Chapter 167 The judges of the Golden Melody Award are paying close attention!

And as Shen Tao said this.

Whether it was the audience or the barrage, it seemed to be all boiling.

"! it! I really didn't wait in vain for this advertisement, the first one is Su Ming! "

"Damn! It's finally Su Ming's turn! I can finally hear a good song! What are the previous ones singing? "

"Isn't it, since I played Yi Xun and sang "Ten Years", my brows have been wrinkled, what are the things behind?"

"Su Ming is finally going to appear, I don't know what song he is going to sing!"

"I hope it's a new song, I'm tired of hearing all his old songs, I have to come up with a new song!"

"Poof, you are really an old sow when Su Ming wrote "Ten Years" for Yi Xun, and it took him a lot of effort to designate it, how can he have time to write another poem?"

"Not to mention, with Su Ming's talent, he really has the potential to come up with a new song."

"It doesn't matter if it's old or new, I can do it! Su Ming quickly went on stage to sing, okay? Let that Meng Meiqi take a good look at the gap! "

"! If you don't say it, I'm almost forgetting that there is such a person as Meng Meiqi! "

"When will the online voting start, I'm a fan of Yi Xun, and I'm already going to vote for Su Ming!"


At this time.

The emotions of the audience seemed to be a little uncontrollable.

After waiting for so long, it's finally time for Su Ming to appear!

And the same exciting 07 movement is Wang Quan and others.

"All the members, what are you doing, Su Ming is going to play!"

"! Is it Su Ming's turn? I'll be in the live broadcast room right away! "

"Su Ming is about to play? Then I'll take a look! "

"Su Ming won't sing a new song later, right?"

"I don't know, but if it's true, then he's too outrageous, and the weird doesn't feel like it's enough to describe him."


In Qu Dad's small group, after learning that Su Ming was going to play, the whole group was in a sensation, and the news was all over the place

And Wang Quan didn't have the heart to watch the group at this time, his eyes were staring closely at the live broadcast room, waiting for Su Ming to appear.

As Su Ming's number one fan, he was looking forward to Su Ming's surprises, such as a new song.

But that's not too likely.

But it's definitely not nothing!

After all, Su Ming's terrifying creative ability is not unprecedented.

"Sister Mi, are you done with the toilet, your future husband Su Ming is going to play!"

"It's coming, it's coming!"

On the other end, I heard that Su Ming was going to play.

The two daughters of Reba Yang Mi are also very excited and excited.

The frequency of Su Ming's shows is very small.

It's hard to see Su Ming singing on stage again, that's really something to cherish.

Of course, the main purpose of the second daughter is to listen to Su Ming's new song.

As early as a few days ago, Su Ming told them that they were going to sing a song called "Nocturne" on the show, and by the way, the copyright had already been registered.

"Nocturne", this song feels like a thief just by listening to the title of this song!

I don't know what the effect is like when you sing it on stage.

"Su Ming is about to play, I don't know what song he is going to sing, I hope he doesn't perform too well."

"No, if it's too good, it's really hard for us here."

"You guys calm down, didn't you listen to the message sent by the leader before? Let's expand the ticket budget! With this money, as long as Su Ming's song is not too outrageous, all kinds of out of the circle, it feels stable. "

"Indeed, they are all calm, the budget has been increased, in front of the budget, just one Su Ming, plus Yi Xun Han Hong, these bala bala, there is no need to be afraid at all!"

"Tut-tut, there is one thing to say, I really didn't expect to be able to add so much budget! Above, this is too optimistic about Meng Meiqi, right? "

"Meng Meiqi has a hard backstage, what didn't you expect? Anyway, now that we have this budget, we don't have to worry too much about Su Ming, just enjoy Su Ming's performance with peace of mind, there is one thing to say, I am really a fan of him now, and I really blew up the song "Ten Years"! "

"I'm a fan of him, too! I support our company Meng Meiqi in action, and I support Su Ming in my heart! "


At this time, the Lehua operation department and the marketing department, the style of painting is completely different from the previous panic.

Because the top approved a lot of budget.

In their opinion, if this fee is spent, Su Ming should not be too threatened.

This time the shot is really wide!

Therefore, without the pressure of the budget, the two departments are full of leisurely faces, ready to enjoy a wave of Su Ming's performance later.

And on the other end.

In an antique courtyard, a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses, walking a dog, and looking like he was in his fifties, was also holding a mobile phone and watching the live broadcast room of "Who is the King of Singers".

He is also looking forward to the news that Su Ming is about to play.

And if Yi Xun is here, he will definitely be able to recognize this person for the first time.

This is exactly the judge of a Golden Melody Award, Liu Yuan, Liu Lao!

He is an old-timer in the music scene, creating one classic golden song after another, and his prestige in the circle is extremely high!

When Yi Xun won the Golden Melody Award for the first time before, he was one of the judges.

However, because he is getting older now and likes to be quiet, he doesn't appear in public much anymore.

He will only attend when he is invited by the organizer during the selection of the Golden Melody Awards.

But although he doesn't show up much.

His prestige will not be reduced at all.

A casual order, it is a response in the music world, and the energy is extremely huge.

"This young man has potential, many songs are better than some of the golden songs of the year." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"The song "Ten Years" sung by Yi Xun just now is also very good, I don't know what song he will sing."

"Su Ming, I haven't heard of this young man before, he is only in his twenties, and he can write so many songs, it seems that my Xia Guo music scene will not be unpopular!"

Liu Yuan shook his head and smiled as he walked at this time, his face full of smiles.

Not so long ago.

He originally wanted to walk the dog in the yard, distract himself, and when he was bored, he downloaded the teases that Xiao Young likes to brush now.

This brushed and brushed, that is, I brushed "Who is the King of Singers"

It just so happened that Yi Xun was singing "Ten Years" at that time.

The melody of the song immediately attracted him.

When he heard it completely, he was really surprised in his heart.

The completion of this song is really perfect!

The emotional appeal of the melody is even more impeccable!

Originally, he thought that this song was written by Yi Xun looking for a powerful Qu father, and after he heard Yi Xun say on the show that this song was written by a person named Su Ming.

He searched for some of Su Ming's previous works for the first time.

It doesn't matter if you don't search.

This search was out of control all of a sudden.

These songs written by Su Ming are almost all high-quality songs!

That just shocked him!

Are young people so strong now?

Even if the quality is extremely high, the result can be controlled in a variety of styles.

This is outrageous!

And let's be honest.

He hadn't heard a young composer for a long time.

Because the entertainment industry is now shrouded in capital, the ecological environment of young composers is very bad, impetuous and shallow.

The things that are written are basically fast-food songs, which can't stand scrutiny and the precipitation of the years.

However, the appearance of Su Ming seems to have given him a new layer of understanding of today's young composers.

This song is not written at all!

There are even some songs that he can't help but applaud after listening to them!

He hadn't been in contact for so long, and the world seemed to have really changed.

Are the current 380 light people so outrageous?

And so.

Under all kinds of shock and curiosity, he has never liked to watch variety shows, so he waited for Su Ming to come on the stage.

He wanted to see it.

Will the talented composer be able to surprise him with one more song?

"Meng Meiqi?"

"Is this also a genius composer?"

"Or is there a contradiction between this person and Su Ming?"

While waiting, Liu Yuan also noticed the situation of the barrage.

In addition to brushing Su Ming, the name that appears most frequently in the barrage is Meng Meiqi!

Naturally, he didn't know Meng Meiqi.

And he never looked at the microwave, which was completely unclear about some of the situations between Meng Meiqi and Su Ming.

Anyway, according to his previous inertial thoughts, this Meng Meiqi should most likely be at a similar level to Su Ming, otherwise there should not be so much discussion.

Originally, he wanted to search for Meng Meiqi.

But Su Ming is about to come to power, so he doesn't have time to search.

But it seems that Meng Meiqi will also play later, so just listen to Meng Meiqi's singing, and then compare it with Su Ming.

Anyway, this is a "dragon fight" between young people, and he must take a look!


Let's talk about Su Ming at this time.

After Shen Tao's curtain was over.

Su Ming, with the encouragement of Yi Xun, Han Hong and others, walked leisurely towards the stage.

And not yet on stage.

Just appeared, the audience at the scene was already boiling, and thunderous applause suddenly rang out.

Such treatment, even the previous Yi Xun did not have!

And you can see it.

There was a frenzied anticipation on everyone's faces.

Because at this moment, the idea of "Su Ming's product must be a high-quality product" has been deeply rooted in their thoughts.

I really don't know what kind of surprise Su Ming will bring later?!。

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