Chapter 40 Old Xue Ziqi wants to find Su Ming to write a song?!


"Love you, love you!".

"Love, love, love, this is definitely the sweetest song I've ever heard in my life!".


"Isn't it, this singing and dancing is almost sweet to my heart, I want to dance together!".

"Poof, tell you secretly, I've already danced with you!King Heart, I love you too!".

"King Heart!King Heart!King Heart!".

"This must be given to the champion! You see, Lao Xue has danced with him, it's so funny!".

"What kind of fairy player is this, it's called Wang Xinxin, I'm her diehard fan now!".

"Hurry up and let her upload the song, I'll buy it! I want to loop the single 10,000 times!".


This "Love You" with excessive sweetness is sung by Wang Xinxin.

At this moment, it is undoubtedly singing to the hearts of netizens.

The amount of barrage is directly bursting.

The backstage data is even more watching, and the director and producer gasped.

Now the number of people in the live broadcast room has actually reached a terrifying 20 million!

And this number continues to soar wildly!

"Director, we seem to have really picked up a treasure this time!".

"Yes, this data is too explosive! If it rises for a while, it will be comparable to those ace variety shows!".

"I have to say, this singing is so good, even I want to vote for her. "

"Is this really a song written by Su Ming? Why is the contrast so big? "

The director and the behind-the-scenes staff looked at the soaring data one by one, and they all laughed.

This king's heart is really a big surprise.

Compared to the previous players.

Wang Xinxin's performance is simply the same as a dimensionality reduction blow!

There's nothing like that!

Even the songs that old Xue Ziqi sang them.

The appeal is definitely not able to achieve the effect of Wang Xinxin's song "Love You"!

It's so addictive!

Let's talk about the king's heart.

At this time, Wang Xinxin was already a little nervous from the beginning, and now he is completely enjoying the stage.

Feel the enthusiasm of the audience and the judges.

There was only one thought in her mind right now.

Finish this song perfectly!

As Wang Xin continued to sing.

The atmosphere at the scene seemed to have reached the climax of the current schedule, and the screams were endless.

It's no exaggeration at all.

The whole scene has completely become Wang Xinxin's personal concert.

"OhBye wants to be with you for more than one day

A little more makes me love you willingly

A little more will be slowly discovered

Because you made me willing. "


Sing along with the last lyric.

Wang Xin gasped softly.

Pose for the last sweet POS.

The song "Love You" has finally come to an end.

Whoa, whoa, whoa~~


The applause was thunderous, and it could not be subsided for a long time.

Not only the audience, but also the old Xue Ziqi, Teacher Mi He, and the staff in the audience also clapped their palms and were excited.

See such a scene.

Wang Xinxin's face was slightly red, and he was very excited.

She knew that she must have passed the test!

But for this result, she also expected it.

This song Su Ming wrote too well.

Plus, it's very suitable for her.

If this is not enough, then the difficulty of this show is too outrageous!

"Soul, you're singing this song so well!".

"I couldn't help but dance with you in the audience just now. "

Teacher He walked on stage at this time and spoke enthusiastically to Wang Xinxin.

And Wang was obviously a little shy, and didn't know what to say.

"Okay, I can see that my mind is still a little shy. "

"So what do the judges say about the song "Love You" by the heart, and whether it is given to the heart?"

"Come on, Lao Xue, you should comment first!".

Teacher He smiled at this time and threw the words to Lao Xue on the judges' seat.

Lao Xue was a little excited, picked up the microphone and began to comment

"First of all, the melody, the lyrics, and the composition of this song are so perfect that I asked myself if I could write it. "

"Of course, the main thing is that this song is very, very suitable for you, achieving an effect that one plus one is greater than two!".

"So, the result I'm giving you here is, pass!".

"But I have a question for you. "

"Does Su Ming have high requirements for people to write songs? I also want to ask him to write a song. "

Lao Xue smiled and spoke, and when he said that, he focused on Su Ming.

I have to say that he is very optimistic about Su Ming.

is not only Su Ming's talent in writing songs, but mainly Su Ming's ability to write songs that are so suitable for people.

Like Yang Mi's song "Offering of Love", as well as this song "Love You", these are very good representatives.

As a singer, it is definitely a dream to have a song that fits you perfectly.

And as Lao Xue said this.

Teacher He on the stage, the audience in the audience, and even the audience in the live broadcast room were all full of surprise at the moment.

"Damn!, does Lao Xue have such a high opinion of this song?!".

"Lao Xue said that he couldn't even write this song "Love You"? This song is so good?".

"I don't understand music, but I think it's a great song anyway!"

"Me too, me too!".

"Wait, is Lao Xue looking for Su Ming to write a song?"

"I'll go! Even Lao Xue wants to find Su Ming to write a song, is this song really so good?".

"I don't know, but since Lao Xue said so, it must make sense. "


Lao Xue is a first-line powerful singer in the current Xia Kingdom, and he has his own strength, if he wants to sing, the coffee position is completely enough to find some ace composers and even Qu Dad to cooperate.

But now he actually said that he wanted to find Su Ming to write a song.

This is really a bit unexpected.

And in the face of Lao Xue's high evaluation and Lao Xue's problems.

Wang Xinxin also spoke slowly and gave an answer, "Thank you, Mr. Xue, for your evaluation." "

"Su Ming's requirements for writing songs don't seem to be high, I just took a photo with him at the beginning, saying that I was his fan, and then he wrote this song for me. "

Although Su Ming hoped that she would join Jiahang at that time, Yang Mi would be selected in the show.

But that doesn't seem to be too much of a sauding order.

It's not even a requirement.

She is a little transparent, she wants to be a star, and it is a huge opportunity to be able to sign a contract with a brokerage company.

Hearing this, Lao Xue was slightly stunned.


So sloppy?

Said it was a fan, and then it was written songs?

didn't wait for Lao Xue to speak.

On the side, Ziqi also joined in the excitement and helped Lao Xue say what he wanted to say.

"Is it so simple? I'm also a fan of Su Ming, can I find him to write songs?".

That's right.

Ziqi and Lao Xue had the same idea.

She was also extremely curious about Su Ming and wanted Su Ming to write a song.

I can create two songs in a row that perfectly match the singer.

Su Ming's strength is probably not an ordinary first-line composer!

Facing Ziqi's words.

The audience undoubtedly showed a touch of surprise again.

Is this Su Ming really so outrageous?

And Su Ming clearly didn't come to the show.

How do you have such a strong sense of existence?!

And the words of the two really made Wang Xin feel a little clueless about how to answer for a while.

Who Su Ming writes songs for, it's not up to her to decide.

At this moment, Yang Mi opened her mouth and relieved Wang Xinxin, "Ahem, Boss Su Ming is here, why didn't anyone ask me?"

"If you want to write a song, come to me to report it. "

"When the show is over, I'll help you go to Su Ming to negotiate. "

As soon as this remark came out.

The audience laughed.

Old Xue Ziqi couldn't help laughing.

They forgot about it for a while.

Su Ming is an artist under Yang Mi.

Why do you still ask other people about writing songs?

And soon, with Mr. He's control, the topic was pulled back to the show again.

"So what is the final result of the judges for the heart?".




No surprises.

Old Xue Ziqi and Yang Mi all gave the pass ticket very happily.


When it was Fang Yue's turn.

But it ushered in a different voice.

"I'm not going to pass here!".

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