Chapter 75 “Tomorrow’s Superstar” The seventh issue is on the air!!

On the way back.

Chen Feng, who was sitting in the car, suddenly thought of a line from Xie Xian in “Shaolin Football”.

[Ball politics, side politics, referees, organizers and co-organizers are all my people, what are you fighting with me?! ] 】

And Chen Feng can also say very arrogantly:

[The judges are all my people, how do the other contestants play with themselves?] Gee~

It’s fun to think about.

And Deng Ziqi on the side was peeking at Chen Feng.

In her understanding.

Isn’t it simple for your own boss to be so rich, so talented, so handsome, and famous?

Why go to the draft and sing some old songs? If you change to someone else, you may not ask.

But Deng Ziqi, who had a straightforward personality, still couldn’t help but ask: “Boss, you are so rich, why do you still have to participate in the draft?” ”

Chen Feng glanced at Deng Ziqi and said, “You want to know?” ”

Deng Ziqi nodded sharply, indicating that he wanted to know.

Chen Feng said lightly: “You want to know, what does it have to do with me?” ”


Deng Ziqi began to coquettishly: “Boss, just tell me~” However.

Chen Feng was indifferent.

Pull my arm and coquette, don’t drive somewhere? It can be seen that it is really not big!!

Chen Feng: “Make trouble again, go down.” ”

Deng Ziqi: “…”

She pouted.

Don’t dare to make trouble with Chen Feng anymore.

Seeing that the boss was reluctant to say, Deng Ziqi began to change the topic and asked: “Boss, how many people are there in our company?” ”

Good question!

Chen Feng said while looking at his mobile phone: “Strictly speaking, you are alone at the moment. ”

Deng Ziqi:??? What? Just myself?

She suddenly had the feeling of being on a thief’s ship.

Deng Ziqi said weakly: “Boss, myself… It doesn’t work either! ”

Chen Feng replied without raising his head: “You have been in the wind bird for so many years, isn’t it easy to recruit a few people over?” ”

Huh? That’s right, too! Deng Ziqi’s eyes lit up.

Although I am not happy in Wind Bird, I still get along well with the company’s music director and others.


One company, just a few people, is not enough!

Chen Feng saw Deng Ziqi’s problem and said25: “The company’s affairs, you don’t need to worry about it!” ”

“You just need to assemble your own team.”


This way!

Deng Ziqi patted his chest and said: “Don’t worry, boss, absolutely complete the task!” ”


The car drove to the hotel.

Chen Feng said: “It’s here, let’s get out~”

Deng Ziqi: “Okay, boss, bye bye~~”

She put on a mask and a hat, don’t look tall, but she runs fast.

Looked at.

Chen Feng smiled.

Deng Ziqi’s living treasure attribute.

When you get along with others, you feel very happy.

In fact……

This is also a kind of personality charm.

Pressing the voice button, Chen Feng said, “Go find Lawyer Zhang.” ”

Driver: “Okay, Chen Dong.” ”



Chen Feng met Lawyer Zhang.

Lawyer Zhang took out his mobile phone, found some pictures, and said, “Chen Dong, these are the addresses that I think are very suitable for you to open a music company!” ”

“Take a look!”

Chen Feng took the mobile phone and said, “Hard work.” ”

Lawyer Zhang immediately said, “It should be, it should be.” ”

Chen Feng smiled and looked down at the picture.

Well! Good location.

But the music studio doesn’t need to be in the downtown area.

Be in a good environment.

It is also necessary for the house to be soundproofed.

Choosing and going, Chen Feng took a fancy to a villa at the junction of the urban and suburban areas.

He pointed to the picture and said, “That’s it! ”

Lawyer Zhang glanced at it, and then asked, “Chen Dong, do we choose to lease, or…”

Chen Feng said lightly: “Go and inquire about the price, if it is suitable, just buy it directly.” ”

Lawyer Zhang: “Okay, Chen Dong! By this time tomorrow at the latest, we will get back to you. ”

Chen Feng: “Hard work. ”

Looking at Lawyer Zhang who left, Chen Feng took a sip of tea.

Buying this villa is not that there is no place to spend more money.

After all, real estate is also a kind of property.



Around noon.

Chen Feng received a call from Teacher Luo Xiang.

Luo Xiang: “Chen Dong, Hua Chenyu has appealed, you should not go out recently, because the trial may be held at any time.” ”

Chen Feng: “Well, I know. ”

Luo Xiang: “Okay, Chen Dong, you are busy first.” ”

Chen Feng: “Hmm. ”

Chen Feng was not surprised by Hua Chenyu’s appeal.

Unless the flower mage’s brain is broken, he will definitely not lose himself 150 million.

The appeal was ultimately lost.

However, the flower dust rain side also knows this result.

I just want to minimize this compensation.


There is Teacher Luo Xiang.

Chen Feng was still very relieved.

This is a ruthless man.

After opening the mobile phone, Chen Feng found that there was another hot search related to himself.

[Having signed a contract with Fruit Shell Music, Deng Ziqi will continue to serve as the mentor of “Tomorrow’s Superstar”. 】


Netizens are discussing enthusiastically.

“Deng Ziqi is still a mentor, the difference is that he changed companies? 66666。 ”

“This hand is beautiful! The wind bird is estimated to be blowing up! ”

“Exploded? I don’t believe (dog-headed.jpg)”

“Don’t believe it? Then @Windbird Entertainment, ask if the gas is fried! ”

“[email protected] Entertainment!”

The comments are all mocking [Wind Bird Entertainment].

In the eyes of many netizens, this is the first time that capital is cautious.

There must be a wave of taunts!


[Wind Bird Entertainment] who was @ is indeed mad. began to post an article saying that he wanted to sue Deng Ziqi.

He even sued “Tomorrow’s Superstar” and demanded 80 million in compensation.


If you say sue, you can sue? You say pay, you lose?

Sue Deng Ziqi and don’t say anything, at least there is a dispute.

But to sue “Tomorrow’s Superstar”?

Also ask “Tomorrow’s Superstar” for 80 million compensation}? Crazy, right?

Officials are not expected to accept it.

Chen Feng sneered: “This wind bird is crazy about money!” ”


Deng Ziqi called.

After connecting…

“Boss, Xue Zhiqian just found me!”

“Xue Zhiqian asked me what I needed to open my own studio.”


“Do you want to tell him the truth?”


Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and said, “Don’t tell him yet.” ”

Deng Ziqi: “Oh oh. ”

Xue Zhiqian’s contract has not expired.

It was impossible for Chen Feng to take liquidated damages for Xue Zhiqian.

Unless Xue Zhiqian is willing to pay his own liquidated damages.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, three days later.

There was no sound for the past three days, nothing special.


Eight thirty.

The seventh episode of “Tomorrow’s Superstar” begins.

This issue.

There is a mentor singing session.

Deng Ziqi, Tan Weiwei, and Xue Zhiqian, three mentors, came to the scene early in the morning.

The contestants arrived earlier than the mentor because they really wanted the mentor to choose themselves.


It is the mentor selection process.

The three mentors subconsciously looked for the man among the contestants.


No one came.

How is it possible to find it?

Tan Weiwei: Chen Feng player, his personality is really special!

Xue Zhiqian: Chen Feng, this guy, has never been here once.

Deng Ziqi: Why didn’t anyone answer the boss’s phone? Did I choose him, or did I choose someone else?


The other side.

Chen Feng was actually awake.

I didn’t answer Deng Ziqi’s call because the phone was turned off.



[The next round of singing the song “Knowing Your Lover”.

Advance with this song and you will be rewarded with half a billion. Chen Feng:???

Well? What’s the situation? Just gave a song this time? And also……

What song is “Know Your Lover”? For a while, Chen Feng really couldn’t remember.

Pick up the USB flash drive given by the system, plug it into the computer and start playing.

Hearing the first sentence, he instantly remembered!!


Strictly speaking…

It is recalled that an advertisement for women’s products.

Especially the last sentence of the ad

Women are clean, washing is healthier!!

(PS: Do the readers remember?) Have you heard this song)

Chen Feng:…

Only one song was given, or a duet between men and women.

This must have to be sung with Deng Ziqi!

After thinking about it, Chen Feng quickly turned on the phone and made a call to Deng Ziqi.

Show live.

Tan Weiwei has already chosen someone.

Next, it was Deng Ziqi who chose people.


Her cell phone rang.

It was Chen Feng who called.

Deng Ziqi hurriedly said: “I’m sorry, I’ll take a call~”

Walking aside, she covered her mobile phone and whispered: “Hey, boss~ You finally called me back~”

Chen Feng: “Have you chosen someone?” ”

Deng Ziqi: “No, I was about to choose!” ”

Chen Feng: “Don’t choose, let’s sing.” ”

Deng Ziqi was overjoyed in his heart and said, “Okay! What to sing? “Bubble”? ”

The song “Bubble” is definitely not sung.

Chen Feng is also ready to take advantage of Deng Ziqi’s popularity to make a big profit with “Bubble”!


He definitely has to sing the song given by the system.

All the other songs have to be sidelined.

Chen Feng said: “Original, love song duet!” ”

Deng Ziqi: “Then you come, we will rehearse.” ”

Chen Feng: “I still have business, I’ll send you the score and lyrics later, and you can practice it yourself.” ”

Deng Ziqi:??? What? Love song duet.

The man is not present, I will practice first?

Deng Ziqi: “Boss, you can’t do this, I don’t…”

Chen Feng: “Hey, hey? Bad signal? Hanged, hung ~”

Deng Ziqi: “…”


Looking at the hung up phone, she sighed heavily.

With such a boss on the stall, what can she do? She is also helpless! Put the phone away, Deng Ziqi returned to the stage.

The director said: “Ziqi, it’s up to you to choose!” ”

Deng Ziqi: “Okay, I’ll choose Chen Feng.” ”


Well? Choose Chen Feng?! Is he here? Why didn’t we see it?

Deng Ziqi pursed his lips and said, “He… It’ll be there in a moment! ”

The director nodded: “Okay, then everyone go to rehearsal first and strive to adjust to the best state.” ”

“Tomorrow’s Superstar” has more than one stage, so it is no problem for the three mentors to rehearse together.

Chen Feng sent the lyrics and scores.

Deng Ziqi: “…”

After a moment of silence, she reluctantly began to rehearse.

An hour later.

The director came in and asked, “Chen Feng is here?” ”

Deng Ziqi: “Not yet, I’ll be there in a moment!” ”

Director: “Oh, good! ”

Two hours later.

The director came in and asked, “Is Chen Feng here?” ”


Deng Ziqi: “Not yet, I’ll be there in a moment.” ”

Five hours later.

The director came in again and asked, “Is Chen Feng here?” ”

Deng Ziqi: “One will come, one will arrive.” ”

Director: “…”

I believe you (Chen Feng) are a ghost~

Since the start of the show, when has he been early? For this master, the director did not dare to say anything anyway.

Let alone……

Maybe in the future, I will have to turn to him! However.

Until around 7pm.

Chen Feng was long overdue.

This time, it’s really not that he doesn’t want to come, but something really happened.

Lawyer Zhang contacted the landlord and said that he wanted to talk to Chen Feng in person.

Chen Feng didn’t want to go at first, but lawyer Zhang said that the other party was in a hurry to use the money and wanted to sell the villa instead of renting it out.

So…… Chen Feng went for a trip.

Finally, at a price 20% below the market, the villa was bought

The price of that villa is not cheap, and the other party is in a hurry to use money, and there are not many who can pay it all at once.

After seeing Chen Feng coming, Deng Ziqi suddenly pouted and complained: “Boss, you know to cheat people~”

Chen Feng patted her head and said, “You think I’m going to play?” ”

“I went to buy a four-story detached villa in the afternoon.”

“Use it as a base camp for [Fruit Shell Entertainment]!”


Bought a big, four-story villa directly?

Deng Ziqi gave a thumbs up and said, “Boss, you are really rich!” Lend me some, I’m all poor to death~”

Chen Feng smiled and said, “Borrow money? No problem! ”

Deng Ziqi: “Really? ”

Chen Feng: “Borrow from 100 million, and after a year, with interest, you want to repay me…”

Deng Ziqi hurriedly said: “Stop stop, let’s practice songs, practice songs!” ”

Borrow from 100 million?

Forget it!

I can’t afford to borrow it myself, and I can’t afford it.



In this old time period”.

Young viewers were very conscious and gave up the live broadcast room to dad fans and “mom fans”. If you don’t let it, there is no way!!

“Young men, little girls, how many of Chen Feng appeared?”

“I can almost recite “Two Butterflies” backwards, and the speed of Chen Feng’s song is too slow!”

“Old sister, this show is once a week!”

“Why do you have to put it once a week, is it bad to put it every day? Really! ”

“Yes, yes, yes~ I have to make people wait a week.”

Young Audience:…

Every day, it is a well-filmed and edited program.

This is a live show, can it be the same?

“I don’t know what song Chen Feng will sing this time.”

“There are patriotic songs, educational songs, and solo love songs, so let’s just sing a love song!”

“Yes, yes, good idea, good idea!!”

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