When they saw that Su Yun could use such a skillful technique to remove the pig's head so easily, netizens in the live broadcast room furiously tapped their keyboards and started commenting frantically in the barrage area.

"Holy crap! That's a big fat pig weighing more than 300 kilograms! Logically speaking, shouldn't it be very complicated to remove the head? Why does Su Yun give me the feeling that I can do it even if I do it? "

"The sense of immersion is very strong. From killing the pig to dividing the meat, my brain has already mastered it. I don't know if my hands can do it yet. I am going to celebrate the New Year soon. I will go to my father-in-law's house to try it with a knife another day."

"No? Su Yun taught you how to kill pigs! He didn't ask you to kill your father-in-law. Brother, calm down? Aren't you afraid of your wife's revenge?"

"What the hell are you talking about? My father-in-law lives in the countryside and raises pigs at home. Of course my mother-in-law used pigs to test the water? Have you ever seen anyone try the water by killing pigs for my father-in-law?!"

"This pig can't be fake. Otherwise, the pig's head was taken off without any effort."

"Usually, pig butchers will use brute force when dismantling the pigs if they are not good at it. Su Yun's knife just moved back and forth on the pig's neck. He must have found the pig's joints, so he didn't do anything. I took off the pig-headed one with great effort."

"The boss is right, this pig is definitely not fake, but Su Yun's craftsmanship has not been accumulated for more than ten years, so he can't do it like this, right? But more than ten years ago, he was only five or six years old, right? ! This is unreasonable!”

"Whatever, if he is a celebrity, he must be smarter than ordinary people..."

While the barrages were discussing it heatedly, and some people had even begun to popularize science, Su Yun's knife once again moved around Baitiao Zhu's body.

I saw that Su Yun's hand was very stable, either turning or going deep, and the blade did not stop at all, as if there were really no bones in the pig's body.

Soon, Su Yun dismantled the front elbow, ribs, tenderloin, pork elbow, and the most demanding pork suet.

It didn't take long to complete this set of operations. The photographer on the side had just finished smoking the cigarette he lit when Su Yun first started the operation.

Just as Su Yun finished her work, Su's father came over to help, sorting out the pork and watching his son's smooth operations.

Father Su patted Su Yun on the shoulder and said, "Su Yun! You have really grown up..."

Su Yun smiled modestly, "No big deal, this is nothing in front of dad. There is nothing to do now. I'll go change my clothes first..."

While Su Yun was filling a basin of hot water, wiping herself, and changing into new clothes, Su's mother said to her photography buddies who had been working for a long time with a smile on her face,

"You must be hungry too. I'll stew meat and make pig meat for you to eat later. We're all guests here. Don't be polite after a while. Just make friends with Su Yun. Got it!"

"Thank you, aunt! Please excuse me..."

The photography guy, with a smile on his face, thanked Su's mother, "This is freshly killed pork. It's so delicious when you make it into a pot of butchered vegetables!"

The smiles on the faces of the photographers became even brighter at the thought of not having to chew cookies anymore.

"Oops? This makes me want to eat pig meat too. I'm on a business trip and can't go home during the Chinese New Year. I'm homesick for my friends..."

"It's a pity that I only saw Su Yun picking pork but not killing the pig! I really convinced myself..."

"Oh my god, I'm going to have to eat pork with vegetables later! That would be so happy! Big pork stewed with vermicelli, add some cabbage, and some blood sausage on top, it's so fragrant... it's so authentic!"

"The pigs have been killed. If nothing happens, I will go to Reba's live broadcast room..."

"This pork must be delicious, I'm craving for it..."

"No, fellow commentators? Don't you want to celebrate the Chinese New Year? Is this necessary?"

At this moment, the smell of meat wafted from the yard. The rich aroma made the photographer’s stomach growl again.

"smell good!"

After smelling the fragrance, a photographer couldn't help but speak out his heart.

It happened that Su Yun had just changed his clothes. After hearing this, he also smiled and said:

"Brothers, are you greedy? I knew you would be like this when the time comes. How about it? I didn't lie to you just now, did I? If you do me a favor, you can have a meal of butchered pork. You will definitely not lose."

"Moreover, the pigs in our village are basically raised by our own families since childhood and never use those feeds, so the growth rate will be much slower, but the meat quality will indeed be much better than the pork in the farms."

Hearing this, all the photography brothers nodded in agreement and said that Su Yun's family is the best treatment they have enjoyed in the past few years while shooting everywhere.

But at this time, Su Yun was complaining secretly in her heart.

Damn it, I wouldn’t be angry if you didn’t tell me.

In the past, because the pork at home was delicious, I couldn't stomach the pork from the farm, so I often didn't eat the food provided by the show team. As a result, I was criticized by netizens for being a big name.

Netizens have been chasing me and trolling me for more than half a year because of this little bit of pushiness, but I can’t stand it. Besides, I didn’t say anything to the crew? !

If I couldn’t eat, I would go home and cook. I would pay for people to eat out without saying anything. How could I act like a big star?

"Oh! It smells so good! Old Su's! When did the meat stew? I don't know if it will be heard..."

At this time, a burst of aunt's shouting suddenly came. Su Yun saw that it was her next door neighbor, Aunt Wang, and said hello. Su's mother also came over and explained photography to Aunt Wang. group, and things with Su Yun.

After the two chatted for a while, Aunt Wang asked directly: "Old Su family, where did you hire the pig butcher? We wanted to hire him too, but the master couldn't be queued up. I! Now I'm still worried about myself. How should I kill my family’s new year pig?”

Seeing this, Su's mother said with some pride: "Isn't it true that Su Yun has gone home? He was the master of the killing, and he did a great job..."

After listening to Su's mother's detailed description, Aunt Wang's eyes lit up and she walked towards Su Yun.

"Su Yun, can you help my aunt's family to kill them too? Your uncle, your cousin, they really don't have the strength to do it."

"Aunt Wang, of course there is no problem, but you have to wait first until you finish your meal..."

For her neighbors, Su Yun is still happy to help. After all, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. We are all neighbors, and we can see each other even if we look up and look down. Maybe in the future, my parents will also be taken care of by others.

Su Yun immediately said that he would go over to help after eating and asked his aunt to prepare other tools first. Then, at her mother's greeting, a group of people hurried to eat.

After Su Yun agreed to her neighbor's aunt, netizens in the live broadcast room became excited again.

They all went to other people's live broadcast rooms and various black fan groups to inform each other.

"Su Yun is going to kill a pig again soon. Come and watch!"

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