Kyoto, suburbs.

Inside an ordinary-looking suburban house.

Sitting on the armchair next to the stove, an old man with gray hair who looked almost octogenarian heard the phone ring and slowly put down the book in his hand.

He picked up the hot teapot on the stove and poured himself tea while answering the phone.

I heard a familiar greeting from the other end of the phone, "Hello? Mr. Li, I'm Xiao Zhang... How are you doing lately? Are you feeling well..."

"Well, it's Xiao Zhang. I'm in good health. Why did you call me?"

On the other end of the phone, Director Zhang said humbly: "Mr. Li, as you said, it's almost the Chinese New Year. Let me wish you a happy new year and give you my regards..."

After hearing this, Mr. Li's expression remained unchanged, he smiled a few times and said:

"Hahaha, you kid, is there really nothing wrong? Let me tell you, I am already old, and there are some things I no longer want to get involved with, especially things in your entertainment industry..."

On the other end of the phone, after hearing Mr. Li's words, Director Zhang's face tightened and he quickly said: "No, Mr. Li, you misunderstood. There is indeed one thing, but it is definitely not what you think..."

"Well? Then you can tell me, but Xiao Zhang, I'll be the first to say the ugly things. I'm old now and have retired. You also know some things..."

When Director Zhang heard this, he didn't hesitate anymore and immediately informed Mr. Li truthfully about Su Yun. Among them, Director Zhang told the old leader about Su Yun's situation last night in great detail.

And he emphasized the difference between cultural customs and feudal superstition, but Mr. Li still listened without changing his expression, echoing while thinking about something else.

"Okay, I can help you ask. If the situation is true, I will say hello to them..."

With that said, Mr. Li hung up the phone and poured another cup of tea. Just when he was about to say something, Mr. Li's wife spoke unnaturally.

"Old Li, what's going on?"

After hearing his wife's words, Mr. Li just shook his head and said nothing. Instead, he called a man into the living room.

"Xiao Wang, come here!"

Not long after, a man wearing a black suit and a headset walked in.

"Mr. Li, what's the matter?" the man in black asked.

"Haha, Xiao Wang, go check it out for me. A person named Su Yun is a little star. He recently participated in a variety show..."

When the man in black heard what Mr. Li said, he didn't hesitate or ask any questions. He just nodded and left the living room.

Not long after, the man in black walked in with a laptop. The computer was open. In addition to the text on the screen, there was a photo of a young man at the top, which was Su Yun.

The man placed the computer in front of Mr. Li's desk, said hello, and went out again.

Soon, Mr. Li saw that Su Yun had been blacklisted by the entire Internet in the past, and yesterday's live broadcast first killed a pig and then made sugar melons. He also explained to everyone the custom of sending the Stove God to heaven on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month.

At first, Mr. Li couldn't help but frown after seeing Su Yun's dark history. Is the domestic entertainment industry so bad now? Anyone could get in. If this happened before, they would have been shot long ago.

However, when Mr. Li saw everything Su Yun did in the live broadcast room, he became thoughtful again. Although Mr. Li is old and his body is old, his mind is not confused.

This is also the reason why so many people come to him as he is older and has experienced a lot. As someone who has been through it, Mr. Li can naturally find that there may be some problems with Su Yun's previous scandals mentioned on the Internet.

And older people also have some feelings for traditional things.

After listening to Director Zhang's words, Mr. Li was somewhat dissatisfied with labeling the matter of sending the Stove Lord to heaven as "feudal superstition."

But as a retired leader, he naturally would not make any decisions so arbitrarily, but he was interested in Su Yun.

Of course, after going through so much, Mr. Li will never believe that Su Yun's performance in the live broadcast room is his true side. After all, there are many things he pretends to do in front of the public.

Moreover, Mr. Li really doesn't understand much about internal entertainment. If he wants to help Xiao Zhang, he has to see what kind of person Su Yun is.

If this Su Yun is really as good as Xiao Zhang said, then I will naturally take action. If I find out, this Su Yun is just like what is said on the Internet, he is a duplicity...

Mr. Li retired at home, and during the Chinese New Year, he rarely had anything to worry about. He suddenly had an idea and wanted to take a look at this young man who had been blacklisted by the entire Internet before.

And what is a young man who can kill pigs and continue past customs like?

Xiao Wang just happened to bring a computer. When Li was young, he was a college student who had studied abroad. He was very familiar with computers, but he was not familiar with the live broadcast platforms and other web pages that have emerged as a result of the development of the times.

However, some young people had taught him how to use it before in the name of integrating into the new life. Therefore, without much effort, Mr. Li opened Su Yun's live broadcast room, and his wife was also attracted to watch.

In the live broadcast room, Su Yun was selecting a new portrait of the Kitchen God.

Looking at Su Yun fidgeting back and forth on the stall, the photographer on the side couldn't help but asked: "Su Yun, don't you have a statue of the Stove King at home? Why do you still buy it?"

After hearing what the photographer said, Su Yun scratched her head helplessly, but still said patiently:

"Brother, how can you say buy it? Although we don't spread feudal superstition, we still have to have the most basic respect. According to our folk customs, you can't say "buy" to portraits and statues of gods, but "please" "."

Having said this, Su Yun suddenly paused and then continued:

"As for why we invite a new portrait of the Kitchen God, aren't we worshiping the Stove God today? In the evening, after the Stove God goes to heaven, we will worship again and bring down the old portrait. That is called sending the Stove God away."

"When all this work is done, we can clean the house and clean the house. The new portrait will be posted on the fourth day of the first lunar month. This is called receiving the Kitchen God."

As he spoke, Su Yun picked up a portrait that he was very satisfied with and said to several photography buddies:

"This is it!"

As soon as I started the live broadcast, I heard Su Yun say something about the allusion of sending off the Kitchen God and receiving the Kitchen God.

Mr. Li's wife smiled and looked at Mr. Li next to her.

"This young man is pretty good. He actually knows these old customs..."

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