Entertainment: Killing A Pig At The Beginning, Is This Really A Piece Of Meat?

Chapter 98 The Secret To Longevity? I Change My Girlfriend Every Day!

At this moment, Boss Yang has accepted that Grandpa Su will give her today's treatment.

With nothing to do, Boss Yang just wanted to walk around the village.

Moreover, Grandpa Su also said that in addition to congenital deficiency of Qi and blood, a large part of his illness is that he works too much.

Life schedule is irregular.

My heart is filled with panic, and I am always anxious and angry.

The solution mentioned is also very simple. Here, Grandpa treats the disease.

Over there, Boss Yang temporarily put down the work at hand and tried his best to walk outside and relax.

It is best for Boss Yang to go to a spacious place to relax.

According to what Grandpa Su said, isn't this Su Yun's village the best place to relax?

It's spacious outside and the air is fresh.

So after Boss Yang finished his treatment, he packed up and wanted to go out for a walk.

After staying at Su Yun's house for a while, Boss Yang also figured out a lot after being influenced by Grandpa Su.

When a person is alive, fame, fortune and fortune are always with him before and after him.

But if you die, you can take nothing with you.

The time when you come is empty, and the same is true when you go.

Therefore, in addition to the current live broadcast activities, Boss Yang has postponed most of the work when he recovers from his illness.

Either leave it to the people below to do it, or don't take it.

The body is most important.

As for the programs in the live broadcast room, why not promote them?

On the one hand, Director Zhang's program team only broadcasts the daily life of artists, so the work is actually very relaxed.

Moreover, Director Zhang helped him so much before, how could Boss Yang not repay the favor.

Secondly, my disease also received effective treatment and became controllable.

Of course Boss Yang will go on air to inform the fans who were worried about her.

"Sister Mi! Why are you going?"

"Reba, I want to go out and relax, do you want to follow me?"

"Okay, I'll call Chaoyue! Let's go together!"

Just like that, Boss Yang and the other three walked out of Grandpa Su's house in "893" and went outside to relax.

Boss Yang took a deep breath and had to say that the air in the countryside was really fresh.

Although it's winter and it's a bit cool, it doesn't matter, it's just a refresher for yourself.

Reba and Chaoyue were also very happy strolling outside.

At this moment, they feel that the countryside is much better than the city, and there is no better place.

In fact, it's not that rural areas are better than cities, but that a few beauties are used to living in cities and get tired of them.

Suddenly I came to the countryside and experienced a new life.

Moreover, the people here are very friendly and treat them well.

Only then did they feel that the countryside was so good.

Several beauties were strolling along the cement road in the countryside.

While looking at the scenery in the field, I became interested and ran two laps.

Although he didn't run very fast, he stopped after a while.

However, this is a big pain for the photographers behind me.

Boss Yang, Reba, and several others each have their own photography team.

Now, they are all here too.

At this moment, the three girls were together all the time because they were not familiar with each other.

The photography brothers behind him could only carry the camera and gather together to shoot.

Those are the good angles, and of course everyone took the photos together.

However, the roads in rural areas are small, and there are quite a lot of people from these three photography groups combined.

When everyone shoots together, it’s called one.

Boss Yang just ran away like this, so the photography brothers have to follow suit.

You trip my leg, I kick your foot.

In a daze, everyone almost fell together.

Moreover, when three beauties gather together, it is not just as simple as the photographers being crowded.

This also led to the three of them starting a live broadcast.

The scenes in the three live broadcast rooms are all the three of them.

It is definitely impossible to remove the two photography teams.

Because you don’t know when the three beauties will separate.

When will we get together again?

Just like this morning, Boss Yang treats patients.

Reba and Chaoyue were bored, so they went to their uncle's place to have a look.

You can't just split a camera in half and use it, right?

There is no other way, even the photography brothers really have no other choice but to endure it.

At this time, Boss Yang and three beauties strolled to a place with plenty of sunlight.

There are no big trees around this area, because the sun shines directly on the corner.

According to Su Yun, this is also the center for the elderly in the village.

As we all know, in rural areas, old people like to stay in sunny places.

It's winter. If you want to go out and relax, you're afraid of getting cold.

If you sit in a sunny place for a while, the sun will warm you, how comfortable it will be.

It is now noon, when the sun is at its strongest.

Therefore, many old people moved their matzas and sat there, enjoying the sunshine and talking about something.

I saw these old people, all of them had gray hair, but they still spoke with great energy.

Reba was stunned for a while and couldn't help but sigh: "It is indeed a longevity village, there are so many old men, they look like they are no longer young!"

After hearing Reba's words, Boss Yang and Chaoyue also nodded in agreement.

This longevity village really deserves its reputation.

"Sister Mi, why do you think the old people in Changshou Village live longer than others?"

Hearing Reba's question, Boss Yang was also confused for a while, but she was also very curious about this matter.

If this old man from the longevity village really has any secret to longevity, then we have to ask.

Tell your parents, tell your friends, tell your grandparents, who doesn’t want to live longer!

At this time, Reba also noticed Boss Yang's curiosity.

She, who was already very lively, immediately said: "Sister Mi, you and Chaoyue wait here for a while, I'll go ask!"

With that said, Reba walked towards the three old men who were sitting under the corner and seemed to be chatting happily.

The three old people look very old.

Although I don't know how old they are, looking at this, they are definitely over eighty years old.

I saw Reba walking up to the first old man and saying hello.

"Hello, uncle!"

"Hey! How about you..."

As for the old man, he was also older. He saw a little girl Reba coming to question him, although he didn't know the reason for her visit.

But I was still very happy.

At this time, Reba directly entered the topic, "Uncle, how old are you?"

The old man smiled, waved his hand and said, "Oh! I am ninety this year!"


Reba let out an exclamation. Of course, her exclamation was more to compliment the old man.

It means, old man, you are really amazing, you can live to such a long time!

Although it is uncommon for old people to live to the age of ninety.

However, Reba now hangs out with old people of Grandpa Su's level every day.

In the past, she might have exclaimed in surprise, after all, such an old man could still move the maza.

It is really uncommon to go out to bask in the sun by yourself.

But after seeing Grandpa Su's appearance, which was about a hundred years old and had a childish face, she had long been used to it.

Sure enough, Reba's exclamation greatly benefited the old man.

Then, Reba asked again,

"Grandpa, do you have any secrets to longevity since you have lived to such a great age?"

After understanding Reba's purpose, the old man also laughed.

"There's nothing special. I just have to be more careful about my living habits..."

"Don't stay up late, go to bed early and get up early, drink plenty of boiled water, and eat maocai

Hearing what the old man said, Reba nodded, thinking that what he said made sense.

This is all experience.

But she doesn't want to leave yet. There are three old men here, so she has to ask them all.

I saw Reba thanking the old man just now and coming to the second old man.

This old man has a white beard and looks older than the previous one.

This time Reba was not polite, she just asked in a respectful tone:

"Grandpa, how old are you?"

The old man said: "After the New Year, it's ninety-seven.

"So do you have any secrets to longevity?"

"I don't have any secret to longevity. I just eat two apples every day and drink one or two taels of wine before going to bed...

Reba was a little surprised when she heard what the old man with a beard said.

This can be taken by eating some fruit every day.

Have a drink before going to bed

Can this also lead to longevity?

Of course, since the old man is older, he didn’t ask so many questions about Reset.

After thanking the old man, she came to the third old man.

Reba took a look and realized that this old man must be the oldest among the three old men.

Everyone else has white hair and beards.

But this old man is so old that his hair is almost falling out.

Moreover, the face has the most wrinkles.

Reba quickly asked, "Master, do you have any secrets to longevity?"

After hearing what Reba said, an old man said:

"It's just that... I often change my girlfriend..."

Hearing this, Reba patted her ears.

I thought I heard it wrong.

But after taking a look at the reactions of the people around them, they also looked surprised.

Only then did Reba realize that she had heard correctly.

What does this frequent girlfriend have to do with longevity?

Reba was puzzled. Only then did she realize that she hadn't asked how old the old man was yet.

"Uncle, how old is Tao?

I saw an old man clearing his throat and saying: "I am thirty-five this year!"

Hearing this, Reba froze on the spot.

what's the situation?

Thirty-five-year-old Zhang looks so old?

At this time, Reba suddenly realized that changing girlfriends frequently would definitely be bad for her kidneys...

If the kidneys are not good, how can the complexion be improved?

At this time, Boss Yang and Chaoyue behind him both laughed out loud.

And Reba.

She stood there for a moment at a loss, with a look of embarrassment on her face!

Not only Boss Yang and others laughed, but the netizens in the live broadcast room almost laughed out loud.

They posted comments one after another to make fun of them.

[Hahaha, I was laughing so hard...]

[Look, this is the result of changing girlfriends frequently...]

[Reba: Master, you may live a long life!]

Lao Qin live broadcast room.

At this moment, I saw Lao Qin walking in his master's big villa holding a rope.

As Lao Qin walked, he kept mumbling for a while.

He was memorizing the basic skills that his master told him to remember.

I saw Lao Qin carrying it on his back and his head swaying...

He seemed to be so absorbed in carrying it that he didn't notice it at all.

There's something wrong with the rope I'm carrying.

So, he just dangled the rope, swayed his head, carried things on his back, and walked forward.

At this time, Lao Qin's mistress came over and saw Lao Qin acting like this.

Very new

Xian, so he asked: "Xiao Qin, what are you doing?"

When he saw his wife, Lao Qin immediately said hello, and then said proudly: "Master's wife, I am just reciting what my master taught me!"

"I'll have to memorize it soon!"

Seeing the proud look on Lao Qin's face, everyone knew that he was waiting for his wife to praise him.

If it were in the past, the mistress would really use her words to praise this child.

After finally working hard to learn something, you still have to coax a little bit.

But today, the mistress did not praise her. Instead, she pointed at the rope in Lao Qin’s hand and asked, “What’s wrong with your rope?”

Seeing the teacher's wife asking about the rope, Lao Qin naturally picked up the rope and said, "Master's wife, am I not helping your dog walk?"

As he said this, Lao Qin looked at the rope in his hand.

"Damn it, where's my dog!"

Seeing this scene, the netizens in the live broadcast room almost couldn't stand up with laughter.

[Hahaha, I was laughing so hard, I said, why is Lao Qin holding a rope when he has nothing to do! 】

[Hahaha, look at the look on Master’s wife’s face, Lao Qin is going to suffer! 】

[Brothers, why does Lao Qin get funnier the harder he works! 】

[Is Lao Qin going to leave Tiao Bifeng? He likes it even more! 】

[When Lao Qin’s dog ran away just now, I kept sending barrage reminders. It’s a pity that he didn’t look at it.

In Hua Chenyu's live broadcast room.

I saw Hua Chenyu still forgetting himself, howling at the top of his lungs.


"I go!"

When he first saw Hua Chenyu's live broadcast room, He Ling was quite interested.

Recently, I heard that Hua Chenyu has released a new song.

He Ling was also very interested. He really wanted to hear whether Hua Chenyu's singing skills had improved recently.

But as soon as I came up, I heard such a howling voice.

Teacher He was so frightened that he immediately muted the TV.

At this time, Teacher He looked confused and looked at Huang Lei beside him and said:

"Old Huang, I just took a look at the live broadcasts of the artists in the program group."

"Except for Hua Chenyu's live broadcast room, which is somewhat difficult to describe..."

"Why do I feel that the styles of other artists in the live broadcast room are okay?"

"I don't see how it's different from Su Yun. Why is there such a big difference in the number of people in this live broadcast room?"

After hearing Teacher He's question, Huang Lei rubbed his head.

He was also startled by Hua Chenyu's singing voice just now.

After a moment of relief, he explained: "Lao He, you haven't paid attention to Su Yun's live broadcast room recently, so I wanted to ask you to come and take a look!"

"I'm telling you, there's a lot of fun in the entertainment industry these days."

"But I won't tell you that much. Take a closer look at Su Yun's live broadcast room. I believe you will have the answer soon.

After hearing what Lao Huang said, Teacher He also frowned and became thoughtful.

He pressed the remote control in his hand and switched to Su Yun's live broadcast room again.

At this time, several uncles had already thought about how to get it from their nephew.

I got back the New Year's money I just gave away.

I saw them coming to my nephew with evil smiles on their faces.

"Grand nephew, it's still early for dinner anyway, how about we play a few rounds of mahjong together?"

After hearing what the uncles said, I looked up and saw the cunning looks in their eyes.

Su Yun has already seen that his uncles must have colluded.

Just prepare to cheat yourself.

However, when Su Yun heard about playing mahjong, she burst into laughter.

"Okay, uncle, I happened to be here just in time, bringing some snacks with me. Let's satisfy our cravings while playing mahjong.

With that said, Su Yun took out a bunch of snacks and a lot of drinks from the ceremony.

At this time, I saw Su Yun smiling evilly, holding a bottle of milk, and walked to the uncle's side.

Holding up the milk, he said:

"Uncle, I wish you that Tren will lose today!"

Then he threw the milk into the uncle's hand.

At this time, Su Yun smiled and took out a bottle of mineral water and walked to her second uncle.

"Second uncle, your (lost) soda water! I wish you a loser today!"

Seeing this, the second uncle holding the soda water in his hand was also stunned.

At this time, Su Yun brought another pack of snacks, Wangwang Xiaoxiaosu.

"Third uncle, this is your little Xiaosu (lose)"

Just when everyone thought that Su Yun would not survive again, they saw a bottle of Yinlu Eight-Treasure Porridge coming from his place.

He smiled and said to everyone:

"This is mine, I will win all the way today!"

Seeing this, no matter it was the netizens in the live broadcast room or the uncles who were stunned on the side.

They all exclaimed.

Damn it!

This special girl is homophonic!

How can conspiracy and conspiracy be played like this???

There will be a deduction for homophonic memes!

Dividing line……………………………

Please subscribe my family members!!!.

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