Chapter 138: A Little Flower Bigger Than a Hound Dog!

Ye Huan used Xiaoqing and Xiaohua as hunting dogs.

Xiaohua is an ocelot and Xiaoqing is a snake, and their sense of smell is much more developed than that of humans.

Especially Xiaoqing, snakes are ranked fifth in the world's top ten animal olfactory rankings, even higher than dogs.

Snakes are like bears, snakes have an organ in their mouths, snakes can recognize different smells, snakes have a highly developed and robust sense of smell, it uses its tongue to capture odor particles and then identifies them according to the organs.

Almost all snakes survive with their amazing perceptions.

Most of them have poor eyesight and rely mainly on their tongue to feel vibrations or their own 'heat sensors' to perceive the world around them. "

Snakes have extremely poor eyesight and have difficulty focusing on stationary objects, but they are adept at detecting moving objects.

They use their tongues to produce a sense of smell, and if snakes need to detect their surroundings, they will use the method of quickly sticking out their tongues to collect "smell grains~ grains" in the air

Therefore, snakes are best at detecting living objects and finding white truffles, but it is not easy.

What about the little flowers?

Perhaps in the perception of ordinary people, dogs have the most powerful sense of smell, but in fact, cats' sense of smell is stronger than that of dogs!!

Cats have more than 240 million olfactory cells, while the German Shepherd, the world's best dog with a sense of smell, has only about 220 million olfactory cells, so cats' sense of smell is a little better than that of dogs.

The cat's sense of smell is their nostrils, which connects their nasal cavity to their mouth, and at the top of the nostrils are the Jacobson's organs, which are linked to olfactory cells and can be connected directly to olfactory vesicles through neural channels,

A cat's nose can smell up to 500 meters away, and its sense of smell is more than 20,000 times more sensitive than that of a human. There are about 99 million nerve endings in the nasal mucosa of cats, compared to only 500 in humans.

Experiments have been conducted to bury fish in the soil, and cats can find them.

Someone covered the cat's eyes and transported it to a place 60 kilometers away from the house, and the cat was still able to return home.

During the estrus season, cats have a special smell that both male and female cats are very sensitive to, can smell at a long distance, and rely on this smell to communicate with each other.

Therefore, when Ye Huan instructed Xiaoqing Xiaohua to look for the white truffles, they immediately started.

Xiaoqing stuck out her tongue and sensed everywhere.

Xiaohua smelled the white truffle, moved her nose, directly identified a direction, and ran over quickly.


The little flower stopped next to a huge pine tree and let out a cat meow.

"So powerful?"

Ye Huan was pleasantly surprised.

Then he walked over quickly, took the black hoe, and dug up quickly.

After a while, a white truffle was dug up.

But it's not very big, maybe it's just three or two!

"I'll go, Xiaohua is so good?"

"This sense of smell seems to be more awesome than a shotgun? I've seen a video of a shotgun looking for black truffles, and it's not as good as Xiaohua. "

"Hey, if I had a cat that understands human speech like Little Flower, wouldn't I be able to dig truffles?"

Bai Mengjie touched her head happily and praised: "Xiaohua, you are so good, I like you more and more, will you return to the devil with me another day?"

This Bai Fumei still wants to take Xiaohua for himself.

Ye Huan smiled and said: "Xiaohua, go on, find more white truffles, I will be rewarded!"

"How about rewarding you with a bottle of black water?"

Hearing Ye Huan say that the reward for black water made Xiaohua's eyes seem to light up, she meowed and shouted, and began to search for the white truffle again.

Xiaoqing on the side hissed and spat snake letters, as if protesting.

"You and Dapeng have all of them, you and Dapeng too!"

Ye Huan was not eccentric.

Dapeng and Xiaoqing, although they are not like Xiaohua where white truffles can be found, they still have other uses.

Rewarding Blackwater can make them stronger, which will help you even more in the future!

"Cats have such a strong sense of smell, why do people in the past want to train hunting dogs? Isn't it good to raise 'hunting cats'?"

"The IQ upstairs is worrying. Humans domesticate dogs because dogs listen to people and are easier to tame. Have you ever seen a cat as smart as a little flower? Raising a cat is equivalent to raising a little princess, and you have become a shoveler!"

"It's like telling a hunter that hunting dogs are not very good at hunting, so why don't you raise a leopard or a tiger and help you hunt?"

"The house is so small, why can't it be bigger?"

"A certain emperor: Why can't everyone eat enough, can't you eat meat without rice?"

The audience in the live broadcast room was right.

In the animal kingdom, there are many animals that are better than hunting dogs, why do people still like dogs?

Because, dogs are easier to tame!

Under the leadership of Xiaohua, more white truffles were discovered one after another, but there was no white truffle, which was bigger than what Bai Mengjie found.

The largest is only half a catty.

The pine forests are large, but there are not many white truffles.

Even with the help of Xiaohua, the search was much easier, and the final one found was only two or three catties.

"No wonder truffles are so expensive, they are so few!"

Ye Huan sighed.

And because this is a pine forest deep in Namsan Mountain, no one has developed it before, otherwise there would be fewer of them.

.......... 0

The three of them went deeper and deeper.

The trees here are even bigger.

Insects and birds chirp, giant trees are towering, as if behind a certain giant tree, fierce birds and beasts will appear at any time.

"Xiaohua, it's almost over, let's stop it first. "

Ye Huan shouted at Xiaohua and didn't let it go any further.

Because my sister and Bai Mengjie are here, Ye Huan still has to be cautious.

At this time, several hours had passed since the three of them entered the mountain.

Ye Huan found a relatively empty flat land, and rested with Ye Xin and Bai Mengjie for a while.

When he set off, Ye Huan brought some dried fish, or some processed rabbit meat and pheasant.

I set up a fire and roasted it for lunch!

Ye Xin opened his mouth and asked, "Brother, with so many white truffles, have we made a fortune?"

Ye Huan said with a smile while grilling fish: "What kind of money is this? Your best friend is so rich, this money may not be enough for her to buy a bag." "

"Huh?" Bai Mengjie raised her eyebrows: "Why do I think your words are a bit hateful to the rich?"

"Just because my family has money doesn't mean I don't want to make money. I think it's quite profitable to find so many white truffles!"

Bai Mengjie is still very down-to-earth.

The smell of barbecue fills the air.

When Ye Huan was chatting with Bai Mengjie and Ye Xin, an uninvited guest was slowly approaching......

... Nine..._

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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