Chapter Ninety-Nine: The list of singers is announced!

In the blink of an eye, it was already Friday night.

There are less than 24 hours left before the start of the broadcast of "The King of Golden Melodies".

After yesterday's microwave, Su Ming and the fate of the four Qu fathers.

Now the heated discussion on the Internet about "The King of Golden Melody Singers" can be said to have reached its peak.

The "Tomorrow's Superstar" program team next door watched the situation.

One by one, they really broke out in a cold sweat.

Luckily, they moved the airtime to Friday.

If this collides with "The King of Golden Melody Singers", the ratings must not die violently?


Jiahang Entertainment practice room.

At this time, Zhang Zai was still practicing the song he was going to sing tomorrow.

After the last practice of the day, the two chatted in the lounge.

"Brother Park, how are you doing?"

"It's okay, but it's still a little bit stressful. "


Yesterday, Su Ming and the four Qu fathers mattered.

They apparently watched.

Now this psychological pressure has become extremely huge.

Because this singing is not only about themselves, but also about Su Ming.

First of all, the song is definitely untitled.

Whether it is Zhang Zao's "Under Heaven" or Pu Su's "Ordinary Road", they are very confident.

Now I'm worried that I won't play well, and then I will smash Su Ming's two songs.

That's right, Su Ming thought about it and finally wrote the song for Zhang Zai is "The World".

"I'll go, Brother Pu Su, look, the program team seems to have announced the list of singers. "

"Are these singers on the same stage as us?!"

Zhang Zai looked at the microwave just released by the official wave of "The King of Golden Melody Singers" at this time, and his face suddenly became more dignified.

"Hmm... Why don't we practice it a few more times?"

Pu Su looked at the list of singers, his face was also solemn, and he couldn't help but say.

In addition to the two of them, there are a total of eight, and several of them are even at the same level as Lao Xue Ziqi, and they all have their own masterpieces.

It's all a line!

"Well, let's practice a little longer. "

Zhang Zai rubbed his chin violently, hesitated slightly, and then hurriedly returned to his own singing room with Pu Su.


and another 367 heads.

At this time, with the announcement of the list of singers of "Golden Melody Singer".

Related topics instantly topped the hot search list.

The microwave can be said to be a fryer.

"I'll go! This lineup is a bit outrageous!"

"Wang Lung is actually here!"

"Chen Feng is also here!"

"The two singers selected by Song Yunteng are actually Li Xuan and Zhang Yun!

"Damn! Lantai is really bloody!"

"I'm dripping mom! I have to watch this show! I feel like I'm losing blood if I don't watch it!"

"Funds are burning wildly!"

"No, why do you feel like there's something strange mixed in there?"

"Which of these two was chosen by Su Ming?"



Netizens were shocked by this singer lineup and were extremely emotional.

However, while netizens are marveling at the strong lineup of these singers.

Suddenly, I noticed a strange place.

Those are the two singers chosen by Su Ming, who seem to have never seen each other!

And judging from the posters announced, Zhang Zao's simplicity is very different from the other eight lines.

Everything else is all sorts of glamorous.

When I arrived at Zhang Zai's simplicity, one looked rustic, and the other looked like he was not in good health.

Such a contrasting situation.

It really caused a heated discussion among netizens.

"If you don't understand, just ask, who is this Zhang Zheng and Pu Su?"

"I haven't heard of it, it won't be an unpopular singer, right?"

"I checked it sometime, but I didn't find it at all, could it be that the program team made a mistake?"

"No, this kind of low-level mistake is impossible for the program team to make. "

"Where did Su Ming get these two things, just looking at their appearance is not good. "

"Indeed, Su Ming won't give up treatment, right? Knowing that his song can't beat those four Qu fathers, he casually dragged two people up on the street to take the blame. "

"Su Ming can't be such a person, right, I remembered that he was a thief before?"



Netizens are extremely unfamiliar with Zhang Zai and Pu Su, and they can't help but start speculating about their identities at this moment.

Soon, though.

After Jiahang Entertainment's official wave took advantage of this wave of popularity and officially announced the identities of the two.

The comments suddenly blew up again.


"I'm dripping mom! Su Ming actually chose two pure newcomers to sing? Is he crazy?!"

"Su Ming won't really give up treatment, right?"

"Zhang Zai, this name is a little familiar!"

"Damn! Isn't this moisturizing?!I didn't expect to change the look, and I almost didn't see it!"

"I'm lost! It's really him! I watched Su Ming's live broadcast a few days ago, didn't he want to see the melon field?

"What do you mean? Su Ming also caught a peasant and went up to sing?"

"Hahahaha! I've heard that Su Ming is very down-to-earth, so it's too much!

"After watching the live broadcast, this Zhang Zheng still has strength, but it feels a little too big to send Zhang Zheng to this level of stage so quickly. "

Originally, I believed that Su Ming could be the first, but there was a big problem in the selection of people, if Zhang Zai didn't have stage fright, he should still be able to barely sing, what the hell is the other sick seedling?"

"It seems that Jiahang wants to praise people, but at this time, it is really a little irrational. "

"I didn't understand Su Ming's mysterious operation, so I'll watch Su Ming's live broadcast honestly tomorrow, alas~"

"Su Ming is confused!"

"Su Ming, that's not how the cards are played!"



After learning the identity of Zhang Zai's simplicity.

In the comment area, I almost dropped my jaw.

Originally, the atmosphere was so severe yesterday, and I originally felt like I was going to see a fairy fight


None of them expected that Su Ming would actually select two unknown newcomers to participate in a program of this level.

That's a bit outrageous!


Many netizens who were originally quite optimistic about Su Ming's miracle are now all confused by Su Ming's selection.

Did Su Ming choose this with his eyes closed?

In the face of this scene, at this time, Song Yunteng and the other three Qu Dad seemed to be already laughing.

"Newcomer, just these two green onions, I thought Su Ming was looking for which two big coffees!"

"Hahaha, it seems that Su Ming, this junior, should have been cowardly, deliberately looking for two people to come over, and when he poured, he threw the pot on the singing skills of these two people. "

"Tut-tut, this Su Ming still understands a little bit of human sophistication after all, and knows how to use this operation to show favor to us. "

"Brother Yunteng, you can rest assured now, your bet basically doesn't need to be cashed out. "


Originally, the broadcast was approaching, and they were somewhat nervous.

However, after seeing the two singers selected by Su Ming, they were not so nervous all of a sudden.

They didn't think that the two people selected by Su Ming could compare with the first-line celebrities they chose

After all, let's not talk about professional things like rap skills. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The experience on stage alone is not comparable to these two people.


Let's talk about the other end.

Yang Mi's family at this time.

"I knew it was going to be like this. "

"Under such pressure, Zhang Zaipu won't all drop the chain (ageg), right?"

Reba looked at the hot search comments, and her face was full of helplessness.

"Hey, hey, you two stop playing, are you listening to me?"

Reba looked at Yang Mi Suming, who was playing a pillow fight, and couldn't help but have a big head.

Obviously, these two people are the bosses of Jiahang.

Why is she worrying about this alone?

And since Su Ming Yang Mi came back from the countryside, she really felt more and more that the relationship between these two people was wrong.

Originally, the protagonists of this pillow war should have been her and Yang Mi.

Now she has been abandoned by Yang Mi!

"Sister Mi, just now my points are bigger than yours, normally speaking, I can beat you ten times, why can't you afford to play?"

"Who told you to hit that hard!

At this moment, Yang Mi Suming was holding a pillow alone, chasing me in the living room, panting and laughing happily, just like two children.

And Reba, who is usually the most childish of the three, now seems to have become an old mother.

"Ahem, did you two listen to me?"

"Why don't I go? I feel like I'm running out of light bulbs!"

Reba really couldn't stand it anymore, and got up to protest at this time.


Protests are effective.

As soon as she finished saying this, Yang Mi just gave up on Su Ming, panting and coming to Reba's side,

"Reba, what did you just say? What light bulb, is your light bulb broken? Or ask Su Ming to help you fix it, he can do anything." "

"Sister Mi, the last time!"


As soon as Yang Mi finished speaking, she ushered in Su Ming's last pillow.

"Reba, Su Ming, he bullied me!

Yang Mi was in pain and wanted to fight back against Su Ming, but she was already tired and had no strength, so she could only look at Reba innocently.

At this time, Reba seemed to have a cold face, "Sister Mi, I want to bully you, remember that I am your sister, you abandoned me, and I didn't even know what I said just now." "

Seeing Reba like this, Yang Mi also hurriedly signaled Su Ming to stop making trouble, and began to coax Reba.

Sure enough, it's really good to coax each other.

In less than a minute, the two girls were glued together again, with happy faces on their faces.

Then, Reba will also voice her worries.

"It's okay, just trust them. "

After Su Ming heard this, he directly threw out a sentence, his face full of leisure.

Yang Mi on the side also echoed and nodded.

In fact, Yang Mi has been worried about this problem like Reba in the past two days, but somehow, after playing crazy with Su Ming for a while, she has already left this matter behind.

"Forget it, I'll give them a call. "

Su Ming looked at the comments on the microwave again at this time, and his brows furrowed slightly.

If Zhang Zaipu saw these comments, it is estimated that his mentality would really have some impact.

And soon, when the phone was connected, Su Ming immediately gave the two of them some enlightenment and encouragement, and finally left four words for the two: "Enjoy the stage"!

Obviously, Su Ming's enlightenment and encouragement were very useful to Zhang Zheng and the others.

The two of them, who were still under great pressure, immediately fell down on the stone hanging in their hearts.

Let's go back to Su Ming.

After Yang Mi played like crazy, Su Ming looked at the time, it was almost time to go home and prepare to wash and sleep, and he would have to meet the fans tomorrow.

"Sister Mi, Reba, I'll go first. "

"I'll send you!

"Tomorrow? Tomorrow I'm a fan. "

"Can I go with me tomorrow?"

"Ahem, Sister Mi, there have been a lot of things in the company recently, and the company needs you!"


Looking at Yang Mi Suming, who was leaving side by side, there was talk and laughter.

Reba hugged a pillow that Yang Mi had just given her, and a black question mark couldn't help but appear on her face.

What's going on?

What happened to these two people in the countryside?

Especially Yang Mi, how is this the same as a different person?

Yang Mi, who has always had a calm and cold personality, how does this feel childish?

These two people won't really be fine!

If that's the case, Yang Mi can't do it, looking at Chunchun is like a love brain!

And it didn't take long.

Yang Mi came back in a hurry, with a hint of unfinished meaning in her eyes.

"Sister Mi, please look me in the eye!"


"Sister Mi, do you have a leg with Su Ming? Forget it, I'll show you a video of digging wild vegetables first, and I'll talk about it later!"



"Damn! I seem to have misremembered, and I still owe it and didn't call back!"

On the way back, Su Ming recalled the fierce pillow battle just now.

Thinking of a mistake, his face suddenly turned annoyed.

However, after being annoyed, the corners of Su Ming's mouth couldn't help but rise.

I don't know why, but Da Mimi looks really getting cuter.

And after returning home.

Su Ming didn't have time to take a shower, so he hurriedly added the prestige of the fans drawn from the lottery first.

No surprises.

This time, the fans are still female fans.

A brief exchange.

Su Ming learned the name of this female fan.


Look at these two familiar words.

Su Ming couldn't help but think of a friend from his previous life.

This female fan's surname won't be Zhao, right?


Under Su Ming's side knock.

He was surprised to get the answer.

This female fan is really surnamed Zhao!

And judging from the photos sent by the other party, it is really the Zhao Jinmark in the previous life!


is another little flower in a previous life.

This shit was shipped away!.

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