Chapter 26: As soon as”Nocturne” sounds, go on stage to receive the award! on the stage The lights quickly dimmed the stage according to Lin Mo’s request. The difference from before is that this time the stage is not completely dark Instead, it creates a dark feeling The surrounding large LED screens also displayed pictures that had been constructed in advance. There are old withered trees, with black crows standing on them, and rotten leaves on the ground. The whole atmosphere is particularly depressing and dark. Yang Mi and Lao Xue looked at each other, wondering what ideas Lin Mo had prepared this time? Lao Xue was full of interest and whispered:”Oh, the dark type~” “Uh-huh~” Yang Mi also nodded slightly and said slightly worriedly: “He doesn’t know how to sing any scary songs, does he?” Lao Xue replied:”I really can’t say for sure, Lin Mo’s mind is so big that ordinary people can’t guess what he is thinking in his mind?” Jiugonggezhong Kunkun was stunned for a moment, then shook his head slightly, thinking to himself, is Lin Mo crazy? This is a competition, not a concert. Singers do what they should do, which is to please the audience. How to make the audience feel comfortable while watching the movie? Instead of pretending to be a ghost here and scaring the audience And if it doesn’t scare the audience, wouldn’t it be a joke? If it scares the audience, how can the score be high?”well~” When he thought of this, Kunkun actually sighed, feeling like he was alone and seeking defeat. At this time, Hua Chenyu was leaning on the chair. He frowned more and more as he looked at the dim stage design. Ordinarily ~ Lin Mo’s previous performances were quite normal! Why did this scene suddenly take on a horror style? Could it be that he really listened to Xue Zhiqian’s words? Ready to let yourself go? Isn’t this asking for self-destruction? At this time, the audience in the audience also looked surprised. They looked at the layout of the stage, and then at Lin Mo, who was wearing a black suit. They couldn’t figure out what Lin Mo was going to do for a moment. And Lin Mo didn’t even look at anyone else from beginning to end. He walked on the stage, found a bench and sat down gently, then looked up at the crows in the tree, and then slowly closed his eyes. Bang bang bang bang bang bang the atmosphere is getting quieter and quieter First there were three”bang bang” heartbeat sounds in the background music. a few seconds later A sizzling sound of electricity slowly came out When the audience was confused, the sound of a guitar suddenly sounded! The basis of this sound is an electric guitar, and then it is computer programmed to form an extremely unique sound. In addition, its melodious and slightly sad melody has just sounded. The audience in the audience just stared with wide eyes! Damn it! This is the prelude! Damn it, I’m on my knees! It is not even an exaggeration to say This is definitely the best, sweetest and most moving intro they have ever heard! I haven’t heard the rest of the singing yet, but the melody of this intro alone is enough to break through everyone’s defenses. The three star promoters in front were even more shocked. Damn it! Is Lin Mosha crazy?! Just listening to the intro of this song, this song must be another masterpiece~ Lao Xue and Yang Mi’s eyes were filled with anticipation They don’t have any psychological burden, so they just hope to hear a good song But there is Hua Chenyu! You know, he and Lin Mo both participated in the selection for the Golden Sound Award! Lin Mo also said yesterday that he would use today’s song to participate in the election If today’s track is not perfect, then Hua Chenyu has a high chance of winning But if Lin Mo’s work today is another masterpiece, then Hua Chenyu’s winning rate will naturally be much smaller. to be honest At this time, Hua Chenyu didn’t care whether he could win the award or not. He just didn’t want to lose to Lin Mo, and he didn’t want Lin Mo to win the prize! After all, it was he who criticized Lin Mo not long ago! It was he who accused Lin Mo of composing problems in two consecutive games! Once Lin Mo wins the award, wouldn’t it be like a slap in the face? Thinking of this, Hua Chenyu became even more worried He raised his head and looked towards the stage. At this time After the prelude ended, Lin Mo started singing “A group of bloodthirsty ants~” “Attracted to carrion~” “I have no expression on my face, looking at the lonely scenery~” “Losing you~” “Love and hate begin to become clear~” “Losing you~” “What else is there to care about?~” “When doves no longer symbolize peace~” “I was finally reminded~” “Vultures are fed in the square~” “I use beautiful rhymes to describe the love that has been plundered~” Rap?! Lin Mo actually used Rap this time? Is there anything he can’t do? Everyone looked surprised and even more disbelieving. But it’s more about empathizing with this melody Just this short piece of simple piano, retro melody, and Lin Mo’s deep voice easily touched the hearts of the audience! A poignant feeling arises spontaneously Most listeners understand the meaning of this song. The pain of losing a loved one is accurately and perfectly reflected in the first few lyrics. In the command room Huang Wenli listened to Lin Mo’s rap and looked at the scenes arranged on the stage, and finally understood why Lin Mo was so confident. Why did Lin Mo decide to use this song to participate in the election before he even started singing! This song, this element, this complex arrangement is the real winner! The assistant director stood aside with deep emotion. She rarely commented but listened intently to Lin Mo’s singing. on the stage Lin Mo sat up and leaned on the park bench. He took the microphone and sang again “Dark clouds begin to cover~” “The night is not clean~” “in the park~” “The echoes of the funeral are flying in the sky~” “The white rose I gave you withered in the pure black environment~” “The crow is eerily quiet on the branch~” “listen quietly~” “My black coat, I want to warm you, the increasingly cold memories~” “What has passed, what has passed, life~” “Ah, there is fog all around~” “I’m in an empty cemetery~” “I will still love you when I grow old~” “.” at this moment Lao Xue took the lyrics paper and looked at the lines and paragraphs of lyrics on it. Once again he couldn’t help but let out a long breath. The lyrics are still invincible! The most important thing is that the environment created by Lin Mo is a perfect match! Even the lyrics alone are enough to condense a clear picture and scene in words! It’s enough to feel the unbearable pain, and even more enough to feel the unforgettable affection. Lin Mo stood up, his eyes full of affection Nostalgia, longing, pain… all poured out in this one look! The audience was shocked For a moment, I didn’t know whether Lin Mo was a singer or an actor?! After all, that look in his eyes is so touching! But then. When Lin Mo started singing the chorus He transformed into a singer with excellent singing skills and sincere emotions. “Play Chopin’s nocturne for you~” “In memory of my dead love~” “A sound like the night wind~” “Heartbroken sounds good~” “My hands are typing very lightly on the keyboard~” “The thoughts I give you are very careful~” “Where you are buried is the underworld~” The lyrics of the chorus are so deeply touching and moving that they are like tear gas, completely moving those who are sensitive. Among the thousands of people present, I don’t know how many girls shed tears. Boys are relatively rational loadAdv(7,3);

But at this time, his eyes were slightly red, and he was also filled with emotion! The reason is simply because they understand this song! I also understand the layout on the field. The girl left and the boy sat alone in the suburbs at night He looked at the old trees, at the crows, and at the ants crawling on the ground. He listened to songs, listened to funeral music, listened to the wind in his ears, and thought about the person who left. This is the end of this life for you and me! But please believe that I will still love you in the next life! The emotions become stronger and the longing becomes heavier Lin Mo walked on the stage alone, lonely and helpless He at this time Suddenly he doesn’t look like a singer, but more like a lonely person who has lost his lover. His eyes were empty and confused, looking into the distance sadly off stage Xue Zhiqian finally couldn’t help but cursed “Holy shit! Did this guy graduate from a drama school? I felt really bad when I saw him!” Xue Zhiqian thought he could get Yang Mi’s approval But after waiting for a long time, I still didn’t hear any reply. Turning around, I saw that Yang Mi had already turned into a tearful person on the stage Lin Mo continues to sing “Play Chopin’s nocturne for you~” “In memory of my dead love~” “And I hide your name for you~” “Play the piano under the moonlight~” “The feeling of your heartbeat~” “Still so warm and close~” “I miss your bright red lip prints~” Then another rap is integrated into the song After Lin Mo finished singing the last line, he walked alone on the”fallen leaves”, then walked to the corner and sat down gently. Even though there is nothing there, everyone knows The place where Lin Mo sat was the cemetery of his beloved! The song ends here The girls could faintly be heard sobbing at the scene. You can also see the boys slowly raising their heads in the dim light Apparently, they were trying not to shed tears Logically speaking, no matter how good a song sounds, it is just a song after all. After all, it will never be able to impress the audience so much. However, Lin Mo is different from other singers after all! Lin Mo has master-level singing skills He has a strong emotional control over this song. The intensity, rhythm, pitch, and emotion of the song are all under his control. Furthermore, Lin Mo is too professional in lighting and scene design. Although professional-level lighting design is not a top skill, it is definitely better than 80% of lighting teachers. More importantly, he matches his music with lighting No one knows better than himself what kind of lighting his songs need to match! In addition, Lin Mo’s performance tonight is completely different from ordinary singers! Generally, after singers come on stage, they simply sing or add a little dance and composition. But today, Lin Mo added a performance to his singing He looked like he was singing an opera! Both singing and acting! The above three factors combined together led to the audience being so touched. Offstage Needless to say, Lao Xue and Yang Mi recognized Lin Mo. Yang Mi had already cried and her eyes were red. From the moment Lin Mo stood up, her heart had been touched. Later, looking at Lin Mo’s dazed and lonely back, tears could not stop flowing down. Old Xue’s eyes were also red. On the one hand, he was moved by Lin Mo’s singing performance On the other hand, I am moved by this lyrics Lao Xue once said that he is a person who specializes in studying words This sentence is correct. He has paid great attention to lyrics since his debut. Every time I write a song, I write the lyrics in advance, and then revise the lyrics again and again, word for word, until I am satisfied with the changes. Because of this, after Lao Xue came to this show to be a celebrity promoter, I focused directly on the lyrics, so in every subsequent issue Old Xue will be stabbed by Lin Mo’s lyrics At first it was appreciation, then admiration, and now it is simply worship! This”Nocturne”》. It is an invincible work! Hua Chenyu on the side also had a dull look on his face. He is different from Lao Xue, he pays more attention to tunes The reason is very simple. His basic education is not very good and he cannot write good lyrics, so he can only work hard on the music. Lin Mo’s compositions in the first few games were relatively simple. For example, the chord construction of”Xiao Chou” and”Lonely Warrior” are not complicated. So he seized the opportunity and kept picking on the song But since the last issue of”The Wind Rises”, the difficulty of Lin Mo’s songs has gradually increased. He couldn’t find any fault with the increase. He also asked someone to investigate in private, wanting to see if Lin Mo had hired someone to write for him? But the investigation results showed that it was not the case. Lin Mo still wrote his own lyrics and composed his own music. In other words, Lin Mo has had strong composition ability from the beginning. It’s just that they keep a low profile and don’t want to show off! This caused Hua Chenyu to feel ashamed whenever her previous comments about Lin Mo were heard! Of course, Hua Chenyu also had an unexpected idea Does Lin Mo have no other good songs besides”The Wind Rises”? Now it seems clearly not Lin Mo’s performance in this scene was more exaggerated than expected! In this issue, the”Nocturne” he sang has extremely complex chords and unique harmony skills. Hua Chenyu tried his best. I still can’t tell what kind of chord structure Lin Mo used, what kind of rhythm he used, but other than that The orchestration of this song is even more outstanding Hua Chenyu didn’t even know what musical instrument Lin Mo used and how he could make such a moving sound. What’s even more exciting is the sound of electricity at the beginning, like an old-fashioned radio Zila Zila began to operate, and then a dusty story was told All in all, it’s amazing Lin Mo’s ability to create a song is as good as the ceiling at this time Hua Chenyu’s heart was filled with wonder But besides that, there are also deep worries. The program team will submit his new song”Hoarse” together with Lin Mo’s new song for a Golden Sound Award. That is to say His”Hoarse” will compete with”Nocturne”! How can this make him confident? When encountering such a masterpiece, there is no possibility of winning the championship! Hua Chenyu frowned and began to think about countermeasures. on the stage Teacher He came up and presided over: “Thank you Lin Mo for your new work”Nocturne”! Thank you everyone for your support to Lin Mo” As soon as Teacher He said these words, the applause from the audience became even more enthusiastic. a moment later Teacher He turned his head and asked:”Lin Mo, this song sounds very sad. Can you tell us what story it tells?” The audience also fell silent, all looking at Lin Mo Lin Mo thought for a moment and said: “A girl passed away, and the boy loved him very much. He walked where the two of them walked, went to the cemetery where the girl was buried, and played the girl’s favorite Chopin. He knew that he would never forget the girl in his life. I also know that I will grow old with a girl in my next life..” Lin Mo spoke slowly, but the scene was even quieter. After a moment of silence, someone suddenly started clapping. Then everyone applauded Lin Mo also bowed slightly to express his gratitude. Teacher He’s eyes turned red again, turned to look at Xing Tuiguan, and said: “Out of the three star reviewers, who among you will comment first?” “I’m coming~I’m coming~” Yang Mi, who was sitting in the middle, raised her hands excitedly to answer the question. (End of this chapter)

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