"Ahem, um, can I get some more food?"

Anyway, if someone pays for a treat, she will not miss this opportunity if she can get more white tickets.

Reba nodded numbly.

Chu Yang's brain circuit is indeed different from normal people.

He said that the treat will pay, generally speaking, the man Shouldn't he be very moved?

Why didn't he see the slightest bit of emotion on Chu Yang's face, but his eyes were shining?

"never mind."

Anyway, she has treated Boss Yang's mission as a protracted battle.

She doesn't believe it anymore. It took a month to change Chu Yang?


"When it comes to being thick-skinned, it’s you, Chu Yang! Reba bought you a shopping cart, but you’re still not satisfied"

"Reba, actually I also have an electronic shopping cart, why don’t you clear it for me by the way?"

"Goddess Reba, why don’t you choose me? I don’t need you to clear the shopping cart for me. I’ll buy it for you every day."

"I suspect that Chu Yang went to see a doctor. The doctor said that he had a bad stomach and was suitable for eating soft food. Then he chose to eat soft rice."


After waiting for about half an hour, Chu Yang came out with a shopping cart full of fruits and vegetables.

After Reba paid the money, the two pushed three carts of"trophies" to the underground parking lot and loaded them into the car.

"It's still early, I just searched there is a park nearby, shall we go for a walk?"

Close the trunk, Reba made a timely suggestion.

As the saying goes, a soft-spoken man is a soft-spoken man, but a weak-handed manipulator is short-handed.

Reba had just settled the bill for two shopping carts, and Chu Yang was embarrassed to refuse.

The former also understood this truth, so he Let Chu Yang buy a second cart of items.

The area where the park is located is a downtown area, so it does not occupy a large area.

When the two of them arrived, almost all of the sparse crowds in the park were elderly people.

The uncle and aunt were just She looked curiously at Reba, who was fully armed, and then turned back to continue the chat.

Reba exhaled and relieved her tension.

She didn't want to expose her identity again, otherwise she would be exposed all afternoon. Wasted on this kind of ineffective social interaction.

Maybe it’s because it’s Monday, or maybe the uncle and aunt don’t pay much attention to the entertainment industry.

So Reba can be safe and bold to be alone with Chu Yang.

Stepping on the path paved with cobblestones, The two were wandering aimlessly.

After a while of chatting, Chureba Yangreba suddenly pointed at a dog in front of her and said:

"Look, that dog in front is a bit cute."

Reba usually likes small animals, including cats and dogs, and has raised a few.

Because only these small animals will stay with her and accompany her through those lonely leisure times. Time.

Therefore, Reba would be particularly excited when seeing small animals.

Chu Yang looked in the direction Reba pointed.

A brown dog was being led by its owner and walking in the park.

Its appearance is similar to that of a husky, a little thinner. Although it is thin, it is very strong, and its tail is vertical and downward.

Therefore, the first impression is a bit strange.

But if you think of dogs like huskies, It was normal, but a little abnormal.

Chu Yang looked at it carefully for a long time, and then said:"This is not a dog, this is a wolf.""


Reba didn't react for a while. She was stunned for a moment and then said:

"How is it possible? Large dogs are prohibited in the city, let alone wolves."

If a person dares to raise a wolf in the city and take it for a walk in the park, then he must be crazy!

"A dog's tail points upward, while a wolf's tail points downward."

Chu Yang said solemnly and seriously.

Reba took a closer look and saw that the dog's tail was indeed pointing down as Chu Yang said.

Is it really a wolf?

As he spoke, the two of them had already come closer.

"Hello, uncle, is this just a wolf?"

Reba still couldn't help but ask.

Except for the possibility of being a wolf, this dog's other conditions were very good, and its coat was smooth and shiny.

The uncle pointed at his clothes and said to Reba:" Sister, do you think I look like a rich person?"

She spoke with a thick Weijin accent, and Reba stopped worrying about the title of 'sister'.

The clothes on the uncle's body looked a little old, as if they had been worn for several years.

But the clothes were related to whether he was a wolf or a dog. What's the connection?

Seeing that Reba didn't respond, the uncle started talking to himself again.

"I am so poor, do you think I dare to raise wolves?"

"Well, if someone doesn't pay attention and bites it off, I won't lose everything."

With his unique Weijin accent and slightly exaggerated expression, the uncle looks like a cross talk actor.

However, what the uncle said makes some sense.

If it were a wolf, with its aggressive nature, it would inevitably bite.

Don't say that She lost money, and just the rabies vaccine after biting someone was a big expense.

After Reba smiled awkwardly, she asked like an uncle:"Uncle, can I touch this dog?""

The uncle looked at Reba suspiciously, and after confirming that she was not a dog thief, he nodded.

The dog that looked like a husky stuck out its scarlet tongue, glanced at Reba, and then turned away. Reba was gentle. After stroking the dog's head, he heard Chu Yang talking next to him.

"In fact, there is a way to tell whether a wolf is a dog. You touch its nose with your finger. If the nose is wet, it is a dog."

While listening, Reba really touched the dog's nose.

The nose was dry and without any moisture.

If the dog is sick, the nose will also become dry. Reba comforted herself.

But at this time, she listened Chu Yang continued:"If your fingers are gone, you will be a wolf!"

Reba, who was listening in rapt attention, withdrew her hand with a snap.

This move startled Chu Yang and the uncle.

Even the dog was so frightened that it squeaked twice.

The situation seemed like It became even more embarrassing. Reba pushed her peaked cap down and left in despair, not caring about visiting the park anymore.

Chu Yang also smiled at the uncle, turned around and followed Reba.


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