“Teacher Hua.”

“I like you so much.”

“Because you’re different from everyone else, it’s really different.”

Lu Zimu said: “Although I don’t like the music style of ghosts crying wolves, I can’t appreciate crying and laughing on stage, and I can’t say weird dances. ”

“But at least, you are different from other people, even if other people are jealous of me, they will not show it, and you are different.”

“This kind of real face, really I am extremely rare, completely show jealousy, this is the first time I have seen this kind of face, too real!”

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone was shocked.

None of them expected him to dare to say so.

In the beginning.

When they heard the first few words.

I thought that Lu Zimu would say good things to Hua Chengyu to ease the awkward atmosphere.

Do so.

Naturally, there is nothing wrong with it.

But it is obviously very inconsistent with the identity of the rich second generation, and it is also easy to be despised and suspected by the audience.

But what I didn’t expect was.

Lu Zimu actually turned his head around.

Very directly said Hua Chengyu’s face.

There is no concealment, it seems to be praising him, but it is not good.

Moreover, he not only satirized Hua Chengyu’s face, but also stepped on the latter’s so-called musical style.

This sentence.

It was what surprised everyone the most.

To know.

Hua Chengyu has always been criticized by people.

It’s his weird dance, and his musical style of not singing well, always crying wolves.


This is also what he avoids the most.

Once you are said to your face, you can imagine the mood.


Lu Zimu now dared to say such a thing.

It will surprise everyone, and this is not just as simple as daring to say it.

“Lying groove, Lu Zimu is awesome!”

“Hua Chengyu is here from the judges, isn’t Lu Zimu afraid of being eliminated by him?”

“What is elimination, Lu Zimu will go back to inherit hundreds of millions of family properties if he is a big deal, he naturally does not instigate!”

“I knew that Lu Zimu would definitely fight back, but I didn’t expect his counterattack to be so sharp!”

“Hahaha, I have long wanted to say that Hua Chengyu’s singing is all ghost crying wolf howl, dancing is more like dancing gods, finally someone spoke my heart!”

“If Lu Zimu goes back to inherit hundreds of millions of family properties, then I will definitely become a jade for the rest of my life!”

“Hua Chengyu’s face turned dark, and Lu Zimu’s words hit his sore foot!”

After being stunned for a while.

The reaction from all the audience was quite violent.

All of them were extremely excited, and they all felt that Lu Zimu dared to say it.


They are also very fond of this temper.

Just not accustomed to anyone, not hypocritical style at all.

However, Hua Chengyu’s fans couldn’t accept it, and all kinds of abuse came out.

And at this time.

Hua Chengyu’s face was extremely dark.

Perhaps, he didn’t expect a player to dare to damage himself so face-to-face.

This is completely merciless.

Tell him all the things that are most taboo.

Lu Zimu said that he liked Hua Chengyu, but he ridiculed the latter to the point of being landless.

This is detrimental.

is the deadliest thing.

For Lu Zimu’s sharp counterattack.

Let He Jiu and others also be very embarrassed.

After all.

Hua Chengyu is also one of the star push officials, and he still has to save a little face for him.

Even if you want to laugh in your heart, you can’t show it.


They still have to divert the topic.

We can’t let this atmosphere freeze like this.

“Classmate Lu Zimu.”

“You should show up in a wealthy family.”

“For the dancing girls, there should be no relief, so how can you empathize and know their hearts?”

Yang Mi took the initiative to speak.

She didn’t want Lu Zimu to offend too many people, which was not good for his future development.

After she asked the question.

It also makes everyone extremely curious.

Because, they can’t understand that a super rich second generation should not resonate with dancers.

There is no intersection and no resonance.

Then how did Lu Zimu sing “Tears of the Dancing Girl” to tears.

So, they were all curious about how he would answer.

“I’ve read a lot of old-time books.”

“I also learned a lot of stories from the old society.”

“Dancing girl tears are not only related to dancing girls, but also related to all the bottoms, just using dancers to cover the bottom of the entire old society.”

Lu Zimu replied: “At the same time, I can especially feel that the dancers’ bodies are involuntarily, and they cannot control their own destiny, just like me.” ”

“I was born to inherit the family business, and my family has high hopes for me, which is not a kind of self-help, I can especially feel this feeling!”

Yang Mi: “??? ”

Audience: “??? ”

This answer made everyone stunned.

In the beginning.

Lu Zimu’s answer was still normal.

Through books and stories, he learned about the old society.

It is not impossible to resonate with the bottom of the old society.

After all, the identity of a dancer is indeed a microcosm of countless bottoms.

How many dancers.

It is not in the old society that is cornered, and it will not choose to go to the sea.

If it weren’t for the lack of means, who would do such a thing that is most despised.


Lu Zimu’s resonance and sympathy for him are understandable.

But he answered later.

It made everyone want to complain crazy.

What is called being involuntarily.

Can inherit hundreds of billions of family property, can be regarded as involuntarily owned?

For this Versailles.

Let everyone choke at once.


(Thank you [Elf] big guy for your monthly pass support, ask for flower ticket tickets again, thank you for your support!) )

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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