Chapter 50 Really went to set up a stall?! Old Xue is numb!

Why is this song "Dispel Sorrow" directly setting others up like this?

There is even a big clever analysis that he is schizophrenic!

This is outrageous!

I just gave him back the songs Mao Buyi wrote in his previous life~.

Strictly speaking.

He's just a ruthless cross-porter.

How can there be so many emotions?

If there is one, it has to be traced back to the first year of sea fishing.

When I first came into contact with the darkness of this world entertainment industry that year, I did feel a sense of loneliness.

But since then.

Now he can't be too happy every day, okay?

No way.

Su Ming felt that he still needed to explain.


Su Ming hurriedly sent a microwave clarification.

[I'm not lonely, that, don't get me wrong, and I don't have schizophrenia. 】

[The live broadcast will be opened after I get to the destination, so let's wait. 】

After posting, Su Ming also deliberately attached a sunny anime smiley face.


The effect seems a bit mediocre.

"! Su Ming is microwaving! "

"Huh? What the hell is Su Ming refuting this rumor? This is three hundred taels of silver in this place, so don't you recruit yourself? "

"God doesn't admit himself! Let me analyze it for you, you see, the number of words in Su Ming's microwave is singular, singular! It shows that Su Ming is still hinting that he is lonely! "

"Holy! It's too fine! It's all found! "

"Su Ming, stop being stubborn, be brave and be yourself, no one can restrict you from showing your talent now!"

"He's really, I'm crying to death!"

"Poof, you guys can really make up for it! Su Ming said that he is not lonely, he really convinced you, no... Hey, it's singular! "

"Hahahaha, I'm laughing, what are you talking about, forcibly giving people Su Ming loneliness?"


Su Ming looked at these comments, and his face was about to wrinkle.

These netizens are really imaginative.

The word count can be used to find evidence of "loneliness".

Also, what is the problem of wanting to add sin?

After sweeping around, only a few chose to believe what he said.

See this condition.

Su Ming simply quit the microwave.

Out of sight is pure, too lazy to explain.

Let's think carefully about what to do later, and fans set up stalls to make money.


About half an hour passed.

It's not too far from the agreed location.

And after Su Mingwei contacted him, he learned that Chaoyue's side had already arrived.

"Brother Ming, is it the small square in front?"

"I feel like I have to get out of the car and walk over, and the car can't drive in."

The car drove to a downtown area, there were some vendors on both sides of the street, and there were constantly pedestrians on the road, and the paparazzi were in trouble, so they turned their heads to look at Su Ming on the side.

Su Ming looked at the location that Chaoyue sent him, and after making sure that it was right, he smiled and spoke, "This is it, then let's stop here." "

"After you park the car, call all the brothers over, I will invite you to eat pancakes and fruits for free, if there is anything else you want to eat on the street, just talk to me, this will accompany me to play the alliance for an afternoon, everyone has worked hard."

"I'll start the live broadcast first."

As soon as this remark came out.

The paparazzi were all a little moved.

"Look at what you said, Brother Ming, we don't work hard at all!"

"It's just, what's the hard work of playing games,

Brother Ming, you don't know, I once went to secretly photograph a male star, I lay on the tree in front of his house for a day, and I couldn't move when I hit my face with bird droppings, that's called hard work! "

"It's not, it's like our brother Ming, take us to play games, buy us food, and call us brothers!"

"That's it, let's put the words here, in the future, Brother Ming, if you feel lonely, you can find us in the group at any time to chat, we are online 24 hours a day!"

"Ahem, stop! Don't mention my loneliness, I'm going to be angry! "


After getting out of the car and separating from the paparazzi.

Su Ming approached the street alone.

Listen to the cries of the hawkers and the vendors everywhere.

The rich smell of fireworks is instantly blowing in the face.

This can't help but remind him of the time when he went out to set up a stall with his family at night when he was a child in his previous life, and was chased by the city management from time to time.

Everything in front of me seems to be too kind.

However, there is no need to worry about the city management coming.

After all, the entire street here is for citizens to set up stalls.

And then, after sending a microwave of the start of the broadcast.

Su Ming started the live broadcast on the comic with a spare mobile phone.

The live stream has only been on for a minute or two.

There were 20,000 or 30,000 people in the live broadcast room.

"! It's finally live! "

"First first!"

"Oh, the brothers are here so early!"

"I lost! Su Ming: Is this really here? He really wants to run to help fans set up stalls? "

"Poof! At first glance, it is a new audience, Su Ming only can't think of it, there is nothing he can't do! "

"Not really! New viewers may not know that Su Ming is different from those other stars,

He is very down-to-earth, no, he himself is ground, let alone setting up a stall, he said that he wants to go to the ground to plant seedlings, I believe it! "

"You fake fans! Su Ming: This is a rotten down-to-earth style caused by loneliness in his heart, this is paralyzing himself with boring actions! "

"I lost! If you don't change your name to Edogawa, I pulled out your cow, can you all be involved? "

"Ahem, I want to hear Su Ming sing "Love You", and "Eliminate Sorrow"! Can Huazi order songs? "

"Are there any old fans? Su Ming is nicknamed the National Grand Dancer, can he square dance, my grandmother said she wants to learn! "


The barrage in the live broadcast room surged, and there was a rush of brushing.

Su Ming just glanced at it casually, and saw a few barrages saying that he was lonely and what he had experienced.

This immediately dispelled his mind of watching the barrage.

Loneliness is really unbearable

Simply swipe left, and the barrage is directly blocked!

It's still the same as before, it's better not to watch the barrage.

Concentrating on getting along with fans and helping fans set up stalls is what he needs to do.

The live broadcast is mainly to play a supervisory role, and by the way, it is broadcast to old fans.

And the trick of shielding the barrage is obviously very good. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

The audience in the live broadcast room found that Su Ming was no longer watching the barrage, and immediately focused on Su Ming's actions.

And quickly.

With the microwave over there.

The number of live broadcasts also began to rise wildly.

In less than ten minutes, the number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded two million, and it continues to skyrocket!

The gifts in the live broadcast room have been blown up.

However, Su Ming naturally didn't know anything about it.

Follow the street.

Come to a small square.

"Across the small square... Next to Wuling Hongguang, wearing white clothes, a brown apron, and a ponytail..."

According to the information given by Chaoyue, Su Ming immediately searched for the target.

It didn't take long.

A pair of eyes were staring at him.

That's exactly the fan he's looking for.

And when Su Ming saw the appearance of the fan in front of him... This is really the super moon sister in the previous life!

It's outrageous!

At this time, Sister Chaoyue was wearing a brown apron and a pretty ponytail, and the whole person stood there looking out of place with her surroundings.

That's right, this delicate little face and figure are too outstanding!

It doesn't look like a serious stall at all!

In front of Sister Chaoyue is a food stall, a wok, a pancake table, and all tools.

There are all kinds of dolls and various gadgets in the Wuling Hongguang next to it.

This is her second stall.

After the successful meeting, Su Ming immediately walked over and greeted Sister Chaoyue.

"I guess I'm not wrong, Chaoyue?"

Su Ming said with a smile.

In his previous life, he and Chaoyue knew each other, once recorded a show together, and later became friends.

Now that I see it again, it's still so kind.

"Brother Su Ming, it's me."

Same as the previous Chi Xiaoyun.

Seeing Su Ming coming over to say hello, Chaoyue immediately covered her mouth, her little feet stepped on broken steps, her face was flushed, and she looked at Su Ming in front of her with her eyes, and the whole person was shy.

In reality, Su Ming is too handsome!

It's so much more handsome than she saw on the video!

And Su Ming smiled.

It's almost laughing to her heart!

And seeing Chaoyue's appearance, Su Ming couldn't help but be happy.

I didn't expect the smug super moon sister to be shy?

No, it's the one in the previous life, and the one in front of me is different.

In contrast.

It seems that the super moon sister who is still shy is cute!

And let's talk about the live broadcast room at this time.

When Supermoon appears in front of the camera.

Originally, I was still lamenting how lonely Su Ming was, how his talent was delayed, and so on all kinds of bizarre barrages.

The style of painting changed all of a sudden.

"I'll go! So cute! "

"My mother! This look! Pancake Shih Tzu?! "

"Lost! Is this really Su Ming's fan who set up the stall? What about the good aunt powder? "

"This is an actor for please! How can there be a stall so good-looking?! "

"Su Ming has fallen, please be an actor! By the way, if such an actor wants to be invited, is it expensive? "

"Ahem, I have to refute the rumors, my family lives near here, I have seen this girl on the street before, she is really not an actress, she is a good fan!

And don't be deceived by her appearance, she's fierce! "

"Poof! Does such a cute girl also lose her temper? "

"I don't believe in rumors, I don't spread rumors, I look at people, the little girl is shy, and at first glance she is gentle."


And at this time.

The number of people in the live broadcast room also came to the terrifying four million!


"What the hell?"

"Su Ming really went to set up a stall!"

"That's so interesting!"

Magic City, a villa area.

Lao Xue opened Su Ming's live broadcast room, and the water he just drank in his mouth squirted out directly.

Originally, he heard that Su Ming was going to help fans set up stalls, which should have been rumors.

I didn't expect this Su Ming to come to the real thing!

Let's talk about Lao Xue himself.

Since the fight angered Fang Yue because of "Dispel Sorrow", causing tomorrow's superstar to stop broadcasting.

Lao Xue left the TV station and went to the company to deal with the follow-up matters.

Since you have offended Fang Yue and Haiyu and the program team.

This is naturally to be dealt with.

However, he has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and he still has the ability to deal with this matter, that is, he has to waste some energy.

And when he was done with some trivial things, he came home and was ready to rest.

Lao Xue just saw Su Ming's hot search on the live broadcast.

So I came to Su Ming's live broadcast room to watch.

This point is on.

Su Ming was in front of a stall.

I'm really going to set up a stall!

Looking at the entertainment industry, which celebrity would be bored enough to do such a thing?

"This place... It doesn't seem too far from my side. "

Lao Xue couldn't help but look at the environment in the live broadcast screen at this time, and whispered to himself.

At this moment, an idea popped into his mind.

That's right, go play with Su Ming!

Go make a friend!

It's better to have another song and!.

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