Chapter 72 Yang Mi: Dog woman, rob my man?

"Lao Li, you kid must hold me up!"

The middle-aged man was running wildly at the moment, his eyes were slightly red, and his face was anxious and at the same time, there was a touch of firmness.

And in the distance on the playground.

It was a group of students standing in rows and neat school uniforms.

The students watched the middle-aged man leave at this moment, and their faces were all red.


Let's talk about the other end.

As today's traffic hub.

Su Ming's live broadcast room is now obviously lurking with a large number of self-media bloggers and marketing accounts.

With Su Ming's song "Once You" finished.

These bloggers and marketing accounts are the first to cut out all the material videos of Su Ming's live broadcast so far and publish them to major platforms.

Accompanied by a terrifying drainage effect.

After a while, the video was reprinted wildly.

On the hot search soaring list, various entries about Su Ming also began to appear.

[Su Ming deducts the captain of the high school basketball team]

[Su Ming: When the youth is strong, the country is strong!]

[The story that Su Ming and the high school students have to tell]

[Su Ming's new work "Once You"]


"What the hell? Why is this Su Ming on the hot search again? Microwave marketing accounts are taking him out of the water word count, right?"

"That's it, I must not know what to write, I can only engage in these water words, these marketing accounts are really damned!"

"Su Ming, I heard that he didn't go to Tomorrow's Superstar to fight with the archmage today, and then he was pressed to the ground by the bodyguards?

"Poof! God is going to fight with the mage! The one who was pressed to the ground was a female fan of the archmage, how did you surf the Internet? It looks like you don't use 5G, right?"


"it! Isn't Su Ming going to participate in the show in the afternoon? Why did he go to high school! Why did he still play ball with the high school basketball team!?"

"I'm dripping mom! Su Ming's basketball skills are too fierce! This big dunk physique is not comparable to 06 when eating a peach!"

"Absolutely! Su Ming can sing, rap, and play basketball! Where can I find such an idol! If he can also dance hip-hop, then I would like to call him the strongest!"


"When the youth is strong, the country is strong! Su Ming's speech is also very good! Our social atmosphere has to be changed!"

"Indeed, I didn't expect this star named Su Ming to be able to say such things, it's really rare!

It's no wonder that his songs can be included in the teaching materials, he really exudes positive energy all over his body!"


"Is this a new song that Su Ming is going to sing when "Tomorrow's Superstar" starts in the afternoon?"

"Frog fun! I'll blow this song! This song is too flavorful!"

"Where is this song for students? This is clearly a song written for us social animals!

No wonder Su Ming is so down-to-earth, he can spread pancakes or something, he definitely has an experience of being beaten by society like us!"

"I once dreamed of going to the end of the world with a sword, looking at the prosperity of the world, harm, but now I really don't have the courage, let alone the end of the world, I don't even dare to break into my wife's bed, my old waist is really unbearable. "

"I'm fucking crying, I just called the old lady at home and told me that I'll get a divorce now! Anyway, the child is not mine, Lao Tzu is going to brave the world!"

"Brother, don't be impulsive! Isn't it that the child is not yours, what a big deal, I'm not my father's biological child, my parents haven't made do, it's not easy to find a job now, listen to my advice." "



With Su Ming once again on the hot search.

All the staff of the superstar program team of tomorrow seem to be laughing at this time.

They really didn't expect that Su Ming's live broadcast would be so popular in less than a morning!

Wait for Su Ming to go to the show in the afternoon.

So the number of viewers must not explode?

"Su Ming is really talented, he actually wrote another song!"

"One thing to say, this song is really good, the quality is not low!

Sister Mi, you have found a treasure, no accident, if Su Ming's song is recorded, it is estimated that it will also be on the new song list. "

"Haha, I did find a treasure. "

The backstage dressing room of tomorrow's superstar program group.

Old Xue Ziqi is brushing the microwave at the moment, listening to the song "Once Upon a Time", and can't stop praising it.

Listening to these words, Yang Mi seemed to be full of pride.

She really feels more and more now that she is right to bet on Su Ming's future for Jiahang!

sang a song casually, and it was actually on the hot search again, and it was also affirmed by professionals like Lao Xue Ziqi!

"By the way, Sister Mi, are the male artists of your company allowed to fall in love?"

"Do you think if I go after Su Ming, will I be able to succeed?"

At this time, Ziqi suddenly turned her head to look at Yang Mi and asked a question with a smile.

This is a problem.

Yang Mi instantly frowned subconsciously as if she was protecting food.

Even his eyes changed slightly, and an idea popped up in his mind unconsciously.

[What the hell?Dog woman!You're going to grab a man with me?]

Fortunately, she adjusted very quickly, and showed a smile again: "Ziqi wants to chase Su Ming, but unfortunately Jiahang has the rule that artists can't fall in love."

"Ziqi, if you really want to find a partner, I'll introduce you to a few. "

Hearing this, Ziqi shook her head and sighed, slightly disappointed.

And in the next second, she was debunked by Lao Xue: "Sister Mi, don't believe her, why does she want to chase Su Ming? She is greedy for Su Ming's talent in writing songs, don't you know, Su Ming is about to be blown in her mouth..."

"Okay, okay, Lao Xue, you're enough!"

Seeing that it was exposed, Ziqi's old face turned red, and she couldn't hold back for a while, so she quickly covered Lao Xue's mouth.

Seeing the two of them making such a fuss.

Yang Mi suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

I see! No wonder Ziqi would ask such a strange question without warning, the co-author was interested in Su Ming's songwriting talent.

She's kind of thinking too much.

But soon, her heart beat a little faster.

Thinking of the subconscious thoughts in her mind just now, her face began to heat a little.

When did you already treat Su Ming as a man?

I have always regarded Su Ming as a younger brother before, how can I have such an inexplicable idea of protecting food?

At this time, she couldn't help but think of the scene when Su Ming came out of the bathroom and pounced on her fierce tiger.

Speaking of which, it was the first time she had such close contact with a man.

Don't...... Is it because of Su Ming's eagle?

For a moment, her brain went blank, and her face began to turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Yang Mi, you big fan!

What do you think!

Yang Mi hurriedly stopped her thoughts, if she thought about it again, it would really be the same as Reba said, she had to have a baby!

"Sister Mi, why are you red, are you not feeling well?"

"No, no, I'm fine!


And Yang Mi and the others were lively and vigorous, and the atmosphere was harmonious at the same time.

In the dressing room next door, it is indeed more peaceful than the morgue, and there is no communication at all.

Hua Chenyu looked at the hot search at the moment, as if she was extremely uncomfortable. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Since I saw fans overturn today, I started to lose fans.

His position in the company is now gradually beginning to waver.

Not only did the leaders' attitudes towards him change one by one.

Even Sister Liu, the agent who is usually submissive, now dares to speak loudly to him, and uses the president to press him at every turn!

Now I see Su Ming, who indirectly caused all this, is actually on the hot search again.

And Su Ming's broken song was actually praised by netizens again.

This uncomfortable emotion is simply super doubled!

"What kind of song is this? Sounds so good! Who sang it?"

At this time, the makeup artist who was responsible for Hua Chenyu's makeup, listening to "Once You" on Hua Chenyu's mobile phone, couldn't help but smile and said this, wanting to liven up the atmosphere.

"It's good, you say it's good, you still use the sword to go to the end of the world, this broken lyrics, he thinks he is a rainbow cat, and he wants to go to the combination of seven swords, right?!"

"With your taste, don't give me makeup, I'm disgusted!"

"Get out of here! get the person in charge above you to change me right away!"

Hua Chenyu couldn't hold back any longer, and scolded directly and blasted the makeup artist out.

The makeup artist was obviously confused, but Hua Chen's voice was big, and he didn't dare to scold him in person.

So I could only turn around, turn my back to Hua Chenyu, and whisper when I was about to go out of the door: "Archmage Shabi, your temper is so stinky!"

And wait for the makeup artist to leave.

Hua Chenyu continued to listen to Su Ming's "Once You", and her eyes narrowed slightly.

"If you sing this song on the show, then I'll be the first on this week's new song list, and I'm really decided!"


Let's go back to the radio station.

After Su Ming sang this song "Once You".

Shen Xingxing and the broadcaster on the side didn't slow down for a long time.

Like most of the students, they were too young to understand the song.

But it doesn't delay this song from being good!

But it's such a song, Su Ming didn't even type a draft, and sang it directly.

The two even seriously suspected that this song was written by Su Ming in advance!

But apparently there is no evidence.

And there is.

Su Ming was too charming when he was playing and singing just now!

This kind of charm is not the pure handsomeness on the surface, but the handsomeness full of a sense of story.

This sense of story is not too much for a little girl like Shen Xingxing.

"Brother Su Ming, your song is so well written! it's the best song I've ever heard in my life!"

"Poof, little girl, you're going to be a fart at such a young age?

Shen Xingxing immediately gave Su Ming a thumbs up and smiled extremely brightly, but then he ate Su Ming's brain.

"Let's go. "

"Stay any longer, I guess someone will come later. "

Putting the guitar down, Su Ming glanced at Shen Xingxing and said with a smile.

He made such a big move on the radio station, and it is estimated that it has caused quite a stir in the school.

He wasn't worried about the students on the basketball court before, but the rest of the students were not so good.

He didn't want to cause any more congestion.

"Well, then let's go to the playground, and then go to the cafeteria for a 397 lunch, and we'll almost go to the place where the show was recorded. "

Shen Xingxing nodded and said with a smile.


After handing over the rest to the announcer, the two prepared to head towards the playground.

However, as soon as the two walked out of the radio station, a half-bald middle-aged man rushed over and stopped them.

"Sue... Su Ming, are you called Su Ming?"

"You sang that song just now?"

The middle-aged man gasped and looked at Su Ming anxiously.

Su Ming frowned, and for a moment he was a little confused.

However, he still replied softly: "My name is Su Ming, and I sang the song, is there any problem?"

Could it be that this radio station is not allowed to be used, and this teacher came to arrest him and wanted to kick him out?

If that's the case, then you'll have to follow the school's rules.

"Teacher Fang, don't get me wrong, Teacher Fang, he's my friend, it's still Saturday..."

Shen Xingxing recognized the teacher in front of him, and just like Su Ming thought, he quickly explained.

But she wasn't done yet.

It was interrupted by this teacher.

"Su Ming, can I ask you for a favor?"

"I... My brother is dying!"

Teacher Fang tried his best to calm his breath and said the purpose of his visit.

As soon as these words came out.

Su Ming and Shen Xingxing were all stunned.

Help is good to say.

But this opening is what happened to my brother dying?

If it's a joke, it's really a good brother!

But apparently, the teacher's expression didn't look like he was joking.

"Is this going to help get you to the hospital?"

It was a matter of life, and Su Ming didn't dare to slack off, so he hurriedly frowned and asked.

And Shen Xingxing on the side seemed to think of something, and suddenly spoke: "Teacher Fang, you can't be talking about Teacher Li, right?"

"That's right, he has given up chemotherapy, and now he is in the hospital, and it is estimated that he will not last long. "

"Teacher Su Ming, let's go to the playground with me first, I'll explain to you as we walk!"

The teacher nodded, and then didn't wait for Su Ming to speak, he just wanted to take Su Ming to the playground.

Su Ming still didn't know what the specific situation was at this time.

But I almost guessed in my heart.

It should be that a certain teacher is sick and can't bear it.

It's a shame that this kind of thing happens.

But he is just an ordinary time-traveler who sings and writes songs.

There is no system on the body, and a medical master can be conjured at any time.

This teacher is looking for him, how can he help?

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