A line of lyrics brainwashes the world ~ Qin Feng blows up, Hua Xia Feng,! [Two-in-one, please give me a monthly ticket]

In the hut shrouded in the afternoon sunset.

Reba, who was on the sofa with her little fist raised, looked serious and lively at the same time!

There was no problem with her understanding.

Listen to the entire song “General”.

What you sing is Chinese chess, but what you hear is the magnificent history of China!

Especially in the MV edited by Qin Feng.

The lyrics are about the changing of the moon and the stars, and the picture is about the changing of Chinese dynasties!

From Zhuolu Central Plains to the Battle of Julu!

From the Battle of Maling to the Battle of Chibi!

In the lyrics of Feng Linhuoshan.

It’s as fast as the wind! Its Xu Rulin! The attack is as fierce as fire! Unmoving as a mountain!

Thanks to newfound abilities.

Let Qin Feng blend lyrics and images for the first time.

The audition experience is immediately filled up!

From the micro chess game, the story of the Chinese War!

One by one [I’ll get it together! ! ! Brother Feng’s song is much better than those so-called rappers! 】

-1 [Indeed, there are no curse words or English in the entire lyrics, it is all about culture and passion! 】

One by one [I never expected that,He can write a song about chess in such a grand and majestic way! 】

One by one [Isn’t anyone praising the picture? There are many famous scenes of ancient Chinese battlefields~]

—[For the first time, I feel that Chinese chess can be so cool! 】

One by one [The creation process of this song is outrageous~]

–[The final effect is even more outrageous! I like this one the most~]

In the last lyrics of the entire song “General”.

The picture is from the ancient battlefield of China.

Back to the leisurely little park in reality.

The camera freezes the black cage walking Wu Wuye.

Singing in the background:

“The sunlight shines through the cracks in the leaves, revealing a smile and warming my sweet dreams~”

“Only the thrush in the cage~envy the sky, but no one ever understands~” Pa——

The scene follows the thrush’s gaze and shifts to the chessboard.

Qin Feng dropped the last chess piece to defeat his uncle.

“Uncle General!”

Finally “it ended with the laughter and conversation of the old people.

The wind blew up the leaves that had fallen on the square and flew into the air, as if they were ignited by the flames of the ancient battlefield. The dead leaves turned into butterflies bathed in fire.

Fly to the endless sky.

One by one [This shot is a killer! No, this shot is direct! The artistic conception is profound. 】

One by one [If the camerawork and editing of this MV were also Qin Feng’s ideas, that would be amazing! 】

—[Are you sure this isn’t a movie? Travel through thousands of years of war to peace and tranquility in China! 】

One by one [Even the blackbird walking Grandpa Bird in the park was photographed. I actually envy a bird~]

–[Brother Feng usually seems careless, but he actually pays attention to details to a terrifying degree! ] -[General~General! 】

Reba hugged her cell phone and looked at every little detail in the MV.

It feels like every frame is Qin Feng’s hard work!

Reba: “Qin Feng, this can’t be considered a music MV.”

Before Qin Feng could speak.

Reba then said: “What you have is truly a work of art!”

Qin Feng didn’t answer and started looking for ingredients in the refrigerator.

Reba added: “To celebrate your creation of such a perfect work of art, we must add some delicious dishes to the evening~” She rested her chin on her hands, lying on the sofa, and little Jiojio shook and shook happily.

Qin Feng said: “I just said that your rainbow fart shot was a bit abrupt.”

“I didn’t expect your map of Yan State to be so short.”

During this time, Reba got up early every day and went for a morning run with Zuo Feng to exercise.

In fact, it is not without reason.

The only thing to blame is that the food made by Qin Feng is so delicious!

At first, Reba was cautious about her image as a lady.

After that, I simply wiped the dishes clean!

Reba looked at Qin Feng with a smile and said, “Oh~ I feel a little homesick.”

Her tone is a bit coquettish~

Then he hugged Qin Feng from behind.

Qin Feng: “There is a difference between missing my hometown and missing my hometown’s cumin barbecue, pot meat, grilled glutinous rice, and milk tea.

Reba swallowed her saliva: “Qin Feng! Stop talking.”

Qin Feng then said: “You can go to Western Xinjiang when you have time.”

Reba Baji just kissed her in one bite!

She said cheerfully: “That’s what I’ve been waiting for!”

in the coming time.

Reba washes the vegetables while Qin Feng holds the spoon. As for washing dishes, the old rules are rock, paper, scissors.

Although Reba’s winning rate is ridiculously low.

But what matters is a clear division of labor!

Even though there is a lot of interest about Zuo Feng on the Internet. But in the courtyard hut.

It’s still simple firewood, rice, oil and salt, three meals a day. certainly

Sometimes it may be three meals a day.

There are variables based on mood and atmosphere.

After eating and drinking, Reba took a bath and lay on the bed happily patting her belly.

She glanced out the window, there were no stars today~

I can no longer watch the stars with Qin Feng.

Not happy~

But Qin Feng said before that he would take time to take him back to his hometown.

So happy ~

Qin Feng took a shower, wiped his hair and entered the bedroom.

As soon as she walked in, Reba swooped over!

Qin Feng held Reba’s waist: “Are you a cat? I asked you to learn all Xiaoju’s technical moves.”

Reba shook her head and said, “I just studied “Maslow’s Five Needs”.”

Qin Feng asked back: “Why are you studying that thing if you have nothing to do?”

Reba replied seriously; “I have to study hard, otherwise I will look stupid around you.”

Qin Feng: “Be more confident and remove the word ‘appear’.”

Reba whined and bit her, but Qin Feng predicted and pressed it against her head~

Before, she was slapped by Qin Feng’s ‘atmospheric plasma phenomenon’, ‘Tyndale effect theory’, ‘second speed of the universe’ and other little knowledge. Of course Reba also wanted to learn more knowledge!

Otherwise, you would not understand Qin Feng at all.What can I say? I feel like a little fool~

Qin Feng then asked: “Have you found any reason through research?”

Reba nodded and said: “According to ‘Maslow’s Five Needs’, I should stay at the lowest level now.”

Qin Feng smiled and said, “Physiological needs?”

Reba’s eyes turned into crescent moons and she replied: “Congratulations! You got the right answer.”

Maybe I was exposed to cars, horses, soldiers, soldiers, and artillery all day long!

She did not forget to add: “I am not a little lion today! Today I am a little wild horse~”

Qin Feng spread his hands and said, “You understand the animal world…”

Reba raised her eyebrows.

Signal Qin Feng to turn off the lights~

She smiled and said, “You know what I mean, right?”

Qin Feng nodded, but did not turn off the light, and replied: “Ride a horse!”

Reba: 丄一丄Qin Feng! I want to kill you

The next morning o

There were two light rains last night.

The small yard seems to have been washed cleaner.

When the “100% Love” program team opened the live broadcast room.

The young couple had already eaten breakfast.

-1 [Good morning, Fengge Reba! Why are there still crooked nuts in the live broadcast room today? ? 】

One by one [Oops! The whole world knows Brother Feng’s talent QAQ]

–[The song “General” became popular on YouTube overnight. I didn’t expect it. 】

–[Because the previous Chinese Lions and “Men Should Be Strong” gave Brother Feng a good foundation~]

One by one [In comparison, the style of the new song is more avant-garde, and it’s spicy~]

One by one [Comparing Brother Feng with Hot Thai Pants? Where are you, Brother Tai Feng? 】

Director Yan called early in the morning.

After Qin Feng answered the phone, Director Yan got straight to the point.

Director Yan Min: “Brother Feng, we have a big job!”

Qin Tan petted the cat and replied: “Tell me more about the big job.”

Director Yan: “I want to invite you to the CCTV 51 Gala. If it hadn’t just been the New Year, I would have invited you to the Spring Festival Gala.”

Qin Feng: “I don’t have time, Director Yan.”

Qin Feng did not turn on the speakerphone.

Reba leaned forward curiously and almost came face to face with Qin Feng.

Director Yan was very surprised!

The quota for the party invited by CCTV is a resource that many people dream of!

I want to go even if I squeeze my head.

Mother Yang may not be interested in it yet!

Qin Feng is fine, but he just doesn’t have time? ?

From the bottom of his heart, Director Yan wanted Qin Feng to go to a bigger stage.

He asked: “No time? Labor Day is a month away. What are you going to do? Save the world?”

Qin Feng nodded: “I’ll tell you the truth. I come from the M87 Nebula, and I am Ultraman who is responsible for the long-term stability of the solar system and the prosperity of the Milky Way!” Pfft__

Reba listened happily and couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Talking means talking, laughing means laughing.

Like Director Yan, she couldn’t understand Qin Feng’s brain circuit.

Why would you not go for such a great opportunity?

Qin Feng then said: “Director Yan, we will discuss this later. I have arrangements for May 1st.”

Director Yan replied: “It’s a pity. If there is an opportunity to perform online, I will help you fight for it.”

After all, the show “100% Love” is now a hit.

It is directly related to Qin Feng.

Director Yan may be doing it out of gratitude.

Or it was just to make Qin Feng owe him a favor.

Ultimately, he wanted to give Qin Feng more opportunities to showcase his talents.

Especially the artistic conception of yesterday’s song “General” from micro to macro.

Gaozhanziba Yanmin was shocked to hear Taekwondo I

He wanted to be a guest, but Qin Feng was not a Chollima, he said he was Ultraman…

–[Rumors say that CCTV wants to invite Qin Feng to attend the 51st party! 】

One by one [So Qin Feng just rejected CCTV’s invitation? My God, such a good resource~]

–[Is there a possibility that Brother Feng doesn’t care about resources? He brings his own heat! 】

–[If it weren’t for a real arrangement, Brother Feng probably wouldn’t refuse CCTV. 】

-1【I understand! ! Brother Feng’s concert will definitely be on May 1st! 】

One by one [Shit, this analysis seems to make sense! 】

In fact, if it weren’t for Qin Feng’s time, it would have been arranged.

As the audience analyzed, he would not refuse CCTV’s invitation.

After all, Xinwen Network had previously given “Blue and White Porcelain” three minutes of exclusive broadcast time.

This row of noodles is enough!

Just at this time.

Reba’s phone also rang…

She glanced at the phone screen, the caller was [Sister Mi]!

Reba subconsciously frowned slightly.

Bi Jing…

Boss Yang gave him the task of wooing Qin Feng to sign with Jiaxin Tianxia, ​​but Reba not only failed to complete it. He was also ‘counter-killed’ by Qin Feng! I can’t explain it to my boss~

Reba walked to the smallOutside the house, the phone was answered.

She whispered: “Sister Mi

Boss Yang’s voice came from the other end of the phone.

Yang Mi: “Yan Han called me and said that CCTV would invite Qin Feng to attend the 51st party.” Reba nodded: “That’s true, but…”

Before a minute.

Qin Feng has refused!

Boss Yang said: “The company plans to help you get a place to participate. When the time comes, you and Qin Feng will…” Reba shook her head: “Sister Mi, you really can’t come here…”

Boss Yang: “This can be done

Reba: “Thank you, Sister Mi, I don’t want to go.”

Yang Mi took the food and asked in disbelief: “What happened? Did you and Qin Feng break up?”

Reba: “No, no, no, it’s because Qin Feng won’t go, and I won’t go either~”

On the other end of the phone, Boss Yang’s face was filled with embarrassment!

She continued, “I’ve already thought about it! If Qin Feng is unwilling to sign with the company, we won’t force it. Regarding your contract renewal…” Although the twisted melon quenches his thirst, it is not necessarily sweet.

Boss Yang has come to a complete realization!

Mentioned the expiration of Reba’s contract and its renewal.

Reba replied in a low voice: “Sister Mi, can you be more open-minded about whether I will renew my contract or not?”

Boss Yang is stupid~

Good guy!

Reba is going to follow Qin Feng!

This kind of mood is like a little flower that has been cultivated with great pains and just looks forward to blooming.

As a result, he was taken away by others! !

Boss Yang thought for a moment and replied, “We’ll talk about it later. No matter what, I support your decision.”

Reba: “Yeah! (MW) Long live Sister Mi

Boss Yang: “You want to be happy, Yanzi!”


A line from a movie that made women on both ends of the phone laugh.

Since the world cannot keep it.

It’s better to get together and get together easily, and let the couple talk about how good they are.

Maybe in the future, Qin Feng will become a top-notch person, and he will be able to rub off on his popularity~

Just when Boss Yang was thinking a lot.

Reba said seriously: “Sister Mi, thank you.”

Without waiting for Boss Yang to answer.

Reba held back her laughter and said, “From now on, our children will have to call you godmother.”

Boss Yang almost lost his temper.

Reba has been seriously assimilated by Qin Feng! !

Wait until Reba hangs up the phone.

Just as he turned around, he was thrown into Qin Feng’s arms!

Qin Feng lowered his head and asked, “What godmother?”

Reba’s face turned red ?” :;group’!”8.6!:?1;0:!:6:””4″7;:4”6; “‘ It’s up~

She said: “When were you behind me?”

Qin Feng replied: “Always there.”

Reba coughed and said, “The sunshine is so nice today!”

Qin Feng: “You changed the topic too abruptly.”

Reba: “So are we going on a long trip today? I want you to take me to play

Qin Feng nodded.

Reba was overjoyed!

Ying then said: “So what did godmother mean just now?” ”

Reba: “Stop asking TvT!”

Early in the morning, the sky cleared after the rain.

Buzz buzz~

Qin Feng drove the small Wuling and took Reba out of the house.

Qin Feng’s new song “General” has also received widespread attention due to the popularity of Lions of China overseas.

in short!

In a short time.

Although Qin Feng never stated that he was going to speak out!

But there are already many more fans abroad than many so-called singers! However•…

After “General” became popular on overseas networks.

The painting style has begun to develop in a strange direction again!

Previously, foreigners used to dance lion dances with sheets and basins on the overseas version of Douyin TikTok. And with the spread of “General”.

Derived a strange trend~

The sentence at the end of this song: “Uncle, General!”

It was spread on the Internet as: “Baby, general!”

The shameless foreigner really understands how to combine Chinese and Western things.

In the passenger seat, Reba was checking her cell phone and smiling like an idiot~

A foreign street interview program on YouTube.

Location host: “Which Asian musician do you like?”

The red-necked guy: “Qin Feng! Hua Xia Feng! Great!”

Location host: “So how much Chinese do you speak?”

The red-necked guy said: “It’s a bit muddy~ Crab, I’ll see you~ Niubi!” Of course, the coolest sentence is ‘Oh baby, general~jun’ almost all night long.

Overseas version of Douyin tiktok±0

All foreigners who are fools are confused by the phrase ‘Oh baby, general! ‘Brainwashed.

This is in addition to hello, goodbye and thank you.

The foreigner has another bad Chinese word…

At a red light, Qin Feng stopped.He asked: “What are you looking at? You’re smiling like you’re mentally retarded…”

Reba: “Baby, general!”

Qin Feng’s expression: [Subway old man’s mobile phone]

At this time, Reba suddenly discovered it!

The road ahead of Xiao Wuling becomes more and more remote!

She asked: “Qin Feng, where are we going? This is? The way to the airport!”

Qin Feng nodded: “I’ll take you to play.”

Reba and Zhenjing shouted: “Yeah~ It’s so spicy!” As for where Qin Feng would take him.

Although she is curious, she doesn’t care~

The destination doesn’t matter.

Wherever you go with Qin Feng, you will encounter beauty and wonder~

The program crew of “100% Love” is already numb!

Good luck!

Qin Feng ran away again with Reba! .

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