Not only in the live broadcast room, but also on the Internet, there is a high degree of discussion about the program"In the Mirror".

It's just that what everyone is discussing now is not Li Hao's acting skills or the judges' evaluation, but the Beijing police stationed in the live broadcast room.

Many conspiracy theories have begun to spread in online media

#Shock! The identity of Li Hao's father turned out to be.....#

#If you don’t change, you are not from China! Classmate Li Hao exposed that Li Hao actually did this in school before! #Many

"shocking" titles appeared on the web. As these rumors spread, they quickly became popular on the Internet.

Many people participated and began to scold Li Hao.

"It can make the police suspicious. I don’t think Li Hao is just good at acting."

"Yes, there are so many actors playing criminals, why is Li Hao the only one being targeted? There is definitely something fishy!"

"Maybe the police already have the evidence!"

There have been many voices questioning Li Hao on the Internet, and many people have even vowed that the police will break into the live broadcast later and arrest Li Hao.

However, compared with the last Internet-wide crusade, this time, not Few people are standing in Li Hao’s perspective

"That's enough for you, isn't it too outrageous for the police to swear so confidently even before they have made a conclusion?"

"Will the case be settled? Why don't you become a police officer?"

"It's funny enough. If you're so good at catching things, you can't be someone's navy, right?"

There have been a lot of words defending Li Hao on the Internet, and such people have also received more support.

Although netizens are sometimes easily led astray, everyone can see from the current situation that criticisms of Li Hao are all Based on no evidence, it is completely a castle in the air.

There is no official statement, and most people are still very rational.

After several rounds of scolding, those guys who clamored to capture Li Hao alive gradually stopped talking.

At this time, other players They were also performing the second segment, but most of the audience found it very boring.

In fact, among the seventeen actors next to Li Hao, there are also many with some ability, but these actors, in Wang Yibo's abstraction, Zhang Yi's sophistication and Li Hao's superb performance were both inferior, so that most of the audience were waiting for the third segment to start immediately, and couldn't wait to see Wang Yibo make a fool of himself and Li Hao's wonderful performance.!

The program team had no choice but to speed up the tempo and ask the judges and hosts to speak faster.

If they encountered poor acting skills, the judges would simply not comment.

At this time, several police officers were sitting around in the conference room of the Beijing Police Station. , Director Zhang was sitting upright on the main seat.

All the police officers did not speak, and a serious atmosphere circulated in the conference room.

The projector projected the live broadcast of"Being in the Strange Mirror" on the wall, and everyone in the conference room Everyone was watching the screen attentively.

At this time, a policeman came from outside, holding some information in his hand.

Director Zhang looked over:"What is the result of the investigation?"

The policeman handed the information to Director Zhang and said:

"We have conducted an in-depth investigation into Li Hao. His background is very clean, and his three generations of ancestors are also ordinary people!"

Director Zhang looked through the materials, with surprise flashing in his eyes.

The reason why he hurriedly asked people to investigate three generations of Li Hao's ancestors was because Li Hao's performance was so similar to the criminals he had come into contact with!

He I have come into contact with a prisoner with high IQ. His words, deeds, and way of thinking are very similar to Li Hao in the live broadcast.

This made Director Zhang suspicious. Now it seems that suspicion is suspicion after all. This Li Hao is very clean, and With such a clean background, Li Hao was able to play a criminal so vividly. It can only be said that

Li Hao's acting skills are so good!

The other policemen also had a look of surprise in their eyes. They looked at the two Li Hao After playing back the clip, they all felt that Li Hao would have some problems.

They even opened the champagne in their hearts, thinking that they might catch a big fish.

Now it seems that it is just his acting skills that are so good!

Director Zhang got it As he reported, he fanned the smoke in the conference room:"Everyone, get ready to call it a day."

When a policeman was about to turn off the projector, the third clip had already appeared on the screen.

Wang Yibo was still acting, his expression was still a bit confused, and he once again contributed a large wave of barrage.

At this time, the information The card appeared in front of Wang Yibo

【Preliminary summary: The police were ready to close the net in Tazhai. At this time, Lin Yaodong was angrily studying the purity of ice with Lin Yaohua, unaware of everything happening outside.......】

Director Zhang stretched out his hand:"Wait."

The policeman was about to turn off the projector when he stopped.

Director Zhang said with a smile:"Let's take a look at this show again. The Purity of Ice, the script arranged by this AI is very interesting......."

Wang Yibo stood in a room, holding a transparent bag in his hand, which was filled with ice.

However, the ice looked a little yellow, which was different from everyone's impression.

Lin Yaohua looked at Wang Yibo:"Brother, what's wrong?"

Wang Yibo took a deep breath. From the end of the second clip, he knew that his score was definitely very low.

No matter how you perform now, you will probably be eliminated.

Thinking like this, Wang Yibo felt relieved. Since he had gone to the police twice before, he should go to the police this time too.

In this way, you can also create a law-abiding persona for yourself. If you put it into operation, it will also be a point of pride for yourself.

Wang Yibo is not stupid. He knows that no matter how serious his performance is, he will be as funny as a clown, which is worse than breaking a jar.


Wang Yibo threw the bag of ice on the table and left without looking back.

He wants to call the police!

Lin Yaohua was confused and scared, but if Brother Lin didn't speak, it meant something serious was going on!

He picked up the bag of ice and looked at it. After looking at it for a while, he quickly discovered the problem.

The quality of this bag of ice is unacceptable!

He quickly opened the bag and poured out the ice inside.

From the color of the yellow ququ, you can tell at a glance that the purity is not good, because the proportion of the ingredients is not well controlled!

It's over, big brother is angry!

Lin Yaohua was scared and quickly called Lin Debiao.

Wang Yibo walked out step by step, and all the younger brothers bowed to him, but he ignored them.

Reaching a dark place, he turned on the phone and clicked on the three numbers 110.

Just when I was about to click to call, the screen suddenly went dark.

【Contestant No. 1’s performance ends】

【AI acting score: 62 points】

【Ding! 10 points will be deducted for slightly deviating from the plot.】

【Final score: 52 points]

The audience outside were dumbfounded and speechless.

Is this okay?!

The conference room of the Beijing Police Station was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Waves of white smoke rose again, and the police watched the live broadcast with relish.

Mr. Hua looked in amazement:"Oh! I didn't expect that contestant No. 1 would show up and become a blockbuster without even chiming in!"

Although his expression was surprised, his tone was still the same as the two negative points before the Yin Yang Monster King's fight.

Bingbing also covered her mouth, wanting to laugh a little inside. This was really unexpected.

Everyone in the live broadcast room also felt that Wang Yibo’s program was so effective....

【Laughter analysis: Wang Yibo is no longer a negative scorer】

【It directly surpassed nearly 100 points, amazing!】

【Hahaha, it’s so effective!】

【There is a kind of beauty with missing brainstem】

【Look! Our Yebo can still act!

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