his own space, then teleported back to the Dragon Palace.

The reason for being so cautious was because I was afraid that someone from this organization would be watching Hans outside.

After arriving at the Dragon Palace, Wang Wu first restored Hans to his sanity, locked him in a chair and asked, "Mr. Hans, do you still want to bask in the sun?"

Hans said with a cold face: "Mr.Wang Wu, I know you, you are a big star, treat a foreign friend like this, are you not afraid to spread out to ruin your reputation?"

"Hahahaha." Wang Wu laughed and said, "You won't have this chance. As I said before, the only chance you can see the sun in the future is when you are transferred to the hospital for felons."

"That's you too?" Hans's eyes were a little puzzled.

In the past few times he met with Wang Wu, Wang Wu used disguise, so he didn't clarify the causal relationship for a while, but he soon figured out the main points.

"China's disfigurement is indeed well-deserved." Hans said, "but I am not guilty." His eyes were very firm.

Wang Wu said: "Mr. Hans, your hypnotism is also very strong. I was fooled by you once, but fortunately, your old friend Kathaway provided clues that you are a psychologist, so I can catch it. To your feet."

"I'm not guilty." Hans repeated the sentence.

"Oh." Wang Wu sighed and looked at Hans's eyes with hypnosis. Hans resisted fiercely, but his willpower still lost to Wang Wu's mental power.

Seeing his eyes gradually dull, Wang Wu smiled and said, "Provide all the information about this spy organization."

For an entire hour, Hans didn't drink a sip of water, and revealed all the 3.5 information he knew, without any reservation. The man with glasses outside opened his eyes with excitement.

There are so many gains from Hans. Although he could not provide higher-level information, he provided the addresses of all bases in the Kyoto area and the names of the persons in charge of other areas in Kyoto.

And he also has an identity, that is, the psychological mentor of the espionage organization, helping the senior espionage of the organization to clear his memory regularly. .

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