Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 868 Master Liu is curious about his identity!

Liu Shishi felt a little happy and melancholy when he saw the two of them behind his back.

What's happy is that Wang Wu was able to treat their mother and son so well because of this. What I am worried about is that when I think about it this way, it seems that my husband has never been like this before. He took his son seriously and really went out to play once.

Sure enough, time passed and it was gone forever.

Looking at the tall and handsome Wang Wu in front of him, Shishi Liu felt a little impetuous in his heart.

They came downstairs in the community, and then a luxurious car drove in front of them.

After the driver got off, he respectfully said to Wang Wubi: "I have taken care of your car, and the interior has been cleaned. Now I will give you the keys to the car. I wish you a smooth journey.

"Well, you go back first." Wang Wu just responded indifferently to the driver.

After Wang Wu received the key, he opened the door of the back seat and motioned Liu Shishi and Xiao Yu to sit on it.

Then he drove Liu Shishi and Xiao Yu to the hotel set by the man with glasses last night.

-"Wow, it's beautiful, mom."

Sure enough, children couldn't restrain themselves when they saw beautiful things.

Entering the restaurant, Wang Hao, a gentleman, helped Liu Shishi to open the table and chairs and put a napkin on it.

"Thank you." Liu Shishi said politely.

"You don't need to be so polite with me, otherwise, next time your home is short of food, I won't give it to you." Wang Wu Yimo's words instantly opened the originally very formal scene.

Liu Shishi was also amused by Wang Wu and laughed.

"Uncle Wang, I'm hungry, is there anything delicious here?" Xiaoyu was wronged and acted like a baby to Wang Wu.

"You greedy cat, well, it's all ready for you." After saying that, Wang Wu raised his hand.

Then the waiter brought up the dishes in an orderly manner.

Every dish is displayed delicately.

When Liu Shishi was eating, he felt a little wrong.

She found that there seemed to be no customers in this restaurant except for their table.

And the waiters also stood neatly not far away, as if they were only serving them.

And she also saw a middle-aged man standing in front of these waiters, looking at our table with a respectful smile.

Then Liu Shishi asked Wang Wu softly: "Wang Wu, how do I feel, this restaurant seems to have only our table of guests, and I think the waiters seem a little strange?"

Wang Hao glanced at the surrounding ring

I knew what was going on right away, it must be glasses, and packed the whole restaurant.

He smiled immediately, and then quickly sorted out his emotions and said to Liu Shishi.

"This restaurant was booked by me, so the waiters just stood there neatly.

"Bundle it!! You can wrap up the whole restaurant when you invite us to eat." Liu Shishi felt a little bit weird.

She felt that Wang Wu became more mysterious.

When I met myself a few times, I invited myself 3.5 to dinner.

And eating a meal not only uses a luxury car to go to the top luxury hotels in the city.

And he packed the whole restaurant without blinking.

If you want to know, ordinary people have already spent tens of thousands of dollars for a meal here, not to mention that it is a lot of money to cover the entire restaurant.

So Liu Shishi became more and more curious about Wang Wu's identity. .

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