Entertainment: Killing A Pig At The Beginning, Is This Really A Piece Of Meat?

Chapter 61: This Is Still Live, Please Stop Talking Nonsense.

The live broadcast room was full of barrages. Many netizens laughed and posted barrages saying that this grandpa is very capable and he will really help when something happens!

Although the old man doesn't understand much about these celebrities, how could Su Yun's uncles not understand.

After hearing that the old man asked Su Yun to choose someone to be his girlfriend in the live broadcast room, the uncles and others at the table all laughed.

Several aunts and uncles began to discuss who among the three girls in the live broadcast room was the best.

After hearing this, Mother Su on the side also covered her mouth and smiled softly. She also watched the live broadcast of the program team when she had nothing to do.

However, she is still very clear about her son's situation.

On weekdays, my son is scolded so badly every day on forums, post bars, scarves and other places.

Presumably these girls are avoiding their sons.

Although I know that these female celebrities have little connection with their sons.

But this does not affect me as a mother to think freely every day.

The main reason is that she particularly likes to go beyond. This girl looks very well-behaved, sensible and beautiful, and she should be very good at taking care of others.

At this time, the aunt on the side looked at Grandpa Su and spoke with a smile.

"Xiaoyun, your grandfather is right. We are all colleagues, we know each other."

"Our Xiaoyun is also a star, and these granddaughter-in-laws are also stars. There should be a lot of topics to talk about..."

Hearing this, the old man's smile became even stronger and he patted Su Yun on the head.

"Work harder, you brat! Whether I, an old man like me, can have a great-grandson depends on your performance!"

After hearing the old man's words, several aunts and aunts immediately chirped and expressed their opinions.

I saw Su Yun's aunt saying: "I see! Boss Yang is very good. He is good-looking and generous, and he is also a very nice person..."

"Don't forget that she doesn't smile all day long. She looks cold, but she has a really good personality and is very gentle when she talks! I have been posting comments with her every day during the live broadcast these days... ..”

Auntie's little mouth kept saying "seven zero zero". Others nodded after hearing this, and even Su's mother was a little shaken.

However, this meeting was just about women chatting, and Su Yun's uncles just listened while drinking.

It's not that they don't want to say it. If these female celebrities are praised, they will be more enthusiastic than anyone else.


As we all know, there is a difference between men praising women and women praising women.

Men generally like to greet people from all three directions.

If there are only a few old men drinking, we can chat casually, but today is different, there are old men.

I have my own wife and children here, and some younger uncles are really embarrassed to speak.

At this moment, Su Yun looked embarrassed. How come the elders in her family were so familiar with each other!

Boss Yang is a popular female star all over the country. How can she like her?

Moreover, what worries Su Yun the most is the family meeting "Marriage Urgent" that he least wants people to hear.

Live broadcast by special girl!

Moreover, Boss Yang is in the live broadcast room next door! What if she is recruited?


Su Yun felt a chill in her heart.

No matter what other people think, several aunts and aunts are still discussing enthusiastically.

The daughters-in-law of the Su family are all very generous, and the baby named Guifang also smiled and spoke.

"I think Reba is better! Those big eyes are watery and crystal clear, and she likes to eat even if she has nothing to do. A girl who loves to eat is good! A girl who loves to eat will have a son.

"And she also speaks very lively. You can tell at a glance that she is a good girl with a simple mind! If Xiao Su gets married, she will definitely give birth to a big, fat great-grandson for our father in one year!"

When he heard the word great-grandson, the old man's eyes became brighter and brighter. He picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

I wanted to laugh loudly, but I felt that it was not good and unsteady to be in front of so many juniors, so I held back.

At this time, my aunt also spoke,

"Actually, the little girl named Chaoyue is also very beautiful, and she helps the family with work every day."

"I heard it's a koi carp. This girl looks like she's lucky!"

Hearing this, Mother Su on the side couldn't help but nodded, with a smile on her face.

She also thinks it's good to transcend, but her family knows her own affairs.

Compared with popularity, Ren Chaoyue is just a koi. There are so many fans who check in in his live broadcast room every day.

And since he debuted, there has been no scandal.

Not like his own son.

Thinking of her son's injustice outside, Su's mother couldn't help but feel a little sore in her nose.

There was also a faint mist of tears in the corners of his eyes.

Pretending to fix her hair, Su's mother put aside the tears that had not yet gathered in the corners of her eyes.

The expression of feeling sorry for his son returned to his previous smile.

As for finding a partner, it all depends on the son's own ideas.

As a mother, she couldn't bear to embarrass her son in this matter.

Just smile and listen quietly to other people's chat.

The elders were chatting animatedly, but Su Yun was completely embarrassed at the moment.

He regretted it very much at this moment and brought his photography buddies to his hometown.

Su Yun forgets her family members in her hometown and likes to chat about these things.

Especially whose daughter-in-law is the best, and whose girl is pretty and suitable for marriage.

Speaking of which, it’s endless!

Especially some aunts.

They usually like to gossip, but when they get together, they start talking nonsense...

But what really embarrasses Su Yun is that it's live broadcast now!

I remembered that the aunt who was just called Guifang said that Reba loved to eat and could have a son...

Su Yun was trembling with fear!

Aunt Guifang!

Why don't you have a good mouth?

Reba is in the live broadcast room next door. What if someone hears this?

Netizens are all watching! I almost feel ashamed to be in the entertainment industry!

There was really no other way, so Su Yun could only turn her head and look at her grandfather with pleading eyes.

The look in his eyes seemed to say, Grandpa, please save your grandson!

Don't let the aunts talk nonsense!

I can use my toes to pull out a three-bedroom apartment for you.

But who knows, the old man just sipped the rice wine as if he didn't see Su Yun's request for help.

While listening to the words of several aunts and aunts, they would echo a few words from time to time.

It is as if she has to choose a suitable granddaughter-in-law for herself from the mouths of her children.

Seeing her grandfather listening to these people's gossip with great interest, Su Yun's expression became distorted again, as if she was wearing a mask of pain.

I felt a little cold in my heart when I heard my aunt say that Reba could give birth to a son.

The roots of the ears are a little red...

At this time, Su Yun couldn't bear it anymore. He stood up and said to the elders:

"Auntie, hush~"

"Auntie, stop talking now..."

"Grandpa, we are doing a live broadcast. It's a bit bad to have so many people watching..."

Seeing Su Yun's embarrassed look, the fans in the live broadcast room laughed so much that their stomachs ached, and they all started making jokes.

[Hahaha! I’m laughing so hard! Look, everyone, Su Yun’s ears are all red!]

[666 Aunt Su Weidu is very capable, she really comes up with ideas when something happens!]

[Increased knowledge! Reba can have children if she loves to eat!]

[Brothers, fix your bayonets! Take Reba back!]

【Let’s go together! Wait for me upstairs! BGM! I have BGM here!】

When the elders heard what Su Yun said, they turned around and saw several photography brothers, all of whom were shaking with laughter.

One look at it makes me laugh so hard.

If we weren't talking about family members, we wouldn't need to communicate with each other in words at all, and we would see the appearance of several photography brothers.

The aunts just looked at each other, and then everyone became quieter and began to pick up the dishes.

After a while, Grandpa Su was almost done eating. He took the last bite of peanuts and chewed them in his mouth.

Then drink the last bit of rice wine in the cup in one gulp.

As the old man is getting older, he will feel full after eating a little.

Under normal circumstances, old people who have had enough food and drinks will go out to walk around in the yard, and then stand and read a book.

In the words of the old man, take a walk after dinner and live to be one hundred and nine.

In fact, the old man’s health-preserving secrets are not that complicated, such as Shiquan Tonic, Jiuzhuan Ginseng Decoction and so on.

Those things that can prolong life are all nonsense.


You see those ancient emperors who were served by imperial doctors in the palace. When it comes to eating good food and nourishing their bodies, who can beat the emperor?

But there are a few of them who live long lives.

Regardless of physical reasons, the old man’s longevity is coupled with good health.

I have to say that a large part of it is due to these excellent living habits, accumulated bit by bit every day.

But today, the old man is very happy. His family members are all gathered together. He doesn't want to go out and walk around. He wants to sit for a while and spend time with his family.

Under Su Yun's gaze, the old man took out a smartphone from nowhere.

He skillfully opened the screen and clicked on a live broadcast room.

After looking at it, the old man said to Su Yun with some emotion:

"My dear grandson, it's rare to see your last show. I've been watching your kid's live broadcast on it every day these past few days. Not to mention it's quite interesting..."

Looking up, Su Yun saw a large family sitting together around the table on the screen.

Seeing this, he felt a little speechless.

Grandpa is getting a little old and confused...

My dear, I'm sitting next to you, why are you watching my live broadcast?

So, Su Yun leaned against her grandfather's ear and whispered:

"Grandpa, if you watch my live broadcast now, it won't be interesting. What is filmed in the live broadcast is the scene of our family eating.

Upon hearing this, the old man suddenly made an expression of realization.

"I wonder why it looks so familiar...ah! So that's what live streaming means! It means recording the live video and broadcasting it directly to your mobile phone!"

Then the old man smiled and said:

"I always listen to what other people say about scripts and the like, and I thought they were all the effects of performances..."

Hearing this, Su Yun felt emotional again.

This old man... is quite fashionable...

So many years have passed, and I have not been pulled down by the times.

Live and learn!

Su Yun was sighing, and Grandpa Su on the side spoke again,

"It's really not interesting to watch the live broadcast at home. Let me go and see your colleagues!"

With that said, Grandpa Su slid the screen again.

The old man is getting older. Although he keeps up with the trend, he still doesn't understand the relationship between the guests on the show...

Some keywords are still used by the older generation.

In his opinion, working on the same program means working together and a relationship between colleagues.

Su Yun naturally understood the meaning of the old man's words, but the netizens in the live broadcast room were indeed laughing.

【Haha! Grandpa is so cute!】

[The word "colleague" made me laugh to death...]

【666, The old man knows how to speak.

["Look, grandpa has logged into Lao Qin's live broadcast room."]

In the live broadcast room, Lao Qin was lying on the bed with his back stretched out, half of the quilt had been kicked away, and he was lying on the bed soundly asleep.

Lao Qin danced to the disco every night and took a rest during the day. The program team thought that this was not a problem.

After all, it was late at night and there were very few people watching the live broadcast.

In order to give Lao Qin a sense of participation, the program team decided to directly broadcast Lao Qin sleeping.

But this lens almost stuck to Lao Qin’s face!

As soon as the conversation on the phone turned around, the old man saw Lao Qin, who was still sleeping, and immediately began to murmur,

"This kid, it's already noon, why are you still sleeping in..."

But at this moment, the old man was like an old Chinese doctor who was diagnosing someone's pulse.

Just now, there was a smile on his face, but after carefully observing Lao Qin's face, his brows wrinkled.

"Why is this child in such bad health..."

At this time, Su Yun also came over and immediately saw Lao Qin sleeping soundly on the screen.

Hearing what his grandfather said, he wondered if Lao Qin was a pill...

If others don't know, how can Su Yun not know?

The old man didn't frown casually. Su Yun has grown so big, even though he has been working away from home in the past few years.

But when I was young, my grandfather watched me grow up.

This frowning expression is all too familiar to Su Yun.

People who used to come to Grandpa to check their pulse and see a doctor.

The grandpa who was diagnosing the pulse could tell with just a frown that the patient's problem was definitely not minor.

Su Yun couldn't help but asked: "Grandpa, what's wrong with him?"

The old man frowned and said:

"Xiaoyun, after you go back, you must give your colleagues a good warning..."

"This young man has a serious problem of liver deficiency and spleen weakness, which will lead to physical decline over time.

"At first glance, it seems that it is caused by not paying attention to the rules of life and overeating..."

"Oh! Today's young people, their lives are better, but they pay less attention to their health. You can't do this if you don't know how!"

"Go back and tell this child to find a doctor to take some medicine and take care of himself."

After hearing what her grandfather said, Su Yun quickly nodded in agreement and promised that she would never do anything that would harm her body if she stayed up late.

Su Yun knew that in fact, it was an understatement for the old man to say so. Lao Qin danced to the disco every night, not only because of his physical weakness.

The music in the disco venue can shake a person's liver out.

Lao Qin played like this every night, and the organs in his body and the nerves in his brain must have been stimulated a lot.

It's time to take care of it.

At this moment, Grandpa Su is still telling Su Yun to take what he said to her.

We can't let this child continue to do this.

As the old saying goes.

Medicine is a benevolent skill and cannot be established without virtue.

This is the most basic education in the traditional culture of Chinese medicine in my country.

As an old Chinese medicine practitioner, Grandpa Su has been influenced by this culture since he was a primary school doctor.

Grandpa Su is narrow-minded and cannot tolerate a single patient in his eyes.

Now that I see Lao Qin like this, and this child is still a colleague with his grandson, I naturally have to give him a few more reminders.

Su Yun nodded repeatedly when he heard his grandfather's words, but although he had never met Lao Qin, he still knew something about his temper.

First of all, the two of them were not familiar with each other, so it was difficult for Su Yun to persuade him.

Secondly, Lao Qin is not a person who listens to advice.

Thinking of this, Su Yun could only change the topic and said to her grandfather:

"Grandpa, this colleague of mine should be very busy at ordinary times. It is not convenient to prepare medicine."

Hearing this, the old man was a little unhappy, "My parents are so rough.

Don't dare to damage! This is the beginning of filial piety!

Young people should pay more attention to their bodies. On the one hand, it reassures their parents, and on the other hand, they are responsible for themselves!

Thinking of this, the old man said:

"Why does this young man not take his body seriously?!"

After a while, Lao Jiezi said:

"If it's really inconvenient, just buy some ready-made Ginseng Jianpi Pills and Guishao Dihuang Pills. These two Chinese patent medicines can be taken directly...

"This young man's condition is quite serious. It seems that he has been drinking and drinking too much day and night for a long time. Judging from his appearance, he must have stayed up late recently..."

"We are all colleagues working in the same unit, please remember to give him a heads up!"

Having said this, Su Yun still dared not to listen. He nodded repeatedly and said:

"I know, grandpa..."

But at this moment, the barrages in the live broadcast room were all confused.

What the fuck!?

Is what this old man said true or false?!

Dividing line..

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