Chapter 35 Tomorrow's Superstar Starts Broadcasting, Love's Offering!

Tomorrow's Superstar Backstage Lounge.

"Sister Mi, look, your Su Ming is on the hot search again!".

"Poof, this guy actually took the paparazzi to the Internet café to play a game,

It's so funny, when will our show end, I kind of want to watch him live. "

Ziqi looked at the entry about Su Ming on the hot search, and laughed directly.

Lao Xue on the side looked at it and was also happy, "This Su Ming is really good at doing things!"

"I actually fooled the paparazzi again. "

"I feel that the extreme challenge should invite Su Ming over and let the Extreme Men Gang fight with Su Ming. "

Yang Mi was a little crying and laughing at this time.

One thing to say, Su Ming's is really outrageous.

Every time you do something, you can fool the paparazzi into buddies first.

If Su Ming weren't an artist in her company, it is estimated that she would think that Su Ming and the paparazzi are the same gang.

As for the ultimate challenge.

With her understanding of Su Ming, it should be very unlikely.

Fang Yue on the side was still ignored at the moment.

In order to avoid embarrassment, he deliberately put on a cold face and silently swiped his mobile phone.

"Made, you know the hype!".

Fang Yue's heart was extremely depressed, as if she had eaten fly feces.

In his eyes, Su Ming stepped on him some time ago, and then hyped it up to maintain his current popularity.

But knowing this, he couldn't kill Su Ming, he was really angry and had nowhere to spill!

"All personnel will be in place within ten minutes, and the live broadcast will start immediately!".

That's when it happened.

The voice of the chief director came from the loudspeaker.

That's right, the show is about to begin.


All the personnel in the background didn't chat anymore, and rushed to the recording site one after another.

At this time, in the live broadcast room of tomorrow's superstar, the barrage is already wild.

"Open the door, open the door!".

"It's almost two o'clock, why haven't you started broadcasting yet?

"I'm here for old Xue Ziqi!".

"I'm a big honey iron fan, and I'm looking forward to the big honey debut!".


"My brother Fang Yue is about to sing a new song, I'm looking forward to it!

"Received! Shawl becomes a king, sail with the moon, you can always believe in Brother Fang Yue's talent!".

"The loan has arrived, Brother Fang Yue, even if you send a new song, we will cover it for you!"


"Why did the chicken girls come to control the evaluation again, Fang Yue has a hammer talent?".

"Poof, I'm also looking forward to Fang Yue's new song, looking forward to how he will overturn, and after the car rolls over, I'll go to see Su Ming. "

"Poof, is my brother also waiting for Su Ming's live broadcast?".


In the barrage, fans from all over the house frantically brushed the frequency.

The popularity of the live broadcast room is also gradually increasing.

After a while, more than six million people arrived.

The backstage of the program team is already crazy to see such a crazy rise in popularity.

It seems that the judges this time were not wrong.

The traffic is very large.

And it didn't take long.

Tomorrow's superstar has officially started the live broadcast.

The first is the regular opening remarks of the moderator, Mr. He.

After speaking, it was the turn of the four judges to take the stage one after another.

The way to appear is very simple, the guests each sing a song, and then go to the judges' seat.

The first is Lao Xue.

As a powerful singer, the stage effect is undoubtedly very explosive.

The atmosphere of the show came up at once.

The second place is the little giant lung Ziqi.

Ziqi's singing skills can't be said, and a high note directly gives goosebumps to Mr. He and the barrage singing.

As the two finished singing.

The barrage is already boiling.

"Awesome!Ziqi's high voice makes my scalp tingle when I hear it!".

"Ziqi is really powerful, if I am a student, I will definitely choose Ziqi!"

"I don't dare to agree, if it were me, I would choose Lao Xue, Lao Xue's love song is simply not too top, okay?"

"Plus one! Lao Xue's strength is still strong,"

he said

"Let's not talk about the other two judges, as long as Lao Xue and Ziqi are here, the quality of this show will not be bad!".

"Who's next, Mimi or Fang Yue, I want to hear Mimi sing!".

"Yang Mi's main career as an actor, singing should be very ordinary. "

"It's not a big problem, I love it if I don't sing well, come to this show, Mimi is responsible for beauty!".


Lao Xue and Ziqi's explosion seems to have ignited everyone's expectations for this show.

At this time, Mr. He also struck while the iron was hot and enlivened the atmosphere.

By the way, I invited the next big honey who is going to appear.

"Okay, that's a great song, welcome Ziqi to our judges' bench!".

"Then the third place, please have our most beautiful big honey!".

"What he wants to bring us is an original song 'Offering of Love'!".

At the entrance of the stage, Yang Mi exhaled deeply at this time, a little nervous.

I wasn't too nervous.

However, as soon as she was sung by Lao Xue and Ziqi's terrifying singing skills, her heart immediately hung up.

Although she is not a professional singer, neither the program team nor the outside world has much expectation for her.

But you can't drop the chain too much.

And what she chose to sing was the song "Offering of Love" written by Su Ming for her a few days ago

This song is not very difficult, and she is basically proficient in less than a day of practice.

I just don't know what the effect of singing on stage is.

Anyway, she set herself only one goal.

That's not out of tune!

At this time, as nervous as Yang Mi, there was still a square month.

Fang Yue was extremely depressed now.

What's more, Old Xue Ziqi is also singing too well!

Compared to the two of them, he is a piece of.

Fortunately, it was Yang Mi who picked them up, not him.

He now hopes that Yang Mi will sing as hard as possible.

In this way, he can sing new songs to appear of high quality.

And quickly.

With the accompaniment slowly sounding.

Yang Mi stepped towards the stage.


A few lines of subtitles are also displayed in the live broadcast room.

"Song: "The Offering of Love".

Singer: Yang Mi

Composer: Su Ming

Lyricist: Su Ming

Arranger: Su Ming".

As soon as the subtitles came out.

Originally, it was all about discussing the barrage of old Xue Ziqi, but all of a sudden it all changed.

In the blink of an eye.

The amount of barrage is exponentially skyrocketing!

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to rush immediately(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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