When Lin Feng arrived, the crew of "Scorching Sun" was in the middle of intense filming.

After parking the shared bicycle, Lin Feng called the crew, and after a while, a staff member came to bring Lin Feng to the studio.

In the studio.

Cao Bao is discussing the plot with several leading actors such as Deng Chao and Duan Yihong.

"Scorching Sun" is a crime suspense drama, the plot has twists and turns, and hits people's hearts directly, so it is not so easy to shoot.

"Director Cao, Teacher Lin Feng is here."

When Cao Bao heard the words and turned his head, he saw a tall, handsome young man with a handsome body behind his assistant.

He looked up and down.

Cao Bao couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

This is Lin Feng?

It's different from what he saw in the play!

With this face that is even more beautiful than a traffic star, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like an acting school...

Although he was somewhat suspicious, Cao Bao still had a smile on his face: "You are Lin Feng, you are much younger than I imagined!"

Lin Feng nodded and smiled, "Director Cao, hello!"


Cao Bao stretched out his hand to shake Lin Feng's hand, and said with a smile: "Then let's not waste any time, go, and give teacher Lin Feng a copy of the script."

"We start filming in half an hour, how about it?"

Cao Bao asked while handing the script to Lin Feng.

"no problem."

Lin Feng nodded and took over the script.

I took the script, the script is very simple, only one page.

He really wants to play the role of the murderer.

The plot of the murderer is very short, he doesn't even have a name, it's just the process of him explaining the crime after he was arrested. It only takes about three minutes, but it is the finishing touch of the whole movie.

All the previous foreshadowing was almost for this moment.

Because at this moment, the truth of the whole case will be revealed. The real murderer is not Xin Xiaofeng and the three of them, but the three of them have fled for many years because of this, and were finally executed.

Because of the scene of the murderer, the death of Xin Xiaofeng and the others was so shocking and thought-provoking...

Lin Feng read the lines once, then slowly closed his eyes.

After a while.

When Lin Feng opened his eyes again, his eyes became cold and calm with a hint of ferocity, and his whole demeanor changed suddenly.

"Director, it's alright."


Cao Bao glanced at Lin Feng with a look of surprise.

He didn't expect that Lin Feng would join the scene so quickly. He originally wanted to give Lin Feng half an hour to prepare, but now it only took a few minutes.

"Okay, let's start!"

Hearing this, the assistant at the side hurriedly called the makeup artist to put some aging makeup on Lin Feng, and then changed Lin Feng into the clothes prepared by the crew.

"No need!"

Cao Bao raised his big hand and stopped the assistant: "This is very good!"

The assistant was taken aback.

I saw Lin Feng wearing a cheap orange T-shirt, just like the passers-by outside.

"On your marks!"

Cao Bao yelled, and the various groups began to get busy.

At this time, Deng Chao, Duan Yihong and other leading actors also came to watch.

Recently, Lin Feng has been scolded because of the previous two dramas, so they all have heard about Lin Feng.

They also paid attention to Lin Feng's acting skills.

"Scorching Sun" is a man's play, and it's very adventurous, bold, and very intense

The leading actors in the play are all actors with rich acting experience. No one wants to hold back, so they are very desperate and secretly compete.

Even Deng Chao, who has always been good at playing vigorous and optimistic characters, wandered around the set and the gym every day in order to find out the depression of the characters in the play, even without communicating with the crew.

Anyone who knows Deng Chao knows that he is a funny guy, but this time it feels like a different person.

After Deng Chao integrated into the role, his whole body collapsed. He often couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, tossing and turning on the bed. He felt that Xin Xiaofeng was himself in reality.

So everyone in this film is very serious and hardworking, and wants to present this film perfectly in front of the audience.

The role of the murderer is crucial.

So Cao Bao tried a few actors but was not very satisfied, and finally found Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looks younger than the leading actors present, can he satisfy the director?

Deng Chao, Duan Yihong and other leading actors are also looking forward to it...


With Cao Bao hitting the board, the filming of this scene officially started.

An interrogation room.

The camera was aimed at an old lady fan that was spinning.

At this time, a rambling voice sounded.

"...the one who lost the money found me, and said that if I get the money back, I will give me 20%."

As soon as the camera turned, a man in a cheap orange T-shirt was seen, with his hands in shackles, sitting on an interrogation chair, talking calmly.

"I agreed."

"Then, I arrived at Su'an."

"I called A Dao and said, I'm here. After that A Dao heard about it, he came to look for me."

"I didn't expect to bring this Xin Xiaofeng and Chen Bijue with me."

"The two of them also came to play with me."

"Later we arrived at the villa. I followed the house to look for it. I couldn't find it for a long time. As soon as I went upstairs, I saw a naked woman lying on the ground."

"Xin Xiaofeng killed this girl."

"It's really... really screwed up..."

The man was as ordinary as if he was chatting about family affairs, without any ferocity of a murderer.

Everyone was stunned.

It turns out that a murderer can act like this!

Many people have the impression that the murderer has a ferocious face and shows his fierceness, but the murderer played by Lin Feng is calm and calm, without any trace of acting.

Especially when he said that Xin Xiaofeng killed the girl, it seemed like he was telling an interesting story.

Deng Chao couldn't help dilating his pupils.

Because he had studied the real interrogation video of the murderer for the sake of acting, the moment when the murderer confessed was exactly the same as the moment in front of him, just as indifferent, as indifferent, as indifferent and careless.

Lin Feng seemed to be a murderer with several murders in hand.

Everyone in the audience held their breath and watched Lin Feng's performance quietly.

"The old man and the old woman just yelled and shouted, and they couldn't help it, so they killed them."

When talking about the murder, Lin Feng was as calm as ever, whether it was body language or voice, it seemed that he was talking about an ordinary thing.

It is precisely because of his calmness and indifference that it gives people a creepy feeling.

"Who did it?" the interrogator's voice.




"We still want to leave, but we can't. I just saw that kind of wooden square on the wall, so I used that for what."

"Who moved the hand?"

"also me."

Lin Feng said, lowering his head slightly, with a bit of disdain in his tone: "Actually, they are not good at it, and they dare not do it."

"Later when we got to the reservoir, I said, I don't care who helped whom, but you must listen to me in the future, and you must do what I ask you to do."

"Otherwise my favor...it's useless, hey, if you're not obedient, don't blame me...you're being cruel."

"That's why I was so frightened at that time, so attack me."

"I think Gou Ri's hands are not soft at all. They must think that I was killed by him."

Lin Feng's speech was very slow, and the indifference of contempt for life was vividly reflected in his expression, voice, and body movements, making the scalps of the onlookers go numb.

"You didn't find them later?" the interrogator's voice.

Lin Feng suddenly grinned.

There was disdain in his expression, but also a little bit of complacency.

This smile made everyone's breathing slightly stagnant. Although it seemed to be an extremely ordinary smile without any trace of interpretation, everything was so natural, but it made people feel hairy.


"Later, I also figured it out. You said it wasn't right, the person who killed the whole family, right?"

"It must be a big deal!"

As he said that, Lin Feng moved his body to make himself sit more comfortably: "It's good to be dead, but if this thing happened, you definitely didn't look for me."

"Don't you think so?"

Lin Feng lowered his eyes and looked at the camera, with a disregard for life and a little bit of complacency, as if coming through the camera.

The plot is over.

Director Cao Bao was still in a daze with his mouth slightly open, as if he forgot to stop.


So real!

Lin Feng's performance just now is so real!

He even had the illusion that what he just did was not acting, but a real murderer interrogation scene.

No deliberate acting.

Everything is so smooth and natural, and it is a matter of course, and it is done in one go.

Lin Feng's lines are even different from those in the script, but they seem more real.

Whether it is voice, demeanor, or body language, there is no trace of it, and there is no sign of any performance.

There is no ferocity, no hysteria, everything is so ordinary, so ordinary that it cannot be more ordinary, it can even be said that it is a performance that seems to have no acting skills.

But it is, seeing thunder in a silent place!

too strong!

This can almost be said to be the most exciting performance he has ever seen in his career!

Do not!

Not a show!

Because Lin Feng didn't show any signs of performance at all, as if he was watching a real interrogation video.

It seems that there are a lot of camera machines around, and none of the onlookers are there. Only the interrogators and the murderer are conducting a normal interrogation in the audience.


Cao Bao came back to his senses, hit the board suddenly, and shouted excitedly:


Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this time.

"Papa papa—"

The onlookers, not knowing who took the lead, applauded one after another...

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