Kyoto Airport.

Lin Feng and Jiang Shuying covered themselves tightly for fear of being recognized.

It happened that a little fresh meat arrived at the airport at the same time.

Contrary to them.

Although Xiao Xianrou was also wearing sunglasses and a mask, he was followed by a few burly bodyguards in black suits, as if he was afraid that others would not recognize him, so he almost had the word "star" engraved on his face.

As soon as I got out of the airport, as if I had made a reservation, a group of fans shouted with placards, sent flowers and took pictures...

Lin Feng and Jiang Shuying who passed by were speechless for a while.

It seems that if there are no fans to pick up the plane, the celebrity will be ashamed, and the heights have to be adjusted...


After leaving the airport, Fatty was already waiting in a van.

Seeing Jiang Shuying and Lin Feng together, the fat man smiled knowingly and didn't say anything.

When the three of them came to the community where Lin Feng's rental house was located, they were dumbfounded.

After such a long time, there are still many Internet celebrities who are still live broadcasting around the community, looking forward to meeting Lin Feng, and the traffic will explode immediately.

"Brother Feng, what should we do?"

The fat man looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is also helpless, the place he lives in is mixed with fish and dragons, if he is discovered, it will definitely cause riots.

He is probably the only celebrity who encounters this kind of situation, because no celebrity will live in this kind of community with poor management and many ordinary people around.

"Why don't you go to live with me for two days?"

Jiang Shuying opened his mouth suddenly, which stunned the fat man for a moment, and shut up knowingly, but he was secretly happy in his heart.

Lin Feng also hesitated for a moment.

Just then, a man walked out of the car door.

Knock on the window.

The man looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "Lin Feng, long time no see."

Lin Feng said in surprise, "Han Ting, why are you here?"

When he was filming "Sweeping Darkness", Han Ping visited the crew, so Lin Feng met him.

Han Ping answered irrelevantly, and said, "Are you free? Our old leader wants to see you!"


After getting into Han Ping's car, Lin Feng came to the solemn Fa-rectification headquarters.

Lin Feng was also surprised.

Han Ping is already considered a high-ranking leader, and people in the circle are in awe of him, but who is the old leader he is talking about?

With doubts, Lin Feng followed Han Ping to the reception room of the headquarters.

"Sit here for a while, I'll go talk to the leader."

"it is good."

Lin Feng nodded, then sat down and waited in peace.

After a while.

Han Ping brought a hale and hearty old man with gray hair, but a straight waist, and several accompanying people.

Lin Feng saw the bars on the old man's shoulders, his eyelids twitched, and he stood up quickly.

The old man looked at the tall and handsome Lin Feng, but showed a kind smile: "You, Lin Feng?"


Lin Feng nodded.

Han Ping quickly introduced: "This is Mr. Xu, the director of the Justice Department."


Lin Feng was slightly taken aback, the old man in front of him was indeed not simple.

"Hello Mr. Xu!"

old man smiling

He waved his hand: "Comrade Xiaolin, there is no need to say more polite words. I invite you here today for nothing else, just want to get to know you. Come, sit here, let's chat casually!"

"it is good!"

Lin Feng sat down beside Xu Lao as he said, and the others sat beside him.

"Comrade Xiaolin, I watched your movie, it's really well done, and this time it was selected as the first place in our movie competition!" Old Xu said with a smile.

"Thank you Mr. Xu for your compliment!"

"It's really rare to be able to make such a deep movie at such a young age!"

Mr. Xu spared no words of praise.

Lin Feng expressed his thanks with a smile.

But I couldn't help complaining in my heart, didn't I agree not to say polite words? Why do you keep praising...

"You don't know, our Mr. Li cried on the spot. Mr. Li really started from the grassroots, and he has a lot of feelings. He was as happy as an old child when he heard that you were coming, but he has a temporary job. If you want to do it, work is the most important thing, and I will introduce you to you next time I have a chance."

"it is good!"

Lin Feng nodded. What he admires most is this kind of practical person.

"By the way, I have two posters here, can you sign them for me?"

As Xu Lao said, he took out two posters of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng and the people next to him were slightly taken aback, thinking that Mr. Xu is still chasing stars at such an old age?

Mr. Xu seemed to know what they were thinking, and said with a smile: "My two granddaughters both like you very much, and they asked me to help you get your autograph!"

"No problem at all!"

Lin Feng quickly signed the poster and handed it back to Mr. Xu.

The two chatted for a few more words.

Elder Xu asked: "Comrade Xiaolin, what do you think of our Zongzheng drama troupe?"

Lin Feng didn't know why Mr. Xu asked this suddenly, but he replied seriously: "The real good actors of Long Guo are not those stars who are filming outside, but the actors who are not well-known on the stage."

"Film and TV is consumption, but the stage is precipitation, so that is the dream of every actor!"

After listening, Mr. Xu nodded in satisfaction.

"Then if I invite you to apply for our drama troupe, will you consider it?"


Lin Feng nodded seriously.

In fact, almost all first-class actors in Longguo have their own units, and many young actors are also trying their best to get in.

This is a kind of recognition, a kind of identity, and also a responsibility to the country.

"it is good!"

Mr. Xu nodded with a smile, and then looked at the middle-aged man in charge of personnel: "Wang Peng, how do you see Comrade Lin Feng's entry into the drama troupe?"

Wang Peng said with a bit of embarrassment on his face: "Old Xu, but the time for recruiting this year's repertory theater troupe has passed."

Mr. Xu frowned slightly, and said, "That is to say, we can only recruit next year?"

"Well, it's not impossible!"

Wang Peng thought for a while, and said: "We can add more positions for recruitment separately, but

There is no need for a written test, and only a simple interview will be required to recruit Comrade Lin Feng! "


Elder Xu nodded, then looked at Lin Feng: "Comrade Xiao Lin, do you have any questions?"


Lin Feng's answer made Mr. Xu slightly stunned.

"Oh? Tell me!"

Lin Feng asked seriously: "I would like to ask, is there a system for me to enter the drama troupe like this?"


Wang Peng nodded affirmatively.

Lin Feng continued: "But I've heard that anyone who has a staff is required to take the exam every time he enters. First, he will openly register for the public, then he will pass the written test, and finally he will be interviewed before he can be officially hired!"

"Well, you're right!"

Wang Peng nodded: "But there are exceptions to everything, there is no problem for us to recruit you like this!"

"something wrong!"

Lin Feng's decisive answer stunned all the bosses present.

The originally harmonious atmosphere suddenly became a little stiff.

Mr. Xu personally invited him to join the drama troupe. He thought that no one in Longguo would refuse, but now Lin Feng seems to have a different opinion.

Under the eyes of everyone, Lin Feng said:

"I'm not a special case. I'm also an ordinary citizen in Longguo. Why can I create additional posts alone? Why can I not take the written test? Why can I not abide by the system?"

"So I think there is a problem, because it undermines fairness!"

"I have seen many poor students. Hard work has become the way out for most of them. They suffer more and travel longer, but if they do not get fair results in the fairest exam treatment, what would they think?"

"Actually, the efforts of ordinary people should be cherished even more!"

"I am very grateful to Mr. Xu and everyone for their love for me, but I don't want this special case. If I want to apply for the exam one day, I hope I can take the exam fairly!"

Lin Feng's sonorous and forceful words fell.


The audience was silent, and a needle could be heard.

Everyone stared blankly at Lin Feng, this young man dared to speak too much.

No one dared to answer, they just watched Mr. Xu secretly.

"it is good!"

Seeing that Mr. Xu suddenly slapped the table, he said excitedly: "That's great! What an ordinary person's hard work should be cherished even more!"

This actually made Lin Feng a little embarrassed: "Old Xu, I just expressed my feelings, don't blame me!"


Elder Xu glanced at Lin Feng, then pointed to the people present, and said seriously: "All of us should thank you for teaching us a vivid lesson!"

Lin Feng replied: "Old Xu, you are too serious!"

Elder Xu looked at Lin Feng appreciatively, and said with a smile: "Comrade Xiao Lin, I have one more request."

Lin Feng was startled, only listening to Xu Laodao:

"Our Fa-rectification headquarters is preparing to shoot an anti-corruption drama. I was hesitant at first, but now, I decided to invite you to film it!"

"Is there any problem with this?"

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