Chapter Seventy-Six: Father and Son Game Wants to Play! Su Ming has arrived!


At this moment, Hua Chenyu watched Lao Xue scold him one by one, and scolded him in a high voice from time to time.

His mentality is already on the verge of exploding.

When I thought of it, I would actually think that Su Ming was going to write a song to please me, and I was still looking forward to it.

He really wants to smack his two big mouths!

It's long overdue!

Damn, this Su Ming's stomach is full of bad water!

If he has a chance in the future, he will definitely write a song and scold back!

And let's talk about Lao Xue.

Although Lao Xue on the stage is still funny and disgusting, he is indeed singing very seriously, and he is not ambiguous at all.


This is our time

I don't exist

It's an accident~"

As Lao Xue's last sentence fell.

The song "Ugly Eight Monsters" finally came to an end.

Bang Bang Bang!

Bang Bang Bang!

For a while, the audience applauded thunderously.

"Lao Xue, sing well!"

"What a song!"

On the judges' seat, Yang Miziqi stood up directly, clapped her hands and shouted, with a smile on her face.

In the audience, there were also bursts of cheers.

The atmosphere at this scene suddenly became lively.

Of course, happiness is home.

It has nothing to do with Huachen language.

At the same time, like Hua Chenyu, Wang Quan in the audience at this time couldn't laugh very much.

From his point of view, the rhythm, lyrics, melody, and melody quality of this "Ugly Eight Monsters" are really not low.

Coupled with the audience's reaction now, and the uniqueness of the song's own mockery.

It's almost a certainty that this song will be on the new song list in the future!

"Bubble" is even more needless to say, the people and songs are one, and the top five on the new song list are scheduled.

Now that this "Six-Five-Three" has been carefully recalled, almost all of Su Ming's songs can explode on the list!

This strength is really a bit scary!

Now those veteran top Qu Daddy in the circle, I'm afraid they are far from Su Ming's achievements when they are young, right?

The most important thing is that the styles of these songs written by Su Ming are not the same!

Generally speaking, changing the style is a huge taboo for composers, and if it is not changed well, it is likely that the song written will go straight to the street.

Su Ming's exaggerated creative ability, this is really worthy of the title of a genius composer.

This is true genius!

A ragged colt may make a good horse!

But at the same time as he felt that the afterlife was terrifying.

His attention was also slowly focused on Hua Chenyu.

Now that he has listened to "Bubble" and "Ugly Eight Monsters", he has a rough idea in his heart.

That's what it is now.

If Huachenyu can play well, without dropping the big chain and very obvious mistakes, the first place on the new song list, there is still a very good chance!

Of course, if you don't play well, then you will be pulled down directly.

After all, these two songs are not second- or third-rate songs.

The pressure is now on Huachenyu.

Back to the show.

With Lao Xue's singing.

Next is Yang Mi's turn.

Compared to the old Xue Ziqi.

Yang Mi's singing is obviously not a good grade.

However, Yang Mi's main business is not singing, and the audience is relatively tolerant, and she never thought that Yang Mi could sing any surprises.

So after singing this song, the applause at the scene was still symbolic thunder.

And with Mr. He's report.

The last judge to sing, Huachen Yu, is on stage.

"Hasn't Su Ming arrived yet?"

Backstage, the director dialed the phone number of the assistant who was waiting downstairs to answer Su Ming, and asked with a frown.

"No, it will take a while!"

Hearing this answer, the director exhaled heavily, his face a little helpless.

It seems that when Huachen finishes singing, he can only let a few popular contestants go up and sing first, such as Mao Buyi and Wang Xinxin.

It's been stuck in traffic for too long, right?!

The other end.

On stage at this time.

Hua Chenyu closed his eyes and intently, and after exhaling deeply, he was ready to sing.

Although he was disgusted by the song "Ugly Eight Monsters", he could still distinguish the gold content of this song and "Bubble".

He didn't dare to be careless.

This time, we must bring out the best in the game!

"Next, please enjoy a new song I brought to you, the song title "Wang Quan", the lyrics and composition, all completed by Mr. Wang Quan. "

Hua Chen's words were finished.

Then he nodded to the accompaniment teacher on the side, signaling that he could start.


With the sound of the accompanying prelude.

Everyone at the scene couldn't help but be amazed.

This opening melody.

It's surprisingly good!

Even Old Xue Ziqi, who was a professional, couldn't help but nodded.

For this, the two actually expected it for a long time.

After all, it was written by Qu's father, so how could it be so bad?

And at the end of the prelude, Huachen Yu also started singing directly.

At first, Huachen's language was relatively normal.

But when it comes to the treble part.

I saw Hua Chenyu sometimes hunched over, sometimes kneeling on the ground, sometimes half-lying on the ground, posing in a weird-looking posture.

At the same time, the complexion is extremely distorted.

With such a picture, if you turn off the sound, it really feels like you're doing it!

But one thing to say, although the perception is very poor, this singing is still very good, completely at a very top level!


After the song, the scene was also thunderous applause, and many viewers even stood up to applaud Hua Chenyu.

I have to say.

has the escort of Wang Quan's lyrics and songs, plus the singing skills of Huachenyu.

The effect of this singing is no worse than bubbles and ugly monsters, and even the voice of this scene is a little higher.

And Hua Chenyu is also extremely satisfied with his performance this time.

This is the best time he sings, and it can be regarded as an extraordinary performance!

Wang Quan in the audience couldn't help but nodded.

Fortunately, the chain did not drop.

It's not perfect, but overall, it's pretty good.

There is a good chance to hit the first place on the new song chart!

"It's worthy of a song written by Qu Dad, the quality of this song is really good!"

"Produced by Wang Quanqu's father, it must be a high-quality product!

"It's true, but it's good to listen to, but it's not very good to sing, and there are a little too many high-pitched places. "

"The quality of the song is really fine, but if I hadn't just watched the archmage do it on stage, and only listened to the song, I guess it would have been better. "

"Poof! It seems that I'm not the only one who gets spicy to my eyes, I accidentally turned off the sound just now, and I almost scared me to death!"

"Hahahaha, my mother just said, why did this person have epilepsy and still hold the microphone and scream, and make me laugh!"

"Haha, in terms of practice, you have to rely on the archmage, he seems to be as soon as he reaches the high note, his body does not listen to the call. "

"Is Su Ming going to play next? At present, Hua Chenyu Wang Quan's "King Power" seems to be even better!"

"It should be Su Ming's turn, Su Ming himself still has a song, it seems to be a chorus, I don't know if the quality is resistant?"

"I will always believe in Su Ming's talent! Su Ming hurry up, wait for you to kill indiscriminately!"

"Su Ming! Su Ming!"


Let's not talk about the scene of the practice of throwing out the flower dust words. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For the song of Huachen Wang Quan.

The evaluation of the barrage is obviously still very good.

And at the same time.

The barrage's call for Su Ming is now unprecedentedly high.

Now Su Ming's two songs and Wang Quan's "King Power" have all been sung.

In the previous scolding battle, both sides said that they would eventually speak with their results.

As things stand, "Throne" seems to be superior.

If only the song that Su Ming sang himself was not stronger than "King's Power".

When this song is on the first place on the new song list, Huachenyu and the Tianle Entertainment behind it will definitely go directly to the face, so as to hype a wave.

And it doesn't even seem to have to wait for the first place on the new song chart.

Because Huachen is now on his face.


I saw that after Hua Chenyu finished singing, he didn't mean to get off the stage, and he started to speak with the microphone.

"Not surprisingly, this song "King Power" will appear at the top of the new song chart next week. "

"Here, I would like to take advantage of this stage to say two words. "

"Before the microwave scolding battle between me and Su Ming and a few judges, many people must already know about it. "

"At that time, the final rule we set was to speak by grades!"

"So, I hope that on the day when this song "King Power" tops the new song list, Su Ming and the judges in front of me can publicly apologize to me!"

At the same time, I bothered to post an apology microwave and put it on my homepage for a week. "

"Everyone is a virtuous person, so you shouldn't be able to afford to play, right?"

Hua Chenyu looked at the old Xue Ziqi on the judges' bench at this time, with an indifferent face.

The face he lost on Su Ming's people, so naturally he had to take it back from Su Ming's people!

Backstage, the director and the production team looked at the picture and said this forced words, and they were immediately numb.

What's going on?

Say it's okay not to have a conflict on the show?

Not afraid of the contract?

"Teacher Huachenyu, please don't affect the progress of the show, if the show is stopped again because of your judges, you need to compensate for all the losses of the show!"

The director hurriedly passed the words through the loudspeaker at the scene.

But hearing this, Hua Chenyu was obviously not afraid, and saw that he said with an innocent face:

"I don't mean to cause conflict, I'm communicating with the two judges very peacefully, and I just want an apology0..."

"But if they do something to affect the progress first, I can't blame it. "

"By the way, director, I suspect that you are a little too partial to that Su Ming. "

"Su Ming's work is slack, the show has started and the people haven't arrived yet, and now it is estimated that there is no one yet, if you want to delay the progress of the show, he is the one who delays the progress of the show, but you are talking about me?"

As soon as this remark came out.

There was an uproar.

What's the situation?

Huachenyu is too crazy, right, and the director dares to be scared?

However, Hua Chenyu seems to be reasonable, and I can't find too many points to refute.

And the main thing is.

Su Ming hasn't arrived at the scene yet?

What's going on?!

At this moment, the director seemed to be a little speechless and didn't know what to say.

The old Xue Ziqi and Yang Mi on the judges' bench are not very good-looking now.

This flower dust language is really beautiful!

The song is Wang Quan's, and it's actually put it up!

But this time they signed the contract, and they didn't have a hard time for a while.

As for agreeing, at most they agreed themselves, and they couldn't agree for Su Ming, right?

"Teacher Huachenyu, I warn you again, please return to your position now!"

The director is too lazy to care about it now, so he directly took out the majesty that a director should have, and began to warn Huachenyu.

This one has to be brought under control no matter what!

However, Hua Chenyu directly choked up, "As long as Lao Xue and Teacher Ziqi agree to my request just now, I will go down immediately." "


The smell of gunpowder on the field suddenly became stronger.

And at the same time.

The barrage in the live broadcast room seems to be already exciting.

"it! it! Big scene! This show actually has a problem again!"

"Damn, you won't really be fighting on the spot later, will you?"

"It's not a big problem, if you really fight, Su Ming brought a squad over, and the combat power was crushed!"

"Exciting! Archmage, in terms of the effect of the show, it has to be you!"

"It's so interesting, I don't want to listen to the song anymore, let's fight!!"

"Hasn't Su Ming arrived yet? shouldn't it, isn't it a traffic jam?"

"I actually want to see, what if the song that is the number one on the new song list is Su Ming?

"This probability is not high, the mage is probably confident enough to dare to say this on the public show, and you also saw the quality of "King Power" just now, it is indeed resistant!"


And just when this show is a little as deadlocked as last time.

Old Xue Ziqi stood up directly.

"Okay, we're agreeing to your request!"

"However, what if you are not number one on the new song list and are suppressed by our songs?"

Now Hua Chenyu just asked the two of them first, for the sake of the progress of the show, agree to it.

As soon as Hua Chenyu heard this, he immediately sneered, "This kind of thing can't happen!"

4.2 "If it really happens, come directly to a father-son bureau, and I will call you one by one a father!"

"No, ten sounds will do!"


has Qu Dad's lyrics as a guarantee, and he sings for a long time, how can he be superseded?

Unless Su Ming can sing a better song!

But is it possible?

Apparently impossible!

"Okay! That's what you said!"

Old Xue Ziqi's face was gloomy.

They really didn't expect Huachen to suddenly come out like this.

If Hua Chenyu said this outside the show, they wouldn't bother to pay attention to it at all.

This kind of thing can be handled coldly directly, and let Hua Chenyu jump by himself.

But he chose to be on the show.

This directly framed them.

Now I can only look forward to Su Ming.

And saw that Lao Xue Ziqi agreed.

Hua Chenyu didn't continue to entangle, and walked leisurely towards his judges' seat.

He's almost halfway there.

For the time being, let's get old Xue Ziqi first.

Su Ming's words, later.

And with the resignation of Hua Chenyu.

Teacher He, who was about to fall into a cold sweat on the side, hurriedly started to save the scene.

"Ahem, that, there was a little episode in the show. "

"But it's not a big problem, then invite our next singer right away, Mao No..."

And just when Mr. He was about to blurt out this sentence.

Suddenly, the director's voice sounded again in the speaker.

"Next, Su Ming!"

That's right.

Su Ming and the students are now downstairs!

And Su Ming just said that he doesn't need accompaniment, just give him a guitar and a harmonica

And ask to come to power immediately!

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