Chapter 163 Lehua is flustered, do you want to add some budget?

"! I heard it right, Yi Xun is finally going to release a new song? "

"The new song is still written by Su Ming?!"

"What's the situation? When did Yi Xun hook up with Su Ming, and he made a whole song? "

"My mother! Yi Xun plus Su Ming, this combination is simply a king bomb! "

"Yes, this is a combination that can hit the Golden Melody Awards! This time, the program group is really making money! "

"Holy, what the hell? Yi Xun actually sang Su Ming's song, this is really Su Ming's solo work concert? "

"Yes, I feel that this show can be changed to "Singer Su Ming", hahahaha!"

"The new song is called "Ten Years"? What kind of song is this? "

"I'm also curious, at least from the title of the song, I can't tell it, will it be like Teacher Han Hong before, a song that praises public welfare?"

"Who knows, wait and see, Yi Xun is about to start singing!"

"[Wang Quan]: I really envy Su Ming's creative ability! Damn, how good should this talent be for me? "

"Poof! Wang Qu's father was actually watching. "

"Wang Qu Dad, don't be envious, you can't learn! Su Ming, I'd like to call it a Qu Monster! Hahahaha! "


At this time.

After hearing that Yi Xun was going to sing a new song later, and it was written by Su Ming, the barrage seemed to be unbearable.

The combination of Yi Xun and Su Ming, this is really outrageous, and it will not be inferior to Han Hong before!

This directly fills the audience's sense of expectation!

And Wang Quan, who was also watching the show, was also excited to watch it at this time.

The song "So Many People in This World" just now has already made him blow up in the small group of Qu Dad.

As a result, there is actually another Su Ming song!

Although I haven't heard this song yet, if I can get into Yi Xun's eyes, it's definitely not bad!

Su Ming's creation really has no bottleneck!

"All the members, are you watching the show? Su Ming has a new song again! "

"So many people in this world? I just listened to this song, and it's really awesome, and the melody is amazing. "

"It's not this one, it's new, Yi Xun is going to sing it soon!"

"! it! And newer songs? "

"That's too fast, isn't it? I can't write a song for half a year, Su Ming's speed, half a year feels like I can write a song for a lifetime! "

"I'm already in the live broadcast room!"


Wang Quan looked at the movement in the group, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Since Song Yunteng withdrew from the group, under his influence, all of these Qu Daddy in the group have been infected into Su Ming.

Every time Su Ming has a new song or new movement, Wang Quan, who is a fan, will post it to the group as soon as possible.

Seeing the excited reactions of these old men in the group, he was really cool.

"Yi Xun wants to sing Su Ming's song?"

Backstage of the show, Meng Meiqi looked at Yi Xun on the small screen and said that she wanted to sing Su Ming's song, the corners of her mouth twitched, and her already not good-looking face seemed to be even worse.

No wonder Yi Xun had no "emotional intelligence" before, and directly sent a microwave to hit her in the face.

It turned out that Yi Xun had already mixed up with Su Ming!

Now the situation, it is extremely bad for her.

With Yi Xun's singing skills, even if the song is based on the defense, he can sing very well.

Isn't this another boost for Su Ming?

She felt like she was really being targeted!

If she dropped the chain after she came on the field, the consequences would be unimaginable.

At this moment, she was still sitting calmly in the waiting seat, but now she got up in a panic, pacing back and forth for a while, her brows furrowed to the extreme.

And the guests who were waiting with all the guests on the side looked at Meng Meiqi's appearance, and their faces were all watching a play.

Wasn't Meng Meiqi quite rigid on the microwave before?

Why are you panicking like this now?

But thinking about it, even Han Hong and Yi Xun are on Su Ming's side, and everyone has to panic.

Compared to Meng Meiqi.

This is even more panicked, naturally it is the Lehua Entertainment behind Meng Meiqi. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"! Forget about one Han Hong, plus a Yi Xun, the budget for this ticket must not be directly filled? "

"Like old Xue Ziqi and Han Hong, we have already counted them in advance, why is Yi Xun also... Damn it! "

"What did the president say? Is there an approval increase in the budget for ticket swiping? Not to mention this, I really feel that I may not be able to vote! "

"Let's not rush first, let's listen to the song first, if the quality of this song is not too top-notch, our current budget should be able to withstand it."

"I think I still have to inform you first, don't forget, Su Ming hasn't sung yet."

"Harm, I don't know why the high-level just praised Meng Meiqi, she feels that it is useless to hold it, with so much budget, I feel that I can sign a few more newcomers with good strength."

"Indeed, isn't it fragrant to sign some newcomers? I have to work this Meng Meiqi, and it is Su Ming who touches the porcelain, Su Ming's terrifying strength, the four Qu Daddy can't do it together, what does Meng Meiqi compare? "

"I'll whisper, I guess, this Meng Meiqi must have hooked up with the leaders of the upper echelons, I guess in private..."

"You better stop, let's not think too much, what the boss has asked us to do, let's just do it, don't have so many of your own thoughts, let alone inquire about the private affairs of the high-level."

"Yes, haven't you watched the recent anime, let's be equivalent to a mountain here, don't have so many ideas like that pig, and don't watch something you shouldn't watch like that blackbird, otherwise you won't have good fruit to eat!"

"Harm,There's one thing to say.,That anime is very emotional.,Sometimes I don't want to do it here.,I want to go outside.,But who makes me old and young.,"

"I'm the same, damn it! The capitalists mistook me! "


At this time, the public relations department and planning department of Lehua Entertainment seemed to be very tense.

Old Xue Ziqi and Han Hong plus Yi Xun, just the fans of these four people are enough for them to eat a pot, not to mention Su Ming, who has an even more terrifying traffic.

This wave of hard praise for Meng Meiqi, the cost is really a little outrageous.

But they are also helpless.

Although the decision to praise Meng Meiqi was made at a meeting, it was actually an important leader at the top who played a major role.

All they can do is execute.

But in fact, they can think with the soles of their feet that if there is a problem with Meng Meiqi, a large part of this pot will definitely be thrown on their department.

But what can be done?

It can only be resisted hard.


"'Holy! When did Su Ming get online with Yi Xun? In this case, wouldn't our budget for swiping tickets be reduced by a large margin? No, Sister Mi, why aren't you surprised at all, could it be that you already knew? "

"Ahem, I must know, I'm also the boss of Jiahang, okay? I can't read the copyright issue of "Ten Years"? "

"Wow, it seems to be too, I almost forgot that you were still my boss, and I thought it was your future husband Su Ming who secretly told you, hehe!"

"Get out! You're a dead girl, your boyfriend isn't yet, and if you have a future husband, you'll be poor with me! "


On the other hand, Reba was shocked when he saw Yi Xun saying that he wanted to sing Su Ming's song.

A big coffee like Yi Xun, generally speaking, should not easily take sides in such a sensitive matter.

As a result, he actually stood in line with Su Ming this time!

And Yang Mi on the side was obviously much calmer.

After all, on the issue of the copyright of "Ten Years", she had already dealt with it a few days ago.

And now the focus in her heart seems to be all on Su Ming.

Look, how awesome my man is, Yi Xun stands for him!


Back to the stage spear.

was about to sing Yi Xun, as if he wouldn't have thought that as he was about to say that he wanted to sing Su Ming's song, all parties in the show had already made such a big move.

On the stage at this moment, Yi Xun was standing in the spotlight and exhaled deeply.

Fang Cai's hippie smiling face was put away at once, and now Yi Xun is full of superstar aura that belongs to the "God of Song".

The audience, one by one, also pricked up their ears, full of anticipation, ready to listen carefully.

And with Yi Xun nodding towards the soundtrack teacher.

In the next second, the prelude to the decade was slowly sounded.

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