Faced with so many reminders, Lin Feng was also somewhat unexpected.

Not only him, the TV station also received a lot of complaints, basically they were more related to the "Langya Bang" reminder, which made the TV station feel excited and stressed, but they didn't dare to rush, because at the beginning Such is the contract.

Lin Feng weighed it, and finally decided to allocate more time to help the production of "Langya Bang".

After all, "Three-Body Problem 2" will not be able to be filmed in a short time.

A good movie needs to be polished, let alone a big production like "Three-Body Problem 2", just like "Avatar", the second film has been produced for more than ten years, and the news of its upcoming release has only recently spread.

"Nirvana in Fire" originally had Lin Feng hired well-known director Kong Sheng as the director. As a well-known TV director, Kong Sheng also completed the directing work of "Langya Bang" very well.

It’s just that his strength alone is limited after all, and the high-quality requirements of “Langya Bang” require two episodes a week to be the limit, plus the number of episodes reserved in the early stage, four episodes a week is just right.

However, four episodes a week obviously can no longer meet the needs of the audience, but he has no choice.

Hearing that Lin Feng was coming to help, Kong Sheng was a little excited but also a little apprehensive.

The excitement is because he has long wanted to meet Lin Feng, the genius of all classics, which is why when Lin Feng asked him to direct "Langya Bang", he agreed without hesitation. Uneasy because he doesn't know whether Lin Feng's style is compatible with his own, and Lin Feng, as the boss, if his ideas do not match his own, how should he deal with it?

"Director Kong, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Seeing Lin Feng approaching with a smile, Kong Sheng hurriedly greeted him: "Director Lin, I'm very glad that you can come to guide the work!"

Lin Feng is the producer and the boss. Although Kong Sheng is older, he still has to show respect.

"Look what you said."

Lin Feng smiled, and said seriously: "I'm here to learn from you!"

This is not the first time Kong Sheng met Lin Feng.

Before, Lin Feng played the role of the owner of the Langya Pavilion in a guest drama, but he left immediately after filming, anxious to film "Three-Body Problem 2".

So the two didn't communicate much.

About Lin Feng, Kong Sheng has heard a lot. Of course, film and television and charity needless to say, there are also beating paparazzi, throwing trophies, and getting rich second-generation Xiaowang.

If it weren't for his great strength, Kong Sheng, who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, can guarantee that he will never be able to get along.

But the first time we met, Lin Feng didn't put on airs at all, and his words were very comfortable.

"Director Kong, I've watched all the episodes you filmed. They are very good!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "It's not because you shoot so well, the audience

You all like it very much, many people asked me to remind me to update, including some old friends, so I came to see if there is anything that can help, you just arrange it. "

Lin Feng's attitude surprised Kong Sheng.

Although I debuted earlier and achieved very good results, compared with Lin Feng's achievements and reputation, I am far behind.

Many well-known stars are difficult to serve, let alone a star of Lin Feng's level.

But now Lin Feng puts his stance so low.

"Where, where!"

Kong Sheng quickly waved his hand and said with a smile: "Director Lin is a fearsome young man. It is no exaggeration to say that you are my idol. I have read all your works, and more than once. Every time I read it, I will gain something new. This is why you He said that he would invite me to shoot TV, and I will come right away!"

"Sure enough, I came to the right place. This is an amazing TV series. It is my honor to be able to cooperate with Director Lin!"

The next thing is to discuss the division of labor.

The ideas of the two directors coincided with each other, that is to shoot in two lines, that is, one person shoots a part, and finally puts them together.

This way of cooperation between two directors is not uncommon, especially in TV dramas. When Lin Feng was filming "In the Name of the People", Huang Maoniu Hanhan wanted to do this, but was fired by Lin Feng on the spot.

When two directors cooperate, there must be one master once.

Under Lin Feng's insistence, the overall control is still dominated by Kong Sheng.

Lin Feng didn't mean to steal the limelight, he just came to help, and he believed in Kong Sheng.

Kong Sheng can be said to be very accomplished in TV drama directing. He has been in the industry for decades. He started as a photographer. The TV drama "Civil Police Cheng Guangquan" independently directed for the first time won the Outstanding Director Award of Dongshan Province.

In the following decades, he made many classic TV series, including "Crossing the Guandong", "Parents' Love", "Battle of Changsha" and so on.

After years of training, Kong Sheng's skills can be said to be very solid.

This is also why "Langya Bang" in his hands is first-class in terms of service, graphics, texture, and rhythm.

He is an indispensable part of the success of "Langya Bang".

the other side.

Lin Feng didn't ink any ink, and started filming according to the assigned plot.

Now there are two people, both of them are masters, neither of them wants to hold back, they are both very serious about shooting, and the scheduling is orderly, the division of labor is clear, and the progress is naturally doubled.

A week passed.

The two directors each filmed about two episodes in length, and the next step is to integrate the two films together.

The work of integration was done by Kong Sheng.

Clip room.

Kong Sheng looked at the screen in front of him, his expression gradually froze, and he murmured:


These episodes shot by Lin Feng, no matter the rhythm

The control, the mirroring, and the training of the actors are all impeccable.

The most rare thing is that the parts shot by Lin Feng completely fit Kong Sheng's style.

In other words, Kong Sheng only needs to simply integrate the parts of the two, and there is no sense of disobedience, and there is no need for him to do more editing.

This is very difficult, because every director has his own style, and Lin Feng was able to complete the filming and editing according to his style, as if another self was directing.

Sure enough, as Lin Feng said, he was here to help.


Kong Sheng had to sigh in admiration.

He was born as a photographer, and only he knows how much hard work he needs to put in to get to where he is today. However, Lin Feng gave up his own style and imitated him, and he has already had his skills for decades.

This is Lin Feng's intention to cooperate with him.

This can reach the same height as him. If this is not a genius, then I don't know how to describe it.

Kong Sheng originally only heard about it, but now he saw it with his own eyes, and his heart was shocked.

He believes that if this drama is led by Lin Feng, it will not be bad, but only better.

Kong Sheng was originally prepared to edit the liver overnight, but now it seems unnecessary...


On the weekend, it was time for "Langya Bang" to play again.

The people look forward to it.

Many people are waiting in front of the TV with their families early on, and they have the feeling that they only relied on TV for entertainment in the past. Biqu library

Eight o'clock sharp.

The fifth episode of "Langya Bang" is officially launched.

The series still maintains a high standard, and the plot has moved from the rivers and lakes to the temple.

The palace is full of wind and clouds, and all forces are ready to move, but Mei Changsu seems to be inadvertently, with his sickly body, he single-handedly set off waves of blood shadows...

The audience was hooked.

An episode of forty minutes, feels like it passed in a flash.

After two episodes, the meaning is still unfinished.

There are even some fans of the drama, after watching it on TV, they still want to go online to watch it again.

The next day, there are two more episodes.

These two episodes have also become the expectation of many people, and they feel that their minds have been drawn by this TV series.

During the waiting period, many people went online to express their love or discuss the plot.

Not surprisingly.

"Langya Bang" once again appeared on the hot search list.

The two days on the weekend, whether it is the leisure time on the weekend or the last four episodes of "Nirvana in Fire", all make people feel like they are passing by in a flash, and the meaning is still unfinished.

How is this over?

The audience on the Internet, when the episode was still halfway through, flashed the "progress bar warning" one after another.

Just when everyone was sighing, why did they finish watching and had to wait another week, a preview was released on the screen. At 8 o'clock tomorrow night, the ninth and tenth episodes of "Langya Bang" will continue to be played.

The whole network boiled instantly...

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