Chapter 73: The song”My Motherland” brought tears to the audience!

two days later

The new issue [Singer] has officially started recording

Currently, there are only six singers left in [Singers], namely Lin Mo, Justin, Deng Ziqi, Zhang Liangying, Zhang Bichen, and Zhang Jie

The next two issues

The one with the lowest overall performance will be eliminated

After the two periods are over, it’s the semi-finals and finals.

To be honest, it’s better than now.

Lin Mo no longer has much expectations for the final championship.

The reason why I wanted to win the championship at that time was because after winning the championship, I could directly enter the ranks of first-line singers.

And now

With that Bird’s Nest concert, he has become a top first-line singer, so the need to win is not so strong.


This is without Justin

no words from justin

The champion can be Deng Ziqi

It can be Zhang Bichen

It can be Zhang Liangying

None of this matters

Lin Mo doesn’t care either.

But since there is already a Justin, the championship must not be given up.

People often say that science has no borders, sports has no borders, and art has no borders.

Actually bullshit

Just think about the game of the Sea Cucumber Men’s Football Team and you will know that many things have national boundaries.

eight pm

The audience is all seated

There were a total of 1,200 spectators at the scene

front row

Sitting there are two familiar faces

They were wearing ordinary jeans and white T-shirts, with their hair tied up and a peaked cap.

But even so, you can still see the thin and long legs of the two people!

With fair skin, even though their faces are covered tightly with masks, they are afraid of being recognized by others.

It can still be seen that these two people are Yang Mi and Reba!

After watching the last game, the two of them finally got two tickets through their connections. They wanted to watch the game live this time.

on the stage

The host stepped onto the stage and said with a smile:”Welcome everyone to come on time to the eighth regular season of [Singer] exclusively sponsored by Liby Laundry Detergent!”

“The singer with the lowest combined votes for this and the next period will leave our stage, and the remaining five singers will successfully advance to the semi-finals, and then the competition will officially begin!”

After the host finished speaking,.

Zhang Liangying’s music partner came on stage and said with a smile:”In this issue, my singer will bring her famous work”

“This is the first time she has sung her own song on a [singer] stage. She said that she has tried many styles, so it is time to review what she was like before. Next, Zhang Liangying brings you”Painting Heart”》”

Say it

There was thunderous applause at the scene

Under everyone’s cheers and applause, Zhang Liangying took the stage to sing

have to say

Zhang Liangying’s”Painting Heart” is definitely a killer

As soon as the first lyrics came out, the scene immediately became excited, and even countless people came up with an idea..

My youth is back!!!

It is conceivable that Zhang Liangying’s performance in this scene is absolutely the same

After Zhang Liangying ends, it will be Deng Ziqi~

In the last issue, Deng Ziqi’s results were also not very good.

In this issue, she directly sang an old song”You Get Me Drunk”》!

Her changes make the song increasingly difficult

The last eight-second high note

Almost made people sing to death


The singers took turns to appear on stage. Since it was almost the finals, all the singers showed off their skills and no longer held back!

more than an hour later.

It’s the turn of the competition singer who ranked second in the last issue, Justin!

His music partner came on the stage and said:”Currently, our Mr. Justin has participated in the competition four times in a row, winning three championships and one runner-up result!”

“Mr. Justin told me that he doesn’t care much about his grades. As a singer, he just wants to show himself on this stage!”

“this issue.”

“He brought a patriotic song, and he wanted to tell his love for his country through his voice and singing”

“Maybe this song is not popular, but Mr. Justin believes that being able to show yourself is enough!”

Say it~

Music partner walks off stage

The audience was stunned for a moment

Start thinking about what you just said?

Reba, who was sitting in the front row, leaned in front of Yang Mi and said,”Sister, do you think this person is a coward?”

“I said at the beginning that I don’t care about the ranking. Isn’t this just telling everyone that if I don’t win the championship this time, it’s not because my skills are inferior to others, but because I don’t care about the ranking.~”

Yang Mi covered her mouth and nodded with a smile, saying:”Oh, that’s what he meant. It seems that this old beauty can’t afford it! Hahahaha~”

While the two women were chatting

Justin also appeared on the stage. The song he sang today is called”The Shining Light”, which is a song praising Eagle Sauce.

This song is a tenor piece, very difficult

Especially in the chorus, there are many difficult high notes. Unless they are confident in their own abilities, few people will sing this song live.

And Justin is the confident person. He sings very well and his overall completion is also very good.

Sitting in the director’s room, Hong Tao couldn’t help but frown and said,”Although this guy himself is not very likable!” But the strength is still there, and I don’t know how Lin Mo will perform in this period? No���Lose to this Justin?”

The assistant director sat aside and said,”Director, I heard this afternoon that Justin plans to withdraw from the competition.”

“ah? What?”

Hong Tao was stunned for a moment and said,”What’s going on?”

The assistant director continued:”When I passed by Justin’s lounge today, I heard him saying on the phone that he would retire directly after winning the championship this time. By then, people would be unable to do anything to him, and he would also Leave this stage with a victor’s attitude”


Hong Tao couldn’t help but uttered a curse word and said:”This bastard’s wishful thinking is really good!”

“In other words, if he wins this game, will he leave the game proudly?!”

“Haha~ I am even more looking forward to Lin Mo defeating him!”

on the stage

Shen Mengchen stepped onto the stage and said with a smile:”Actually, I don’t think I need to introduce my singer?”

As soon as these words came out

The audience suddenly shouted loudly, which shows Lin Mo’s terrifying popularity.

Shen Mengchen continued:”I have to say that there is a special coincidence today.”

“That is, my singer chose the same theme as Mr. Justin, and he sang the same patriotic song!”

The audience was even more excited

Shen Mengchen waved his hand, indicating that everyone’s voices should be lowered, and then continued:”Also, the song sung by my singer in this issue is a classic song!”

“But he will use his vitality to recompose and reinvigorate this song!”


“Let us give you a round of applause as superstar Lin Mo performs on stage!!!”

Shen Mengchen finished speaking.

Hong Tao immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted:

“The lighting team lowered all the lights, and the photography team, No. 1, 2 and 3, were all in place!”

“Stage No. 1, Audience No. 2, No. 3 on standby, ready to switch cameras at any time!”

Hong Tao looked serious and must cooperate with Lin Mo to win the game!

We want Lin Mo’s performance to achieve the most perfect effect!




Three heartbeats came from the scene.

next second

Lin Mo stepped onto the stage, and the lights gradually brightened.

People also gradually saw what was happening on the stage

Right in front of the stage, Lin Mo was wearing simple clothes

He stood upright, his eyes full of vitality, and behind him was a huge grand piano.

The piano accompaniment wearing a long skirt gently pressed the keys and accompanied the melodious flute sound, slowly opening the prelude to the song.

The tempo of the accompaniment gradually becomes slower

like a small river.

fade away

Lin Mo took a step forward and started singing this song

“A big river has wide waves~”

“The wind blows the fragrance of rice flowers on both sides of the bank~”

“My family lives on the shore~”

“I’m used to listening to Mr. Beng’s slogans~”

“I’m used to seeing white sails on boats~”

Lin Mo’s���Transparent and loud sound

His sincerity for the motherland was perfectly expressed in his singing.

The audience followed his voice

Let’s feel the mountains and rivers of the motherland together, and feel the love for the motherland deep in our hearts.

“The girl is like a flower~”

“What a big heart this guy has~”

“To break new ground~”

“Awakening the sleeping mountains~”

“Let the river change its appearance~~~”

I have to say, Lin Mo’s breath is too long

The overall tone of this song is particularly good and the tempo is particularly slow

This makes every singer have to face the test of breath

If you don’t have enough breath, it will be difficult to maintain a high position for such a long time, but Lin Mo did it impeccably


Zhang Jie looked in admiration and said:”Lin Mo is only in his twenties! Isn’t his singing skills too terrifying? I feel that he is much better than me overall!””

“Hey ~ yes!”

Deng Ziqi nodded and said:”Lin Mo has improved so fast. When he first participated in [Tomorrow’s Superstar], he felt that his singing skills were almost the same as mine.”

“But later, after he won the championship in [Tomorrow’s Superstar], I felt that his singing skills had made a qualitative leap, and he instantly left us far behind!”

Although the other singers did not speak, their eyes were also filled with wonder

Justin sat aside, squinting his eyes, although he looked calm

But I was also shocked by it

He could clearly feel that Lin Mo’s singing skills were not inferior to his.

Even better than him!

You know, he is now thirty-five years old, which is when the tenor is at his most glorious.

But what about Lin Mo?

Lin Mo is only twenty-three or four years old this year!!!


The audience applauded enthusiastically

Everyone cheered for Lin Mo


Another beam of light shone down from the stage, and more than ten choir members, six men and six women, were seen standing on one side of the stage.

Girls wear white dress and boys wear black suits

After the accompaniment arrived, they began their chorus part

“This is a beautiful motherland~”

“It’s where I grew up~”

“in this vast land·”

“There are beautiful scenery everywhere~”

The chorus voice and Lin Mo’s singing come together to make the song even more powerful!

That kind of flourishing state

That kind of vitality

That kind of unity

It was fully expressed at this moment

Lin Mo himself is very satisfied with this design.

after all

This classic red song was originally a chorus piece

So retaining part of the chorus is really the finishing touch.

After the first performance, the audience applauded enthusiastically

Applause for Lin Mo’s singing

applaud this song

Also applauding the ancestors

Lin Mo slowly walked to the electric guitar next to the piano accompaniment, and then put the electric guitar on his back

His left hand vibrates and his right hand waves

The sounds of the electric guitar, the piano, and the accompaniment band quickly merged together loadAdv(7,3);

Thousands of spectators at the scene all looked up at Lin Mo

The addition of electric guitar seems to add another kind of blood to this song

at the same time

Drums and symphony orchestra join in

That sense of grandeur fully unfolds

Lin Mo’s voice also followed closely behind

“This is the motherland of heroes~”

“It’s where I grew up~”

in this vast land~”

“There is bright sunshine everywhere~”

As soon as this section is exported

Countless viewers in the audience burst into tears!

The atmosphere is heightened, and the sense of national pride is completely displayed at this moment!

front row of auditorium

An old man was crying so hard

He is a veteran, a soldier who came off the battlefield

He came here with his granddaughter, but he was impressed

Every word and every line of this song moved him, and he couldn’t help but recall those yellowing days.

I couldn’t control it for a moment and couldn’t help but burst into tears.

Naturally, the granddaughter knew what grandpa was thinking, and she also shed tears and said:”Grandpa, our motherland is strong now!”

“Um! The old man nodded vigorously and said with tears in his eyes:”Yes, you are stronger!””

Director’s room

Hong Tao looked at Lin Mo with red eyes, reviewing the song”My Motherland”》

this moment!

His worries just now completely disappeared.

He no longer worries that Lin Mo will lose the game

because he believes

This song will not lose, this kind of performance will not lose

Hong Tao is also very happy

Not long ago, he went against all odds and invited Lin Mo back again.

After all, [Singer] has never had such a precedent before. Once a contestant withdraws, it is absolutely impossible to return to this stage.

But Hong Tao still sincerely invites Lin Mo to return

If Lin Mo hadn’t come back, Justin would have won the championship.

So at this moment.

Hong Tao was very grateful to Lin Mo from the bottom of his heart, and also grateful to himself for being brave and decisive at that time!

The surrounding staff were not as complicated as Hong Tao at this moment, and they were also touched by this song.

as a grown man

They don’t want to cry in front of so many people

So they all gritted their teeth and raised their heads slightly.

Try not to let the tears fall.

on the stage

The sound of the symphony is getting louder and louder

Lin Mo accompanied the music and sang the last part of the song with a smile on his face.

“Good mountains and good water~”

“Good place~”

“All roads are wide~”

“My friends are here and I have some good wine.~”

Lin Mo’s eyes changed, from the warmth at the beginning to a harsh feeling..

“What if the jackal comes!”

“Welcome him!”

“There’s a shotgun!!!”

Lin Mo’s sudden change made everyone in the audience exclaim in surprise!


He sang the content of these two lines completely

The meaning of the first two sentences is

Our great country opens its doors and welcomes friends to visit us. We can provide you with delicious food and good wine.

This is the heritage of our country!

It’s our hospitality!


If you have ulterior motives.

If you have any intention against our land, mountains and rivers

Then the only thing that greets you is the shotgun!

on the stage

Lin Mo played the electric guitar and sounded high-pitched at the same time!

Singing the last part.

“This is a powerful motherland!”

“This is where I grew up!”

“In this warm land!!!”

“Peaceful sunshine everywhere!”

Lin Mo’s singing skills were fully demonstrated at this moment

His emotions!

His attitude!

His emotions!

Everything is integrated into the lyrics of this song, making this song particularly powerful.


Countless emotional viewers could not help but burst into tears

The elderly soldier in the front row was filled with tears at this time, and scenes from his youth flashed through his mind.

He joined the army when he was young and was the youngest child in the army when he joined the army.

Therefore, he is the most cared for and cared for child

No matter in life

Or in war

What I remember most clearly at that time is that every time they took a break, a group of people would lie in the trenches, holding a burnt piece of dead grass in their mouths, and then look at the blue sky and dream about the future.

“Do you think we will win?”

“What do you think the future of our country will look like?”

“Do you think our country will still be bullied in the future?”

“Do you think our country will become very powerful in the future? No other country dares to bully us anymore?”

He was only fifteen or sixteen years old at the time

He doesn’t know what the future will be like?

Needless to say, he has the same expectations as all his brothers

But not long after

They had an encounter with the enemy!

All his brothers died, and he was the only one who survived.

Witnessed the ups and downs and changes of the motherland over the past few decades

Witnessed the motherland’s step-by-step transformation from poverty and weakness to prosperity

Right now, Lin Mo’s song completely moved him

How he wanted to go back in time and tell his comrades about his current motherland!

“Brothers, I was still young at that time”

“I can’t imagine what the future will be like?”

“But now I can tell you that the future is prosperous!”

“The future is strong!”

“Our country has many, many new weapons, including the latest and most powerful fighter planes, warships, missiles, and aircraft carriers. We have everything!”

“The future is also science fiction!”

“The moon we once looked up at,���There are already younger generations setting foot on it!”

“We will not be bullied again!”

“No one dares to bully us anymore!”

The old man’s tears were streaming down his face. The granddaughter beside him also had red eyes and held his grandfather’s hand tightly.

Not only the elderly were touched, but there were definitely not a few who were touched among the thousands of people present.

Scanning the camera, you can see hundreds of people with red eyes. Under the light, their eyes are shining with tears. Director’s room

Director’s room

The assistant director wiped his tears and said:”Director, you still have the vision to call Lin Mo back!”

The executive director nodded and said:”Everyone advised you not to violate the rules at that time, but you still resolutely let Lin Mo return to the stage. Thanks to your determination, otherwise this song would not be heard!”

Hong Tao took a long breath, trying not to let tears flow out, and said:

“At that time, when I decided to let Lin Mo join [Singer], didn’t you also oppose me? He also said that according to regulations, we can only hire experienced singers, but what you don’t know is that Lin Mo’s strength is the best experience!”

“The same is true this time. Among the younger generation of actors, I can’t find a better singer than him. Among the younger generation of singers, only he can beat Justin!”

The assistant director and executive director nodded in unison, sighing in their hearts.


It’s still director Yong!

on stage

Lin Mo raised his head slightly

For him, this song is completely different from other songs

When singing other songs, he mostly uses techniques to support his emotions.

Use breath, resonance, and even high notes to express the emotions contained in the song

After all, he himself has never experienced so much love and affection

However, when singing this song

He is shocked from the bottom of his heart and sings every lyric

I can think of my motherland in my mind

So singing and singing

I just unconsciously turned red.

The audience applauded like thunder and lasted for a long time

Lin Mo bowed lightly and said:”This song is for our great motherland!”

The applause became even louder!

Lin Mo walked off the stage amidst applause and returned to the backstage

As soon as I walked in

Everyone backstage also stood up and applauded

Lin Mo smiled and thanked everyone. Zhang Jie stood up and said:

“The arrangement of this song was so successful! Listening to it makes people’s blood boil!”

Deng Ziqi nodded and said,”Especially after the sound of the electric guitar was added, my whole body went numb..”

Zhang Liangying’s eyes were still red and she said:”This song is simply unlistenable. My makeup is all gone when I listen to it.”~”

Lin Mo thanked them one by one:”Thank you everyone!”

And what about Justin?

He sat silently

He has an urge to leave here!

He had a strong feeling that he was unlikely to win this match!

Although, he and Lin Mo sang about love���song

However, Lin Mo surpassed his performance in both performance and singing skills.

It would be strange if he could win!

While everyone is chatting

Hong Tao also stepped in and said with a smile:”Thank you everyone for your performance. The final vote statistics have come out. Let me announce the results to everyone.”~”

The singers returned to their seats and waited for the results to be announced.

Hong Tao sat down and said:”It is still Zhang Jie who announced the last place first and won the last place in this competition!”

It’s not that Zhang Jie didn’t perform well in this issue.

I can only say that the performance of others was really perfect.

Everyone is trying their best to show off their killer skills!

Hong Tao continued:”The fifth and fourth placers in this competition are Zhang Bichen and Deng Ziqi respectively!”

“The third place winner in this competition is Zhang Liangying!”

No one was surprised by this result.

After all, Zhang Liangying produced her famous work”Painting Heart” in this issue, so her ranking will naturally not be low.

Hong Tao looked at Justin and Lin Mo, smiled and said:”Next, I will announce that the winner of this competition is”

“Lin Mo”My Motherland”》!”

bang bang bang.

After everyone heard the result, they applauded one after another and congratulated Lin Mo one by one.

Justin didn’t say anything, turned around and left

To be honest, he really wanted to quit the game at this point.

He himself knew very well that in the situation before him, even if he continued to compete, he would definitely not win.

After all, Lin Mo was much better than him in every aspect. Even his singing skills, which he had always been proud of, were nothing compared to Lin Mo.

But Justin can’t quit

before he came

He has already posted a message on his trumpet, claiming that he will definitely win the championship!

Then return home gloriously!

But now he has lost two games in a row

Return to China now

Isn’t that intentional to make others laugh?

The more Justin thought about it, the more melancholy he became.

He left the scene in despair, with only one thought in his mind, that is, he must win the next issue!

Just win!

He can tell everyone: This show is really boring, so I just quit the show and stop playing.~”

This way, you can retain your dignity and avoid being defeated further.


If you lose this round, you lose..

I, Justin, will definitely try my best to surpass Lin Mo in the next issue!

Never let him win again!!!

(End of this chapter)

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