Feng Xiaogang rubbed his chin:"Yeah...Much better than the first player Lu Han, huh."

Er Dongsheng and Li Chengru looked at each other, and then showed an awkward yet polite smile:

"Well, it's hard to evaluate"...

【Lu Han's performance is already at rock bottom. How could he be better than Lu Han?】

【High EQ: difficult to evaluate, low EQ: acting like a piece of shit】

【They are all people who don’t touch the spring water with their fingers. The next contestants won’t all be stuck in killing fish, right?】

【Just saying that makes me want to eat fish, hahaha】

【I wonder when Li Hao will be drawn? Want to see him killing fish in a hurry?】

【Uncle Dong was busy killing fish, tsk tsk tsk, I’m looking forward to it~】......

Yang Mi was looking at the picture on her phone at this time, and chuckled from time to time.

The level of new actors nowadays is really poor.

At this time, Reba beside her spoke:

"Sister Mi, are you waiting for that Li Hao? Now many people are interested in him, and the competition is not small."

As she spoke, her eyes were quite teasing.

Yang Mi rolled her eyes charmingly:"I want to sign him, what are you thinking!"

Reba Qiong's nose raised:"I didn't say anything about competition? You What are you thinking about?"

Yang Mi was almost mad at this girl. She suddenly stood up from her chair and walked out the door.

Reba was surprised:"Where are you going??!"

Yang Mi smiled:"Go to the"Strange Mirror" show!"

On the show, several more contestants were drawn. Like the previous two, most of them were stuck in the stage of killing fish, and the plot was pushed to the end. I just pushed him to buy a plasma TV, but when the contestant was confused on the street, he was hit by a passing vehicle.......

These talents also brought a lot of laughter to the audience. Of course, the scores were mostly negative.

The people in the program group couldn't laugh, and they all had serious faces.

If AI picked up something weird again, a group of people in the live broadcast room would definitely leave because they lost their sense of freshness.

Now we need some powerful actors to stabilize the people in the live broadcast room.

Perhaps the prayer had an effect, and the AI ​​quickly drew Zhang Yi.

Seeing that it was Zhang Yi, the show crew breathed a sigh of relief.

"Aqiang, happy new year! Kill a fish."The aunt said, pointing to the fish in the tank.

Zhang Yi was relatively confident. The reason why he had been busy with his agent all night was because he was busy with how to kill fish.

Although he is not very skilled, at least he can kill!

Fish out the fish. Knock the fish unconscious with a stick, and then start scraping the fish scales, killing the fish, and removing the internal organs.

Although the speed is relatively slow, it is still completed perfectly.

"Ah Qiang, why are you so slow today?"The aunt took the fish and asked curiously.

Zhang Yi had already expected it and showed a simple smile:"Oh, I bumped my hand yesterday and it was a little shaking, so I was a little slow."

As she said that, she raised her slightly trembling hands.

The aunt expressed her understanding and walked away with the fish.

The audience's eyes also lit up. Finally, there was someone who could kill fish, and he was smart enough to kill the unskilled fish. I found a reasonable excuse.

The judges nodded again and again, this was a good deal.

At this time, Tang Xiaolong and Tang Xiaohu came, and they hinted that Zhang Yi would send a plasma color TV.

Zhang Yi remembered the introduction in the information card, Gao Qiqiang was hardworking and honest. People, so this should be a gift.

When he came to the store and saw that the color TV cost more than 20,000 yuan, Zhang Yi took out his bankbook, opened it, and saw that it happened to be more than 20,000 yuan.

Isn’t this what he bought it for? Have you prepared the TV plot?

With this in mind, Zhang Yi bought the plasma TV directly.

Then, he moved the TV to find Xiaolong and Xiaohu, with a simple and honest expression on his face.

Xiaolong and Xiaohu were originally a little disdainful. When he saw that what Zhang Yi sent was actually a plasma TV, his expression instantly became overjoyed.

"Aqiang, you are really neat in doing things! You will definitely make a lot of money in the New Year!"Tang Xiaohu gave a thumbs up.

Zhang Yi was overjoyed, there's something going on!

"In this case, take a look at my stall...."

Xiaolong and Xiaohu looked at each other, and then looked at Zhang Yi:

"Let’s talk about this later."

Then before they could say anything, the two of them half pushed and half said good things, and sent Zhang Yi out. They didn't even mention the issue of stall scheduling during the whole process.

Zhang Yi understood that this was a matter between the store and the finances. Empty.

He was not convinced. He was about to knock on the door and argue, but after thinking about the description of Gao Qiqiang in the information card,

Zhang Yi had no choice but to leave sadly.

Soon, the screen turned dark.

【Contestant: Zhang Yi’s performance is over】

【AI acting score: 71 points】

【Ding! 20 points will be deducted for moderate deviation from the plot.】

【Final score: 51 points】


There was a burst of exclamation from the audience. In their opinion, Zhang's performance was actually quite good, and they all felt empathy.

But even so, it was only 71 points, and it deviated moderately from the plot! People on the screen also expressed their confusion. They thought Zhang Yi's performance was very real.

The three judges frowned. To be honest, they didn't see anything wrong with Zhang Yi's performance here.

Although they are veteran actors, Most of them have never experienced the life of the bottom, and they only think that the fish seller played by Zhang Yi is honest and honest, which fits the description on the information card.

But unlike most of the audience and judges who can't understand, Huang Bo actually sees it Something went wrong:

"Well, not real enough......"

Although Zhang Yi's acting is very similar, it is just a resemblance, and after all, there is still an air of falsehood.

But Huang Bo is looking forward to the next player.......

"The next player is, Li Hao!"

Bingbing shouted.

The next second, there was a burst of cheers from the audience.

Li Hao is the real first place in the knockout round. It can be said that he is the one with the highest expectations for today's competition!

Hua Shao showed a trace of disdain:"Li Hao's acting skills are indeed very good. His performance as Lin Yaodong yesterday left a deep impression on everyone, but today he is playing a low-level role. I don't know if Li Hao can take on this challenge."

As he said that, he glanced at Feng Xiaogang, hoping he could say something.

However, Feng Xiaogang no longer dared to comment on Li Hao. The slap in the face hurt so much yesterday that he didn't want to try again today.

Soon, Li Hao The performance began.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt a mysterious and mysterious feeling coming to him. He grabbed the fish-killing knife on the chopping board, and for a moment, he felt as if he had been killing fish for twenty years. The emotionless fish killer!

"Aqiang, happy new year! Kill a fish."

As soon as these words came out, the audience became attentive, either teasing or looking forward to it, wondering what Li Hao's next move would be.

Mr. Hua smiled. In his opinion, a young man like Li Hao, There will definitely be a rush!

Unlike what everyone imagined, Li Hao did not speak, but grabbed the fishing rod and quickly picked up the fish.

Before the audience could react,

Li Hao knocked the fish out very skillfully , and then like flowing water, scraped the fish scales, cut open the fish's belly, and took out the internal organs.

Seize! Seize! Seize!

The sharp knife accurately chopped the fish's body into several sections.

Then, he put the fish into a plastic bag, Passed it to the aunt.

The whole process was smooth and took less than half a minute!

"Okay, this is one piece and two!"The aunt handed over the money, took the fish and left.

Li Hao took the money, looked at the money in his hand, and showed a happy and simple smile on his face.

Seeing this smile, many viewers suddenly felt a sudden change in their hearts. trembling......

【It looks like my dad. When I was working next to him, I would smile like this every time I received money......】

【Well, the same goes for my dad and my mom. When we were young, we went to visit them at the construction site and happened to see them getting their wages. The smiles on their faces were exactly the same as Li Hao’s now!】

【Stop talking. I miss my parents......】.......

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