Xiazhou Entertainment.

Chang'an's Yang General Training Camp has just started recruiting actors, and it has caused quite a stir in the entertainment industry!

If it were a few months ago, as a competitor, Xia Yu would definitely not let its actors participate in film and television dramas produced by Changan Film and Television Company.

But in just these few months, everything has changed.

With the popularity of Hachi Gong and Lin Qiu's appearance in the Spring Festival Gala, these film and television companies have heard about it.

Lin Qiu's new drama The Yang Family has official support and will most likely be broadcast on CCTV next year.

If this is the case, from the perspective of these film and television companies, they naturally hope that their actors can appear in this highly watched TV series.

Although Chang'an Film and Television Company is rising rapidly nowadays, Chang'an has never had the biggest piece of cake in the entertainment industry.

Sister Ye, I really want to participate in the play directed by Lin Qiu!

Outside the company, Fang Zhou was pleading to his agent, Sister Ye.

The young idol actor with fair skin and sharp edges in front of him is Fang Zhou, the most popular young actor in Xiazhou today.

It has the most terrifying number of fans among young fans.

It can be said that at this stage, Ark is followed by crazy fans wherever they go, almost losing their personal freedom.

It’s hard to be clean even when filming.

Since Lin Qiu's first movie, Fang Zhou has admired Lin Qiu's works very much.

After Lin Qiu became famous, he even worshiped her.

Although Fang Zhou is now the most popular young actor in Xiazhou, he knows how to handle it.

All of my traffic is just a bubble. When I get older and lose my current appearance, new young idols will soon emerge.

Unless you leave some excellent works, you can stay in the entertainment industry for a long time.

But the reality is that since signing with Xia Yu, Ark has been like a runaway train, constantly moving forward with almost no time to rest and settle down.

Ark once released an album, which had been the top-selling album in Xiazhou before Lin Qiu appeared, with more than 31 million copies. You can imagine the huge number of its fans.

But even Fangzhou himself didn't bother to listen to the songs in that album. He was purely cooperating with the company's artist activities.

You also know that there is nothing we can do about Chang'an's drama.

I have inquired about it. In this TV series, all young actors need to go to training camp. It is said that there are many roles for young actors.

Agent Sister Ye said helplessly.

Logically speaking, with Ark's current reputation and traffic in Xiazhou, every director would applaud and welcome him wherever he goes.

But Changan Film and Television Company's dramas are famous in the industry for having no backstage and no hidden rules.

Especially for the scenes between Lin Qiu and Ye Zhiyuan, there is no possibility of going through the back door.

The greatness of Chang'an Film and Television Company lies in Lin Qiu and the old thief.

As a result, Chang'an can survive even if it doesn't take the cake from the circle.

“I’m available for training camp and I really want to give it a try.”

Fangzhou's eyes were quite firm, but there was a pleading in his words.

Who would have thought that as soon as he finished speaking, his manager Sister Ye directly objected: No!

Do you know what your current status is?

What's the deal with joining a training camp?

It's okay if you choose, but have you thought about the consequences of not choosing?

What Sister Ye said is quite realistic.

The traffic cake is the biggest cake in the circle.

In order to compete for this piece of cake, entertainment companies in the industry are doing everything they can!

He pushed his own artists to the forefront and tried his best to discredit the young artists of other companies.

Ark is now gaining momentum. Last year's Lunar New Year film Chinatown Detective starring Ark earned more than 7 billion in box office.

This year's Lunar New Year holiday has a box office of more than 4 billion. Although it has not been recognized by many audiences, the results and traffic are real.

What will be the consequences if you are not selected?

First, the face will be disgraced, and the company's artist operations will also be affected.

Second, fans attack.

Entertainment companies know how crazy these fans are.

Once Lin Qiu does not choose Ark in the end, it will directly lead to thousands of Ark fans insulting and attacking Lin Qiu.

This is an imaginable result.

In this circle, at least at this stage, no one would openly offend Lin Qiu, and they were in a state of indifference.

If Lin Qiu needs actors for any of his new movies, and he casts them, they will scream with excitement.

Sister Ye, I've thought about it.

But I still want to give it a try. Please help me. You must have a way. Please help me!

Starting from the drama Zhi Qiu, I have been acting all the time. I am really arrogant and annoyed when I act.

Fangzhou clasped his hands together and begged the agent.

Ark has always had a good reputation in the circle, and he is humble and polite, but his fans are a little crazy.

Fans praised Ark, whose acting skills were average, to the level of an actor.

Ark now has the title of Award-winning Best Actor in his hands, which makes him very popular among passers-by.

Sister Ye looked at the pleading Fang Zhou and couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

During the few years since her debut, Sister Ye has been by Fang Zhou's side, witnessing Fang Zhou's gradual maturity, and has a deep relationship with Fang Zhou.

It is not uncommon for celebrity artists to develop feelings for their managers, and it was even more common in the entertainment industry in previous lives.

The so-called celebrities are still ordinary people after they lose their halo, foundation, and fancy clothes.

Having been in Vanity Fair for a long time, I have seen a lot of entertainment, and I am used to intrigues and intrigues. I am always tense, for fear that I will make a mistake and be constantly pressured by the company and the outside world.

At this time, you definitely need a caring person who can tell secrets, and an agent or assistant plays such a role.

Love grows over time.

It's extremely easy to develop feelings.

Okay, let me help you think of a solution.

The schedule is too tight.

Sister Ye sighed and said helplessly.

In fact, it is not impossible. From a marketing perspective, we can completely use this training camp to market Ark as an image of effort and precipitation, although Ark itself has this idea.

Sister Ye is the best.

Fang Zhou showed a sunny smile, excitedly grasped Sister Ye's hand and said.


I'll go to the company and wait for news.

You go back to the car and catch up on some sleep. There is an event in the evening.

Pulling away her hand, Sister Ye's cheeks blushed quietly, she threw away Fang Zhou, and walked towards the company on high heels.

In the entire entertainment industry, not many people have come into contact with Lin Qiu, and they don't know what standards Lin Qiu will use to select actors.

Chang'an Film and Television Company's Yang General Training Camp has launched an open recruitment for actors in the industry since mid-February!

Among them, young actors have to undergo three months of training, whether they are male or female!

At this moment, many actresses in the industry who were preparing to indulge in Lin Qiu's TV series stopped in their tracks.

You know, with Lin Qiu's current status in the film industry, the new TV series is attracting a lot of attention!

Of course there is a possibility of a bad shot. There has been no precedent before. With Lin Qiu's talent, the probability of a bad shot is really not high.

And judging from the various investors, it’s a big production!

Costume Drama, Training Camp.

Although the details of the script are not yet clear, it is not difficult to guess that this Yang Family General requires filming, otherwise there will be no training camp.

But actresses also have to participate in training camps? !

At this time, many actresses in the industry were confused and hesitated for a while.

Some actresses even gave up this opportunity directly, feeling that there was no need to endure the hardship and gain an unknown future.

The three-month training period and the three-to-four-month shooting period are, first of all, too long, and secondly, they may not be able to get the role they want.

Furthermore, even if they get the role they want, they may not be able to become popular after the TV series is aired.

Finally, this training camp is painful to hear, and the reputation of giving up midway is not good.

To sum up, many actresses naturally chose to give up.

In this drama, there are fight scenes involving female characters.

Even if it's filmed, it won't be as majestic as an actor, and he won't be able to show off his skills, especially the role of Mu Guiying.

In the company, Lin Qiu was communicating with Han Lu, the female director of Sword and Fairy 1 and Sword and Fairy 3, about the casting standards for the training camp.

The assistant director of The Romance of the Yang Family this time is Han Lu.

As a Chang'an native before Lin Qiu joined the company, Han Lu admired Lin Qiu's talent.

It just so happened that Han Lu had nothing to do, and Lin Qiu entered the TV drama industry for the first time. This was a rare opportunity for cooperation.

Mu Guiying?

I remember that there was no such character in the ancient storybooks of General Yang.

Han Lu pushed up her glasses and said doubtfully.

Han Lu is thirty-two years old. She has the temperament of a literary woman and is very calm in every move she makes.

The legend of the Yang family generals also exists in this world, but like Agarwood split the mountain to save his mother, the records are very rough.

Mu Guiying didn’t even have it.

Speaking of which, Mu Guiying in her previous life was also a character in the Ming Dynasty novel The Biography of the Generals of the Yang Family, which did not exist in history.

Because the novel was adapted into a TV series and opera, it became a household name.

Of course, Mu Guiying has a prototype, that is, the female military commander who made great achievements in the late Ming Dynasty and the national hero Qin Liangyu!


Lin Qiu didn't explain too much.

Han Lu nodded and looked through the rough script of The Romance of the Yang Family.

When seeing the classic plots such as The Seventh Son Goes and the Sixth Son Returns, Silang Visits His Mother and Mu Guiying Takes Command, Han Lu was only shocked in her heart!

She finally understood why Lin Qiu said in the Spring Festival Gala interview that there was not enough space in the movie.

Every single one of these plots is a classic!

Since last year's Sword and Sword 1 became a hit, this year's Sword and Sword 3 can be said to have continued the status of Chang'an's top dramas!

On the day Sword and Sword 3 premiered, the amount of discussion on blogs was surprisingly high.

Compared with Chinese Sword 1, Chinese Sword 3 has a very good reputation since its launch.

The main reason is that in the past year, fans of Lao Thief and fans of Lin Qiu have gradually begun to overlap!

In addition, the final presentation of Sword and Sword 1 is not to mention how amazing it is, but at least it roughly meets the expectations of the original work party. Especially the heroine Qu Wen who plays Ling'er became an instant hit!

The double-faced nightshade in Sword and Fairy 3 makes everyone feel pity for them when they see it!

Occasionally there is some tea flavor in it, which makes it even more exciting!

When Nightshade selfishly wanted to take Sedum as her own, most of the audience's favorability towards Solanum disappeared in an instant.

Netizens are even more talented and have parodied many lines about nightshade. The most popular one is undoubtedly:

Geigei, geigei, sister Xuejian won't be jealous~

Hey, it's so delicious, brother, take a bite, (big breath), brother!

Brother, sister Xuejian is so fierce. Unlike me, I only feel sorry for giegie~

Because of the existence of the original work and the fact that the adaptation of the TV series did not make too many changes, the ending of Sword and Sword 3 is not a secret.

But even so, Maomao's death still brought a wave of tears from the audience.

Among them are Cai Yun and Cai’s mother!

Because it was aired just after the Spring Festival in February, Cai Yun and Cai’s mother have been staying at home to catch up on the show!

Since the airing of Sword and Sword 3, Cai Yun has been refraining from reading the spoilers. She and her mother, who doesn't usually surf the Internet, are watching the show without spoilers, without even opening the barrage.

Until this episode.


I trust you……


Before he could say a few words, Maomao couldn't hold on and fell on the bridge.


What's the meaning?

Cai Yun frowned, wondering why Maomao fell suddenly.

There were hints in the original work, but in the TV series, director Han Lu hid this suspense very well.

As long as the audience has not seen the original work, it is unlikely that they will notice this detail!

Mao Mao!

Maomao! Maomao, what's wrong with you!

On the screen, Jingtian was in a panic.

It made Cai Yun and Cai's mother stare until handfuls of straw were pulled out from under Maomao's body, and Jingtian cried hysterically.

Cai Yun and Cai’s mother were both stunned!

The rendering power of the TV series is even stronger than the text of the original work!

After seeing Maomao, he cut off the flesh from his body because he wanted to exchange for food.

At this moment, Cai Yun and her daughter burst into tears.

Sedum's miserable howl becomes even more tragic against the backdrop of the interlude!

For a time, many viewers in Xiazhou burst into tears!

[Woooooooooo-Mao Mao! Maomao! 】

【Wow! Originally, I wouldn't cry because I knew the plot after reading the original work, but when I saw this plot again, I still couldn't help it! 】

[Director Han Lu’s filming is really great! I originally wrote the book, and this picture is exactly what I imagined when I was reading the book! 】

【Maomao who removes bones and carves out meat! I cried to death! 】

【Great, great! Finally, someone can share the same pain as us old book fans! Hahahahahaha——]

[Ignore the people above. The above is the normal mental state of an old book fan, who is well-known in the book circle. 】

Fans of the old thief have long been tortured to the point of becoming mentally insane.

Now whenever I see an old thieves’ work being republished, I will be so excited that my eyes will glow green.

When Sword and Sword 3 was first aired this time, thousands of fans of the old thief were watching the show and counting the days, figuring out which day would be the plot of Mao Mao's death.

If you get caught in the rain, you must take away other people’s umbrellas!

Let’s all shower together!

The leader group of the old thief was filled with joy!

Ouch! I feel good!


“Looking at this barrage, it’s so exciting!”

Hahahahaha! Brothers, please don't spoil the story! Tomorrow there will be nightshade sword sacrifice! The finale will also feature Changqing Zixuan's Forgetful Lake, and Sedum's longevity!

You are so perverted...

Are you unhappy?

But I like...

A chain knife that cuts out bones and flesh, and sacrifices Solanum's body to the sword!

Cut the viewers of these TV series to pieces!

The situation is the same as the original serialization of the Sword and Sword 3 novel.

Maomao was stabbed and seriously injured after vomiting blood.

Nightshade took another stab and was dying.

“I really want to send some souvenirs to the original author with a cement heart!”

Sealing the heart with cement? I didn't realize who it was for a moment. Please call him the old thief, the author of Harry Potter, a bloody executioner!

As a book fan of an old thief, I can only tell you two words - don't panic! (Excited)

Before many viewers could react, the final blow of the finale suddenly cut off the last trace of life of these viewers!

When the song Promise Not to Love You written by Lin Qiu and sung by Sun Qin was used as the soundtrack and played after Changqing and Zixuan drank the water from Wangqing Lake, the audience was once again so heartbroken that they screamed!

Although I work hard, I practice forgetting.

My heart hasn't agreed yet and I can give up on you.

I'm really sorry. I promised you that I won't love you anymore, but I haven't promised myself yet!

The lyrics that perfectly fit the plot, coupled with Sun Qin's soulful performance, immediately pushed the emotions to the highest climax!

Normally, for a plot like this, the male audience might be a little calmer, but the female audience couldn't hold back at all, and the tears couldn't stop flowing.

For a time, thousands of viewers were tortured to the point of being heartbroken!

In addition to being heartbroken and laughing at the same time, he is an old book fan who is suspected of suffering from schizophrenia.

Ma Dan!

Isn't this old thief the author of male videos?

Why can I write so cruelly about feelings?

This song is so beautiful...

Cai Yun woke up with runny nose and wiped the tears that kept flowing.

In Cai Yun's world, male video authors are those who write fantasy harem novels.

But these two fairy swords of the old thief are really beautiful!

Because of its style and acceptance, Chinese Sword 3 is better than Chinese Sword 1 in terms of ratings and ratings!

But the same thing is the overwhelming abuse and attacks on the old thief!

Apart from these, there are also those who call Sedum a waste.

He scolded the broken-walled Taoist Taoist Qingwei for being full of benevolence, righteousness, and morality, which caused Chang Qing Zixuan to separate.

He scolded the chief minister for being a coward and not pursuing his wife.

Plus many good reviews.

For a time, there was a bloody storm on the Internet!

La la la la la la~

[Brother Sheep] As a long-time fan of Lao Thief, Sun Jing hummed a tune and kept reading the reviews of Sword and Sword 3.

Whenever he saw someone calling an old thief a man, Sun Jing would give him a thumbs up with satisfaction and feel secretly happy.

That feeling...

It's like finding a kindred spirit, a confidant, a bole!

You can see negative reviews, or the original work is rubbish.

Sun Jing directly picked up the keyboard, made a set of three in a row, and sent a string of ****!

Chang'an last year could be said to have just set sail.

But as Hachi Gong opened up the Kyushu market, Chang'an entered the stage of low-altitude flying!

In addition to Lin Qiu, the outstanding works of directors Ye Zhiyuan and Han Lu are undoubtedly the backbone of Changan Film and Television Company.

Boss, the procedures for the villa are almost completed. You will be able to move in in about April or May.

In the car heading to Chang'an Film and Television Company, Kaohsiung reported recent news to Lin Qiu.


Lin Qiu smiled unconsciously. When she thought about living together with Tang Anning, she was inevitably a little excited.

No matter what, he is still a man.

The training camp is scheduled to start on the 11th and end in mid-June.

Boss, I heard from the company that the Ark is coming.


Lin Qiu was stunned, surprised to hear this name.

Lin Qiu and Fang Zhou were not familiar with each other. They only had a few words at the Golden Phoenix Awards ceremony last year.

Because Lin Qiu wanted to talk to Director Song Hua about the Spring Festival Gala program, he didn't even have time to add his contact information.

Judging from what Lin Qiu has heard in the industry, Fang Zhou has a very nice personality in private and is not at all the public’s stereotype of a traffic star.

It is said that Ark comes from a rural area, and it is not easy to work all the way to this point.

Have luck and work harder.

As an actor who has not studied through the academy system, Ark's current box office of tens of billions cannot be summed up by traffic.

More than 80% of the cases where popular actors appear in movies are fluttering!

Movie fans won’t buy your data account.

Only fans will buy traffic accounts.

But you should know that Chinatown Detective, which was released at the same time as The God of Medicine last year, has a good reputation and high ratings.

The box office was a big hit, beating The God of Medicine.

At least it proves that in the hearts of movie fans, Ark's acting skills are up to standard, otherwise it would not have such a high box office.

Well, it's said that Xia Yu said hello to Chang'an.

Let me boss, even if you don't use the Ark in the end, it will still be a little more dignified.

okay, I get it.

Lin Qiu originally thought that Xia Yu would put pressure on Chang'an. After all, Fangzhou's current popularity was truly top-notch in Xiazhou.

But I didn't expect that it was just this request, so it didn't matter.

There is no such thing as back door in Lin Qiu's casting.

But for such a popular actor, Fang Zhou was directly and ruthlessly dismissed for being unqualified. It was really ugly and easy to offend people.

Lin Qiu has no special opinions on serious actors who are serious about acting. The Yang General Training Camp is fair and open, and Lin Qiu will choose whoever is more suitable for the role.

Is it marketing?

Forget it, let's see then.

Lin Qiu shook his head. Because he didn't understand, he didn't know what Xia Yu was planning. Anyway, he would know when he saw him.

The car sped through the streets of Yanjing, heading towards Chang'an Film and Television Company.

Later, Lin Qiu will conduct a final inspection of Demon Slayer to make sure there are no problems.

Starting from February, Changan will continue to produce high-quality works. The first one to come to the audience is Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba!

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