But Jiang Se's skin is very good, so he has to rely on the makeup artist's technique.

She first put on the primer for Jiang Se, and then picked out the foundation and brushed it on. This is a big project. In addition to the face, she also needs to brush on the neck, arms, fingers and legs.

Pay attention to the uniform and deep color of the primer. The makeup artist and his assistants took a total of ten minutes to complete this work.

Zhao Rang didn't know when he came here. Jiang Se closed his eyes and was applying makeup when he came earlier. Now when he opened his eyes, he saw him holding his chest and looking at himself in the mirror. Obviously, Jiang Se's face was pale Satisfied, Wushen nodded.

On the contrary, the make-up artist glanced worriedly at Xia Chaoqun, who was hugging her chest. Even if she didn't say a word, once she stood there, her aura was already very strong.

Jiang Se is an artist under her staff. This kind of makeup is more old-fashioned than her before. This is a kind of damage to the artist's image. The makeup artist is worried that she will stop her, but until her first job is completed, from From Xia Chaoqun to Mo Anqi and even Jiang Se, no one stopped her.

This made the makeup artist heave a sigh of relief, and at the same time took the eye shadow brush. After thinking about it, he applied shadows on Jiang Se's eyes, and some lavender shadows on the lower eyelids, drawing a little bit of bags under the eyes .

She lost a lot of weight, and after her face became smaller, her eyes became bigger and bigger. Coupled with the faint bags under her eyes, she felt younger and tired all at once.

"Very good." Zhao Rang looked at it for a while, then nodded with satisfaction.

In the mirror, there was an image of a tired and thin woman with loose hair. Because of the bags under her eyes, she looked more decadent. Zhao Rang thought about it, and said: "Add a few fine lines, and, "He went around, reached out and pointed in the direction of Jiang Se's eyes:

"Tighten the dark circles a little more."

After Zhang Yuqin lost her daughter, it should be difficult to fall asleep. It is also mentioned in the script that she suffered from insomnia all night and could not fall asleep at all. She always heard her daughter calling her sweetly in her sleep: "Mom."

So her insomnia is very serious, and her dark circles are also very conspicuous.

The make-up artist nodded, and couldn't bear to do anything to this originally beautiful face.

As soon as the shadow hit, her complexion turned grayer, her whole person looked a little gloomy, and her blush was mainly dark brown. After finishing her makeup, Jiang Se looked at herself in the mirror again. Her facial features were still hers, but The whole person already gives people a completely different feeling.

"Pay attention to your hair, too."

After Zhao Rang was satisfied with the makeup, his eyes fell on Jiang Se's hair. Her hair was well maintained, but it happened that the last thing Zhang Yuqin needed was maintenance, especially after her daughter's accident, she couldn't take care of herself The hair stylist made Jiang Se's hair unkempt first, and then tied it into a bunch for her. A few strands fell on her forehead. Even under Zhao Rang's signal, the makeup artist took out the off-white mascara , Carefully applied a few strokes between Jiangse's hair to make a few strands of white hair feel, and try to meet Zhao Rang's requirements in terms of details.

It had been nearly two hours since I finished packing up and finishing makeup. The sun was shining outside. Jiang Se sat for a long time and stretched out his hand.

The crew has already moved. She read the script. In order to make her lips look dry and dehydrated, from morning till now, no matter how thirsty she was, Jiang Se didn't dare to take a sip of water.

Until the staff of the crew confirmed that it was correct, Zhao Rang made a gesture, and after the recorder shouted with the loudspeaker, Jiang Se walked to the position where he was going to be in the camera at the beginning, and signaled that he was ready.

This time it was just a test shoot. Jiang Se followed yesterday's position, and the group performers had already followed. The lighting engineer had memorized the positions of several people. The photographer also adjusted the lens and confirmed that it was correct. She applied her makeup again. It wasn't until after rehearsal until one o'clock in the afternoon that the filming officially started.

Due to the shooting location and light, in addition to the sound-collecting microphone, the recording assistant tidied up the wireless headset for her, and carefully concealed this thing in her clothes so that the output of the sound can be adjusted later. After finishing, she left the performance circle outside.

In fact, Jiang Se hasn't had a drink of water since waking up in the morning, and it's past noon. With this makeup, today's scene has not been filmed, so naturally he can't eat.

She walked into the camera slowly, imagining Zhang Yuqin's appearance when he stepped into the former residence, with his head lowered and his shoulder blades drooping a little, showing a feeling of frustration.

The neighbors around slowly walked past her, seeming to recognize her, as if they were greeting her, but she was like a wandering ghost, deaf to other people's greetings.

These people looked at her with sympathy. She knew that they thought something happened to her beads.

Carrying the equipment, the cameraman sat on a makeshift rail car and slid to take shots of her face.

Zhao Rang sat in the distance and saw Jiang Se's face through the viewfinder. At this time, her eyes were lifeless, like a wandering spirit.

In Liu Ye's studio that day, Zhao Rang actually saw her impromptu performance. The scene between her and Liu Ye showed that she was not just a vase, which made Liu Ye agree to cooperate with her.

But Jiang Se's performance at this time is no worse than her performance at that time, even better.

That feeling of frustration seemed to come out from the bottom of her heart, and then spread from the inside out. The camera was aimed at her face, and all her expressions were included in the mirror. The wind was blowing her hair, and her footsteps Some heavy, even nearly 20-second long shots, her eyes did not blink, and she kept herself in a state of emptiness, but her lips were tightly pressed, rubbing indifference into stubbornness, and turning a person who seemed to have lost her soul The woman who looks like a walking dead is shown to the fullest!

"Very good!"

Zhao Rang clenched a fist with one hand and hit her other palm. She also paid attention to the details. If there was a sound of breathing, heavy and abnormal footsteps, and even the old clothes that didn't fit well, she could express it without words. She showed her depression to the fullest.


Zhao Rang waved his hand, this segment didn't waste any time, and went directly to the next segment of shooting.

The next paragraph is that she returned to Deng's house and had a conversation with Deng Hai.

Everyone around knew that something happened to the Deng family, and the only daughter of the Deng family, Zhuzhu, had an accident. From the moment she knew about the accident, Zhang Yuqin had less time to go home. Everywhere, they are all looking for Zhuzhu's whereabouts.

She would drink some water when she was thirsty, and buy something to satisfy her stomach when she was hungry. The reason why she was still alive was because she wanted to find out the whereabouts of her daughter, and wanted to see her life and death.

She returned to Deng's house, and the house she hadn't seen for several months was a little familiar, but also a little strange.

In the past, Zhuzhu would move a small table and do homework outside, waiting for her to go home.

There should be no more updates today, so you don’t have to wait any longer...

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