Chapter Ninety-Seven: Grass! The massage parlor also has Su Ming fans?!

And in the blink of an eye.

It's Crazy Thursday.

There are still two days left before the start of "The King of Golden Melody Singers".

In the past few days, as public opinion continues to ferment.

Nowadays, the topic of "Golden Melody Singer" can be said to be getting higher and higher.

There are nearly two million comments on the official blog of "The King of Golden Melodies" alone.

Of course, half of this is basically talking about Su Ming.

And on this morning.

A few screenshots, it was the first time it was on the hot search list.

[Screenshots of Qu Daddy Group leaked out! Song Yunteng wants to eat Xiang!]

[Shocked! Qu Dad Song Yunteng will go to People's Square to do a big thing!]

[Qu Dad Song Yunteng has long been unhappy with Su Ming!]


At this moment, entries like this seem to be at the top of the hot search list.

Tianle Entertainment, Composer's Lounge.

Wang Quan looked at this entry, and his face changed greatly.

How did this screenshot get on the microwave?

Who the hell leaked the news?!

In a trance.

He opened the Qu Daddy group as soon as possible.

At this time, Qu Daqun was already exploding.

"Old Song, it! You're on the hot search!"

"Old Song, are you awake, something is wrong with you! Who circulated the screenshots in our group?"

"Old Song, you really have no way back now, the pictures are all on the microwave hot search. "

"Lao Wang, you shouldn't have made this picture, isn't this authentic!"

"[Wang Quan (Lao Wang)]: Don't be embarrassed, I really didn't send it!!

"Oh no!

"Why isn't Old Song bubbling yet, won't he be in the bureau?"


Wang Quan looked at someone who suspected that the picture was sent by him, and he couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

Although he wanted to rectify this Song Yunteng, his strength was not so small, and he wanted to poke this matter on the Internet.

He doesn't know who sent this screenshot.

However, this screenshot has been processed, except for Su Ming, 06 poisonous oath and other rumors are still there.

All the words about Song Yunteng's color were cut off.

If those words hadn't been intercepted, then public opinion would really be enough for Song Yunteng to drink a pot, and it would even be possible to go to prison and squat for a few days!

It seems that the person who circulated this picture did not intend to make things worse.

And just when this small group was in a mess, the big guys were a little panicked.

Song Yunteng, who hadn't spoken for a long time, finally bubbled up in the group.

"Fuck it! Don't look for the ghost, I know who did it!"

"A few days ago, I went to have tea, and I accidentally chatted with the dog woman about Su Ming, and I couldn't help but say a few bad words,

As a result, this dog woman actually said that she liked Su Ming's songs, and gave me a slap! "

"And then she went up at night while I was asleep, flipped through my phone, and after that... Grass!"

At this moment, Song Yunteng, who was sitting on his sofa, had a blue face, stomped his feet angrily, and was all kinds of incompetent and furious.

And looking at the series of news sent by Song Yunteng.

The group was directly boiling.



"Hahaha! I knew that Lao Song would be planted in the hands of a woman!"

"I'm going to die laughing! Old Song, the money that should be spent still has to be spent!"

"It's awesome! You can meet Su Ming's fans in that place? Su Ming is too hot!"

"Damn! Actually, she's not a fan of Su Ming, she doesn't even know what Su Ming looks like, she just likes the songs written by Su Ming!

"Old Song, why didn't you pay the hush money earlier, now this matter is a bit unfinished. "

"I don't think I want to? When I woke up the next day, she was gone, and she couldn't be contacted, where can I pay hush money?"

"This woman is really not smart enough, she took a screenshot and asked you for hush money, so she couldn't make money?



Looking at Song Yunteng's story of overturning, the faces of the people in the group were crooked.

Who would have thought that such a big thing.

It was actually Song Yunteng's own thunder.

But one thing to say, if this thing is said, it is estimated that it is outrageous enough.

Song Yunteng's net worth will actually lose in money!

Of course, Su Ming's also had to carry a small part of the pot.

He has so many fans!

And on the other end.

Public opinion on the microwave has also begun to ferment continuously.

"Damn! The screenshot of Qu Dad's chat group actually came out!"

"Hahahaha! I didn't expect the chatting style of the Qu dads to be the same as ours, I thought they usually spoke Chinese. "

"I'll go! What's the situation with Song Yunteng? How much does he look down on Su Ming?

"I think there are a few other Qu dads in this group who still approve of Su Ming. "

"I saw Wang Quan! I lost it, is he blowing Su Ming like this now?!"


"Go to the People's Square to in public? This Nima is too heavy! And there is one thing to say, this affects the hygiene of the workplace a little!"

"Poof! Don't be embarrassed, you haven't read the second half of the sentence, people will be bored with their backhands. "

"Hahahaha, I can't laugh anymore, I deserve to be Qu Dad, I will deal with it, the quality is really proper!"

"Don't worry, even if Song Yunteng loses, he can't be bored, I tried, that thing is too dry to swallow at all!"


"I really can't swallow it, so I can try it with some soy sauce and vinegar. "


My friend said that normal feces are slippery but not greasy when you first enter the mouth, soft and glutinous, chewing carefully and not sticking to your teeth, and slightly bitter."


"Hahahaha! All of them are talents! How many old people have been blown up?!"


"But to be honest, this Song Yunteng is a little too confident, is he so sure that Su Ming won't be able to get the first place?"

"This time, there are four Qu Daddy pinching attacks, and it is really difficult for Su Ming to think first, but to say that Su Ming will definitely not be able to win, it is a little too much to look down on Su Ming. "

"Now it's not just the Qu Dad in this group who is supervising, but now the whole network is supervising this Song Yunteng!"

"This Nima is really a big scene! Although I don't know Su Ming, I must vote for Su Ming!

"I will also vote for Su Ming!

"Empower every dream!"

"Empower every dream!"



Originally, netizens were all contradictory points, and why Song Yunteng looked down on Su Ming's talent so much.

Can be seen when the bets.

Netizens laughed numbly.

By now, the style of painting has completely changed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Netizens all coaxed, saying that they would vote for Su Ming.

The other end.

Looking at the "Golden Melody Singer" program group with such public opinion, all of them are big.

They didn't care about Song Yunteng.

The main thing is that the whole thing is like this, which may seriously interfere with the fairness of the show's voting!

If you really follow the momentum in the comment area.

Su Ming is simply going to be the first to be escorted!

"Director, what can I do?"

"How do I know? Contact the Planning Department immediately!"


But the most anxious at this time is naturally Song Yunteng himself.

"Damn, I don't have anything to mention Su Ming?!"

Looking at these comments on the Internet, Song Yunteng frantically pumped his mouth, and the word regret was simply written on his face.

But the wood is already in the boat, and it is useless to regret it.

After contacting the company, the advice given by the public relations department was to send a microwave to refute the rumors, and the picture was fake.

But now the microwave atmosphere has long since become a rumor, and it must be true.

And the main thing is that even if the mouths of netizens are blocked, this can't stop the mouths of these people in the circle.

He and several other Qu Dad's prestige avatars, chat style, many people in the circle know each other.

In case Su Ming really takes the first place.

The people in that circle will definitely keep talking about this thing in the future.

But after thinking about it, he seems to have no better choice than this path.


Just when he was about to contact the public relations and issue a refutation of the rumors.

The other three music dads invited by "The King of Golden Melody Singers" have released microwaves at this moment and began to support them.

[Netizens are calm, don't be foolish, I think Brother Yunteng Song Yunteng's bet is also reasonable, Su Ming is really talented, but he lacks qualifications and experience, and it is very difficult to get the first place, just Brother Yunteng's new song, I don't think it will be inferior to Su Ming's "Farewell"]

[Everyone, please vote rationally, don't be disturbed by the gambling contract, I think the same as Brother Yunteng, and I don't think Su Ming's song can win the first place, but if you want to be escorted by public opinion, it will be boring]

[Grass! Don't chew the words, I'll say it directly, the program team just took a fancy to Su Ming's traffic and invited him over, Su Ming wants to be the first in front of a few of us, and hone it for a few more years!]

With the end of these three Qu fathers

This public opinion seems to have begun to get a little out of control.

"Damn, I can see it clearly, these four Qu dads don't seem to be very happy with Su Ming!"

"I can see it too, but is it really that difficult to admit that Su Ming is excellent?"

"I use my seniority to suppress people at every turn, it's really a smile for me!"

"No, don't be stunned, don't look at Su Ming who wrote a little song, he is really invincible in the world, these four Qu Daddy are all characters who have debuted for ten years and have countless golden songs!"

"It's true, I also think that Su Ming can't win the first, Song Qu's father is really too much to make this bet, but I don't think there's anything wrong with it, after all, Su Ming can't be the first. "

"I don't care! I will vote for Su Ming anyway! I'll see if this Song Yunteng eats or not! Didn't he say that he Song did what he said?"

"Song Yunteng, you won't be cowardly when the time comes, right?"

"If I guess blindly, he will definitely say that this screenshot is fake, hahaha!"

"Vote sensibly, I'll vote for whoever has a good song anyway!"

"It's the most annoying to use qualifications to oppress people, or wait for Su Ming to take the first place, and these three will also eat with Song Yunteng at that time, right?"


At this moment, the two groups of netizens who supported Su Ming and wanted to vote for Su Ming, as well as the two groups of netizens who stood in Qu Dad, were torn up on the Internet at this moment.

And watched the other three Qu Dad all stand up and speak.

Song Yunteng, who was still thinking about refuting the rumors, straightened up in an instant.

Damn, the other three Qu dads didn't coerce, what did he coax?!

Could it be that Su Ming really has the ability to take the first place?

Immediately, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he immediately sent a microwave. 647 Song Yunteng:

[Trouble don't give me, I said, Su Ming can't take the first, he just can't take the first! If he really takes it, I will fulfill this bet!]

As soon as this microwave was issued.

It seems to have caused an uproar.


"Got it! I'm ready to vote for Su Ming!hahahaha!"


"The eighth gave you a thumbs up!"

"If you vote for Su Ming, we will be good friends!"


At this moment, under his microwave, there are all these netizens joining in the fun.

However, Song Yunteng's face was still ugly at the moment, but he was completely free of fear in his heart.

The other three Qu Daddy have all made their positions clear.

Public opinion has also been torn like this.

It is impossible for the program team to still use the evaluation rules of SMS voting!


And he guessed correctly.

It was only half an hour after he posted this microwave.

The official blog of "The King of Golden Melodies" is the first to announce that the program team is reformulating the rules and will be announced tomorrow.

As soon as this announcement came out.

Obviously, it is boring to make those netizens who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.

However, this contradiction is surprisingly back to the original again.

That's Song Yunteng... No, it's that these four Qu dads all have opinions about Su Ming.

If so.

The situation of the show and public opinion on the Internet are now very clear.

It is the veteran composer represented by Song Yunteng, competing with Su Ming, a rookie genius composer.

And the other end.

At this time, in the conference room of the "Golden Melody Singer" program group, it can be said that it has become a mess now

"Damn! This Song Yunteng is really good at doing things! This bet is a bet, and it turned out to be on the Internet! The other three are too, and they are talking about their qualifications every day!"

"Director, I just said it, the four of them will definitely have opinions, but I didn't expect things to be so big. How did this screenshot come about?"

"Forget it, the top priority now is to formulate this new designation rule. "


Jiahang Entertainment Company.

At this time, Su Ming, who was the person concerned, was unaware of everything that was happening on the microwave today.

"Damn, when was this steel of the heart slashed?"

The screen was gray, Su Ming's brows furrowed deeply, and he couldn't help but scold the quintessence of the country.

That's when it happened.

Outside the office, Yang Rexing rushed in.

"Something's wrong! Su Ming, look at the microwave!"

"Su Ming, you're on the hot search!"


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