Lu Han was very nervous inside. He failed to kill the fish, was beaten with sticks, and was pointed at a gun.

The first three clips were each a complete humiliation for him, and the last two clips were even more dangerous.

However, as the saying goes, everything will be fine

, Lu Han believes that in the last scene, the wings of the goddess of luck will drive away the bad luck and eventually fall on his head!

After calming down, Lu Han opened his eyes and looked at the information card.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, Lu Han's heart is swept away by a wave of despair.

A burning anger gathered in his chest. Normally, this anger would turn into the most filthy words in his mouth.

But Lu Han knew that he was live broadcasting.

Lu Han's eyes became desperate

【Preliminary summary: The thugs crossed the mountain and kidnapped Gao Qiqiang's adopted daughter Huang Yao with a knife. Gao Qiqiang and An Xin followed closely, looking for opportunities to rescue Huang Yao.......】

The data card disappeared quickly and the screen began to flow.

Lu Han found that he was holding a steel pipe in his hand. In the elevator, a man was holding a young woman hostage.

The woman kept shouting"Dad! Dad!"

Lu Han took a deep breath. It seemed that this clip was actually Quite simple.

It was the scene where the father saves his daughter. Lu Han decided that he would regain his reputation in this scene! Make a difference!

He wants to wash away all the humiliation he has suffered before!

Lu Han took a step forward, and the next second,

"Damn it! Lu

Han cursed, then immediately fell to the ground holding his legs, and the steel pipe in his hand also clattered to the ground.

"Hiss, hurts...."Lu Han covered his leg and cried out in pain.

After touching it, Lu Han discovered that his foot was sprained!

For a little guy like him, even a broken finger would require him to go to the hospital.

The heartbreaking pain in his leg now is the biggest pain he has ever suffered in his life!

An Xin held the pistol and looked at Lu Han in surprise:"Gao Qiqiang! Are you okay?!"

Lu Han was so painful that he couldn't speak and could only wave his hands randomly....

【Darling, Lu Han’s acting this time is so real? This painful look is such an immersive performance!】

【Of course, my Brother Lu’s acting skills are very good!】

【He's really in pain. Don't hold back and brag about it. I'm so embarrassed that I'm suffering from cancer.】

【I am a medical student, and I can tell that Luhan has sprained ankles.】

【Sprained foot? Seeing how miserable he screamed, I thought he was shot with a gun.......】

【It’s you who reacted so badly to your sprained foot, Lu Han.】

【I feel sorry for our Brother Lu, you people, please don’t be sarcastic!】......

At this time, the elevator is slowly closing. In a few seconds, the elevator will close. No one knows what will happen to Huang Yao's safety.

There was no other way, so An Xin had no choice but to bite the bullet.

He narrowed his eyes and shot Guo Shanfeng in the shoulder first. thump!

After crossing the mountain peak, he fell into the elevator cabin.

An Xin immediately went in and pulled Huang Yao out of the elevator.

However, the physical fitness of a mountain climber was not compromised. Regardless of the pain, he grabbed the knife on the ground, raised it suddenly, and took advantage of the gap between An Xin and Huang Yao to drive the knife into An Xin's heart.


An Xin looked at her chest in surprise, the clothes inside were blood red.

Before she could say anything, An Xin fell to the ground.

Huang Yao cried out sadly when she saw this. An Xin was the person her father trusted the most, how could she not be angry?

Then he picked up the steel pipe and smashed it towards the mountain.

However, a little girl like Huang Yao had little strength and was quickly killed by Guo Shan.

Guo Shan covered his shoulders and walked towards Lu Han with his knife in hand:

"high! start! powerful!

Lu Han cried bitterly:"No, no, I'm most afraid of pain, ah!"!!"

The screen slowly turns black.

【Contestant: Lu Han’s performance is over】

【ai acting score: 0 points】

【Ding! No points will be deducted because it does not deviate from the plot.】

【Final score: -50 points]

The three judges began to hold the forehead.

The barrage was also filled with ridicule.......

【Breaking new lows! The judges couldn’t hold their nerve!】

【Three against one and still get killed? Can Lu Han know how to play?!】

【This, this is too cowardly!】

【Enough! It hurts so much! It can’t be replaced by anyone else!】

【no? Believe it or not, if it were Li Hao and Zhang Yi, no, even Fan Chengcheng would have performed better than Lu Han!】

【Lu Han is so weak, how can he protect Xiaoguan? It's better to leave Xiaoguan to me.】......

Yang Mi laughed so hard that her branches trembled.

At this moment, a familiar and clear female voice appeared from behind Yang Mi:

"Sister Mi, have you considered signing Lu Han to be a comedian?"

Yang Mi's delicate body trembled, and then she turned back with an angry look on her face:

"You girl! When did you come here?! Reba

's face was full of pride:"I followed here secretly~"

When Yang Mi thought about it, Reba had seen through her expression just now, and she was so angry that she poked Reba's itchy flesh with her finger. The two girls had a little fight. After a while, they sat together and watched the show.

Bingbing chuckled after watching the picture, and then said:

"Now I invite you, contestant Fan Chengcheng!"

After Fan Chengcheng finished reading the information card, unlike Lu Han's collapse, he was very happy. It's his grandma's! Finally, there is a clip where he can show off!

The previous clips were all about being beaten, but this time he can finally hit others.!

Opening his legs, a sharp pain hit him.

Oh, sprained foot? But it’s not a big deal!

In the elevator, the elevator door slowly closed, Fan Chengcheng pressed the button outside, and the elevator door opened again.

Fan Chengcheng’s chin slightly Yang, raised the steel pipe and pointed it at the mountain:

"Over the mountain, right? If you have the ability, let go of my daughter! Let's challenge each other!"

The audience let out a roar. This Fan Chengcheng is quite impressive!

Guo Shanfeng laughed ferociously:"Do you think I'm a fool? If you have the ability, come here!"

Fan Chengcheng snorted coldly. Lin Yaodong's arrogant eyes appeared in his mind, and his eyes changed accordingly. An

Xin looked at Fan Chengcheng in surprise. This Gao Qiqiang seemed to have become a bit stupid!

Fan Chengcheng strode towards In front of me, I held the steel pipe high in my hand:

"Encounter on a narrow road! The brave wins!"

Yelling, Fan Chengcheng ran towards the elevator.

However, he ignored one thing, that is, his steel pipe was lifted too high....


The steel pipe hit the top of the elevator door. The sudden force prevented Fan Chengcheng from reacting and the steel pipe in his hand came out.

But at this time, Fan Chengcheng had already entered the elevator.

Looking at himself with empty hands, Fan Chengcheng swallowed.

Guo Shanfeng suddenly had a fierce look in his eyes. His purpose was to kill Gao Qiqiang. Now that the target was right in front of him, how could he not do it?!

He pushed Huang Yao away, then stabbed Fan Chengcheng in the throat.

"Hoo...Hoo...."Fan Chengcheng covered his bleeding throat and kept beating with his feet.

Seeing this, An Xin fired a few shots and shot Guo Shanfeng to death.

Afterwards, the two people gathered around Fan Chengcheng:

"Gao Qiqiang!!"


The screen darkened.

【Contestant: Fan Chengcheng’s performance ends】

【AI acting score: 61 points】

【Ding! 10 points will be deducted for slightly deviating from the plot.】

【Final score: 51 points】......

【It can be seen that Fan Chengcheng has never had a fight】

【When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins, hahahaha, Fan Chengcheng is a bit of a loser】

【Do you feel that he has been acting cold throughout the four clips?】

【Hahaha, I noticed it, don’t you want to imitate Uncle Dong?】

【Then I wonder if Uncle Dong doesn’t fight much, right? Why did you imitate Uncle Dong in this clip?】

【Aren't you surprised by something? Why is Fan Chengcheng's performance slightly off?】

【Yes, if you die, shouldn't it be a serious deviation?】

【Does that mean that Gao Qiqiang's end is death?】......

Looking at the content on the barrage, the three judges nodded.

Feng Xiaogang said:"It seems that Gao Qiqiang's ending is certain. This film should be a criminal investigation film. Gao Qiqiang's death in the ending confirms the fact that Gao Qiqiang is the villain." The two judges also nodded.

Feng Xiaogang sighed inwardly, it was not easy, he finally said something useful.

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