Feng Nan revealed Jiang Zhiyuan's identity. Once the incident got to the point of irreversibility, it would be a fatal blow to Jiang Se.

But at such a critical moment, when the Pei family stepped in to announce the marriage, everyone's attention would turn from Jiang Se's background, his father's identity, and Feng Nan's accusations against her to her marriage with Pei's grandson.

She is like a dream in the hearts of many girls, and all these public opinions are guided by the Pei family's action at a critical moment.

"What Feng Nan said, you don't have to pay attention."

When Mrs. Pei heard her take the initiative to mention this matter, there was a smile in her tone:

"You're a good boy. We've been watching you all these years together with Ah Yi." A person's birth and parents can't choose, but how one's life will be lived can be decided by oneself.

"Under such circumstances, neither arrogance nor impetuosity," maintained a sincere and calm attitude. When the whole people were boiling, the first thing that came to mind was to take the initiative to admit to herself the troubles caused by the Feng Nan incident. Old lady Pei didn't say anything. , but my heart is happy.

"Those who don't know what's going on outside are talking nonsense."

Mrs. Pei didn't mention Feng Nan's name. She grew up watching "Feng Nan". She used to like this girl Pei Yi liked very much, but I don't know why this girl looks more and more like him when she grows up. changed.

She knew Jiang Se's identity, and was angry with Jiang Se. After talking about the phone call, Mrs. Pei was upset, but she didn't want to make more accusations. "Just because A Yi is working out of town, it doesn't mean we don't have adults in our family."

Mrs. Pei's character, Jiang Se, is also known. Those self-cultivation and decency have been with her for decades, almost engraved into her bones and blood.

She doesn't talk about people's right and wrong, no matter how she doesn't like it, she doesn't mention it, don't get close to it, and don't communicate with it. Being able to say such things is already her act of protecting Jiang Se.

"Thank you, grandma." She replied softly, and the old lady Pei didn't want to mention these things again, so she changed the subject and became happy again:

"This year is a good day. The marriage between you and Ah Yi has been announced. What your grandfather means is that everyone take a family photo before the Spring Festival, and it will be released just in time, so that some people will not be suspicious behind their backs."

Jiang Se agreed, and agreed to go to Pei's house to play mahjong with the old lady after the promotional period of "God's Salvation" passed. The old lady was very happy, and then chatted with Mrs. Pei for a few words, and greeted Pei After seeing other people at home, he hung up the phone.

The news one after another tonight is all related to Jiang Se, especially the heavy Jiang Se's marriage, which has attracted the attention of the whole people.

On the China Forum, Pei Yi's personal explanation attracted netizens to watch and forward it, pushing this newly announced marriage to the center of public opinion.

The Pei family took advantage of the opportunity to announce his resume. No matter how flamboyant Pei Yi had been in his youth, his official resume was quite beautiful.

He studied in prestigious schools all the way. As he said, the university was admitted to the first university in the imperial capital with excellent grades, and applied for graduation in advance, and then was admitted to the Guangzhou Military Academy for postgraduate study, and was transferred to West Jiuzhou to work.

At the same time, there are also various photos of him from childhood to adulthood, including the appearance of being held by Mr. Pei when he was a child, or when he was holding him to meet guests, as well as the mischievous childhood, and the swaying youth when he was young. Jieao, also looks like he was beaten in the barracks.

When Jiang Se's fans announced the marriage at the beginning, they were actually a little shocked, surprised and unbelievable at first, and then after confirming that Jiang Se was going to marry into the Pei family's "Prince Princess", they were really happy for her.

Tao Tao is also one of these fans who is happy for Jiang Se.

She has been chasing Jiang Se for many years, so she naturally knows that Jiang Se has a boyfriend.

She also knew that her idol was engaged, but she didn't know much about Jiang Se's other half, that is, as most people knew, she knew that Jiang Se's future husband's family might be a wealthy family.

When the Pei family's statement was announced tonight, apart from being happy, she was actually a little worried.

In Tao Tao's eyes, Jiang Se is the best. In fact, it is hard to imagine what kind of person is worthy of her.

Although Jiang Se and Pei Yi were also photographed, the photos were blurred and could not be seen clearly at the time, and were quickly deleted afterward. Until then, it was not truly made public.

He is different from the third generation of the Pei family that many people imagined, and even better than many people imagined.

Those excellent resumes made it difficult for a group of people who originally held the idea of ​​"maybe Jiang Se married into the Pei family, maybe only because of the power and status of the Pei family" to speak out.

He doesn't look like he has a big belly and a fat stomach, but he is extremely handsome.

Those icing on the cake photos, outstanding qualifications, clean past, no messy scandals and lace rumors in the past, added a lot of points to people's impression of him.

No one mentioned Feng Nan of Zhongnan Industry anymore, and no one mentioned Jiang Se's father anymore. The most discussed on the Internet was Jiang Se's marriage, and it was the Pei family who had kept a low profile for many years.

In Feng's house, Feng Qinlun was trembling and was still answering his father's phone call.

After Feng Nan's accident that year, Feng Zhongliang had a lot of complaints about this disappointing son. Even though he restrained himself to please him all these years, Feng Zhongliang still treated him lukewarm. In Feng Qinlun's opinion, this old man was really difficult. please him.

"Father, you asked me to 'release' Feng Nan, and now she has offended the Pei family..."

The news of the eldest grandson's marriage announced by the Pei family tonight spread not only in China, but also in Hong Kong. After hearing the news, the whole Feng family was very disturbed, fearing that Feng Nan would offend the Pei family.

"Now our cooperation with Jianghua Group is at a critical moment..."

Feng Qinlun was careful, trying not to let Feng Zhongliang hear the complaint in his words.

The cooperation between Zhongnan Industry and Jianghua Group has been discussed for so many years, and the project developed with great difficulty is ready to be put into use after seven or eight years. If there is such a big mess, I am afraid that it will be made things difficult by the country.

"What are you in a hurry for?"

No matter how well he concealed it, Feng Zhongliang could still hear the resentment in his words. For this son, Feng Zhongliang rarely even scolded him:

"Of course I know what to do! I'm really offended, the old man is going to make amends!"

Jiang Se entered the entertainment industry and experienced several storms.

In the past years, when she didn't know who she was, she was bullied, Feng Zhongliang couldn't control her, and now she can't control her anymore.

She likes the entertainment industry, so she let her do it. Since the Pei family has no objections, he has figured it out, as long as his granddaughter is happy, he will not just watch his granddaughter being made things difficult or bullied.

The Pei family is used to keeping a low profile, and has not announced Jiang Se's identity so far, which made her embarrassed several times. Even Mrs. Zhou dared to bully her granddaughter before.

She won awards abroad and became famous. At the critical moment when domestic movies were released, there was news about Tao Cen.

This situation happened several times, although Feng Zhongliang also knew the Pei family's principles of life, and the children made troubles about the children, but the children of other families would love each other.

When Pei Yi called, it was the moment when he was furious. Pei Yi just made a suggestion that satisfied him. He simply made the matter bigger and turned the attention of public opinion from Tao Cen to others. The approach turned to Jiang Se.

And how to guide this kind of topic? Pei Yi mentioned Feng Nan!

She is a time bomb, she will not detonate, she will always be there, and she will pose a threat to Jiang Se at any time.

Feng Zhongliang didn't know who she was, nor why she knew about Jiang Zhiyuan, but since she wanted to expose Jiang Zhiyuan's identity and give Jiang Se a fatal blow, Feng Nan's existence became a A headache for Feng Zhongliang.

No matter who she is, she is still a member of Feng's family in name, a living person who cannot be killed, and harbors malice towards Jiang Se.

The thoughts hidden in her heart are always troublesome if they are not drawn out. Why don't you take this opportunity and let her make a fuss first, forcing the Pei family to come forward at this time, admit Jiang Se's identity, and remove the stains on her identity 'cleaning.

Feng Nan's evil thoughts came to naught. After that, she made a scene and became a joke. Even if she made a scene again, no one would believe her.

On the bright side, she caused a lot of trouble for the Feng family and offended the future grandson-in-law of the Pei family. The Feng family had a reason to 'dislike' her. Feng Zhongliang sent her back to Hong Kong, and suddenly alienated her, which was reasonable. , no one will doubt Feng Nan's temperament mutation.

"Then if Mr. Pei is still angry..."

Feng Qinlun heard the displeasure in Feng Zhongliang's words, so he still bit the bullet and opened his mouth. Feng Zhongliang said:

"So what if you're still angry? The big deal is that Zhongnan Industrial's business here will be suspended. I can afford it!"

He hung up the phone, and really didn't want to talk to his son. Xiao Liu saw that he was in a heavy heart. What happened tonight happened one after another, and he was afraid that the old man's mind would be heavy and hurt his mind.

"Don't be sad, Mr. Pei has been your best friend for many years, and he will definitely not become strangers to you just because of these junior things."

Xiao Liu took the coat, put it on Feng Zhongliang's shoulders, picked up the still hot tea cup, and handed it to Feng Zhongliang, comforting him softly.

Feng Zhongliang shook his head. When facing Xiao Liu, he was no longer as unkind as he was when he talked to Feng Qinlun earlier. Perhaps he had solved a long-standing problem in his heart. Relaxed, but there was a little hesitation in his eyes, and the whole person seemed a little contradictory:

"I'm not worried about that."

He bit his cheek and sighed:

"Feng Nan and Jianghua Group's grandson Zhao Xinhong have been married for several years, right?"

He has become very estranged from Feng Nan. In recent years, his grandparents and grandchildren have almost become strangers, and he is usually reluctant to mention this name.

Xiao Liu was a little surprised to take the initiative to mention it today.


Xiao Liu thought for a while, "It has indeed been several years. Miss Feng Nan and Master Zhao Junhan have been together for more than seven years."

"Is it time for this marriage?"

Hearing this, Feng Zhongliang murmured to himself.

Xiao Liu couldn't help raising his head and glanced at him:

"Old man, you..."

He no longer cares about Feng Nan's affairs. After Feng Nan moved out of the Feng family's mansion and wanted to be a star, and fell out with Feng Zhongliang, he didn't care about Feng Nan's marriage, and he didn't seem to want to intervene. Why? At such a juncture, would this matter be brought up suddenly?

Feng Zhongliang knew what Xiao Liu was thinking.

"You do not understand."

When you are old and have no relatives around you, sometimes you don't know who to talk to when you want to say something.

"Ayi, he..."

Pei Yi discussed with Feng Zhongliang, the move of releasing Feng Nan seemed bold and risky, but after Feng Zhongliang thought about it carefully, Pei Yi did not necessarily do it for the sake of the Pei family and clean up the crisis for Jiang Se.

What Feng Nan said and the disturbances were not only noticed by people all over the country and the Pei family, but also by a dangerous person. to far.

Just imagine, this man who was once restricted, because of wearing the magic spell, he is no longer as lawless as before, and he has learned to live a life of self-control and mediocrity all his life.

But if one day, he finds out that his security cannot guarantee a perfect life for his daughter, and it is very likely to cause her troubles?

As long as Feng Nan is alive, he is the biggest trouble. This person is dangerous and extreme, with an extremely anti-social personality.

"Dragon has reverse scales, if you touch it, you will die."

He was worried that Jiang Zhiyuan might do something extreme when he thought he was threatened.

He was also worried that Pei Yi's gesture would anger Jiang Zhiyuan and 'clean up' Feng Nan.

Others don't know the true identity of 'Feng Nan', but there are still a few people in this world who do.

'Feng Nan' himself, Jiang Se, Pei Yi, and Feng Zhongliang, 'Feng Nan' is alive, the threat to Jiang Se is too great, there is no guarantee that one day she will not guess Jiang Se's identity and cause more trouble .

In the peaceful and prosperous age, everyone is a law-abiding person, but some lives are born in crime, do not understand the law, and are not afraid of the consequences, like a sharp knife, which can stab people if they are not careful.

Although Feng Zhongliang doesn't like Feng Nan, but she is alive in the body of 'Feng Nan', and he can't bear to see her have an accident. When people get older, they always have a softer heart. They like to see everyone safe and sound. Until the end One step, after all, I don't want her to have any accidents.

Hopefully he's thinking too much!

"Jiang Zhiyuan, have you checked?"

He asked, and Xiao Liu's expression sank immediately:

"I was going to tell you about that."

It should have been said long ago, but Feng Zhongliang has been concerned about Jiang Se's "God's Salvation" recently. In addition, Feng Nan was taken back to Hong Kong a while ago, and after Jiang Zhiyuan was released from prison, he has been keeping himself safe. Living under the watchful eyes of the Feng family, Xiao Liu relaxed his vigilance towards him.

Unexpectedly, when he was checked again recently, he had disappeared. I don't know what method he used to escape the stalking of the people he sent out. Now there are so many people, I don't know where he is!

"He resigned, his mobile phone number changed, and we rented out his original residence and searched." But there was no trace, "He didn't contact any of his old friends in the past, and those who worked with him in the past two years People are not even familiar with him."

Most people's impression of him is that he is taciturn. Besides, no one knows where he lives or what hobbies he has.

Double more in one~~~

Double asking for tickets, on the last day of the month, do you want to draw up a monthly ticket poverty alleviation plan for me?

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