Entertainment: Let You Experience Life, You Have Been Promoted To Director

Chapter 9 If You Were Young And Promising And Drove A Mercedes-Benz, There Would Be No Disputes In L

Chapter 9 If you were young and motivated and drove a Mercedes-Benz, there would be no disputes in love!

Return the phone to Nazha.

Shen Fei was naturally very happy.

At least this proves that he is not incompetent.

"Initial D" starring Jay Chou is a hit.

His acting can also be popular!

It's just that it's several years late...

He turned to look at Wang Dahai.

It looked like he still insisted on driving by himself.

Shen Fei couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Having good driving skills is a good thing.

Now I don't even dare to let him touch the steering wheel.


How else could he get near Haisheng Building.

Look for traces of human traffickers!


Shen Fei really has a headache.


Meanwhile on the other side.

Over there at Penguin Video headquarters.

Liao Yan leaned against the boss's chair in the office.

Also had a bit of a headache.

"Initial D" became an instant hit.

It can be said that she has tasted the sweetness.

It only took less than half a day.

Penguin Video’s membership surged by 300,000.

And inside their film library.

But there are also many movies that Shen Fei has appeared in.

One "Initial D" movie can attract more than 300,000 people to sign up for membership.

That's Shen Fei's other movies combined.

Why not bring tens of millions of membership increases to Penguin Video?

to be honest.

When I thought of this in my mind.

Liao Yan seemed to have seen Penguin Ma personally giving her a promotion and salary increase.

Praise her for doing a good job as CEO.

But Liao Yan's fantasy has just begun.

It was shattered.

Standing next to Liao Yan is the beautiful assistant Yang Qianqian.

He couldn't help but said with a depressed face:

"Mr. Liao, what on earth is going on?"

"Obviously Shen Fei is now a popular person on the hot search list."

"The traffic that one person has can't be matched by half of the stars in the entertainment industry combined."

"But why do the few movies we released starring Shen Fei receive only mediocre responses?"

Yang Qianqian thought hard and couldn't figure out what was going on.

Their propaganda department has used all its resources.

But the number of new members brought by other movies starring Shen Fei.

But there are very few.

The total is not as much as the fraction brought by "Initial D".

Liao Yan glanced at Yang Qianqian when she heard this.

Then she couldn't help but turn her head and look at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window.

He shook his head slightly and said:

"The reason why "Initial D" became a hit is because of Shen Fei's terrifying driving skills as he raced around the city to catch criminals."

"When everyone knows that a movie is not about acting, but about Shen Fei's real driving skills, can "Initial D" not become a hit?"

"And this kind of explosion is time-sensitive."

"It might only be popular for a week, or even two or three days."

"After two or three days, everyone will forget about it."

"Although Shen Fei is much more popular than before, she still can't really compare with those top performers!"

"This can be seen from the mediocre response to his other starring movies."

Talking and talking.

Liao Yan's eyes couldn't help but move to the LED screen in the office.

Shen Fei's live broadcast has been playing above.

From my perspective.

Liao Yan believes that Shen Fei definitely has the potential to be a top star.

But audience popularity is such a thing.

It is indeed very metaphysical.


And under Liao Yan's gaze.

Number of people in Shen Fei’s live broadcast room.

At this moment, it has soared to more than two million.

There are more people in the live broadcast room than Yang Mi, Reba and the others.

More than double the number.

And these audiences were attracted.

Not just because Shen Fei has been on the hot search list for half a day.

There is also a part of the audience.

They were all attracted by the latest commercial from Mercedes-Benz.

After "Initial D" became a hit.

It’s not just the AE86, a car that has been discontinued, that is famous.

Mercedes-Benz has once again stood at the forefront of public opinion.

This is all because Takumi Fujiwara, played by Shen Fei in the play, won the racing competition.

But he found that his beloved woman Xia Shu got out of Uncle Mercedes' car.

Netizens discovered it after watching it.

Damn, the final winner turned out to be Mercedes-Benz!

And the Mercedes-Benz Propaganda Department is well-deserved.

This wave of traffic was immediately caught.

And put out a shocking advertisement.

[Where true love cannot go, let Mercedes take you there! 】

As soon as this ad came out.

In an instant, Shen Fei was still as popular as "Initial D".

Climbed a new level.

Of course the same.

Mercedes-Benz also made a lot of money.

The latest data is displayed.

In just less than two hours.

Sales of all Mercedes-Benz models.

That's an increase of three percentage points.

Don’t underestimate these three percentage points.

That’s a deal worth hundreds of millions!

And this time.

New viewers flocking to Shen Fei’s live broadcast room.

They also sent barrages one after another.


"Good morning everyone, distinguished Mercedes-Benz owners!"

"I was still hesitating between booking an Audi or a BMW, but now I have decided to book a Mercedes-Benz!"

"After I got the Mercedes-Benz, I realized that she also likes to eat spicy hotpot."

"Normally I don't speak after I get off the car, because my Mercedes has already said the first words for me."

"You see! Brother Fei is so handsome, he can't live without a Mercedes-Benz. Brothers, just two words, make money!!"

"Tolstoy once said: Inferiority and Mercedes-Benz will not appear in the same person at the same time."


The audience in the live broadcast room kept chatting.

Nazha, who was looking at her cell phone in the car, felt her stomach hurt from laughing.

She looked up at Shen Fei's angular profile in the passenger seat.

In my heart, I couldn't help but the little deer bumped into each other.

She has seen many male stars in the entertainment industry.

But Shen Fei gave her a different feeling.

Starring in a racing movie.

His driving skills are even better than those of the protagonist in the movie.

Where has Nazha seen this kind of thing before?


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