The behavior of the orchard boss ‘buying tickets’ has attracted the attention of many people.

Some people who are not interested in the draft and have never seen “Tomorrow’s Superstar” have expressed their desire to sell tickets.

18 yuan a text message, net income 17 yuan nine cents.


It’s not hard anyway.

18 bucks, a meal money!


Chen Feng’s votes caught up.

In just a few hours, it was achieved.

There is more than one post-70s big guy who likes Chen Feng.

A big man in the quarrying business also began to ‘buy tickets’ locally.

With the support of two local tycoons, Chen Feng’s votes rose sharply.

Instead, it was ahead of the second place, with more than 30,000 votes.

And the young people who supported the second place also began to canvassing votes everywhere.


The effect is minimal.



Flower dust rain is eating.

After publishing an apology video and inviting a water army, the number of people who scolded him gradually decreased.

This made him feel a lot better.

After eating, Hua Chenyu opened the official website of “Tomorrow’s Superstar”.


Hua Chenyu was shocked in her heart.

When did Chen Feng’s votes surpass?

More than an hour ago, obviously more than 100,000 votes behind?

After looking through it, Hua Chenyu knew what was going on.

If it had been before, he would definitely be canvassing.

But now, he didn’t dare!

Just apologized, and then ended the battle, isn’t this pure and pure pen behavior?

It is impossible for a monkey-like flower dust rain who thinks he is fine to do such a strenuous thing.

He couldn’t accept Chen Feng’s resurrection, otherwise wouldn’t what he had done before be in vain?

Thought for a while.


There is a way!!

Flower dust rain registered a trumpet.

Like the two post-70s bigwigs before, they also began to use money to ‘buy tickets’.

Let’s vote for player number 2!


To those who ‘sell tickets’….

It’s the same to sell to whom, and when you see who sells to whom, just give money.

But Hua Chenyu did not understand that this behavior = advertising Chen Feng in disguise.

Many netizens who don’t watch “Tomorrow’s Superstar” know one thing——


“My Motherland Heart” is what Chen Feng sang!

“The First Snow in 2002” was also sung by this Chen Feng?

“A Fire in Winter”, which he also sang?

“One Cut Plum” too?


Although I didn’t like it, I also got acquainted.

It’s like many people don’t like the flower mage, but they also know him because of something.


Backstage of the “Superstars of Tomorrow” program.

Staff who count the votes ….


The increase in backstage votes gives the illusion of ‘this is the finals’.

“Chen Feng has a high number of votes, I can understand! But what is the situation with this number two? I remember when he wasn’t eliminated, he didn’t have so many tickets! ”

“What’s not to understand here, someone doesn’t want to revive Chen Feng!”

“Who doesn’t want Chen Fengfu… Well, you mean…”

“Got it?”

“Well, got it.”

“Gee ~ 18 yuan a ticket, can only say that there are still many rich people!”

“This kind of thing is not something that we can participate in at this level.”

“I know, just sigh! Before buying tickets one night, I paid more than I paid in a year, hey!! ”

“Don’t say it, it’s already starting to feel bad, grass!!”

“It’s just the first day! There are still four days until the voting ends. ”



Day 2 of the repechage vote.

For the number two ‘buy a ticket’, there is another one.

It was still the two bigwigs who ‘bought tickets’ for Chen Feng.

The battle for votes is even more ferocious than yesterday.


It’s also rising.


Day 3 of the repechage vote.

For the number two ‘buy tickets’, there are two more.

It was still the two bigwigs who ‘bought tickets’ for Chen Feng.

One more person, it is different, and Chen Feng was immediately overtaken.


Rise again.


Day 3 of the repechage vote.

The one who ‘bought a ticket’ for the number two, the same as the day before.

The ones who ‘bought tickets’ for Chen Feng were still the two bigwigs.

But the big guy who does the orchard business….

The price has been raised!

From 18 to 28.

And in the afternoon of the same day, one of the opponents also raised the price.


It also began to rise wildly.

It has also attracted a lot of attention.

“If you don’t understand, ask: Who is this No. 2? So why is hanging still eliminated? ”

“Obviously, someone doesn’t want Chen Feng to be resurrected!”

“Who? (funny .jpg)”

“I don’t know! (funny .jpg)”

“If you don’t say the above, then I won’t say it!”

“If they don’t say it, then I won’t say it!”

“Poof~ haha, you guys can really do it.”

Who would last the rest of Chen Feng’s resurrection?

It’s not self-explanatory!


Maybe it’s too hot.

Optoelectronic official micro, issued a notice –

[Do not canvass, buy tickets, collect tickets, etc. in any monetary way.] 】

[The “Superstar of Tomorrow” program should immediately stop this behavior. 】

As soon as this announcement came out, the director, planner, and producer of “Tomorrow’s Superstar” were frightened.

Hurriedly followed to give the optoelectronic officer a slight praise, and said that it would be executed immediately.


The official micro of “Tomorrow’s Superstar” also issued a notice –

Stop voting!

The number of votes at the cut-off time prevails.

The requirements for the next vote are: register for more than a week and have a record of watching at least three episodes.

At the same time, if this condition is met, you can vote for the contestant.

As a result, there are many fewer votes.

But less is less!

It’s better than being officially named and even showing a pause for rectification, right?


PS: Daily flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes~

Little brother kneel thanks~!!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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