Chapter 200 Old Guys of the Musical Instrument Association: Is This Popularity Real?

"Okay, I see, you go out first. "

The old man waved his hand and motioned for the young man to go out first.


The old man looked apprehensive for a while, and then picked up the phone on the side and dialed it~.

"Well, is it the Propaganda Department? I remember that there seems to be a tour recently, can we add a seat to the erhu department?"

"Professor Hu, I have to ask the leader about this, I can't do this thing..."

Hang up the phone.

The old man's face was not very good-looking.

This propaganda thing, it is estimated that there is a high probability that it will be no fun.

Nowadays, erhu is not popular with the mainstream people, and it is really difficult to publicize it, and even the opportunity is becoming more and more difficult to fight.

In desperation.

The old man could only shake his head, glanced at the erhu hanging on the side, and sighed slowly.

And at this very moment.

An old man with reading glasses and gray temples walked in through the door.

Naturally, he knew this man.

This is the leader of the suona department next door, Professor Li.

"Lao Hu, this year's primary list has all come out, how many of your erhu departments are there?"

Professor Li got straight to the point and directly stated the purpose of the trip.

"Not much, well, see for yourself. "

Professor Hu nodded at the thin list on the table and shook his head slowly.

After Professor Li glanced at it, he couldn't help sighing, and took out a thin list with his backhand.

"Harm, it's getting harder and harder every year, and my suona department has one less than you. "

"But it's okay, the bell department next door is the worst, there are ten people this year..."

And when he wasn't done.

Lulu slowly saw four or five more old men walk in, their faces equally heavy.

And the purpose of this is the same as Professor Li.

Let's talk about the recruitment situation of each department.

And so.

Four or five sighs sounded slowly.


This year, the new blood of these traditional musical instrument departments is too worrying.

"Well, times have changed, and we may really be eliminated. "

"Yes, there are not many young people who like our traditional instruments now, and in my opinion, it will only get more and more difficult in the future. "

"The Propaganda Department doesn't care much about us, what else can we do? Sometimes we really can't admit it, we're really over. "

"Damn! This was put decades ago, when others begged us, we didn't necessarily accept it, and we were so beautiful at that time..."



The leaders of the traditional musical instrument department all spoke one after another, with an indescribable loneliness on their faces, and at the same time, they also began to talk about the scenery of the year.

Professor Hu couldn't help but shake his head as he listened to these old dengs reminiscing about those years.

It's really old, this bit of, he can turn it out and talk about it several times a day, and his ears are almost calloused.

But there is one thing to say.

In an era when Western musical instruments were not yet popular.

They are truly beautiful.

To put it mildly, don't look at all the old people here.

Back then, the competition was so fierce that his disciples often fought over who was the most promising instrument.

But that's all back then.

Now, the big guys are thinking about inheriting the inheritance until their own generation is cut off, and they also want to argue about the future of a fart.

Even now it has been completely twisted into a rope.

Whoever can go on the tour of the Propaganda Department has to set up two tables.

After all, it was one of the few opportunities to promote their traditional instruments. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And listening to it, Professor Hu is just a little impatient.

Let's be honest.

The more we talk about the past, the sadder it becomes.

simply, he just turned on the comic and began to brush up the video.

Funny at this time, he also played at the recommendation of his son and grandson these days.

To be honest, it's a good thing to pass the time by brushing it once in a while.

And brushing and brushing,

A live broadcast room came into his eyes.

In the picture, a young man is pulling the erhu, with a light melody and enthusiasm.

Repeating bows, jumping bows, fast bows, and at the same time incorporating some new techniques, playing bursts of fast-paced, melodic horses' hooves, and horses' neighing sounds are really very new.

Even he was a little fascinated by it.

In his professional opinion, the difficulty of playing this piece is not top-notch.

But this eclectic way of playing and the bold melody really shocked him!

Even if he has been concentrating on studying erhu for forty or fifty years.

That's what I have to say.

"Erhu can still play like this?!"

Although in his opinion, the erhu should not be so jumpy.

But that didn't stop the song from being appealing and making him want to listen to it all the time.

Even listening to this, he couldn't help but slowly click on his toes to follow the rhythm.

So, he immediately clicked into the live broadcast room.

I want to see how popular this live broadcast room is,

In his opinion, this erhu is still quite eye-catching, and this jumping rhythm may also attract a small wave of young people.

It stands to reason that the popularity of this live broadcast room is not very low, right?


When he clicked on the live broadcast room, he saw this terrifying popularity and crazy barrage.

He was just dumbfounded!

This...... Is this popularity really real?

And at the same time as he was dumbfounded.

In the office, these old Dengs who were still reminiscing about the years and blowing about the awesomeness of the year were all attracted by this erhu sound.

They all walked towards Professor Hu.

"Lao Hu, what are you looking at? This erhu is a little strange. "

"Yes, it's a bit off the beaten path, but it sounds pretty good. "

"Hey, Lao Hu, you also watch the funny, my son also gave it to me yesterday, this is watching who will play the erhu live, how many people are in the live broadcast room?"

"I'll see what it is. "



At this time, the group looked at the popularity value displayed in the live broadcast room, and they were all as dumbfounded as the professor.

This number... Is it real?!

And who else can this live broadcast room be?

Naturally, it's Su Ming's!

(I was poured a little wine, a little confused, and it was difficult to write a chapter, so let's just two chapters today, and resume normal updates tomorrow, and finally wish everyone a happy new year!).

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