Entertainment: Killing A Pig At The Beginning, Is This Really A Piece Of Meat?

Chapter 42: If You Have The Ability, You Should Have Said It Earlier! I Regret It So Much!

"Good luck comes with spring throughout the year, and wealth comes as you wish throughout the seasons."

"Hengpi: Life is long and prosperous."

"Celebrating the New Year with laughter and cheering, and gathering together to welcome the New Year."

"Hengpi: Family fun."

"The auspicious house welcomes the spring and increases wealth, and the new year's business will show great ambitions."

"Hengpi: Welcome Baifu."

At this moment, the photography supervisor has become Su Yun’s little brother.

Every time Su Yun writes a couplet, the photographer will read it out again.

Then put it aside to help dry.

"Let me take a look! This netizen named [Long Gen who holds me in his arms]! Your couplet has been written! Once it is dry, I will pack it and mail it for you!"

With that said, the photographer hung up a pair of couplets.

At this time, in Su Yun's live broadcast room, netizens were frantically sending gifts and rewards, with no intention of stopping.

"Su Yun, this netizen named [Happy Little Princess] just gave birth to a son this year, and wanted to create an auspicious couplet..."


Su Yun responded, wiped the dry hair on her forehead, and hurriedly wrote out the couplet.

"Su Yun! This netizen wants one..."


"Su Yun..."


The eldest brother was saying couplets one after another, and Su Yun's hand speed was getting faster and faster. There was no way! There are so many netizens asking for couplets!

"Click, rub, rub! Tink, rub!"

I saw Su Yun's hand speed getting faster and faster, and the brush rubbed against the red paper, making bursts of sound.

Originally, Su Yun wrote the couplet in block letters, but the block letters were good, but they were written slowly...

With so many fans eagerly waiting for the couplets, Su Yun had no choice but to switch to Xingkai.

In fact, the regular script is not bad, the pen is straight, and the handwriting is grand. However, after writing for a while, Su Yun still felt a little slow.

Directly transferred to running script!

"Still slow! There are so many fans waiting behind..."

As he spoke, Su Yun turned his pen and started writing in cursive.

If it weren't for the worry that no one would recognize the written words, Su Yun would have wished to just write the couplets in wild cursive at this moment.

Su Yun held the writing brush in her hand and crossed the red paper one after another on the table. Although the handwriting must have been a little mixed before.

However, the distance between words and subtitles and the layout are still as patchy as ever.

Moreover, the style of writing has obviously changed from the previous dignified nature, and has become a bit more free and unrestrained.

The photographer on the side was still packing things leisurely just now, but Su Yun's speed was getting faster and faster, and after a while, there were a lot more couplets.

The busy photographer was overwhelmed, and the speed of packaging could not keep up with Su Yun's handwriting speed.

so fast!

However, Su Yun wrote so fast, and his handwriting was a little more sloppy than before...

If fans in the live broadcast room see it, they won’t say that Su Yun is confusing things...

Thinking about it, the photographer was a little worried, so he took a look at the barrage in the live broadcast room. After watching it, he wisely chose to shut up.

"Although Su Yun's handwriting is getting more and more sloppy, I don't know why, but I still think it looks pretty..."

"You don't understand this! Su Yun writes from block letters to cursive script, which is a combination of running script and cursive script. It can be seen that Su Yun's writing power is very deep, and the written words have a unique flavor. Of course not It’s ugly.”

"Brothers, I didn't expect Su Yun to have such high attainments in calligraphy!"

"Is it tall? Why didn't I notice it? I just thought it looked good..."

"It looks like it must be at least three or four stories high!"

"I am the honorary president of Xingyun Calligraphy Association, and I solemnly invite Teacher Su Yun again to help guide our association after the festival!"

"I'm going! The calligraphy association is here! They also invited Su Yun to teach! It seems that his calligraphy attainments are really high!"

Looking at the news that was flooding the screen in the live broadcast room, the faces of Mr. Zhang and his wife could not get better.

The two looked at each other, and when they thought about the advertising endorsement contract they had just signed, they suddenly wanted to slap themselves hard...

"Oh my God! I really lost a lot of money this time!"

"Why does Su Yun have so many fans now! I...I! Oh, I really took advantage of small things and suffered a big loss!!"

Just as Mr. Zhang and his wife were regretting it, Xiaoxue, the receptionist and secretary, ran into the office again.

"Mr. Zhang! Sister Zhao! Su Yun is on the hot search again!"

With that said, Xiaoxue gave the phone with the hot search results for scarves to Sister Zhao...

At this time, Sister Zhao was already stamping her feet in anger. If she hadn't heard the news that it was Su Yun, she would never have read it.

what happened?

Didn’t Su Yun become a hot search just now?

Could it be that something happened again?

With a temper, after Sister Zhao took the mobile phone, President Zhang also came together.

[#Tens of thousands of fans online for the Spring Festival couplet, Su Yun calligraphy shocked the whole network#]

[#Calligraphy Association President Online Invite SU Yun to guide#]

[#【【【【【【【【【【To write the Spring Festival couplet, and was rejected by Su Yun on the spot#]

As they watched, the couple opened their mouths wide.

Shocked the whole network! ?

Su Yun was invited to teach calligraphy! ?

Isn't it right?

Also rejected the heat on the spot! ?

Looking at the hot search just reported, the two of Mr. Zhang from shocked, after returning the taste, the two were completely bad ...

According to the current look, it won't be long before, there will be more, better endorsements!

If I knew this, I also signed your sister's black pork! Sign your sister’s maltose!

Su yun! If you have this ability, please tell me earlier!

I knew that you can attract so many fans like this. I know that there are so many fans who have held you in the live broadcast room now!

We will not let you endorse these two wonderful products!

At this moment, Zhang's eyes were a bit reddish. Because he didn't sleep well last night, he still had a bit of blood in his eyes.

He just looked at his wife so straight, and couldn't help but shouted:

"Wife ... how did you do this agent!"

"For such a long time, Su Yun has such a big ability and can cater to the market! Didn't you notice it?!"

"This ... me ..."

Listening to her husband’s question, Sister Zhao's complexion suddenly changed a little bit,

"I...I don't know either..."

Suddenly, Sister Zhao seemed to have reacted to something.

its not right!

You bastard dare to yell at me!

I really take myself as a big boss?!

Thinking of her husband's attitude towards herself, Sister Zhao's heart burned a anger.

Looking at President Zhang’s eyes became cold, he held his fist, and his teeth were bite tightly.

Say a word and one word:

"Give you a chance and let you re -organize the language ..."

Looking at his wife's appalling appearance, President Zhang was suddenly frightened.

I almost jumped directly.

Damn it!

What did I do just now! ?

Right now, his wife looks like a person's face, and Zhang only feels that he was stared at by a wild beast who was chosen by one.

If you move a little, you will be eaten without even bone residue.


Mr. Zhang couldn't hold back, kneeling on the ground without any sense of disobedience.

"Wife, I'm wrong, you have a lot of adults! Forgive me! I didn't do it in place! Blame me ..."

Although it just looked like it was very bone.

But Mr. Zhang still firmly believes that he made the compromise because of love.


It's because of love!

It has nothing to do with others!

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