Feng Nan was not at home, and the person in charge of taking care of her couldn't tell why, and had no idea when Miss disappeared.

Maybe it was because this girl was usually too good-natured, she never made people worry about her. It had been so long since the accident happened, and everyone didn't know she was missing until Feng Zhongliang asked.

Hearing the sound of Feng's mother playing cards on the phone, Feng Zhongliang was extremely furious, and ordered her to go home immediately.

After she came back, she dared not speak out in front of her father-in-law. The worry on her face was not so much for her daughter, but rather for her undecided game of poker.

The assistant followed her with a bag, and her delicate makeup couldn't hide her tiredness.

After learning that her daughter was missing, she complained again and again. First, she firmly guessed that her daughter was disobedient and must have gone somewhere to play, but she refused to go home.

Feng Zhongliang looked at her yawning with cold eyes, and suddenly felt a chill rushing from his bones.

In his early years, he had been running around for the revolutionary war, leaving his family to his wife. When the Huaxia Revolutionary War was won, when he dragged his family to Hong Kong with his mouth, his children were already quite old.

Due to the lack of discipline, the children of the Feng family fear him more than they love him.

He has been in the army for many years, and Feng Zhongliang also has an uncompromising character. He is unsmiling and serious. The younger generations in the family are very afraid of him. Among the grandchildren, few are close to him. Even when they are in front of him, most of them are All respectful, and even trembling children.

He is not close to his family members, and his blood relationship is distant, so every time he returns home from social gatherings, the mansion he worked so hard for looks extraordinarily indifferent.

Every time after drinking and getting drunk, Xiao Liu is always busy.

But Feng Zhongliang had never felt that the Feng family was so indifferent at this moment. This mansion was so cold that he could not feel the presence of humanity.

He asked people to trace Feng Nan's whereabouts, and he summoned all the people in the other rooms. These people endured their dissatisfaction, but they dared not breathe under his pressure.

Feng Zhongliang still remembered that Feng Qinlun was the last to be found.

As Feng Nan's biological father, he didn't know that his daughter was missing. When he was dragged from Wang Zhiqiu's bed, he was still drunk. When he was escorted to Feng Zhongliang, his eyes were drunk, his clothes were disheveled, and he was in a state of embarrassment.

Feng Zhongliang asked him:

"Where's Feng Nan?"

"Feng Nan?"

He even thought for a while before he remembered such a daughter, and pointed upstairs:

"Probably fell asleep."

At that time Feng Zhongliang responded to him with a loud slap in the face, and immediately hit Feng Qinlun on the ground, trembling.

He was afraid of his father, and he didn't even dare to refute.

The people in the rest of the rooms were either gloating or dared not breathe, no one proposed a solution, and no one pleaded for Feng Qinlun.

Feng Zhongliang still remembers that silence clearly after many years.

At that time, Feng Zhongliang began to reflect on the failure of his education, and also began to recall the past of his life. What was the Zhongnan Industry for which he had worked so hard for half his life?

The spread packages were placed in front of everyone, each of them seemed to be extremely lively. Some people were afraid, some were glad it wasn't themselves, but almost all of them had a numb look that had nothing to do with them.

Feng Nan had been missing for a long time, and no one could tell the exact time when he last saw her.

I only know that these three bloody nails have been received for seven or eight hours.

For a long time, Feng Zhongliang always recalled those three nails with dried blood. What he thought more about was not Feng Nan's pain when his nails were pulled out. The moment her nails fell off, did she expect that her family would come to rescue her and protect her from being tortured by the gangsters?

Will her hopes fade away bit by bit in the desperate waiting?

In the dead of night, Feng Zhongliang couldn't help but think about it, but he couldn't ask. After Feng Nan was rescued, life went on as usual.

There are more servants serving her, and she is more quiet and well-behaved.

Just like Tang Jing in the movie, locked in a dark room, waiting for the kidnapper to ask the Tang family for a ransom, that feeling of waiting for redemption.

At that time, she must have been like in the movie, crawling to a bright place as much as possible, letting the sun and lights shine on her, waiting for her parents and relatives to break in.

After being disappointed, when she knew that no one would come again, she crawled into the darkness and huddled up, hoping that no one would find her. Could it be that if no one could see her, there would be no more harm?

When Feng Zhongliang saw Tang Jing huddled in a corner, even his bare foot was accidentally illuminated by the light, he would tremble all over with fright, and he couldn't help dodging, his heart ached so much that he almost shed tears.

He remembered that when he rescued Feng Nan, she was also huddled in a dark corner. If there were no policemen with flashlights at that time, she might not have been discovered for a while.

How similar is the scene back then to the scene in the movie at this time?

Cheng Jianguo, played by Liu Ye, spent more time with Tang Jing after taking over the task of 'taking care' of the hostages. A desperate gangster and a prey may be because of Tang Jing's tenderness and helplessness. Little by little, Cheng Jianguo's heart was moved.

It was difficult for him to hate her as confidently as he did at the beginning, and sometimes he would lose his temper because of Tang Jing's background and status, but most of the time he had treated Tang Jing much better.

The foot he lifted was supposed to kick down hard, but for some reason, the leg weighed more than a thousand catties, and when he lifted it, he let it down feebly.

He watched the girl's changes, from the beginning when she was beaten and still stubbornly clinging to the window, sometimes she would reach out to try to catch the sunlight, and finally hid in the corner, afraid of the light, sometimes motionless, like already dead.

She was so obedient, Cheng Jianguo gradually became curious about her, and once couldn't help asking her:

"Are you always like this?"

Even his ten-year-old daughter, who in his heart is extremely sensible and obedient, can withstand the torment of a heart attack, but sometimes she can't help playing a child's temper, acting like a baby in front of him, showing off her cuteness .

Cheng Jianguo didn't know what other people's daughters should look like when they were eighteen, but he still remembered that his eighteen was a lawless age, he caused a lot of troubles, big and small, and his emotions caused great headaches for his parents.

In contrast, Tang Jing was born in a wealthy family and has everything around her. She should be as arrogant and indulgent as a princess, instead of being quiet like a wisp of light smoke that can disappear into the air without knowing it.

Her big eyes looked into the distance without focus. After getting used to the darkness, Cheng Jianguo firmly believed that she could find herself, because her body was still trembling instinctively in the dark.

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