Chapter 161 sings "There Are So Many People in This World"!

""There are so many people in this world", haven't you heard of this song, new song?"

"! it! This song was written by Su Ming? "

"Holy! It was really written by Su Ming! Teacher Han Hong said that it was dedicated to those public welfare comrades-in-arms, this can't be written by Su Ming when he was in the mountains a few days ago, right? "

"I think it's probably so!"

"Su Ming, this is too outrageous, I went to the mountains and wrote a song "Friendship Lasts Forever", but I secretly wrote a song for Teacher Han Hong, I'm numb!"

"It has to be Su Ming! This talent is outrageous! "

"It's another Su Ming song, plus Su Ming will sing it himself later, there are four Su Ming's songs in this show, and this is about to become Su Ming's work concert!"

"Yes, compared to Su Ming, that hot Meng Meiqi is like a clown jumping off the beam."

"I don't know how Su Ming's song is written?"

"can be favored by Teacher Han Hong, the quality of this song should not be much worse."

"Don't think about it, Teacher Han Hong is about to start singing, don't you know if you listen to it?"


At this time.

noticed that this song was actually written by Su Ming.

The barrage can be said to be a little dumbfounded. When did Su Ming write the song "Four, Three, Seven"?

But dumbfounded is dumbfounded, this is more of an expectation.

I don't know what kind of surprise Su Ming's new song can bring to them?

And on the other end.

is looking forward to the same as the barrage, and there is such a group of people.

That is all the members of the Han Hong Foundation, as well as the old members who used to be in the Han Hong Foundation and have now retired.

Because before coming to power.

Han Hong deliberately sent messages to all of them.

This song is dedicated to them.

Naturally, they have to be able to hear it.

At this moment, they are all quietly waiting for Han Hong's singing in front of the screen.

Back to the stage.

With the advent of subtitles.

The singing session soon began.

The first thing that sounded was the prelude.

The intro melody is soothing and peaceful, giving people a sense of inner tranquility.

Listening carefully, it makes people feel a sense of picture, and they will think of some beautiful moments in life unconsciously.

Just this small prelude has already made the barrage and the audience and guests feel amazed.


When the prelude ended, Han Hong spoke.

"There are so many people in this world

In the crowd, there was an open door

In my misty eyes, it lasts

First time I saw you, blue morning

There are so many people in this world

How lucky I am, I have one of us

The morning and dusk of this long fate

Always let me look into the distance


It's a bit of a surprise.

Han Hong, who has always been known for her treble, actually controlled the vocal range very low.

The voice is slightly hoarse at the moment, but it sounds ethereal and magnetic.

And the melodious and beautiful melody is matched with the sincerity on Han Hong's face.

Suddenly, countless figures appeared in everyone's minds.

Sanitation workers in the early morning.

Traffic police at the intersection of high temperatures and bitter cold.

Firefighters on the front lines of danger.

All the people who are running around for their families, getting up early and greedy for the night.

There are also those who are working hard for public welfare.

Just echoing the title of this song, there are so many people in this world.


"Ash leaves drift in the pond

Watch the plane go to the far country with a bang

The footsteps of the corridor of time shouted

As soon as the lights came on, no one was empty


The song comes to the second stanza.

Everyone seemed to be listening to it for the better, and many audience members at the scene slowly closed their eyes and felt the hidden stories in the singing.

Even Old Xue Yixun and the others are now nodding their heads while immersed in this melody, and their faces are even more shocked.

Whether it is lyrics or music, this song is very well arranged!

The level can be said to maintain Su Ming's consistent quality, which is quite high!

Of course.

Han Hong's singing added a lot of points to this song.

And quickly.

The singing is at its climax.

"Flashing in the evening, a few frames ago

Spinning in the gallop, is it gone?

Walking in the high light, you are all clear

There are so many people around him, but the world is silent and silent


With the sound of this climax.

The suppressed and subtle lyrical melody in front of it suddenly exploded.

I don't know why, though.

Although the melody is beautiful, it gives people a sour nose.

This emotion is a little difficult to describe, there is emotion, there is emotion. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

At this time, everyone seemed to have discovered Han Hong's strangeness.

Today's Han Hong sang affectionately, but her eyes were full of tears.


This really reminds many people of the public welfare undertakings that Han Hong has insisted on for many years.

Viewers who had watched Su Ming's live broadcast even thought of Han Hong, Su Ming and the members of the foundation running around in the barren mountains and cliffs.

Under the interweaving of emotions.

Many were in tears.

Teacher Han Hong must have been very difficult all the way on the road of public welfare.

At this time, the members of the Han Hong Foundation in front of the screen, as well as the old members who had withdrawn, were already crying.

"Flashing in the evening, a few frames ago

Spinning in a gallop, is it gone?"

When I hear these two lyrics,

They suddenly remembered the days and nights they had spent running in the mountains.

I thought of the smiling faces of the villagers and children in the mountains.

Perhaps not too many people know what they have done and the difficulties they have encountered along the way.

But they never regretted it.

It's their choice!

From the first day I stepped into that barren land, I had already eliminated the word regret.

Just listening to this song, they couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in their hearts.

I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, they have been on the road of public welfare for so long.

Time flies.

"This song is so well written!"

At this time, the old Xue Yixun and others in the background looked at Han Hong on the stage through the screen, and their eyes were slightly red.

Let's not talk about the professionalism of this song.

Just the feelings contained in this song are already worthy of being called a good song.

Although they can't have such a strong resonance as Han Hong, they are still very moved by the whole song.

Even the host Shen Tao in the audience is now red, constantly wiping tears 0.......

All in all, it's a song that makes people feel like the world is a better place when you listen to it.

"There was laughter, a few old looks

Stay in the field of dreams and never end the field

Wake up in the warm light and have a lot to say

There are so many people in the world, but it is silent, silent


The singing continued.

At this time, listening to this song, more and more ordinary and beautiful stories in life seem to emerge in everyone's minds.

As Han Hong said before singing.

This world has become a better place because of those ordinary heroes who are silently dedicated.

Of course, this is a more direct emotion, and it is a tribute to Han Hong and those who have dedicated their lives to public welfare.

"This song is simply so well written!"

"Yes, when I saw Teacher Han Hong's tears in his eyes, I cried too!"

"From this song, I heard great love!"

"! This song sounds like I want to donate. "

"I also want to donate, the road of public welfare is really difficult, not ordinary people can walk, pay tribute to Teacher Han Hong and the public welfare personnel!"

"This song is really touching, not only public welfare personnel, but also many people in life want to pay tribute, I still remember the traffic police who blocked traffic and opened the way for me, if there was no him that day, my old father would not be alive today."

"Yes, the anger on the Internet is too heavy now, in fact, there are really many good people in life, and there are many unsung heroes who are silently contributing to the society."

"Su Ming really didn't disappoint me! This song is really beautifully written, I was in a bad mood recently, but after listening to this song, I suddenly felt a lot better, and the world is still beautiful. "

"Indeed, no wonder Teacher Han Hong chose to sing this song, Su Ming's song is really good!"

"I'm looking forward to this song coming online soon, I must buy it!"

"If only this show had a ranking, I will definitely vote for this song!"

"As far as Su Ming's creative strength is concerned, I just want to ask, why is Meng Meiqi her?"

"Yes, if Su Ming loses to Meng Meiqi in the online vote, I will blame you!" 5.0 "Grass! Can that bad luck be mentioned at this time? "


At this time, the live broadcast room seemed to be boiling,

The barrage was all moved by the song "There are so many people in this world".

"Director, this popularity is almost 150 million!"

Backstage of the program group.

The backstage staff looked at the skyrocketing data and were really shocked.

This popularity is simply beyond their expectations.

The director's voice was even trembling a little at the moment.

This is simply the highest moment since he became a director!

But I have to say that Han Hong's singing is so good, even he was moved to tears when he listened to it.

And some people are happy, but naturally some people are worried.

In the background, looking at Han Hong singing Su Ming's song in the picture, Meng Meiqi was really nervous.

Why are these guests singing fiercer than the other?

And the most outrageous thing is that big names like old Xue Ziqi and Han Hong actually sang Su Ming's songs.

Isn't this giving Su Ming popularity in disguise?

It feels like it's deliberately targeting her!

At this moment, her mind can be described as a mess of porridge.

When she plays, she must not drop the chain!.

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