"Hello, Mr. Tree" has been filmed in the later stage.

At this time, the tree, having experienced a series of blows, has entered a state of madness, and the two hands that had no place to rest are further and further apart, like two randomly growing branches.

The scenes of the whole play are concentrated on Lin Feng, so Lin Feng almost takes one shot every day for a whole day.

Today, he has almost merged with the character of the tree.

I empathize with the powerlessness and aggrievedness of this humble little man in front of the environment, but in fact the tree is not numb, nor dull, nor really stupid. On the contrary, he is extremely sensitive, intelligent and self-respecting. people.

He yearns for the bravery of the big brother in pursuit of freedom, but the scene of the feudal father accidentally strangling the big brother oppresses him all the time.

By the second half of the film, the plot has begun to become magical and bizarre.

In fact, all this is the tree's fantasy. He became a god in his fantasy world, where he could predict everything and got the respect he dreamed of...

Lin Feng, who deeply understands Shu's psychological process, becomes very depressed.

Even if he is not filming anymore, Lin Feng still seems to be the same tree, full of anxiety, addicted to smoking and drinking, besides filming, he has less and less communication with people.

Even the director was a little worried and asked Lin Feng to rest for two days if he really couldn't bear it.

But was rejected by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said that he is in the best condition now, don't miss this opportunity.

The director was speechless, only in awe.

Fatty played Shu's big brother, and he didn't have many scenes, and he always appeared in Shu's hallucinations as a deceased person.

To the surprise of the crew, Fatty performed quite well.

After all, Fatty joined the group through his relationship with Lin Feng, and everyone thought he was a related person.

Fatty really makes up for his weakness with hard work.

As long as there is a chance, I will ask Lin Feng for advice. I don't know how many times he has rehearsed in front of Lin Feng for his few roles.

Fatty finished filming his scenes, but stayed with Lin Feng.

Because now Lin Feng's body and mind have entered the role of the tree, it is impossible to say not to worry, what he can do is to stay by Lin Feng's side...

The filming was over in one day.

The fat man happily ran to Lin Feng's side.

"Brother Feng, do you know? The whole internet is hacking you today, no, the whole internet is hacking you!


The fat man tried his best to interest Lin Feng.


As expected, Lin Feng just replied faintly, and then clicked a cigarette.

The fat man still said with high spirits: "You don't know, after a few celebrities forwarded the price bargaining link for you, the whole Internet was boiling, and then it turned into a carnival, and some people even launched a price bargaining challenge!"

"Guess how many people bargained for you in the end?"

Lin Feng shook his head.

"More than three million!"

The fat man stretched out three fingers, and said with an exaggerated expression: "Fucking over three million, it's enough to build the Great Wall. I guess Pin Xixi's gang has been completely confused. That little expression must be Very exciting, hehe!"

Lin Feng took a deep breath and listened quietly.

The fat man said vividly: "Pin Xixi issued a statement apologizing overnight, and even fired the vice president involved, and promised to send you the phone by mail immediately!"

"However, someone took the lead, guess who it is?"

Lin Feng shook his head again.

The fat man smiled and said, "It's Hua Wei. Hua Wei came out immediately and said that when you return to Kyoto, he will give you a free p50 of their company's latest mobile phone, and it is a top-end model!"

"Tsk tsk, this Hua Wei really knows how to be popular and how to behave!"

Lin Feng finally smiled, then patted Fatty, and walked back to the room while saying: "Thank you, Fatty."

The fat man was taken aback, only to see that Lin Feng had already walked away...

Next, Lin Feng didn't care about these many things outside, but indulged in filming.

The role of tree can be said to be more difficult to play than his previous roles, because the previous roles were more about testing acting skills, while the role of tree has emotions in addition to acting skills.

The complex emotions of the tree are displayed little by little in conflicts and setbacks until they collapse, and then enter the dreamlike fantasy of the tree, making it difficult to distinguish whether it is reality or a dream

It is difficult for the audience to understand even the audience, let alone the actors. Acting skills alone cannot play a real tree. Only by sinking into the role of a tree and treating yourself as a tree can a living tree come out. ...


After nearly two months of filming, it finally came to the last scene.

Snowflakes are falling all over the small town that is about to be relocated, and the low-rise houses are covered with a vast expanse of whiteness.

The big trees on the side of the road are bare and seem to be waiting for the coming year

of spring.

At this time, the tree stood under the tree and stared at the distance, as if waiting for something.

But at this time, a small three-wheeler came from a distance, and the camera scanned, only the driver was seen in the car. Biqu library

As soon as the camera turned, the tree saw Xiaomei get off the car.

She walked slowly with a big belly and a smile on her face.

Shu couldn't help but Xiaomei grabbed Shu's hand and placed it on her stomach.

The tree finally smiled, and the eyes that had already been blind finally revealed a spirit, and said with a smile: "Xiaomei, let... let's move to the new house and give birth to the child in the new house."

Xiaomei smiled, and even spoke: "Let's go, let's go..."

The tree smiled foolishly.

But when the camera turned around, only the tree stiffly waved a pair of hands trying to grab something, and walked forward alone...



The director yelled, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Feng, come here!"

The director called Lin Feng who had just finished the scene, and then handed the playing board to Lin Feng's hand, "Brother Feng, let's make a board together as a souvenir, shall we?"

Lin Feng nodded.

"one two Three!"


Han Jie and Lin Feng hit the "tail board", and then shouted: "It's done!"

Lin Feng was taken aback.

This finalization caught him off guard, as if a soul that had lived in his body for a while was suddenly taken away.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

Instead of cheering, other crew members applauded.

They gave the applause to Lin Feng, and also to the tree that went further and further away...

During the two months, it was as if there was a tree by their side all the time. From appearance to departure, they followed the tree through a painful, crazy, magical and unforgettable journey.

At the time of the finale, apart from a sigh of relief, everyone was more reluctant to give up.

"Thank you, Lin Feng!"

Director Han Jie looked at Lin Feng and said sincerely: "Thank you for your dedication, making the tree alive!"

The reason why he asked Lin Feng to come over to do the tailboard together is to express that it is because of Lin Feng that Mr. Shu made this film...


At the finale dinner, Lin Feng got drunk.

The next day, the crew also began to evacuate.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry to return to Kyoto, but went to Changchun with Fatty to completely relax...

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