Entertainment: Killing A Pig At The Beginning, Is This Really A Piece Of Meat?

Chapter 87 What The Hell? Going To Visit The Grave On New Year's Day?

At this moment, Hua Chenyu was in the live broadcast room. He wanted to be angry, but he was afraid of affecting his image, so he could only hold back his voice. .

Damn it!

These damn bastards!

How dare you scold me!

What are you talking about, old man, are you not trying to destroy that person?


Forget about scolding me!

Why are you still praising Su Yun?

Isn’t this intentional to piss me off?

At this time, Hua Chenyu was not only angry in his heart, but also wanted to see what Su Yun had done to make netizens praise him like this.

At this time, on the screen, a fan suddenly initiated a connection.

It is also marked below that this is the screen recording of Su Yun’s video just now.

Let everyone go and see it!

Many netizens who didn't know what was going on said they wanted to take a look.

Watch Huahua’s live broadcast later.

Seeing this, Hua Chenyu couldn't help it. He found this link and took a look at the video of Su Yun's live broadcast.

Just like that, Hua Chenyu clicked in and started watching.

And when these Hua Chenyu fans saw the grand scene of Su Yun's house, it was crowded with people.

They were all shocked by this formation.

When they saw Su Yun's uncle drinking, everyone looked serious and knelt down in unison.

People's faces could no longer look calm. They all watched the video of New Year greetings and became excited.

This is so girly!

So burning!

The scene is too shocking!

The soundtrack is pretty good too!

Is this the cultural heritage that has been passed down for thousands of years to this day?

Doesn’t it mean that it’s not good to kneel down and kowtow to pay New Year greetings?

Why, I’m a little yearning for it!

When Hua Chenyu's live broadcast room came out, fans came out after watching the Su Yun family's New Year greeting video.

They all left messages in the comment area below.

[I’ll go! Is it such a big family? It’s such a sense of belonging! I want to join it!]

【Yes, yes! I feel like a small boat that finally found a harbor!】

[Haha, what’s so good about kowtowing? It’s artificial, disgusting, feudal remnants, and cultural dregs. Please block the video as soon as possible and stop bringing up bad children!]

[Same feeling, this is nothing! Do you need so many people to wish you a happy new year? Do enough! 】

[Haha, some people, please wipe your mouth before speaking, you can smell it through the screen. 】

[I’m just confused, people’s New Year greetings are bothering you! If you want to see it, just watch it. If you don’t want to see it, just get out!]

[What’s wrong? Why don’t you let people tell you if the photo is not good?]

As the video played, all the fans finished watching the video.

Some netizens thought it was shocking and felt good, and they hope to see more videos like this in the future.

Another small group of netizens, obviously with the mentality of causing trouble, came to the comment area to curse.

Moreover, the two waves of people also discussed this matter more and more, attracting many netizens to watch.

Just like that, this matter soon became a hot topic.


【#SHOCK!Little fresh meat Su Yun’s family devotion shocked the New Year greeting scene!#】

【#热 Discussion!Should I kowtow to my elders when paying New Year greetings?#】

[#New Year's greeting custom, is it traditional culture or feudal dross? 0#]

【#SHOCK!The famous New Year greeting scene that has been lost for many years! Comes again!#】

Binhai City.

In the Country Garden community.

At this moment, it was already bright, and the sun was three poles high.

On the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, the Wang family was busy preparing food for guests.

My father and mother were busy in the living room.

As for Wang Qiang, he had just returned from overseas for half a month and had not yet recovered due to jet lag.

At this moment, I was still lying on the bed, covered with a thick quilt, sleeping.

"Ding dong! Ding dong!"

Just listen to the mobile phone on the bedside table that Wang Qiang put aside before going to bed last night.

But there was a buzzing sound.

Wang Qiang was woken up by the sound of his cell phone. With sleepy eyes, he stretched himself first.

Then I touched the mobile phone beside the bed and opened the screen to see what new news there was.

It was so noisy early in the morning.

Wang Qiang is 26 years old. Like most young people, he is a social worker living in Beijing.

The whole day of 996 had already flattened his ambition.

Originally, Wang Qiang didn't want to go home, but he had no choice because of his parents' death.

Moreover, it just so happened that this year's rest was also my turn.

So he reluctantly returned home.

After being busy all day, Wang Qiang only felt that he was a small screw in a machine.

Go to get off work and get off work every day.

Doing the same thing every day.

Saying the same thing repeatedly.

Being scolded repeatedly.

I was also forced to look at the stinky face of the company leader every day.

Being forced to eat the big pie that the leader has been painting all day long.

The whole life, from the work unit to the dormitory, is a straight line.

Eat, drink, poop and sleep.

Sleep, eat, drink and have diarrhea.

Just these few things every day, just in a different order.

What does that sentence say? Ordinary days are the most irritating.

Wang Qiang suddenly became careless about anything.

The busy life made Wang Qiang take everything lightly.

For example, today is the first day of the Lunar New Year.

Wang Qiang had long forgotten about getting up to pay New Year greetings to his parents.

His body told him that he needed to sleep.

Therefore, Wang Qiang chose to sleep, he didn't want to be too troublesome.

When I wake up after a while, I casually say a few auspicious words to my parents and treat it as a New Year greeting.

Wang Qiang picked up the phone and glanced at it vaguely.

I saw that it was not someone contacting me, but hot searches pushed on my scarf.

He immediately wanted to use this software that he had not seen for a long time.


But when Wang Qiang saw the hot search title, he couldn't help but became curious.

【#SHOCK!The famous New Year greeting scene that has been lost for many years! Comes again!#】

Looking at the hot searches above, it turns out that New Year greetings are popular all over the internet.

Wang Qiang became confused.

He was not doubting about New Year greetings.

But I am wondering how the New Year greetings became so popular on the Internet.

Isn't it just a happy new year?

Everyone in our country knows this.

There is something about this thing that should shock the entire internet.

Lost for many years?

Thinking about it, Wang Qiang's calm heart suddenly became agitated.

My mind also became clearer.

Driven by curiosity.

Wang Qiang followed the prompts on his phone and clicked on the scarf.

He wanted to see what kind of New Year greeting could shock the entire Internet.

If it's just a gimmick, something to attract traffic.

It's the same as Youc body.

Of course Wang Qiang will not curse or make comments.

He was too lazy to scold, and he didn't want to scold.

He would move his fingers without hesitation and delete the scarf.

However, as soon as Wang Qiang clicked in, he was shocked by the vast scene in the video.

The crowd of people stood so neatly, and there was an old man sitting right in front of them.

I go!

Why are there so many people?

Why do we need so many people to pay New Year greetings?

At this moment, Wang Qiang was much more awake than before.

Subconsciously, he sat up, rubbed his eyes, and continued to read.

I saw a sentence suddenly coming from the video.

Happy New Year!

At this time, a melodious and melodious music also sounded.

I saw these people shouting New Year greetings.

They all knelt on the ground, bowed and kowtowed to the old man in front.

When the BGM sounded, Wang Qiang felt that his body and mind were integrated into the video.

When Wang Qiang saw the large group of people in the video.

When they all knelt on the ground to pay New Year greetings, Wang Qiang felt that a bridge had been built in his heart.

This end of the bridge is on my side, and the other end of the bridge has reached the video side.

Wang Qiang, who was still a little sleepy just now, is now extremely energetic.

Seeing the Su family kneeling down and worshiping, coupled with the BGM's exaggeration, he only felt that his scalp was numb for a while.

So shocking.

And, for some reason, Wang Qiang watched this video.

There was also a strange feeling in my heart.

For some reason, I was only thinking about New Year greetings.

Wang Qiang passed away after just fooling him.

His nose suddenly felt a little sore.

Two lines of tears fell quietly from both sides of his cheeks.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered.

I have been wandering around for these years, and I don't say hello to my parents when I have nothing to do.

At that time, my parents were so worried about me!

Wang Qiang thought again about how his father and mother looked when he first arrived home.

Obviously there are a lot of things I want to say to myself.

But when they saw their tired appearance.

I still endured it, urged myself, and went to rest quickly.

In fact, Wang Qiang has a lot to say to his parents.

However, the repetitive life has blinded him.

If it can't be vigorous and soul-stirring, then just keep it dull.

His heart was very tired, and he didn't want some affection between children to disturb his heart again.

Now, he suddenly felt that he was wrong.

He should talk to his parents more.

Presumably at this moment, my parents should have prepared meals and are waiting for me to get up.

Thinking of this, Wang Qiang's cheeks that he had just wiped clean were moistened by two more silent tears.

He suppressed the sourness in his nose.

Wiping his tears, Wang Qiang stood up.

Got dressed.

After opening the door, I saw the busy parents.

My father was wearing an apron and was cutting something.

Mother was also on the side, picking leeks.

Qiang’s favorite is dumplings stuffed with chives and eggs.

"My son, get up! Hurry up and have breakfast. Your eldest brother and the others will be back soon. At noon, mom will make you another dumpling!"

Listening to his mother's words, Wang Qiang was suddenly stunned.

Just now, he just wanted to say a few auspicious words to his parents.

But when I saw my mother holding her favorite leek in her hand, and her hair that was already gray.

Wang Qiang couldn't bear it anymore.


Wang Qiang knelt directly on the ground in front of his parents and shouted loudly~

"Dad! Mom! Happy New Year!"

Father Wang, who was chopping vegetables, and Mother Wang, who was selecting vegetables, were kneeled down by her son's sudden kneeling.

I was shocked.

This voice seems to be really emotional.

Father Wang and Mother Wang quickly put down what they were holding and came to their son.

Don't break your knees anymore.

Thinking about it, although Mrs. Wang was very moved, she couldn't help but lectured:

™Yo! This

Silly boy! Why did you suddenly kneel down and break your knee?"

"Don't be crazy!"

When she said this, Mrs. Wang felt warm in her heart, as if she had been exposed to the sun.

My son suddenly became so sensible.

I will be filial to my parents.

But I won’t dare to kneel like this next time.

The floor tiles were almost broken by your knees.

"Oh! It seems that my Xiaoqiang has really grown up and become sensible!"

Even Father Wang, who had always been reluctant to talk much, had a kind expression on his face.

Su Yun’s house.

At this moment, the New Year greeting ceremony has already ended.

The thick crowd either supported each other or moved to stand up.

The "buzzing" sound of people talking started again.

"Su Lei! Come to my house for dinner later! Your aunt made beef dumplings!"

"Okay, brother Zhiqiang, I like to eat the dumplings made by my aunt the most!

"Come on, come to my house for a drink later?"

"I won't go, I won't go. I'll finish my work soon and go play cards. Hey? How about you go play cards with me too?"

"Well...that's okay, I still have something to do at home, I'll go find you after I'm done!"

The people paying New Year's greetings all look festive at the moment.

Mr. Su also stood up, surrounded by his family members.

Back inside the house.

Looking at Mr. Su's smiling face and the crowd of people following him.

Boss Yang, Chaoyue and Reba couldn't help but sigh.


"Sister Mi, this is the first time I have seen such a grand scene!"

"Well, although I think it's a bit exaggerated, it feels really good. I think it's time to kowtow to grandpa and say New Year greetings..."

At this time, Chaoyue also said: "I think the Chinese New Year in Su Yun's family is different from the Chinese New Year in our family.

“Their family celebrates the Chinese New Year, it’s so interesting and the people are lively!”

Just as the three people were sighing, they saw that people had already left.

People who had just paid New Year's greetings walked outside one after another.

Seeing this, the beauties knew that it was the end of the New Year greetings and they would become very quiet again after a while.

But at this moment, Boss Yang saw Su Yun passing by him.

It seems that he wants to follow the people who have finished their New Year greetings and walk outside.

Boss Yang was confused, and so were Reba and Chaoyue.

what happened?

People went home after celebrating the New Year.

Why are you Su Yun following you?

"Su Yun, what are you going out for?"

the three beauties asked in unison.

Hearing Reba and others calling him, Yinyun turned around and came to their side.

"What's wrong, Boss Yang, what's wrong with you?"

Listening to Su Yun's words, Boss Yang quickly said: "It's nothing, just what are you doing?"

Boss Yang pointed at the crowd outside and signaled to Su Yun, why are you following them?

Hearing this, Su Yun smiled and said: "I will have something important to do later, Boss Yang, but you will have nothing to worry about."

"You just got up and haven't tidied up yet. Go back and tidy up quickly."

"Also, you guys remember to have breakfast, otherwise you will have lunch soon."

"Okay, you guys just stay here, I'll be back soon."

Listening to Su Yun's words, the three beauties who were already confused became even more confused.

New Year's Eve.

You, Su Yun, are not at home.

Why are you going out with those people?

Are you following them to play cards?

This is not possible, there are cameras following behind.

But just now Su Yun said something big happened...

"Su Yun, what are you going to do? Just tell us!"

"Yes, brother Su Yun, what do you want to do?"

Hearing the questions from several beauties, Su Yun immediately laughed out loud.

These celebrities are just like kittens.

Not only is she beautiful, but she is also so curious.

I saw Su Yun say:

"Hahaha, on the first day of the new year, after paying New Year greetings to the elders, of course I also have to go and burn incense sticks with my ancestors!"

"I'm going to kowtow to my ancestors and pay New Year greetings, but don't worry, Boss Yang, I'll be back soon?"

Hearing what Su Yun said, the beauties were stunned for a moment.

Although these beauties are children who grew up in the city, there are still some things they have seen and heard.

People in the countryside kowtow to their ancestors...

Offer incense to the ancestors?

Ancestor? Offer incense?

Aren't the ancestors the elders who have already traveled to the west?

When someone dies in the countryside, he seems to be buried in a grave.

So isn’t this just visiting a grave?

Thinking of this, Boss Yang and others were a little surprised.

I can still accept that kowtowing to greet the New Year is a tradition. It looked pretty good just now.

But going to visit the grave on the first day of the Lunar New Year?

Wouldn't it be a bit unlucky to visit a grave during this Chinese New Year...


Is this really a tradition?

Never heard of it!

Who the hell goes to visit graves on the first day of the new year?

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