Chapter Seventy-Four: Su Ming wants to please me?

[Su Ming's new song!]

[Su Ming closes the live broadcast!]

[Su Ming takes students to tomorrow's superstar!]

[Su Ming writes songs for the teacher!]



Look at the entries on this hot search.

Netizens are obviously confused, when Su Ming was just hot searching, didn't he say that he was still playing basketball with students at school and singing at the radio station?

How long has it been, what the hell is it to take students to the superstar of tomorrow?

What about writing songs for teachers?

For a while, all the comments at the bottom exploded.

"What's the situation? Su Ming went off the air, and then he took a group of students to Tomorrow's Superstar?"

"What's going on? Why are there so many hot searches for Su Ming today, I can't see it, and he has written a new song again?"

"Isn't it possible that Su Ming's new song needs a chorus to complete? "

"Outrageous! Su Ming is playing more and more expensive, taking a group of students to the show, this is estimated that only Su Ming can do it, right?"

"Hahahaha, it is estimated that Su Ming was afraid that he would not be able to defeat the magic of the archmage alone, so he took a group of students to shake the field!"

"Brother, don't be smart, it doesn't seem that Su Ming did it on purpose this time, I just saw someone say that this song was written by these students and teachers. "

"What does it mean to write a song for a teacher?

"I just saw someone say that stomach cancer is late or something, what's the situation, is this teacher late stomach cancer, or Su Ming?"

"I don't know, the news is intermittent, which brother will sort it out?"


Because Su Ming broadcast too suddenly.

Many marketing accounts and vloggers have not yet had time to edit the live broadcast just now.

So this is what causes netizens who don't know the truth to be confused.

And not only many netizens are a little confused.

Even many of the guest contestants of "Tomorrow's Superstar" were stunned.

"Su Ming, what's the situation, why did you bring the students here?"

Recording backstage, Lao Xue looked at the content on the hot search at this time and couldn't help frowning.

"It seems that the above said that he wrote a song for a teacher, this is to bring his students to the stage to sing, the specific details are not clear, Sister Mi, why don't you ask?"

Ziqi on the side was also puzzled, and then turned her head to look at Yang Mi on the side.

Yang Mi nodded, and 630 hurriedly called Su Ming.

However, it kept showing that no one answered.

played three times in a row, and it was still the same, Yang Mi just didn't continue.

It is estimated that Su Ming is in trouble now.

Then she looked at the time again, and her brow couldn't help but furrow slightly.

Su Ming must not block this road, otherwise he will not be able to catch the opening.

In the player's lounge, Mao Buyiwang's heart was also watching the news on the hot search tightly at the moment.

In addition to the key word of students and teachers, they noticed the term "late stage of stomach cancer".

As nurses, the two of them knew too well about this disease, which was incurable and accompanied by great pain.

Su Ming is alive and well, obviously it is impossible to get this disease suddenly, so there is a high probability that the teacher.

But they don't have time to think too much about the specifics right now.

The show is about to start soon, and the director has already told all of them to check in with the soundtrack teacher for a while.

"Trick up the mystery, grandstand!"

"If you engage in a chorus, you will lose even worse!"

In the audition room, Hua Chenyu tried to sing again at the end.

Seeing that Su Ming was on the hot search again, it seemed that he had brought a student, and his face couldn't help but sink again.

He didn't bother to click on the content behind the entries.

Just by looking at the entry, he can guess the approximate.

It is estimated that Su Ming has come up with some strange ideas to attract people's attention, and this time he actually aimed at students, which is really damaging enough!

But it doesn't matter, let Su Ming spend more ideas, he will make a move!

Now, he is full of confidence in this new song!


Let's talk about Su Ming.

On the school bus at this time, Su Ming was teaching the students to sing the song "Farewell" over and over again

The journey takes about an hour and a half.

If this were to be changed to another song, it would be a bit too rushed.

But the lyrics of the song "Farewell" are very short, and the melody is very simple.

After Su Ming sang a little three or four times, the students were basically able to sing along.

So that's time and time.

And on the way to sing, Fang Yu, including the students, couldn't help but moisten their eyes again.

The melody of this song is very plain, but the emotions expressed are sincere and strong, full of reluctance.

It's just that such a (agdf) song to send a friend away is placed on Mr. Li.

Farewell, farewell.

This is the eternal parting.

I have to say.

This song, Su Ming's choice is really good!

Especially for Fang Yu, this song sounds like an indescribable complex emotion.

He and Mr. Li have known each other since high school, and they were roommates in college.

Later, the two stepped into the ranks of teachers together, and now they have been teaching for 20 years, and they are 46 years old.

After knowing each other for 30 years, he has long been accustomed to having this best friend by his side.

Every time they had a holiday before, the two would meet together to drink some wine and eat some hot pot.

By the way, brag at the table, talk about the past, or complain about all kinds of things that have gone wrong in the recent period.

Not to mention how leisurely the days are, but they can be regarded as ordinary and fulfilling.

I thought that this kind of life could last together until retirement.

But when the bad news of the diagnosis came a year ago, everything changed.

The original small gathering time has become a report on the examination of the hospital.

Originally, the two of them were going to continue to brag, but it turned into a doctor's advice.

Every day he wakes up, he wonders if he will be able to see his best friend again the next day.

As Mr. Li's health has been getting worse and worse recently, he regards every day as the last time he sees him.

But even though I have already practiced it countless times in my heart.

But on this day, the mood still can't be calm.

Look out the window at the reversing high-rise buildings.

Fang Yu dialed a phone call at this time.

"Hey, sister-in-law, how is Gangzi doing now?"

Soon, a hoarse female voice came from the other end of the phone, "The doctor said, it's not good, today may..."

When it comes to the back, I can't cry anymore.

Fang Yu's expression was suddenly in a trance, and his eyes turned red, but thinking that the children in the car were still there, he didn't move.

With a deep exhalation, he couldn't help but look out the window, and then forced out a smile, "Sister-in-law, don't feel bad." "

"Gangzi can still open his eyes now, you tell him, the children have sent him gifts, let him persist again!"

"We're going to be on TV right now! He's probably going to be on fire!"

"I said earlier, he is a blessed kid, and he can achieve great things in the future!"


On the other side, beside the hospital bedside, a haggard middle-aged woman hung up the phone with red eyes.

On the hospital bed, the man was emaciated and skinny, and at this time he was wearing a breathing mask, full of various tubes, and looking at the woman with half-squinted eyes.

It was clear that he wanted to say something, but he couldn't. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Obviously, when a person is dying, the whole person is like a deflated balloon, unable to control the body as normal.

And this is exactly the teacher Li in the mouth of the students, Li Weigang.

The woman who watched over him was his wife.

"Wei Gang, Brother Yu said it over there, children..."

The wife raised her voice and loudly conveyed Fang Yu's words in Li Weigang's ear.

She also didn't know if her husband could hear it completely.

So it was repeated many times.

Then I turned on the TV and tuned the channel to the toilet first.

I saw Li Weigang slowly looking at the TV, his eyes were still half-narrowed, and he was still blank.

But vaguely, you can see a trace of faith in your eyes.


And quickly.

Over time.

Tomorrow's superstar is already five minutes away.

All the guests, players, and staff are all ready now.

"Director, director, the data of our show has exploded!"

In the background, the production team looked at the data displayed on the screen, their eyes widened and their faces were full of incredulity.

The director on the side also widened his eyes and was shocked.


That's 50 million!

This show has not officially started yet, and the number of people is already as high as 50 million!

This is completely comparable to those top ace variety shows!

And the reason why it can have such a high popularity.

The director, of course, also knows.

Obviously, most of this was brought by Su Ming!

After all, Su Ming is a man who can't get up and down on the hot search now!

I have to say.

It's worth the appearance fee!

"The show will start soon, how long will it take for Su Ming to arrive, you hurry up and ask!"

The director looked at the time, and hurriedly looked at the assistant on the side.

Now that everyone is in place, Su Ming has not yet arrived.

"Their car was stuck in traffic jams, and Su Ming said it might take another twenty minutes, about half an hour. "

The assistant quickly communicated on the mobile phone, frowned and spoke.

When I heard that there might be half an hour left, the director couldn't help but scratch his head, a little difficult.

It's been too long!

Wait for the four guests to finish singing, and then let Mr. He preside over the time, half an hour is actually not impossible.

But the accompaniment of the song that Su Ming is going to sing has not yet been reported to the program team.

Later, it will be a live broadcast, and if you debug it temporarily, it will be very troublesome.

And Su Ming said that it was half an hour.

But who can know exactly how long it will take to get stuck in traffic.

"Forget it, let's start first, wait for the four judges to finish singing later, and let Mr. He delay the progress as much as possible, if you really can't bear it, let the contestants go first." "

"After Su Ming arrived, he would plug it in the middle. "

The director frowned, and immediately made a decision.

And then in front of the stands.

Yang Mi, Lao Xue and the other four judges have already taken their seats in advance.

"Sister Mi, isn't Su Ming here yet? "

Ziqi frowned at Yang Mi at this time, her face worried.

And Yang Mi didn't say anything yet.

Hua Chenyu on the side took the stubble over, and his face was full of sarcasm: "Su Ming's wrist is really big, let all of us wait for him." "

As soon as these words came out, they immediately ushered in the angry eyes of Lao Xue Ziqi and Yang Mi.

This flower dust is really underdrawn!

If it weren't for the fact that they had added a clause to their contract that the judges couldn't conflict with each other, they really wanted to do something.

"Su Ming is stuck in traffic over there, we should be able to catch up later, let's start first. "

Yang Mi glanced at the news sent by Su Ming at this time, and said to the old Xue Ziqi on the side.

Yang Mi was a little helpless.

Sure enough, there was still a traffic jam!

And hearing this, Old Xue Ziqi was relieved, as long as he could catch up.


Lao Xue's eyes looked at Hua Chenyu on the side, revealing a faint smile: "Huachenyu, I'll sing that song to you later, but you have to prick up your ears and listen to it." "

As soon as these words came out, Hua Chenyu couldn't help frowning, write to him?

"Sing it to me? Aren't you going to sing Su Ming's song? Could it be that he wrote a song for me?"

"Then you better let him stop bothering, this has already torn his face, and now it's useless to flatter!"

"Anyway, I'm bound to win the first place on this week's new song chart!"

"As for him, if he really wants to please, I will give him a chance when I am in a better mood one day. "

Hua Chenyu immediately thought that Su Ming wanted to write a song to please him, and a smug and contemptuous smile appeared on his face.

In his opinion, it was obvious that Su Ming was weak-hearted.

Otherwise, how could he write a song for Lao Xue to sing to him?

This can't help but make him more confident in himself!

And in the face of Hua Chenyu's words.

Lao Xue didn't say much at this time, but just gave a meaningful smile.


Let's talk about the superstar live broadcast room of tomorrow at this time.

There are only a few minutes left before the official start of the show.

Today's barrage seems to have exploded.

"Open the door, open the door, open the door!"

"Why haven't you started broadcasting yet, do you have to pinch something?"

"I want to watch Lao Xue Ziqi!

"I want to see Da Mi Mi and my soul sister, don't ink, let's start!"

"I'm here for Su Ming! Hurry up and start broadcasting! I want to know what song he's going to sing!"

"I'm also here for Su Ming, I heard that he brought a group of students to play Huachenyu, is this really fake?

"Poof, buddy, where did you get this strange news?"

"Hahahaha, another one that doesn't use 5G to surf the web!"

"My grandmother said that Su Ming may be going to sing a new square dance divine comedy, let me hurry up and take a look, start the broadcast soon, don't waste my time!"

"I heard that Old Xue Ziqi's song was also written by Su Ming, you can look forward to it!"

"Huahua is the best! Always support Huahua and look forward to new songs!"

"Huahua's new song will definitely win the new song chart! Our pollen will always be your backing!"

"Frog fun! Huachen is like this, there are still fans? Aren't you afraid of being pressed to the ground by the bodyguards?"

"Hahahaha, they probably like to be pressed to the ground, we don't dare to ask. "

"It's almost two o'clock, start the broadcast soon!"


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