Chapter 73 Yang Mi sends a seven-figure microphone!!

[Help! ] I’m about to be tortured crazy by my mother~】

This hot search rushed to the third place in the hot search in a very short time.



Countless people feel the same way.

Don’t know what it means? Never mind!

Click on this hot search, not only can you know what it means, but also empathize.

Because the power of “Two Butterflies” has begun ~ began to show!!

“Yesterday, at my home, the song “Two Butterflies” was repeated at least 100 times!!”

“I don’t remember how many times, but until I went to sleep, I could still hear this song clearly.”

“My mom fell asleep listening to ‘Two Butterflies,’ and then… Fell asleep, didn’t close, let it go overnight!! ”

“Crazy! Really crazy! I’m dreaming now that I’m all darling, you fly slowly, be careful of the thorny roses in front ~~”

“Poof, hahaha~ (Zhuo, what am I laughing at?) Me too! Woooooo

“Brothers and sisters, have you noticed a very strange thing?”

“What’s going on?”

“I had never studied ‘Two Butterflies,’ but I was horrified to find out… I will sing! ”

“Groove! I seem to be too? ”

“Not only can I sing, but I especially remember the lyrics of the thief clearly!”

“Blanch! Me too~”

Netizens… Lose your marbles!

It’s not that “Two Butterflies” is bad.

But the mother at home has been repeating and listening to it repeatedly.

I dreamed in the middle of the night, and I was so entangled that I was flying… Who can bear this?

The question is…

The mother has been listening, the children can’t stop it, and they dare not stop it! Stand?

Then go outside and stroll~

But outside, can you avoid the late?! No, no!


I entered a small store, wanted to buy a pack of cigarettes, and found that “Two Butterflies” was playing!

I went into the supermarket to buy something to eat, and found that the supermarket was playing “Two Butterflies”!!

I want to go to the mobile phone store and find that “Two Butterflies” is playing in the store!! Especially in places like two-dollar stores…

Not only play, but also loop, the sound is also very loud.

What the?

Is this infringement?

Under normal circumstances, this is indeed an infringement.

And in this world, copyright is well protected.


Two Butterflies has not yet been released.

The way to play it is a replay of “Tomorrow’s Superstar”.


This is not infringement!……


“I vomited, the “Two Butterflies” all over the street, I can’t bear it~”

“Similarly, I’m wearing headphones now, listening to other songs!”

“It’s a solution, but you can’t wear headphones all the time, can you?”

“Enough listening, just listen to “Two Butterflies”!”

“Groove! You are a ruthless person! ”

“Now I just hope that the next issue of “Tomorrow’s Superstar” will start quickly, and let Chen Feng sing a new song, so that he will not be tortured!”

“The next issue of ‘Superstar of Tomorrow’? I’m afraid it’s a little difficult! ”

“Deng Ziqi went to “Tomorrow’s Superstar”, and it was picked up by the Wind Bird Company. Now that they are all in lawsuits, Deng Ziqi definitely can’t go, there is one less mentor, how to broadcast? ”

“Groove! Is that not the end of the calf? ”

“One more, isn’t it over?”

“Since the show “Superstar of Tomorrow” was launched, there have been three mentors. Damimi did not renew the contract, Hua and Ju were blocked, and now Deng Ziqi has to solve it with the company… What does this mean? It means that this show is toxic! Who dares to go? ”

“Haha, it makes sense~~”

Netizens seem to be ridiculing, but for the “Tomorrow’s Superstar” program group… It’s really like this!!

“If the next episode of “Tomorrow’s Superstar” can’t be broadcast on time, won’t you still be tortured by “Two Butterflies”?”


“Tired, destroy, destroy it all~~”…

The other side.

The program group of “Tomorrow’s Superstar” is holding a meeting.


Everyone is silent.

Nobody spoke.


The director’s phone has an incoming call.

He quickly connected: “Hey, huh? Oh okay, it’s okay, goodbye! ”


After hanging up the phone, the director said with a sad face: “It is said that it is a schedule conflict, and there is no time.” ”

The rest:… Soon.

The producer’s phone rang again.

The crowd regained hope.


If nothing else, there will be another accident.

The artist also said that the schedule conflict, temporarily unable to come to “Tomorrow’s Superstar”, hope to cooperate next time.


In fact, everyone knows it in their hearts.

The reason why these artists refused was that they were afraid that coming to “Tomorrow’s Superstar” would also have problems themselves.

What the? Superstition? That’s right!

Those artists in the entertainment industry are really superstitious.

This is not nonsense, but there is real evidence.


Please don’t have a mentor, what about the next program?

Just when the military was about to be in turmoil, the director stood up and said: “Don’t be in a hurry! And what are you afraid of for a few days?! ”

If someone comes forward, the rest will feel better.

“Yes, don’t worry, there are still a few days, it will definitely solve this problem!”

“We can do it.”

“Come on! Come on! ”

Seeing the cheering people, the director was resolute on the surface, but uncomfortable in his heart.

Ay! What to do! Melancholy!…… The other side.


Looking at the meager on, the complaints of netizens.

Chen Feng smiled happily.

The power of “Two Butterflies” has been experienced by myself.

So we have to let the young people here also give it a try.

After watching other hot searches for a while, Chen Feng opened the official website of “Tomorrow’s Superstar”.

Voting page.

1: Chen Feng.


Although it did not exceed the second place by many votes, it has always firmly occupied the first position.

If it had been changed before, Chen Feng should not be ranked first.

But now with the blessing of “Two Butterflies”, many mother fans across the country know this song.

The “mother fans” walked around each other and informed each other, and Chen Feng’s votes rushed to the first place.



[You successfully advance and get 300 million rewards.] 】The reward for singing “Two Butterflies”…

It’s arrived!

This also means that the system has decided that it has advanced.

In fact, for Chen Feng, it doesn’t matter what the number is in line.

As long as you can advance, you can get rewards!


“Dad fans and mom fans don’t think so!”

They felt that Chen Feng was not easily eliminated, and he had to give Chen Feng the first place!!!

We are post-70s, not weaker than others in our lives! Thank you~

See here.

An idea popped up in Chen Feng’s mind, otherwise…

Make an album of your own? It seems to work! Can follow.

Chen Feng also felt that there were too many albums, and it was better to release singles.

The matter of the song is not in a hurry for the time being.

It’s just a song, just find a time, and you can get it done quickly…


Chen Feng is staring at the stock market.

Compared to when it was bought, the stock has risen nearly fourfold.


Not the highest point yet!!

Three days later, at three o’clock in the afternoon, it was the highest point.

At that time, selling cash is when you make the most money.


Ding-dong~Ding-dong~Huh? Who is ringing the doorbell?

Chen Feng walked over curiously, and as a result, he saw Yang Mi in the video call.

Why did Yang Mi come?

Isn’t she filming?

Opening the door, Chen Binfeng just wanted to speak.

Yang Mi rushed into his arms.

Yang Mi: “I miss you so much!” ”

Chen Feng: “Well, I also… Hmm~ “Good guy!

Don’t give me a chance to speak? Yes!

Then get down to business first.

Chen Feng closed the door with his foot, picked up Yang Mi and walked towards the bedroom.


Yang Mi took a breath and drank a bottle of mineral water: “I’m dying of thirst~” Just shouted so much, who is thirsty if you are not thirsty?

Chen Feng smiled and asked, “You won’t come back sneaking back, right?” ”

Yang Mi immediately denied it: “It’s not! ”

“It’s been ten days in a row, and everyone is tired.”

“I propose to take a day off so that everyone can rest and rest.”

Chen Feng:…

Is everyone really tired? I don’t even want to break you!

Yang Mi suddenly said, “Oh, by the way, I have a gift for you!” ”

Gift? What gift?

Yang Mi took out his mobile phone and opened a website.

Then an order popped up.

The total price of this order is… 2.8 million!

And in the first place is a picture of a microphone.

Seeing this picture, Chen Feng was immediately stunned.

This…… It seems to be the [Holy Sword]?

(ps: Lin Junjie’s microphone, pure white) Yang Mi put his arm around Chen Feng and said: “You don’t want to open a music studio, this is my opening gift for you!” ”

“I wish Boss Chen a prosperous business and prosperous business!”

Chen Feng was amused, and he directly suppressed Yang Mi and said, “Then I have to thank you properly!” ”



It’s about 7 o’clock.

Chen Feng and Yang Mi came out of the house, ready to go to eat something to replenish their physical strength.

I didn’t go to a high-end restaurant, I just ate casually, and both of them ate a lot.

This afternoon’s toss, both of them were hungry.

And then.

Go home and continue!!……

10 o’clock later.

Chen Feng, who finished taking a shower, walked out of the bathroom.

Glancing at the bedroom, he found that Yang Mi had fallen asleep.

He gently closed the door and came to the living room.

Sitting on the sofa, it looked meager and meagre.

On the meager side.

Hot search list.

The top three remain the same.

The fourth is “Tomorrow’s Superstar”.

Seeing this, Chen Feng was also happy.

Six episodes were broadcast, several mentors were changed, and two of them were banned. “Tomorrow’s Superstar” is really decrepit!!

And most importantly…

“Tomorrow’s Superstar” seems to have no new mentor.

They all felt that this show was poisonous and did not want to come.

After watching it for a while, Chen Feng felt bored.

Directly turn off the mobile phone, go back to the bedroom and go to sleep with a big dense.

It’s late at night again.

It’s 11 o’clock again.

Deng Ziqi suddenly posted a dynamic.

This dynamic is very simple, just a few words [@Fruit Shell Entertainment~]

As soon as this news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of countless netizens.

“Huh? Husk entertainment? What kind of entertainment company is this? I haven’t heard of it! ”

“Could it be Deng Ziqi, the studio he created? Just like the Great Dense? ”

“It seems possible!”

“It’s not good to be your own boss!”

“But individuals can’t be compared to companies, right? Resources, channels, are estimated to be much less. ”

“Less is less! At least not to be exploited by the company! ”

“Yes! I’d rather earn less than earn more with capital! ”

In comparison, netizens dislike capital even more.

So…… There has to be a comparison in everything.

And [Wind Bird Entertainment] also reacted quickly.

said that he wanted to sue Deng Ziqi for breach of contract, and asked Deng Ziqi to pay 120 million yuan.

“What? 120 million? Why don’t you grab it? ”

“Rob? Isn’t this faster than grabbing? Sure enough, capital! ”

“Before there was Chen Feng to Master Hua, and after there was Wind Bird Entertainment to tell Deng Ziqi, the recent entertainment industry is really lively!”

Recently, netizens have eaten melons all-you-can-eat.


Chen Feng was woken up by Yang Mi again.

After breakfast, Yang Mi will go back to filming.

Yang Mi reluctantly got into the car and said, “Next rest, it is estimated that it will be a long time, you have time to come to see me!” ”

Chen Feng said with a smile: “Good, definitely!” ”


Yang Mi is gone.

Chen Feng went back upstairs, ready to sleep again.

But as soon as he lay down, his mobile phone rang, and it was a call from Teacher Luo Xiang.


Is there a result over there?

Chen Feng immediately sat up and connected the phone: “Hey, Teacher Luo.” ”

Luo Xiang: “Chen Dong, the trial will be held at half past two this afternoon, you should prepare.” ”


So fast?

Sure enough, it was Teacher Luo Xiang.

This efficiency is just different!!

Chen Feng said: “Okay, I see. ”

Looked at the time…

It’s all over 10, it’s close to 11 o’clock.

And sleep a fart!

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