Generally speaking, the tear-jerking songs that audiences are familiar with are soulful and atmospheric lyrical songs like Where Has the Time Gone.

But Go Home Often is completely different, not sensational.

What is reflected in it are the most sincere and simple emotions.

[There is no arty elegance, no pretense of profundity, no gorgeous rhetoric, no dazzling craftsmanship, and no fancy embellishments. Although this song by Lin Qiu is definitely not the most popular song, it is the most touching one I have ever heard. of one! 】

【What is a good song? A good song is one that touches people's hearts! 】

[I was a little moved even when I was staying at home with my mother. 】

[I’m studying in Mizhou, wow, wow, I suddenly feel homesick! 】

Thousands of netizens who were watching the Xiazhou Spring Festival Gala expressed their opinions.

The affection that the children of Xiazhou have for their family is something that no other state can understand.

In Xiazhou, starting a family is the most important thing in a person's life, and this has been true throughout the ages.

Lin Qiu's simple song Come Home Often not only sings the feelings of parents for their children, but also reminds people who are busy outside:

No matter how busy you are at work, you can't forget your family ties and go home more often to see the elderly.

This touched the hearts of all the workers in Wang Wei's dormitory.

Old Bao, I want to go home.

Didn't you say you won't come back this year and will wait until next year?

I just want to go back. I miss my wife and my mother so much.

Wang Wei wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and looked towards the worker who was speaking. The worker lowered his head and took a sip of wine and said sadly:

At this age, my mother doesn't know how many years she has left to live.

When my mother is gone, even if she wants to go back...

Wang Wei patted the worker on the shoulder and comforted:

Go back if you want. Life is very short, especially at our age. There are not many days left to reunite with our family. While the old man is still alive, go back as much as you can. We will spend our money slowly. Earn it, at worst, just be tired, you can always earn it.

When I am gone, we will really have nothing to rely on in this world.

Doesn’t a fifty-year-old man need support?

Once their elderly parents leave the world, they are truly alone in this world.

Parents' love and affection are incomparable to other emotions.

Old Wang, what you said makes sense.

I wonder if I can still buy tickets.

With transportation now so developed, there is always a way.

That's right! The worst case scenario is that I'll have to pay an extra two hundred yuan!

Are you going back too, Lao Ma?

Damn it! You are at the construction site. After all, I still have a companion who can brag and drink. If you all go back, will I be left to cry alone at the construction site?

Ha ha ha ha--

In Xiazhou, even if the parents don't say it out loud, which parent doesn't want their children to go home and be reunited.

Especially the older you get, the richer this emotion becomes.

Because they don't know how long they have to live and how many times they can see their children.

Under the singing of the song Go Home Often, many elderly people shed tears.

Mom, it's okay. Lao Bao is in Yanjing to earn tuition for his children. He will come back to see him when he has time.

Lao Bao's wife also had tears in her eyes and handed the tissue to the tearful old mother.

As early as ten years ago, my wife passed away.

If it weren't for the daughter-in-law and grandson by her side, I might not have been able to bear it long ago.

I know.

It's not easy to come back. I just hope it's safe.

The old man wiped his tears.

For the elderly, they do not ask how much their children can achieve or how much money they can earn.

As long as we can live in peace, parents will be very satisfied.

But they also want to see their children during the Chinese New Year and holidays!

How I wish my family could be reunited and be harmonious!

No matter in any era, in prosperous times or in the last days, there will always be people at the bottom.

More than living, it is living.

On the TV screen, the song Go Home Often ended and the next skit began to play.

But the audience's emotions stayed at the previous song.

At this moment, Lao Bao's wife's phone rang suddenly.


Old Bao?

You want to come back? When!

When she heard on the other end of the phone that Lao Bao said he would be back in two days, Lao Bao's wife said in surprise!

The old man beside him was even more emotional and was so excited that his eyes filled with tears.

Lao Bao's wife put the phone on speakerphone, and Lao Bao's voice suddenly came from the phone:

Only the second and third grades of junior high school.

But this time I may not be able to stay at home for more than a few days. I will leave before the seventh day of the Lunar New Year.

You tell mom.

The wife responded, I'm on speakerphone, Mom is listening.

The old man suddenly choked up and said: Son, didn't you say you won't come back this year?


The voice on the other end of the phone was also choked with sobs, It just so happens that the workers are going back, so I will go back to see you. I will try to come back every New Year in the future.

Okay, okay, okay...

What do you want to eat? Mom will prepare it for you. Can you like your favorite bacon?

Okay! Mom! I'll eat whatever you make!

This song Go Home Often was just released, and it was instantly swept up on the Internet, ranking first in the hot searches!

Most people can go home for the Spring Festival, but there are still a small number of people who do not go home for various reasons, and there are even tourists who work in Kyushu.

After hearing this song Go Home Often and Have a Look, like Comrade Bao, they all had the idea of ​​​​going home and taking a look.

Adults sometimes cannot think of their old father and mother all the time.

But they miss their children all the time!

Originally, it was impossible for a single song to create such a terrifying craze.

But Lin Qiu’s song was officially promoted!

There was a lot of publicity on the Internet, and even several official accounts reposted the Spring Festival Gala video of Go Home Often!

The meaning and emotion behind this song are enough to expand.

Suddenly, Lin Qiu's name truly resounded throughout Xiazhou for the first time!

Lin Qiu's fans have always been mainly young people, and his popularity is also only among young people.

But this Spring Festival Gala, this time The Most Dazzling National Style and Go Home Often really made Lin Qiu's name spread in the world of the older generation.

Although it is far from being well-known to everyone, as a 23-year-old young man, being able to reach this level is already rare in Xiazhou!

Even in the previous life, Phoenix Legend's The Most Dazzling National Style became popular all over the country, and became popular in square dances all over Xiazhou.

But if you ask those old people dancing, do they know who sang The Most Dazzling National Style?

Many old people still shake their heads.

[Lin Qiu is so talented! I'm convinced! My parents both cried when they were sung! 】

[The Most Dazzling National Style is so high, Go Home Often is so touching! 】

[Lin Qiu once again proved that he is a musical genius! After watching these two songs by Lin Qiu, I don’t want to watch any other programs. 】

[Don’t worry, there’s also a song called “Where Has the Time Gone” written and composed by Lin Qiu! Sung by Sun Qin! Produced by Lin Qiu! Must be a quality product! 】

【oh? Then you can take a look again! 】

The Internet is the world of young people.

Regarding Lin Qiu's unparalleled talent, young netizens have only one word: Blow!

Starting from the first song Red Bean, Lin Qiu proved that he can write songs of any style!

He obviously has incredible musical talent, but in three years in the entertainment industry, he has only released one album, As Long as Ordinary. Most of the time, Lin Qiu's music can be heard in movies, TV series, or animation works.

But the music in movies and TV series is far less popular than the pop songs in albums!

Because the accompaniment scores in pop songs are multi-track and have a very wide range of sounds, but it is completely opposite in movies and TV dramas.

If the combination of musical instruments is messy or the pitch fluctuates greatly, it will affect the playback of film and television dramas.

For example, if there is a memory or dialogue in the film, if the interlude is too loud or cluttered, it will directly distract the audience.

Therefore, there are still certain differences between pop songs and film and television drama music.

Even some songs that became popular through film and television dramas will be re-arranged and recorded when they are re-released.

Where has the time gone? I'm already old before I can truly feel young!

When you have a child and raise a daughter, your whole life will be filled with thoughts of the child crying and laughing.

On TV in every household, Sun Qin's emotional singing successfully brought tears to the eyes once again!

If we say Go Home Often is a tear-jerker from the perspective of a wanderer returning home and the relationship between mother and child!

This song Where Has the Time Gone is the feeling of time passing by unconsciously!

Human life is quite short.

Sometimes, when you suddenly react, you may be old and your parents are also old.

Especially when the family photos flashed on the screen behind Sun Qin, the audience felt even deeper!

From twenty years ago to twenty years later!

Compared with Go Home Often, the lethality of this song Where Has the Time Gone is more direct!

At the scene, countless viewers burst into tears under Sun Qin's emotional performance. Their parents worked hard to bring them up, but when they looked back, their parents were gray-haired, their eyes were dim, and even their memory had declined.

Let me ask, which child would not have red eyes when seeing this scene!

The older the audience, the more emotional it will be!

Lin Qiu, who was backstage, heard Sun Qin's almost perfect performance of the song and couldn't help but want to applaud.

If Lin Qiu sang this song himself, no matter how he sang it, he would not be able to express the feeling that Sun Qin had.

In the blink of an eye, the end of the song came, and the simple lyrics were like knives, piercing into the hearts of all the audience. Even during the Spring Festival Gala, many viewers still shed tears because of Lin Qiu.

Where has the time gone? I didn't even take a good look at your eyes.

Firewood, rice, oil and salt, half a life.

In the blink of an eye, all that's left is the wrinkles on my face.

Thousands of houses in Xiazhou are lit up with bright lights inside, bright sparks outside, and loud firecrackers.

Together with the Spring Festival Gala program, the lively atmosphere of New Year's Eve has been pushed to the climax.

Lin Qiu's participation in the Spring Festival Gala this year must be one of the biggest highlights. She has three songs, the first of which is great!

It's just that none of the young people in Xiazhou on the Internet today can imagine that in the near future, the song The Most Dazzling National Style will sweep the entire Xiazhou!

At the same time, Lin Qiu’s home.

Lin Yuanping and Zheng Qing were busy in the kitchen when they heard Zheng Qing turn to Lin Yuanping and shout:

Old Lin!

Quick! Clean up the house quickly! Qiu'er said that Xiao Tang is coming!

When Lin Yuanping heard this, he immediately started to clean it up in a hurry, cursing as he did so:

This damn boy, you should have told me if Xiao Tang was coming to the house!

We have to wait until this time!

Lin Qiu's parents didn't feel too nervous when they met Xiao Tang. After all, Xiao Tang and the others were too familiar with him.

In the past three or four years, I have met countless times at Chang'an Film and Television Company, especially Zheng Qing.

So there won't be that kind of nervousness like when parents-in-law meet their daughter-in-law.

However, this should be regarded as Xiao Tang's first visit to the Lin family, so he couldn't be too casual.

Soon after, the doorbell rang.

I'm coming!

Lin Yuanping patted his apron, walked to the door in three steps and opened the door.

At the door, a smiling Lin Qiu was holding a somewhat shy Tang Anning.

Tang Anning was wearing a red windbreaker and a pink scarf, giving people an indescribable cuteness. She quickly shouted, Hello, uncle!

Hey, hey, come in quickly, it's cold outside.

Lin Yuanping greeted quickly.

It's winter, and it's still snowing outside.

At this time, Zheng Qing poked his head out of the kitchen and shouted:

Xiao Tang is here!

New Year's Eve dinner will be ready soon! Please wait a moment.

I just watched your Spring Festival Gala performance, and it was a little late!

After the Spring Festival Gala performances are over, the performers can go back to their homes.

Lin Qiu also rushed back as soon as possible. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Lin Qiu will go back to her hometown with her parents to see her grandparents.

Lin Qiu, you kid, bring Xiao Tang back and tell him earlier!

I have been concentrating on the Spring Festival Gala rehearsals these days, so I didn't ask. I just found out that An Ning is staying alone in Yanjing tonight. I thought we would come back together for the New Year's Eve dinner.

Lin Qiu innocently said.

Tang Anning's parents are both in Yangcheng and will attend the Yangcheng TV Spring Festival Gala tomorrow.

Xu Xin, who usually lives with Tang Anning, went back to her hometown to celebrate the New Year yesterday. In this case, Lin Qiu naturally brought Tang Anning back home.

Uncle, aunt, it came suddenly, I was not prepared...

Lin Yuanping quickly waved his hand and said: No need.


Tang Anning, who was usually innocent and innocent in front of Lin Qiu, was like a docile little sheep in front of Lin Qiu's parents.

After Zheng Qing brought the last stew to the pot, the New Year's Eve dinner for Lin Qiu's family officially began.

Here we go!

Eat! Xiao Tang, your Aunt Zheng doesn't cook much on weekdays, her level is limited...

Before Zheng Qing finished speaking, Lin Qiu quickly interrupted:

Don't listen to my mother's nonsense, my mother is very good at her craftsmanship!

When Zheng Qing heard this, he immediately beamed with joy. Tang Anning also integrated into the harmonious family atmosphere, giggling on the side.

Zheng Qing usually looks like a strong woman in Chang'an, leading Chang'an.

But back home, Zheng Qing is just an ordinary mother.

Lin Qiu, Xiao Tang, the two songs you just performed were really nice.

I think they are the two best songs you've ever written.


The evaluation is so high?

The New Year's bell is ringing.

It reached its climax in the atmosphere of Happy New Year.

Outside the house, the roar of firecrackers resounded through the sky. Fireworks were shot into the night sky and exploded with a bang. Thousands of pear trees and thousands of begonias were in full bloom, one after another.

The distant sky was dyed colorful by fireworks and fireworks, which was extremely gorgeous.

In Lin Qiu's room, Tang Anning showed admiration, admiring Lin Qiu's secret.

These secrets include, but are not limited to, the original comics of Lin Qiu's Your Lie in April and Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, as well as intermittent and various first drafts of scripts.

From so many works, we know that Lin Qiu is not a lazy person, but it is true that he basically doesn't clean the house.

Looking at the manuscripts scattered everywhere, Lin Qiu smiled awkwardly, It's a bit messy.

Is this the artist's room?

Tang Anning snickered.

The painting is really great!

Is this the animation Chang'an is currently working on?

Tang Anning carefully picked up the manuscript of April and asked Lin Qiu.


“You’re going to cry like crazy when it comes online.”

Your Lie in April may be a more tear-jerking anime than Unknown Flower Name!

Moreover, as for the character design, Tang Anning, who comes from a musical family, will have a deep sense of empathy. Coupled with the poignant love story, it is guaranteed to make a lot of money.


I want to punch you on behalf of thousands of old thieves fans!

“Why write Baguio to death!”

Hearing Tang Anning's gnashing of teeth, Lin Qiu smiled awkwardly and said:

Can't blame me.

Purely for the plot.

Sing you a song.

Seeing that Tang Anning was about to hammer him down, Lin Qiu glanced around, picked up the guitar beside the bed, and changed the subject.

Tang Anning was stunned, New song?

Sent from emotion.

Lin Qiu sat directly by the bed, looked at Tang Anning, chuckled, and started playing the next moment.

I have played so many songs before, but there are always some songs that are great for flirting with girls.

It's hard to forget, meeting you for the first time.

A pair of charming eyes.

In my mind, your figure cannot be dispelled.

Along with the relaxing music, Tang Anning was instantly captured by Lin Qiu at this moment. Especially when he heard the lyrics, he laughed unconsciously. He sat on the carpet like a little fan, holding his hands and looking at Lin Qiu. Autumn.

outside the door.

Zheng Qing tiptoed, not daring to make a sound.

Hearing the music coming from the house, he showed a motherly smile and left quietly.

Lin Qiu naturally wouldn't do anything animal that night. After all, he was still at home.

During this period of Spring Festival Gala rehearsal, Lin Qiu in the hotel often visited secretly. It can be said that except for the last step, he did everything else that needed to be done.

For any woman, the first night is very important.

You must give it to your beloved man at the right time and on the right occasion.

At least the hotel was not a suitable occasion, nor was Lin Qiu's home.

After the new year, when you can move into your new house, what should come will eventually come. There is no need to rush. Lin Qiu still has this determination.

Several of Lin Qiu's songs quickly became popular on the Internet on New Year's Eve.

As for the knife in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, due to its length, the fermentation speed is slightly slower.

Because it has a total of 700,000 words, some book lovers who read quickly may finish it in one day.

But many book lovers who read normally cannot finish such a long book in one day.

What's more, whether it is New Year's Eve or the first or second day of the Lunar New Year, many book fans have many things to do during the Spring Festival, such as going to pay New Year greetings, etc., and do not have free time to read this Order of the Phoenix carefully.

The first grade of junior high school and the second grade of junior high school.

It was not until the third day of the Lunar New Year that all major physical bookstores fully reopened that the knives of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix were truly presented to all Harry Potter fans.

Following the death of Cedric in Part IV.

In the fifth part, the old thief really showed his inhuman nature and stabbed Sirius Black again!

The silent novel forum and the silent hot search were once again pushed by old readers!

Compared to the explosion of the Yingzhou Forum, the hustle and bustle of the Xiazhou Forum came a little later because of the Spring Festival.

Sirius! This character is extremely popular among Ham fans!

Just die? !

a new Year.

New beginning.

Lin Qiu took a deep breath and said relaxedly.

It was as if the death of Sirius on New Year's Eve last year happened last year and had nothing to do with the new year.

Years ago, when Lin Qiu just came back from Xizhou, he went to the animation department and watched some productions of Demon Slayer and Your Lie in April!

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is basically completed and can be released at any time, and Changan Film and Television Company has set it for the end of February.

As for Your Lie in April, because there were no difficult scenes to produce, and the production team had experience in the production of Unknown Flowers, it was produced in less than half a year. Got a rough idea.

Lin Qiu’s idea is that if it goes online in April, he can still answer questions!


Demons are destroyed in February.

Harry, Part 6, The Death of Dumbledore in March.

April April.

The finale of Harry in May, a big blow.

The Truman Show in June.

“This piece is updated at a perfect pace.”

Lin Qiu murmured, thinking about the work plan for the new year, still maintaining high quality and high productivity!

The reason why I chose to spend time and effort to produce a TV series like The Yang Family is because the work can continue to keep up during this period of time.

Even in terms of movies, Xiazhou Film will not stop in the Kyushu market.

After The Truman is released in June, I am afraid that Fatal ID from Chang'an Ye Zhiyuan will follow soon!



And Zhou Kai!

Lin Qiu patted his head.

Ever since Zhou Kai returned to Xiazhou, he seemed to have been busy with the Spring Festival Gala and completely forgotten about this guy!

When Zhou Kai received Lin Qiu's call, his bitter but gritted expression made Lin Qiu find it a little funny:

My brother.

So you still remember my name!

Thank you so much!

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