Wang Wu let him go, walked to the door, opened the door and walked in. Inside was a scar-faced man in a suit, looking at the computer in front of him wretchedly.

Seeing Wang Wu coming in, the Scarfaced Man hurriedly turned off the computer and shouted: "What the hell! Come in without knocking on the door! Get out!"

"Who smashed my house?" Wang Wu asked, looking into his eyes, slowly releasing his own pressure.

Unexpectedly, this scar-faced man was aroused with murderous aura, resisted Wang Wu, and said coldly: "I don't know what you are talking about, you are here to find fault~."

"I am a resident on the top floor of 21 buildings. Do you know now? I will ask you again, who smashed my house?"

Wang raised a bit of pressure, and the scarfaced man’s legs immediately began to beat his face. He swallowed to prevent himself from being particularly timid, and then said: "It should be your creditor, take our security guard to work at night. When I came in, it was finished when we went, because you didn't leave contact information, so I can't contact you, I heard that this matter is-Young Master


"Your community is not well supervised, think about how to compensate me for this." After saying that Wang Hao left, waved his hand and smashed the computer in front of the Scarface Man before leading him.

Watching Wang Wu go out, the scar-faced man was relieved, looked at the computer in front of him, wiped the cold sweat on his face, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number and said, "Rong, son Rong, he is back. "

Rong Yi on the other end of the phone was playing mahjong with his little brother, but because one hand was bandaged, he called a beautiful peripheral model to sit on his lap and help him operate it.

He was very excited when he heard the man who broke his wrist had been found.

In the past few days, he found Wang Wu's temporary license plate through the monitoring of the mall, and then he found out the information of the license plate owner, who was actually that famous actor Wang Wu.

This result made him uncomfortable. The actors in the entertainment circle, no matter who they are, have to be polite to themselves.

Occasionally, there were a few stings, and he was suppressed by his own means and withdrew from the entertainment circle.

In a word, the actor is a plaything in front of the real big family.

And now this Wang Wu dared to hurt himself. This remorse made him sleepless at night. At that time, he followed the information to find Wang Wu's address, and spent a little money to easily buy the security captain and smash Wang Wu's home. He was completely clean, and then he let out a good breath.

……For flowers………

"Where is he now?" Rong Yi was in a good mood and said to the phone. He couldn't wait to see Wang Wu kneeling in front of him.

"He is calling from his home.

The scarface man had guessed that Young Master Rong was going to ask about Wang Hao's whereabouts, so he came to the monitoring room while calling.

In order to please Rong Yi, he specially installed surveillance in Wang Wu's house.

"Okay! Keep an eye on him! I'll be there now!" Rong Yi hung up the phone, eating and drinking, brother, and set off for Wang Wu's house.

Wang Wu was calling the man in glasses, asking about Rong Yi.

Only then did I know that Rong Yi's grandfather was an old businessman in China, and his status was not small. After decades of precipitation, he became the leading family in Kyoto. There are many descendants in the family, and the most stubborn one is Rong Yi.

Relying on his family name and the boys of the other three families, he became known as the "Four Young Masters of Kyoto". He did a lot of dirty things in Kyoto on weekdays, but he never dared to leave the city because He knew that he would not have an umbrella when he went out. and,

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