Entertainment: My Game Life

Chapter 477 Action Online Game

With stand-alone games, there are naturally online games.

The stand-alone game wins in terms of game quality and has become a common memory for many players.

The Internet is a tenacious vitality.

An excellent online game can operate for more than ten years.

Compared with stand-alone games, online games are more durable.

The online game Fang Yuan naturally chose was "The Story of Eight Million Warriors Emerging from Selia's Room".

Of course, this is just a funny statement. The correct name is "Poisoned Milk Powder".


It's called "Dungeon and Fighter", abbreviated in English as DNF, and nicknamed poisonous milk powder.

As for why there is the nickname poisonous milk powder.

You can open the input method, set it to 26-key input, and enter DNF separately, and you will know why it is called poisonous milk powder.

The nickname "Poisonous Milk Powder" slowly spread among players.

However, when players give nicknames to games, sometimes they are just a joke. They are not derogatory to the game, but a term of endearment.

Of course, loving a game too much is not a good thing.

Sometimes planning and operating randomly can also become a source of sadness for many players.

Game development companies may be on the same front as players. After all, game development companies want to design games that satisfy players.

But the same cannot be said for game operations.

Game operations pay more attention to the money in players’ pockets.

Try every means to get players to recharge.

Then whether it is the previous life or this parallel world.

Gamers in China don’t like paid games very much.

Some people think that games should be free, right? Why do you have to pay to play a game?

The mainstream consciousness of society is difficult to change, and most people prefer free games.

In fact, in most cases, the free one is the most expensive.

There was a saying in the past life that some games were free at the beginning and then tried to collect money in various ways. But we are different. We will collect money from the beginning.

However, the operation of the game is a matter after the game is developed.

The focus now is game development.

In addition to the nickname poisonous milk powder, the dungeon also has other nicknames, such as Dropout City and Weak Warrior.

Because in the early days, Goose Factory didn’t have much experience in operating online games. It just had games but didn’t know how to operate them.

Fortunately, Dungeon \u0026 Fighter's game planning did not avoid the correct options from the beginning.

Compared with similar online games of the same era, these game planners have made their own games pornographic.

In addition, the network at that time was not good, and players would often see prompts like ‘the network has been interrupted continuously’.

Whether the game will cause violence is up for debate.

But when playing games, the network status is not good and the characters in the game are floating when walking. It is indeed easy for the player's mentality to explode, which can lead to verbal violence.

‘Network connection interrupted’ will cause the player to exit the current game copy. If you discover a piece of good equipment, it is also very annoying if you cannot pick it up due to network problems.

For whatever reason other than being unable to pick up equipment.

Exiting the game copy midway will leave the player with only a small amount of health left and enter a weak state.

To recover to full health, you have to wait in the town for a long time.

The potions at that time were very expensive and did not return much blood.

This gave rise to the titles of Disconnected City and Weak Warrior.

However, these problems were solved in subsequent operations.

Fang Yuan will not encounter this kind of problem now.

"Dungeon and Fighter" is a 2D scroll-style side-scrolling fighting online game.

It is an online fighting game that inherits the characteristics of many fighting games.

"Dungeon Fighter" has been in operation for more than ten years, and it still has strong vitality.

Even now, "Dungeon and Fighter"'s operating income is still strong, and it is still the overlord of the side-scrolling fighting genre.

In more than ten years, the game has gone through different versions.

Each player leaves a different version of their memories.

Some players are still playing Dungeons \u0026 Games, and even though the game has been overhauled, there are still many players who have stayed.

Protect the continent of Arad together.

Among the many game versions.

Which game version to make is also very important.

Fang Yuan did not want to follow the path of the previous "Dungeon and Fighter".

What some people like about Dungeon Fighter is when the game first starts.

It’s not nostalgia, nor is it gaming sentiment.

But at that time, "Dungeon and Fighter" was the true fighting online game.

The early DNF and the current DNF are already two different games.

This involves the development history of Dungeon and Warrior.

So go back to the moment when the game "Dungeon and Fighter" was born.

At that time, the small company that developed "Dungeon and Fighter" had not yet been acquired by NEXON.

In the beginning, "Dungeon Fighter" was developed by a small company.

The name of this small company is Neople, and many players have never heard of this production company.

The game boss of this small company, like the game designers who designed "Minecraft" and "League of Legends", are game enthusiasts and loyal gamers.

The boss of this company is a loyal fighting game enthusiast.

Because of his love, he wanted to make an online fighting game.

Then there is the game "Dungeon and Fighter".

This is truly making a game for the love of it.

After all, it is a fighting game, a type of action game.

However, some classic action moves in the game are not so easy to come up with.

In the early days.

DNF borrows skills and moves from other fighting games and evolves these moves into DNF character skills.

Why is it said to be a reference rather than plagiarism?

First of all, games are constantly moving forward by learning from each other.

DNF has created its own unique game style and made innovations, instead of copying and reskinning junk games.

Then it was tested in 2005, and it was not launched on the national server until 2008.

Because I had no agency experience, there were often problems with the game server in the early stages, making it a veritable city of disconnections.

Even if adjustments are made quickly later, problems like this still happen from time to time.

Afterwards, the game immediately became popular across the country.

Although there were not many Internet users back then, it was also difficult to obtain the qualifications to test the game.

Looking at the entire Internet cafe, it can be said that the entire Internet cafe is playing "Dungeon and Fighter".

In this online fighting game, you can play dungeons together and play PK games.

Anyway, there is a magical attraction that deeply attracts players.

Unfortunately, DNF has just logged into the national server and has been operating for two months.

The game company that originally produced "Castle and Warriors" was acquired by NEXON.

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