The old lady was quite knowledgeable, and shouted in surprise: "Space Master!"

"Short-sighted stuff, why are you stunned, call me! I explain this very well!" Wang Wu shouted.

Long Wei and the vampire rushed up.

Wang Wu noticed that one of the girls had the strongest aura and was able to deal with Shanglongwei. Only Monk Wunian could have a few tricks with her.

Wang Wu flew behind her one by one, holding the wings and doing it backwards!

With a crisp sound, the young vampire knelt on the ground screaming and fainted instantly.

This action stimulated all the vampires present, they spread their wings and flew to Wang Wu 473 desperately, completely ignoring Longwei's attack.

But Longwei's strength is not vegetarian, and soon these vampires fell to the ground and gasped and stared at Wang Wu.

Wang Wu walked slowly to the old lady, and slowly said, "This lady, do you have any other tricks?"

The old lady closed her eyes and said nothing.

"Haha." Wang Wu teleported back to the Dragon Palace and released everyone. The Dragon Guards shut all the vampires in the interrogation room, interrogating them one by one, except that they didn't touch the old lady, because this was only Wang Wu. Can be resolved.

"Let's go." (bedf) Wang Wu took the old lady into the interrogation room, locked it in the interrogation chair, and watched her perform hypnotism.

In less than an hour, the old lady told everything about everything, and also said the location of China's spy roster.

Long Wei found the roster overnight and quickly reported it to other cities. In only three days, all the top espionage organizations were arrested, and many foreign companies from the country were destroyed overnight.

The remaining small fish and shrimps were captured by Wunian's "Mission Impossible". Wang Wu looked at the good news that was constantly being delivered every day and knew that this event was finally over.

After leaving all the finishing touches to the Dragon Hall, Wang Wu plans to live in his newly bought house for a few days.

Besides, there is still the person he is thinking of here. Taking her down, he has only had a good end for the year.

Wang Wu came to his house and stood on the top of the building and looked down at the entire community, trying to find Shishi Liu.

After a while, he found his goal in the opposite building.

Liu Shishi is drying clothes on the balcony. Compared with the pure and lovely on the screen a few years ago, she is now more feminine.

Liu Shishi is one of the few people in the entertainment circle who has impeccable manners and looks.

It may not be so stunning in appearance, but the temperament and gentleness that are revealed in the bones are really rare in the world.

She and Tang County became popular from the same crew, and their later developments were similar. There weren't many breakthroughs in acting, and the drama was very restricted.

Tang Yan has been in the role of silly Baitian for a long time and can't get out of her body for a long time, while Liu Shishi has been unable to get out of the costume drama. No matter how she transforms, she can't break through her limit in several costume dramas.

In the end, he could only get married with an old actor in the same crew, and then live the life of a husband and a child.

But in any case, she can't change her status as a goddess in the hearts of Chinese men.

The same is true for Wang and Wu. There will always be a place for Master Liu in his heart. If he can't kiss Fangze this time, Wang and Wu will have eternal regrets in his heart.

He stared at Liu Shishi drying the clothes for a while, and he had already made a plan in his heart. .

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