Kneel down!

About half an hour later, the rolling shutter opened, and the spectacle man and his party dragged the fat-headed and swollen face Rong Yi out, and walked straight into the community. The scarfaced man in uniform wanted to come forward to stop them, but he didn't dare.

Before he left, the man in glasses stuffed the boss with a wad of banknotes and said: "You can finish it and you can go directly to the office."

The boss changed his frowning expression before, holding the money and said happily: "Well, well, I will do it.

When Rong Yi arrived at Wang Wu's house, Wang Wu was using the "Back in Time" skill he had just learned from the novel to restore Room 14 to the way it was before it was destroyed.

A hint of shock flashed in the eyes of the man with glasses, and he soon hid it, because the miracles that Wang Wu had created before his eyes were no longer one or two, and he was about to get used to it.

"Honorable Lord, the man has brought it." The man with glasses said.

Wang Wu frowned and looked at Rong Yi, who had a fat head and a swollen face, and said, "How can I communicate with him in this way?"

"The subordinate knows it's wrong! Then take him to the hospital!" "The man with glasses said in trepidation.

"Forget it." Wang Hao walked to Rong Yi and healed his wounds with healing techniques.

Rong Yi became fierce and fierce inside, struggling to escape from the glasses man's hands, and yelled: "Grandson! Let go of your grandpa!

Do you know who I am, be careful so that you can't eat it!"

Wang Wu winked, and the man in glasses immediately punched Rong Yi's belly, making him kneel on the ground for a long time and couldn't get up.

"Now, can we communicate well." Wang Wu asked.

Rong Yi clutched his stomach and said in pain: "You said, you said, I will agree to any conditions."

"Kneel down and kowtow three times, that's fine."

Rong Yi was suddenly aroused again. Although he still couldn't stand up, he glared at Wang Wu and shouted, "Do you know my surname!"

"I know, your surname is Rong, your grandfather is a hero, what are you?" Wang Wu said mockingly.

"I won't die!" Rong Yi was still stiff.

"I'll see how long your energy can last." Wang Wuka used Rong Yi's eyes to use hypnotism, making him feel that he was suffering from skinning cramps and fire roasting in the eighteenth hell at this time.

Rong Yi immediately rolled around on the ground, and the screams filled the entire community.

"I was wrong! I was wrong Angkor!" Rong Yi struggled to kneel on the ground, knocking his forehead to the floor, and after a while, blood was shed.

The man with spectacles watched from the side, his whole body was covered with hairs, and he never dared to look into Wang Wu's eyes again, for fear that he would also endure this kind of pain.

"Son! Where are you, son!" The voice of a woman talking with a loudspeaker in the corridor was very anxious.

It turned out that it was Rong Yi's mother who came. She had sent 480 people to follow Rong Yi's whereabouts. As soon as the incident happened, the news arrived immediately, and she rushed to the community with people at that time.

In the corridor, the gun was drawn by Dragon Guards, and none of the people brought by Jong Mu came up, all of them were knocked to the ground.

"Draw a spear! Pull a spear!" Jong Mu shouted anxiously.

"But a subordinate scratched his head embarrassedly. The Chinese government banned guns very strictly. Once a gun is drawn, there will be at least ten years in prison.

"What are you afraid of! My Rong family can still let you have an accident?" Mother Rong shouted.

"Yes!" The little brother in the lead drew his gun and pointed at Long Wei and said, "Brother! Let me give you a hand, this is a family affair and you cannot die for this matter!".

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