Chapter 67: The song”Broad Sea and Sky” sings that life can be full of joy! [Reward and add more chapters】


Lin Mo sang again”Life is more than what you have in front of you”》,《travel》,《Those Flowers” etc.

The guest singers also took turns to appear, and one classic song after another sounded in the huge bird’s nest.

And time is passing by minute by minute.

Finally, it was 11 o’clock in the evening, and it was time for the concert to end.

But the audience all chanted the name”Lin Mo” and were unwilling to leave for a long time.

Lin Mo couldn’t bear to end it like this. With a loud shout, he returned to the stage and sang for another half an hour.

Unfortunately, the Bird’s Nest rental was only for 24 hours until the Bird’s Nest staff frequently urged me to rent it..

Lin Mo is the one who knows

It’s finally time for this concert to end!

Lin Mo picked up the phone and said reluctantly:”Time flies really fast. Before you know it, it’s time to say goodbye.””

“I’m still very grateful”

“Thank you for traveling all the way here to attend the appointment and spend this unforgettable night together.”

“I can definitely tell you that this is the happiest day since my debut!”

“No matter how much time passes, I will never forget this night”

“The next song is the last song today”

“Its name is”Broad Sea and Sky”》!”

Lin Mo’s voice fell, and the lights at the scene were instantly turned off.

a few seconds later.

There was a faint sound of wind coming from the stage, giving people a sense of desolation.

Then a heavy piano sound appeared

The black and white piano keys were pressed quickly and hard, and the sound that erupted, the deep and powerful sound of the piano, made the hearts of the 70,000 audience members tremble.

Lenses and lighting to the band

Only then did people see clearly that Lin Mo was sitting next to the piano, pressing the keys forcefully and heavily, his slender fingers flowing on the piano.

A moving prelude was played, and people listened to the music and spontaneously turned on the flashlights of their mobile phones.

Forming a sea of stars full of light.

“Good evening, everybody~”

At this time

A calm voice came

The audience in the audience frowned slightly, because this voice was so familiar to them. Just the first sentence made them immediately think of the person coming.

However, they more or less don’t believe it

They don’t believe he actually came here?


Just when the audience was full of surprise, a light came down

People immediately saw the person in the light clearly!

He was wearing a neat suit, with his hair slicked back, a smile on his face, and a straight nose.

This person is none other than the King of Heaven, Wang Weiwen!!!


The audience immediately became excited~

The audience really didn’t expect that the king of heaven, Wang Weiwen, would also come?!

Kunkun looked shocked, and he stood up immediately in shock!

A whole big face with heavy makeup is full of incredible looks!

Damn, this is Wang Weiwen!

He is one of the top people in the Chinese music scene.

After all, when Kun Kun was young, he was the king!

Now that he has grown up, he is still the king!

Kunkun never dreamed of it

The King of Heaven would actually come here?

He will actually attend Lin Mo’s concert!!!

The same is true for Hua Chenyu not far away at this moment!

Not long ago, when Hua Chenyu held a concert, the first singer invited was Wang Weiwen

Even, in order to invite Wang Weiwen

The company is even willing to spend millions, just hoping that Wang Weiwen can record a video.

But still rejected

The reason for rejection turned out to be

He’s getting older and doesn’t want to appear in the spotlight

Damn it, you said you’re old and don’t want to appear in the spotlight, so what are you doing now?

I didn’t want to record a video, so I came to sing live in person.?

Isn’t this a bit too much??

Isn’t this a bit disrespectful??

Hua Chenyu gets angrier the more she thinks about it.

My heart was suddenly on the verge of collapse!

He really wanted to find Wang Weiwen and question him after the concert!

Asked him why he didn’t help him record the video?

Why are you willing to help Lin Mo?

Are you even willing to come to Lin Mo’s concert?

But think about it more carefully.

I lost my courage again!

After all, he is the King of Heaven. How dare he, a new-generation singer, challenge him?

“well!”Hua Chenyu sighed and leaned on the chair again.

He didn’t realize at all why Wang Weiwen rejected him

At that time, after Lin Mo finished singing”Xiaochou”

Hua Chenyu criticized”Xiaochou” on the spot and said that only unprofessional people would find this song good.

It just so happens that Wang Weiwen likes this song very much

Hua Chenyu had no idea that she had offended Wang Weiwen unknowingly!

Wang Weiwen naturally wouldn’t help him

on the stage

The prelude ended, Wang Weiwen picked up the microphone and started singing.

“Today I~”

“Watching the snow drift by on a cold night~”

“Floating far away with a cooled heart~”

“Chasing in the wind and rain~”

“Can’t tell the traces in the fog~”

“The sky is vast, you and me~”

“may change~”

Wang Weiwen deserves to be a king!

As soon as the familiar vibrato came out, the aunts and uncles in the audience who were in their 40s and 50s immediately went crazy!

When Lin Mo, who was playing the piano, saw this scene, his face was also full of smiles

In terms of lethality to uncles and aunts, it has to be Wang Weiwen~

As for Wang Weiwen coming to the scene to help, Lin Mo actually didn’t expect it at first.

At that time, Zhang Liangying contacted Wang Weiwen and asked if Wang Weiwen could help record a video.

Wang Weiwen looked at the itinerary and said directly:”I was in Beijing at that time, and I went directly to the scene.”

“But I have a small request”

“When I hold a concert, Lin Mo will also have to be my guest!”

to be honest~

This invitation is not a request at all. After all, even if Wang Weiwen does not come this time, Lin Mo will not refuse if Lin Mo is asked to help in the future.

Wang Weiwen originally posted an article online to support his own affairs

Lin Mo still remembers this kindness!

at this time

After Wang Weiwen finished singing, a beam of light fell again

The visitor had short hair and a delicate voice. Her appearance made the 70,000 audience members shout again!

It’s the Queen!

Wang Jingwen!

Needless to say, Wang Jingwen’s status is a well-deserved queen of heaven.

Famous in Asia!

Her unique voice is delicate and ethereal!

Many songs have been widely circulated and are sung to this day

I don’t know how many fans in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are crazy for her!

The mysterious Queen Wang Jingwen has been semi-retired from the music scene for many years.

Even though most people in the music industry were extremely shocked when they saw Queen Wang Jingwen who had retired for many years

There’s nothing she can do about her status, let alone that she’s been semi-retired for a long time.

Her appearance completely shocked the audience.

Five seconds later, there were screams again!

To know~

Wang Weiwen has also held concerts in recent years, so it is relatively easy for him to get on stage.

But Wang Jingwen hasn’t held a concert in more than ten years!

How many fans are looking forward to her holding a concert?

But there is still no news.

It has been difficult to even meet her in recent years!

But never thought

She actually appeared at Lin Mo’s concert today?

“Damn it! WTF? WTF?!”

“The queen actually came to the scene to help! Damn, this row of noodles!”

“People say that Lin Mo has only been around for a short time and has little popularity in the circle, let alone any foundation. But now it seems that who has a better foundation than Lin Mo?!”

“That’s right, the one named Hua Chenyu had three unknown singers appear in his concert. I heard that all the famous singers rejected him, but look at the superstars, Deng Ziqi, Zhang Liangying, Zhang Bichen, and now there are still It’s so scary to have the King and Queen helping out!”

“It made me laugh so hard. I guess Hua Chenyu didn’t think of it either, right?”

“Hahaha~ The singer he said was a rubbish composer actually had the support of so many big-name singers, and what about himself?”


People were whispering to each other, laughing and talking.

Hua Chenyu wore a hat and a mask and heard everything from the sidelines.

The more he listened, the angrier he became, and the more he listened, the more collapsed he became!

damn it!


Are all the kings and queens here? ? ?

How much money did Lin Mo give to the two of them?

How can we invite these two people over?

In fact, Lin Mo really didn’t spend a penny!

After Wang Weiwen decided to come, he called Wang Jingwen directly

When Wang Jingwen heard that Lin Mo was holding the concert, she didn’t hesitate at all. She said that she hadn’t sung for a long time and it would be nice to come out and have fun. Then she came.~

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Wang Jingwen came on stage with a happy face and waved to everyone in the audience.

Then he sang the next verse of”Broad Sea and Sky”.

“how many times~”

“Facing cold looks and ridicule~”

“Never give up on your ideals~”

“A moment of trance~”

“If there is a feeling of loss~”

“Unconsciously it has faded~”

“love in heart~”


Needless to say, Queen of Heaven Wang Jingwen’s singing skills

The kings and queens looked at each other and sang the first chorus of the song together.

“Forgive me for being uninhibited, indulgent and loving freedom in this life~”

“I am also afraid that I will fall one day~”

“abandoned the ideal~”

“Anyone can~”

“I’m afraid that one day it will be just you and me~”

Perfect lyrics paired with perfect singing

one word


The audience was completely fired up!

Everyone shouted loudly and cheered for the singing and the lyrics.

Cheers loudly for the King and Queen!

end of interlude

The lights on the stage gradually dimmed, and the band’s light slowly brightened

Lin Mo started singing while playing the piano.

“how many times~”

“Facing cold looks and ridicule~”

“Never give up on your ideals~”

“A moment of trance~”

“If there is a feeling of loss~”

“Unconsciously it has faded~”

“love in heart~”


After Lin Mo opened his mouth

Wang Weiwen and Wang Jingwen on the stage couldn’t help but look at each other.

On the one hand, they were both shocked by Lin Mo’s timbre!

His tone is great and highly shaping

Every song will find the most suitable tone to perform. This ability is truly amazing and admirable.

On the other hand, they were shocked by Lin Mo’s Cantonese!

Lin Mo is neither from Xiangjiang nor from Guangdong and Shenzhen.

When many non-Cantonese people sing Cantonese songs, their pronunciation and intonation seem out of place..


Today was the first time I heard Lin Mo singing”Broad Sea and Sky” in extremely standard Cantonese.

The truth shocked the two great kings and queens, Wang Weiwen and Wang Jingwen!

Lin Mo’s singing continues

“Originally my life~”

“Uninhibited indulgence loves freedom~”

“I am also afraid that I will fall one day~”

“abandoned the ideal~”

“Anyone can~”

“I am also afraid that I will fall one day~”


When Lin Mo sang this chorus in Cantonese,

The audience felt goosebumps all over their bodies.

His superb singing skills make his voice deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and resonate with the audience in the shortest possible time.

The feeling of Lin Mo singing is different from the emotions sung by Wang Weiwen and Wang Jingwen

Wang Weiwen and Wang Jingwen are singing

Lin Mo, on the other hand, used the song”Broad Sea and Sky” to tell the story and sing about life.

Zhang Feng in the audience was completely impressed!

This song completely reached Zhang Feng’s heart

He could feel the emotion contained in the song!

You can feel the courage of not surrendering to fate in the song!

I can feel the cold wind!

Can feel the cold rain!

You can feel the unyielding energy even more!

“This singing is mediocre.” Kun Kun complained and complained at the side.

Zhang Feng turned around and glanced at Kunkun

Suddenly, Kun Kun was slapped on the head with a slap, and he cursed loudly:”Don’t say anything when you go out in the future, you and Lin Mo are both from”Tomorrow’s Son”!”

“Not to mention you and he entered the semi-finals and competed for the championship together!”

Kunkun touched his head and asked aggrievedly:”Ah? Why?”


Zhang Feng sneered and said:”Nonsense, because you don’t deserve it!”

on the stage

The accompaniment becomes more and more intense!

The lighting has also undergone a huge transformation!

Originally there was only a small beam of light

There are only Lin Mo, two drummers, and a guitarist in the light

And now.

This beam of light started to get bigger and people suddenly saw the orchestra behind the band!

That’s right, a symphony orchestra!

Sitting at the front was a row of violinists!

After the violin, there are viola and various wind instruments, and various instruments join the accompaniment

The sound of the violin group is even more crisp and clear, making people feel excited.

The most important thing is that the violin gives this accompaniment an extra driving force

One can feel the accompaniment getting stronger and faster!

The power of the music becomes more and more abundant until it reaches its peak

Lin Mo sang passionately with his head held high.

“Still free yourself!”

“Sing my song forever!”

“Travel thousands of miles!”

Lin Mo’s voice was extremely high. He stood up from the band and slowly walked to the center of the stage.

At this moment, all the supporting singers came on stage

Wang Weiwen!

Wang Jingwen!

Deng Ziqi!

Zhang Liangying!

Zhang Bichen!

Zhang Jie!

A group of people take the stage!

Stand next to Lin Mo!

We sang the ending of the song together, and our voices became more passionate and louder!

“Forgive me for being uninhibited, indulgent and loving freedom in this life!!!”

“I am also afraid that I will fall one day!”

“Abandoned the ideal!”

“Anyone can do it!”

“I’m afraid that one day it will be just you and me!”

“Abandoned the ideal!”

“Anyone can do it!”

“I’m afraid that one day it will be just you and me!”

sing to the end.

Everyone is high

Wei Jiangling and Lao Du stood up first and started dancing to the rhythm of the music.

Immediately afterwards, everyone stood up.

Let’s welcome this final ending together!

All good things come to an end.

PS: Thanks to Busy_AB for the reward! This chapter is an additional chapter!

Extra update commitment: extra updates for every ten monthly tickets! Additional updates will be added for every 100 recommendation votes! Every 500 rewards will continue to increase!

(End of this chapter)

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