Chapter 88 Who doesn’t want to have a home under the sun?!!


Chen Feng just sat down.

The sound of the system rings right in my head.


[If you advance with the following lyrics, you will receive an award ~ encouragement.] 】

[Song: “I Want to Have a Home”. 】

[Reward: 300 million.] 】Webcast room.

“Papa Fan” and Mom Fan, as always on time.

“Hello young men, little girls! Auntie is here again, how many times is Chen Feng on the field? ”

“I find that the young people who watch “Superstar of Tomorrow” are very friendly to us old people!”

“Yes, they don’t bother us, and they answer our questions, what a good group of boys.”

Young Audience:… Friendly?

We don’t dare to be unfriendly! Don’t bother you? Don’t dare!

Who knows which barrage, it’s his parents? If this is wrong…


Lightly, pocket money is deducted and living expenses are deducted.

Heavy rules, mixed doubles, maybe the kind with weapons.


After learning that Chen Feng appeared as the finale.

“Dad fans and mom fans, soon left the live broadcast room.”


To this.

The young audience breathed a sigh of relief.

Then it began to be pleasant, with a barrage interaction.

With a group of parents, even on the Internet, you will feel very different.

For example, prestige or buttoned family groups.

Seven aunts, eight aunts, the one we are talking about is called a hot.

But for young people, unless they are named by an elder.

Otherwise, you will never take the initiative to speak, let alone join the chats of the elders.


It was exactly half past eight.

The host walked onto the stage with a bright smile and said, “Hello everyone! ”

“Welcome to the eighth issue of Tomorrow’s Superstar.”

“I’m host Zhang Da~”

The scene cheered, and the director’s shot also cut to the audience for a second or two

Then he turned to the three mentors and stayed for about ten seconds.

Finally back to the host.


The host heats up the scene first.

Then read a round of gold dad commercials.

After interacting with the instructor, I began to introduce the first contestant to appear.


The first contestant took the stage.

is also a popular player in “Tomorrow’s Superstar” – Mabusai.

His performance repertoire today is an adapted song.


The music of “Movement and Fight” sounded.

And the fans at the scene should also scream…


Chen Feng yawned, and he was really a little sleepy.

Looking at the time, there was at least more than an hour before he took the stage.


I knew I wouldn’t have come so early.

Taking out his mobile phone, Chen Feng looked at Douyin boredly, and when he was tired of watching, he changed it to a meager but…

Chen Feng did not open a meager opening.

Their own father powder and mother powder are not very small.

So Chen Feng didn’t open it!


“Dad fans” and mom fans, but they are loyal users of Douyin. Chen Feng was not only thinking, or else would he open a douyin account?

When it’s okay, let’s broadcast it directly, and chat with dad fans and mom fans?

This idea, it seems to be not bad?

Thinking of this, Chen Feng decided to get up tomorrow.

Go to contact the official douyin and register a verification account.


The contestants have finished their performances.

The three mentors also began to comment.

After the commentary, this contestant stepped off the stage and the next contestant took the stage.

The second, the third, the fourth, the fifth… Time flies.

It was already 9:40 p.m., and the live broadcast room began to be crowded.

According to statistics in the background, in just a few minutes, the number of viewers skyrocketed from more than 20 million to more than 40 million.

Staff member:……

“It’s not the first time I’ve seen it, but every time the data skyrockets, I worry that the statistical software is wrong.”

“Me too!!”

“Chen Feng’s popularity is simply terrifying!!”

“Eh, you say, is Chen Feng considered the top?”

“The last time I sang on the roof of a bus, I could let 780,000 people see it, isn’t this the top stream?”

“It’s the top stream, but it’s not that top stream!!”

Several people with backstage statistics sighed at Chen Feng’s popularity.

Live room.

“Ouch, finally Chen Feng played, I almost fell asleep~”

“I slept twice! This show is really, what did you arrange for Chen Feng to debut so late~”

“Next time, can you arrange to be earlier, and take care of us old bones!”

“When you are older, staying up late is definitely not as good as young people.”

Many dad fans and mom fans are complaining about watching.



The host stood on the stage, smiled and said: “Next, there is one last contestant to perform on stage!” ”


A figure takes the stage.

It was the father fans and mother fans, and the host Chen Feng, who had been nagging for a night, asked: “Chen Feng player, are you still singing the old song today?” ”

Chen Feng said with a smile: “Of course. ”

To this.

No one was surprised.

Moderator: “Next, let’s hand over the stage to Chen Feng!” ”

Finish speaking.

The moderator stepped down.


The lights also immediately dimmed down.

A beam of light fell from above and enveloped Chen Feng.

Chen Feng gestured to the music teacher and gestured ten OK.

A few seconds later.

A pleasant intro resounded throughout the audience.

Tan Weiwei had some differences and said, “This is a harmonica, right?” It’s so good!! ”

Xue Zhiqian nodded: “Now the song, rarely use the harmonica!” ”


Prelude to the song.

It’s a melodious harmonica sound, accompanied by a piano sound.

It gives a sense of tranquility, peace and sound, like being back in the harbor.

It’s just that this feeling is not felt by young people!

At this time, Chen Feng picked up the microphone and sang.

“I want to have a home, a place that doesn’t need to be gorgeous~”

“When I’m tired, I think about it~”

After singing the first sentence, Chen Feng, who instantly grabbed his father fan and his mother’s fan, sang again: “I want to have a home, a place where I still need to be big~”

“When I’m frightened, I won’t be afraid~”

The lyrics of the song… That’s great!!

“My mother said: This word is written too well~ (I also think it’s good)”

“My dad said: Just like the lyrics say, home is the warmest and safest haven! (My dad is categorized ~ I also want to cry a little~)”

“My mother said: no matter how strong the wind, no matter how big the wave, it can’t blow down, and it can’t collapse the home” this harbor! (This lyric is really well written~)”

“My dad said…”

In the live broadcast room, Daifa reappeared again.

And this time, the children who sent the barrage for their parents also felt that this song was well written.

Because they thought about it carefully

When I was wronged outside, the first thing that came to my mind was to go home.

When I am in a bad mood, the first thing that comes to mind is to go home.

But whenever I encounter some difficulties, I will think about going home! Go home and be quiet! Go home! Go home and sleep! Go home! Cry at home!

Only when you return home will you remove all disguise.

Only when you return home can you vent your pent-up emotions…

On the street.

A homeless homeless man rummages through a garbage can on the side of the street.

Behind the trash can, is a shop selling antennas.


A song came from the shop.

“I want to have a home, a place that doesn’t need to be gorgeous~”

“When I’m tired, I think about it~”

“I want to have a home, a place that doesn’t need to be big~”

“When I’m frightened, I won’t be afraid~”

The homeless man who was rummaging through the trash can suddenly raised his head.

At this moment, the heart that had already been numb began to ache in an instant.

The homeless man squatted next to the garbage can, and at this moment he couldn’t cry.

“I also want to have a home!”

“I also want to have a home!”


Seeing his crying appearance, he chanted that he wanted to have a home.

People passing by are all unmoved!!


The female owner of the small shop on the side came over with a bag of food.

The female boss said: “Big brother, I can’t give you anything, take it!” ”

The homeless man raised his head: “Thank you, thank you!” ”

He was about to reach for it, but thinking that his hand was dirty, he withdrew it again.

Under a certain overpass.

There are some homeless people lying here.

They come from out of town and work in the city.

Prices are high, incomes are low, and you can’t afford to rent a house.


A song came.

These people looked up to find the source of the sound.

It turned out that it was the big screen above the overpass, and the singing sounded.

On the screen, a young lad is singing:

“Who wouldn’t want a home~But there are people who don’t have it~”

“There are tears on my face, I can only wipe them gently~”

These two lyrics immediately touched their hearts.

Oh, yes!

Who doesn’t want a home?

But just like the lyrics say, but I don’t have it, I don’t have a home!!


“I envy him so much, I can go home after being injured~”

“And I can only be lonely, lonely looking for my home~”

They raised their heads and looked at those.

Driving, riding a tram, riding a bus, or walking passers-by are all off work and going home!

They envy them, envy that they are hurt, tired, aggrieved, can go home!!

And yourself? No home! Homeless!

Alone outside, trying to find a home.

At this moment, these people under the overpass began to whimper one by one.

On the big screen, Chen Feng sang again.

“Although I never had a warm home, I grew up gradually~”

“As long as your heart is full of love, you will be cared for~”

“I can’t blame anyone, I can only rely on myself~”

Hearing these lyrics, the people who whimpered under the overpass were immediately stunned.

Oh, yes!

Although I don’t have a home, haven’t I grown up the same? Although I am very aggrieved in my heart, who can I blame? No way to blame anyone!


All this is only on your own!

As long as your heart is full of love, face the world with love…

Then one day, he will be loved.

You will also be cared for by others and even form a new family!

Thinking of this, the people who whimpered before gradually lit up hope in their hearts.

Kindled, hope for life!!

Gas, yearning for the future!!……

A certain restaurant.

Most of the people who come here to eat are office workers.

There are white-collar workers, there are ordinary employees.

But on everyone’s faces, there was not a single smile.

The pressure of life puts them under pressure.

A man in his 30s was spitting bitterness with his companion: “My wife knows all day to urge me to go home!” ”

“I’ll take care of it when I step out and drink some wine!”

“They really don’t know how much pressure we men have!”

His companion felt the same and said, “Yes! ”

“Mortgages, car loans, overwhelming.”

“Just want to come out for a drink, relax and go back, this is not okay!”


Some people who came to eat alone and did not drink.

Hearing these words, I didn’t just substitute myself.

Oh, yes!

Being so tired outside, going home and being nagged.

When many men arrive downstairs, they sit in the car for a while.

Because this time is the man’s own time.

The rest of the time… Or, given to the company. Or, given to the family. Then.

In the stereo of the restaurant.

A song sounded.

It was Chen Feng who sang “I Want to Have a Home”.

“I want to have a home, a place that doesn’t need much big~”

At this moment~ the restaurant fell silent.

“Although I never had a warm home, I grew up gradually~”

“As long as your heart is full of love, you will be cared for~”

“I can’t blame anyone, I can only rely on myself~”

Someone found the trash can outside.

It seems that there is a tramp crouching, and this tramp is crying.


The last part of the song comes.

“Although you have a home and don’t lack anything, why can’t I see you showing a smile~”

“Never say that there is no love, and I don’t go home all day~”

“Same age, different heart~”

“Let me have a home~”

At this moment, the entire restaurant fell silent.

Oh, yes!

We are much better than people without homes! What is Home?

Family together and harmony is home! It’s fake for a family to be warm together! It doesn’t have to be that a big house is home!

It doesn’t have to be luxurious to be home! Think about it…

His wife has never disliked herself.

Quarrelling, stirring mouths, is nothing more than…

Men are tired of working outside and are not going well.

The woman is tired of taking the baby at home and is pestered by the child.


Be considerate of each other and you won’t quarrel.

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