When filming "Devil", Jiang Se was the first one among the actors in the crew to go there every day. Sometimes he would not leave after filming, watching his own or other people's performances from the sidelines.

"When Zhao Rang convinced me to play the role of Luo Shen, I actually had no intention of taking the role at all."

Liu Ye raised his hand to cover his mouth, and said in a low voice:

"The script is a good script, but the success of a movie is not just an element of a good script."

Zhang Jing'an nodded, and Liu Ye continued:

"But Jiang Se convinced me."

Liu Ye recalled the scene when Xia Chaoqun set a time with himself and met Jiang Se. She was skinny and her eyes were so gloomy that it made people feel cold. She vividly expressed a woman who lost her daughter, lost her family and lost her hope.

At that moment, Liu Ye didn't even need to think about it, he was easily brought into the play by her emotions, and had a scene with her.

At that time, Zhao Rang applauded his impromptu performance with Jiang Se. Afterwards, even Yang Boxi thought that it was because of his superb acting skills and rich experience in acting that he entered the role so quickly.

But after Liu Ye thought about it carefully, he was obviously infected by Jiang Se at that moment. She was immersed in the role of the movie. This kind of emotion can easily move people. At that moment, Liu Ye even felt that Jiang Se was really like a lost girl. For the person who once had everything, he saw loneliness in her eyes.

But she has nothing to lose. Fans don't know her family situation, and Xia Chaoqun protects her privacy tightly. But as far as Liu Ye knows, she comes from an ordinary family, has a boyfriend, and a job. Opportunities are in front of her. For a manager like Xia Chaoqun, logically speaking, that was the time when she should be proud of herself.

That is to say, the loneliness that Liu Ye saw in her eyes may be the excellent performance of her being immersed in the plot.

At that moment, Liu Ye felt that Jiang Se might indeed be born suitable for this profession. If she could really 'play' the role, the impression she left on people at that moment was not Jiang Se, not the nameless character in "Rescue Operation". The maid of the Zhou family is not the cardamom in "The Great Event in Peking", but a real Zhang Yuqin in "The Devil", so Liu Ye can't figure out why he should not cooperate with her.

If it is said that when he read the script or the novel, the analysis of Zhang Yuqin in Liu Ye's mind belonged to his changed judgment, just like the very stereotyped impression of Luo Shen he read.

Zhang Yuqin, female, is estranged from her husband. She is a woman in the insurance business. She has an only daughter, Zhuzhu, and her life is difficult...

Before that, he could accurately outline Zhang Yuqin in words, but when he saw Jiang Se, he really had a vivid impression. At that time, the crew had not yet been established, and Zhao Rang hadn't even drawn the sub-camera, but she had already drawn it first. Zhang Yuqin grasped the essence.

Liu Ye later noticed that after the establishment of the crew, Zhao Rang was somewhat influenced by Jiang Se when he drew the character of Zhang Yuqin in the sub-shots.

"For such a girl, I don't think beauty is her greatest weapon."

She didn't change her original intention. She stayed in an environment like the entertainment industry for many years without changing herself. During the filming of the film, he noticed that Jiang Se's attitude in filming was the same as in "Operation Rescue".

Zhao Rang has strict requirements, if you can't do it once, just do it the second time, the third time, and the fourth time...

Until everyone was exhausted, many crew members complained of suffering and tiredness, but she was the only one who could grit her teeth and hold on.

In a scene of looking for beads, Zhang Yuqin needed to rummage through the haystacks. Jiang Se reached out to rummage without saying a word. Afterwards, a pair of arms were cut with large and small wounds. That scene was captured by the camera. The original prepared substitute And post-production special effects are not required.

This may be the reason why Zhao Rang is particularly fond of her.

After filming "Devil", at the crew's wrap-up banquet, Zhao Rang once joked that he has been in the industry for many years, and his favorite actress is Jiang Se. In the future, as long as Jiang Se is willing to shoot movies, Jiang Se is welcome to join the crew at any time .

"After the dinner, I will arrange a time to meet with her."

Zhang Jing'an said this, which meant that the conversation between the two had come to an end.

Liu Ye gave a soft 'hmm'. Zhang Jing'an's film investment company is several well-known foreign companies. In some cases, he may not be able to fully decide, but he just came up with such an idea. The follow-up cooperation with Jiang Se still needs to be completed. Contact again.

The two chatted for a while and checked the time. The auction was about to start.

The host invited to the dinner was Sheng Jingzhi, the host of "Filmmakers in the Circle", and the top executives of "The Style of the Times" came to the stage to speak one after another. It was already half an hour later when the auction actually started.

According to the rules of the auction, the highlight is always at the back. The first few products are commemorative costumes, jewelry, etc. donated by some celebrities, and valuable items are rare.

The few items released earlier were all sold at prices within tens of thousands.

Jiang Se thought about the upper limit of what he could pay, and set his sights on a folding fan donated by Shao Cunjin.

This folding fan is a masterpiece of Zhou Shijie, a well-known craftsman in the late Qing Dynasty. It is carved from mahogany. According to her estimate, the market price of this fan is about 600,000 yuan. On such an occasion, for Shao Cunjin's sake, It may be able to fetch a price of 650,000 to 700,000 yuan.

But this fan has been around for a long time, and it looks antique. From the outside, it is not fashionable, and it is not likely to be favored by the glamorous stars, but some antique dealers will buy it for collection.

However, most of the people who came tonight were from the entertainment industry, and there were not many people who would make a move. Yu said that the budget given to her should be just enough.

Most importantly, this fan can be photographed and given to Feng Zhongliang to play with. Others will not like this kind of thing, but Feng Zhongliang will definitely appreciate it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Se turned around and took the album, and spread it out in front of Feng Zhongliang:

"Grandpa, I took a picture of this fan, how do I give it to you?"

In fact, Feng Zhongliang came here for Ou Miaosheng's pictures. He was not keen on such a banquet, and he didn't think that in such an occasion, apart from the paintings thrown out by Feng Nan, there was nothing worth selling. Liu probably told him about some items from the auction house, which were nothing more than clothing and jewelry, but he was not interested at all.

But at this time, listening to Jiang Se's words, and seeing her open the album, and turning her head to look at it, she felt a little interesting.

This fan looked out of place with other things on the drawings, but to him, it was really something rare to catch his eye. He became interested and took another look:

"There's no need for you to spend the money. You save it for yourself and save it for the dowry in the future."

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